Total Drama preferences

Bởi NoahsWittyTales

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Romantic scenarios of some of the characters from total drama! Since preferences are a bit complicated to wri... Xem Thêm

Request page [Open]
Character list
How you met
What dating them includes
The first date
When you're sick
The first kiss
When they get jealous
New characters (Updated Scenarios)
How they hug you
The type of couple you are
When you get jealous
How they ask you to be their girlfriend
Movie nights
When they walk in on you changing
When they see you upset
Annoying couple things you both do
Going to a dance
Would they kill the spider?
New characters (Catchup chapter)
When you are on your period
Their love language
They wake up first
The little things they do for you
A day at the carnival
Height difference?
How they react to you having a pet
Who made the first move?
How they celebrate your birthday
When the girls are on their period
How they would help/react if you struggle with mental illness
How they introduce you to their family PART 1
They react to you drawing them
When you're upset with them and they notice - PART 1
Beach days with them

When you see them upset

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Bởi NoahsWittyTales

Note: I'm going to include more dialogue in this book because I noticed it was lacking :) But some of these are straight to the point due to the character's personality.



"Noah? Let's get some rest, okay?"

He nodded, as you took him straight to his room. You guided him towards his bed, then threw blankets on top of him.

"Take the time you need, okay? You don't have to handle all of this right now." You said, tucking him in. You kissed his cheek, then left his bedroom to get him water.

Noah nodded, smiling softly at you, as you left to the kitchen. He loves how you are always there for him, and how he doesn't always have to be snarky around you.

Noah gets emotional when he's upset and gets distracted for days, completely losing focus, as we all witnessed during the Ridonculous race. When he's upset, you'll need to make sure he takes time to process those feelings. He'll most likely need rest and reassurance.


"I don't know what to do.." Cody mumbled. He was upset about his situation with one of his friends ignoring him after someone spread a rumor about him.

"You can talk to me." You replied. "We can figure this out together."

Cody would rant for as long as he needs, while you rub his back and assure him that you're here to help him through it. Afterwards, he'll give you a long hug and feel thankful that he has you in his life.


Duncan usually needs space when he's upset before he's able to talk about it. When he does talk about it, he'll just need you to be present while he rants. He doesn't want suggestions on what to do, only for you to listen.

"It's okay that you need time to yourself for now." You assured him, after he vented to you. "

Duncan sighed, then held you close, kissing the top of your head, "Thank you."


Courtney gets stressed out easily from the pressure of feeling like she needs to have it together all the time. On top of that, she's a pretty sensitive and emotional person, so it is easy for her feelings to get hurt.

Courtney tried her best to hold in her tears, after her parents yelled at her for not getting a good grade on her project. She called you up to vent, then to her shock, you came over to her place with takeout.

She smiled, wiping her tears as you walked in. You smiled, closing the door from behind you. She guided you towards her room, careful to not alert her parents.

You sighed, then opened some of the food. "I just wanted you to know you don't have to do this alone."

Courtney brought you into a kiss, then pulled away, "I love you."

Courtney just needs someone to listen when she's upset and to not judge her. She always feels she is on the spotlight to be perfect, so it is refreshing for her when you allow her to be vulnerable right in front of you.


Alejandro doesn't get upset a lot, but when he does, it's usually because of his brothers or someone trying to outshine him. When he's upset, he just wants to be with you. You don't have to do anything extravagant, he just needs to see you. Your presence calms him down.

  "I just need to be with you right now." He told you, trying to smile.

You brought Alejandro into a hug. "It's okay."

Alejandro sighed in relief that you understood, then brought you into a hug. Afterwards, he'll want to go somewhere with you to distract him from what he's feeling.


"I don't need your help. I'm fine!"

"I understand if you need time, but don't be ashamed to talk to me." You told her. "Take the time you need first. I'll be here."

Heather is the type to need assurance and someone to be patient with her when she gets upset. She's not the best at communicating her feelings, unless she is very overwhelmed, as we've all seen when she admitted to Harold that she doesn't like being the one everyone hates (Which I believe was the truth).

Once Heather is ready to talk, she will rant from one subject to all sorts of things. Afterwards, she would hesitantly tell you she appreciates you being there.


  "I can handle this! Just.. Leave me alone."

Emma has a hard time being open about her emotions, despite getting emotional often. It may not make sense but you understand this. Emma is just the type to believe she can do it all on her own because so many people have let her down.

After giving Emma some time, she will call you over, then ask for cuddles so she could cry and talk about it on her couch. Afterwards, she'll kiss you then thank you for being there for her.


Kitty gets gloomy, and she's not as enthusiastic about things as she usually is. She rarely smiles and just wants to be in her emotions for awhile. To cheer her up, it helps to just comfort her and be present.

    You made Kitty some tea then sat down with her in her bedroom to talk about anything, even if it's not what made her upset. Kitty was grateful and that helped her get her mind off it.

Kitty kissed your cheek, then hugged you tightly, "You're the best!"


