Long Distance Love

By GirlAnon

521 24 3

If someone asked "How would you describe Emily Laurence?" Everyone in her school would reply "Who? Oh, Isabe... More



68 3 0
By GirlAnon

I could feel my cheeks get red.

"Hi, Luke." I didn't look him in the eyes because if I did, I would've felt the same way I did at the party, and I'd probably be disappointed again.

The secretary gave him his schedule, he thanked her, and we left the office.

"I'm sorry that I didn't text you."


"Oh you didn't? I didn't really notice." Obviously, I was lying. It hadn't left my mind for one second.

"I don't believe you."

My eyes got wide. I definitely wasn't expecting that. How was he being so straightforward?

"What?" I looked at him with a confused look.

"I know your type. You're quiet and keep to yourself. When you start to like someone, it's obvious. I saw it in your eyes."

I was completely taken back. How could he tell me what my type was when I don't even know? He barely knows me.

"You can't tell how someone feels by looking in their eyes."

"You're wrong. I'll prove you wrong."

I showed him to the rest of his classes. When he walked into all the classrooms, every girl looked at him with thirst in his eyes. But he didn't pay attention. I figured out that he and I have first period together. Fun..

By the time the lunch bell rang, we were done. We had already parted ways, and I walked to lunch alone. Belly was already sitting at our usual lunch table. I made my way over and sat down.

"Luke is here."

She immediately looked interested.

"Woah. He goes to school here?"

"No, today's his first day." I told her everything that happened this morning, and she looked dumbfounded.

"I want to meet this guy."

I looked around the cafeteria, and found him. He looked around the cafeteria as if to find someone, too. 5 or 6 girls were talking and asking if he would sit with them. But then his eyes met mine, and walked away from them coming to me. I immediately turned my head to Belly. 

"Hey Emilyyyyyyyy." He drug out the end of my name, and I felt myself start to blush. He put his chair right next to me, and sat so close that our legs touched. 


"I was just wondering if you'd like to hang out after school. Maybe show me around town a bit?" Luke smirked as if he knew I would say yes. 

"Um.. sure."

"Great. Meet me at my car after school." And with that, he got up swiftly and left. 

"What the hell just happened? You have a date, Em!" Belly looked at me with that glow in her eye. 

My mind was a complete blur for the rest of the day. He asked me to hang out. My first time actually hanging out with a boy..alone. Was Belly right? Was this a date? What if he isn't waiting for me outside after school like he said he would? The last bell rang and dismissed us, and as I walked towards the parking lot, my anxiety grew bigger and bigger with each step I took. Relief washed over me when I saw Luke leaning on his car with... Flowers?

I walked up to him, and couldn't help but smile. 

"I believe these are for you, Ms. Emily." He handed me a bouqet of flowers and flashed me that smile I'd grown to love seeing. 

"Daisies? How did you know these were my favorite?" I smiled and took the daisies and smelled them. They smelled wonderful. 

"You seem like the kind of girl who loves daisies. Take this as an apology for not texting you when I said I would." 

"They're fantastic. I love them. Thank you." I started to blush and I just kept looking at the flowers in my hand. 

I looked up in time to notice him staring at me with that same look he had at the party. As if I were the only one he saw.. But I doubt it. My imagination is just running wild again. 

"Shall we be on our way then?" He opened the car door for me, and just smiled. 

"We shall." I accepted his offer, and got into his car. 

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