Save Me

By marvelspn6767

17K 352 186

SHIELD has brought a new prisoner in, but what if there's more than meets the eye? ***** Sam is a 16 year old... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 13

457 10 12
By marvelspn6767

I have no idea what I'm writing I'm kinda winging it woohoo!

Bucky's POV

It's been a couple weeks since the meeting and I think things have gone back to normal now. I don't know Steve still seems pretty tense around Sam, which I still don't understand.

Some of us (Nat, Clint, Sam, Jay and I) were watching a movie in the movie theatre when Steve walks in. He scans the occupants and when he sees Sam, scowls and walks away. That's it.

I get up and follow Steve into the kitchen. "What the hell Steve?" I ask, turning the corner to find him snacking on strawberries. He looks up in confusion.


"What do you mean, 'what?'!" I say. "What's your deal with Sam!" He shows some sort of realisation on his face before sighing frustratingly.

"I don't like her," he says.

"What? You don't like her? That's IT?!" I say, advancing towards. What kind of bullshit excuse is that?

"Something's off about her, Buck," he continues.

"No Steve. You're clearly jealous for some reason but I can't tell what!" That's the most annoying thing to me. The fact that I can't figure out what he's jealous about.

"I'm not jealous."

"Yes you are! I can see it from a mile off! But there is nothing to be jealous about! She's my daughter! Get that through your thick skull!" I shout, instantly regretting my last words, but I don't let it show.

"Fine, okay! I'm jealous. Ever since she's come along it's been 'Sam, Sam, Sam!' and I'm sick of it!" He shouts.

"Yeah Steve, I kinda wanna catch up on missed time I've had with my daughter! I didn't hear her first words, or see her first steps. The first sound I ever heard her make was screaming," I explain. "But, obviously, you wouldn't understand."

"Buck, I understand that bu-."

"No Steve, you're my best friend! There shouldn't be a 'but'!"

"That's what I have an issue with," he says quietly.

"Wha-," before I can continue, he smashes his lips onto mine. After a couple seconds, I get over the initial shock and kiss him back. After about a minute he pulls away.

"I wanna be more than your best friend, Buck," he explains softly. I kiss him again and it quickly turns into a make out session.

"And to think all I wanted was a sandwich." I turn around quickly to see Sam leaving the room. I turn back at Steve and chuckle, before dragging him back to my room.

Yes this is Stucky fight me :).

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