"What should I do?" Mike asked, giving you a frustrated look.

"I don't have a solution for that right now." You admitted, looking upset. "But we will figure this out together."

Mike needs help walking through solutions towards what to do or else he will get stressed out. It assures him a lot to know that you're willing to help him solve his problem, even if you don't completely understand how to. As long as you're there, he's fine.


At first, Mal would respond to his emotions with anger then would soften up when he realizes that you're willing to listen to him and that he doesn't always have to be tough. Mal would then ask if you both could go somewhere alone, where he would just rant and curse at his situation.

   Mal sighed, then gave you a small smile, and kissed the top of your head. "Don't tell anyone what I told you."


Scott tries his best to hold in his emotions because he was taught that they were a sign of weakness. However, sometimes he gets tired of holding it together and he just wants to talk about it. When Scott gets upset, just assure him that you're here to listen, and that he doesn't need to be strong all the time. It might help to keep comforting him with hugs and kisses.

Scott held you tight, feeling relief through his chest. "I'm glad you're here, Y/N."


Trent is the type to vent his frustrations through music. When he's upset, he would need to get his guitar and sing out his feelings with lyrics he wrote about the situation. Sometimes he doesn't mind you listening to it or he would just vent to himself with his guitar. Afterwards, he would call you to talk about what happened.

"You're the best girlfriend ever, you know that right?" He grinned, picking you up. Trent felt much better after you comforted him for over an hour.

You chuckled, then hid your face onto his shoulder. "Stop."


Gwen can get into quite a gloomy mood a lot, but you can see that she does try her best to not overthink so much. Gwen is pretty obvious when she's in a bad mood and mopes about the situation. She would barely respond to your encouragement or want to talk about it because she prefers to be alone. When she's ready, she'll want to lean on your chest, as you hold her then rant for hours.

Gwen kissed your nose, then hugged you. "You're the type of support I needed right now."


Whenever Sammy gets anxious or upset about something, her confidence gets lower than usual. She likes it when you cuddle her while giving her pep talks to hype her up, so you do this often. She always appreciates it when you listen to her and let her voice what's wrong without judgement.

Sammy got up from your bed, then smiled, wrapping you into a hug, "I'm going to try my best to not let this get to me. Thank you, Y/N!"


Jen usually responds to what's upsetting her with irritation and would need to be alone for a few hours. Afterwards, she'll call you to ask if you could do something together or to rant about it right away. It makes Jen the most happy when you two do something creative and fun like go to the beach.

"Thank you for making my day better, Y/N. I'm so lucky to have you." She smiled, kissing your cheek.


He goes into full blown panic when he's upset and breaks out from stress. When this happens, you'll need to give him some of his medicine or a remedy to calm him down. Maybe even a paper bag.

"Do you want to go inside?" You asked.

Mickey nodded, then you guided him towards your room.

You kept assuring Mickey that it's okay and he could rant about everything. Mickey was uneasy and felt bad for freaking out, but he eventually opened up, then kept hugging you to thank you.


    Jay gets anxious very easily, so he'll need you to take him somewhere relaxing, where he won't worry about getting injured. It helps him to calm down enough to voice what's wrong. Afterwards, he'll give you a hug and thank you for being there.

"You're amazing, Y/N." Jay told you, hugging you tightly. "You make me feel like I can do anything!"

You chuckled, "Just.. Try to be more careful!"


    Jo would have too much pride to admit she's hurting. She is used to being seen as fierce, confident and a leader. Jo is pretty old school with believing that if she shows emotions, she is weak. She'll need a lot of time before opening up to you because she secretly gets scared you will look at her differently.

   "I'm not going to think differently of you if you need to talk, Jo." You assured her. "I'm here for you, okay?"

  Jo was glad that you understood her more than anyone, and when she vented to you, you could tell she was still embarrassed to show her emotional side.


    Brick may seem like a tough guy from physical appearance, but he is not afraid to show or talk about his emotions. He believes that emotions are important to address and feel. So, when he needs someone to talk to, he knows he can talk to you.

    Brick would most likely want to talk to you through lunch or walking alone somewhere. If he's really upset, he'll cry but he won't feel ashamed about it.

   You picked his cheek, smiling at him. "Thank you for telling me what happened. I'm not going to leave your side."


Eva gets pissed off easily, so of course she would need space to calm down. Lucky for you, Eva is also self aware and would listen to you when you say she takes things too far. She apologizes immediately if her temper scares you.

After Eva calms down, she would vent to you about how she feels with a lot of cursing (Which you don't mind). She would insult the other person if someone upset her, but she wouldn't physically harm them or confront them. Instead, she'll just rant to you about it.

"I'm sorry for scaring you earlier.. But I really appreciate that you were there to still listen to me." Eva told you, smiling gently after you let her rant.

You smiled, pecking her cheek. "Of course. I love you."


Geoff would need a hug right away when he's upset, because he can get emotional sometimes. He is the type to want physical affection, until he feels okay again.

You held Geoff closer, letting him cry out his feelings, "It's okay. It's okay."

Geoff appreciated that you were okay with him being emotional and that you were the one holding him.


Justin panics and thinks of the worst case scenarios when he's upset, and he needs you to talk him back into reality to calm him down. You'll need to do this right away then walk him through his feelings. Justin is quite the over thinker and he mainly gets upset about his looks or his career.

   "Justin, your looks aren't fading, okay? You aren't going to lose your career just because you have a split end."

   "But I need to look good, Y/N!"

    It will take awhile to assure Justin that it will be okay, then he will come to his senses and thank you with a hug and a sigh of relief.


Dj will get emotional, and cry about whatever made him upset. He would then doubt himself if he really is a good person or if he actually deserved what happened.

   "Dj, that doesn't mean you're a bad person or you deserved it. Sometimes things just go beyond our control and it's not our fault. It's okay to just feel your emotions and take time until things are okay again."

    Dj pulled you close to his chest, holding you as he sat on the couch, until he was done crying. "Thank you, Y/N."


Lindsay would cry and would need you to assure her that things will be okay, and it's okay to talk about what happened. She would ask if you guys could go out somewhere like to get your nails done or go shopping while she rants about the issue. Afterwards, she'll forget why she's even upset, then will randomly thank you later on when she remembers.

   "Are you feeling better?" You asked Lindsay after her day of retail therapy.

  "About what?" She asked, giving you a bright smile. It was obvious she didn't know what you were talking about since she actually forgot.

  You shook your head, smiling. "Nothing. I'm just glad you're okay."


Izzy gets angry and emotional when she's upset, and you'll have to hold her back from doing something stupid. This can get exhausting sometimes because she gets adrenaline from wanting revenge or to come up with a solution quickly instead of thinking through it. It might help to do something distracting with her or to just hug her until she feels better.

   "I guess I lost control there a little." Izzy chuckled, hugging you tightly. "I'm sorry about that. I love you, Y/N."


"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked.

"I guess I need some time before I do." Harold replied.

It would help to turn on Harold's favorite show or game, until he is ready to rant about it. It usually doesn't take him that long to open up afterwards.


Tyler would sulk at first then cry afterwards if he's upset. He mostly cries if he feels disappointed or if he has let everybody down. When he's upset, you just need to hug him and assure him that you will get through this together.

"You are not a disappointment. Stop believing things that aren't true." You told him, hugging him tightly.

Tyler nodded, hugging you back. "I'll try."


Chris hates getting emotional because he finds it weird. When this happens, assure him that it's okay to feel his emotions because that's a normal part of being human. It takes some time for Chris to understand this, but he appreciates that you're there for him unconditionally.

"I guess I have to say thank you Y/N.." He trails off, looking embarrassed.

You chuckled then gave him a hug, causing his face to heat up even more, "No problem."


Katie is the type to jump to conclusions and think of the worst of things. She might exaggerate a little and be like, "This can not be happening or I will totally die!"

"Katie.. You are not going to die. Just breathe, alright? Focus on your breathing and mine."

After a few minutes, Katie hugged you then kept thanking you for calming her down. Afterwards, she will be ready to talk about her feelings about what upset her.


Sadie is a loud cryer when she is upset, and like Katie, she would think the worst case scenario in any situation. However, she cries a bit more than Katie does.

Sadie would just need you to hug her, and wipe her tears until she breathes properly. Afterwards, she would probably say things she believes is true until she realizes she thought of the worst case scenario before it happened. Sadie appreciates how patient you are with her.


Sky is hesitant about opening up to you because she is used to relying only on herself. However, she would eventually open up because she knows you're there to support her. Sky would prefer it if you two walk around somewhere as she speaks, because walking calms her down.

"I appreciate that you listened to me rant through all of that." Sky told you, holding your hand as you two walked along the park.

You smiled, "Anything for you."


"Vito? You'll have to open up soon if you want me to help you."

Vito will pout and not want to talk about it at first. He would want to be held to just sulk about his feelings until he's ready. He's the type to want to hug it out first or be left alone, depending on what happened until he can put his feelings into words.

"Come here." You told him, gesturing for him to lay with you on the couch. Vito nodded then sat next to you on his couch, hugging you tightly.

"It's going to be okay. Take the time you need. I'm here."


Jacques is pretty open with his emotions and won't hesitate to vent to you about his frustrations. He would call you up to rant or if you're in person, he'll ask if you both could leave the situation so you could talk alone.

After Jacques was done venting, he pulled you into a big hug, burying his face into your hair, "Thank you, Y/N."


Josee is used to responding with resent and anger, so she'll have to yell or do something that releases adrenaline to process her emotions. She would want to dance it out or exercise. It might help her if you exercise or dance with her, then talk it out afterwards. Josee mostly gets upset when she feels her confidence is being threatened or if something doesn't go as planned.

You kissed Josee's cheek, and she smiled slightly, once she calmed down. You smiled, "Please don't feel afraid to be open about what's upsetting you. I'm always here for you."

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