My kryptonian daughter (techn...

By hentai-lovin-angel

270K 6.9K 4.3K

It's hard enough to take care of a child in general...but what would it be like if this child of yours was an... More

The normal day
Crashed date night
Teen parents
Difficult choices
When "evil" does good deeds
The candle that fades pt 1
The candle that fades pt 2
The candle that fades pt3
The punchline
Help from below
Both sides of the gun
Let me help you
Love concers nothing
Our new home
Rescue, rehabilitate, and in need of rescuing again
Survival of the horniest pt 1
Survival of the horniest pt 2
Survival of the horniest pt 3 (L)
Not a chapter (new story)
Trigon pt 1
Trigon pt 2
Trigon pt 3
Down hill from here
A new friend
You can't take her!!
Suffer no more
Burying the hatchet
Healing wish
Facing the past
The aging machine
New problems
At home training
Personal training
Love crazed pt 1
Love crazed pt 2 (L)
New teammate
Boys being boys
The burdan of fatherhood
Kryptonian's best friend
Game night
To be a hero or not to be a hero
The perfect solider
Titans east
(Not a chapter)
Buncha bullshit I felt like saying
The molder of clay
Terrorist amoung assassins
Chaotic beginning
Rise of our king
The end pt 1
The end pt 2
The end pt 3
Alright its out

Just leave us alone

7.3K 198 75
By hentai-lovin-angel

('Finally, I'm done with that long ass lemon, back to real business.')


(Y/n)'s POV

I was walking down the street, Moriah still refusing to let go of me. I was being eyeballed all over the place. Some of the people that walked by pitied me, others scorned me for what the call fornicating, and the rest, especially the milfs, checked me out seeing as how I looked like I could be ready to settle down.

Cindy's POV

Thoughts- 'hehe....look at him....the whole community loves him....even Moriah loves him....she loves him more than me....who would though....I'm pathetic....useless....I don't blame her....'

I kept my head down as we kept walking to his house. I was snapped out of thought when I heard a small sound. He snapped his fingers right in front of my face and says.

(Y/n)- "helloooo, anyone home?"

I snap out of my trance as I was suddenly brought face to face with (Y/n). He looked concerned, and so did Moriah. She reaches out to me as (Y/n) looks over to her.

(Y/n)- "well? Go on, take her."

He says handing her over to me. I smile and pick her up, she soon clung to me as well.

(Y/n)- "alright now let's get go-"

???- "well well well, if it isn't the slut and her little doggy."

We both turn around and come face to face with none other than spoiled rich boy/wannabe bad boy Robert.

(Y/n)- " that hurt sooooo much. The fuck do you want pricey bitch?"

Robert- "my my, so hostile. You should learn to keep your dog on a tighter leash, CC."

I didn't bother looking at him. He always did this and it always ended the same. (Y/n), though a dumbass at times, is actually pretty strong. I knew it, Robert knew it, and most of the school knew it.

(Y/n)'s POV

(Y/n)- "you know what pricey boy? I'm done with you!"

I walk up to him, rolling up my sleeves and cocked a smirk.

Cindy- "(Y/n), don't."

Robert- "yes little doggy, listen to your who-"

He then turns his attention to Moriah. She holds onto Cindy tighter as she looks back at Robert.

Robert- " You two actually hit it off?"

He walks up to me and nudges me.

Robert- "so how many STDs did she give you?"

I push him back and shout.

(Y/n)- "knock it OFF, YOU LIMP DICK BITCH!!"

He composes himself and glares at me. At first, he had a serious look in his eyes, but then smirk starts to form on his face.

Robert- "AIDS it is then, hehehe, have a nice short life purse doggy. Oh, and enjoy having to take care of that little mistake of yours."

He says as he walks across the street.

(Y/n)- "God, I wish I could just drain him of his fathers money."

I turn to Cindy and see that she had tears in her eyes. She tried her best to hold them back but it was obvious. I walk to her and hug her, while also hugging Moriah too.

(Y/n)- "it's ok. I'm here for you."

She hugs back but makes 100% sure that Moriah was carefully handle.

Cindy- "th-thanks (Y/n)."

(Y/n)- "don't mention it, I'm always here when you need me."

She smiles and then chuckles a bit.

Cindy- "well, he's right about one thing though."

(Y/n)- "oh, and what would that be?"

Cindy- "you are like my dog. Hehehehe."

She walks up to me and kisses me. I smile and start licking her neck which surprises her. Her face goes red as she asks.

Cindy- "w-what are you doing?"

(Y/n)- "what does it look like...I'm kissing a dog would."

I kept licking her as she pets my head.

Cindy- "ok ok, down boy."

I stop and we look at each other. We both laugh as we keep walking home.

Major timeskip with Moriah catching the one giant cockroach and scaring (Y/n) with it

High school same POV

I was in class though I forgot which class I was in as I tuned out the teachers voice and began to reminisce.


I'm watching from a distance as Cindy had her fall from grace. A bunch of girl and Robert surrounding her and punching her on the side of the street. I'm just sitting at a bus stop, not bothering to help because it wasn't my problem...and Cindy is a bitch.



Robert- 'hahaha, look at you. You're nothing but a cum swallowing whore.'

I could hear her pleading for them to stop....her cries for help....but they fell upon deaf ears....until I had enough. I walked behind him, grabbed the back of his shirt, and threw him to the side. The other girls looked at me, angry, but they knew that I wasn't the chivalrous type, so they backed away.

Robert- 'Dammit you fool, I'll s-'

(Y/n)- 'go ahead, go cry to daddy that I caught you beating up a girl. I don't care, I have nothing to lose.'

He stands up, grumbling to himself and he walks away. His little posse follows him as he walks far enough away. I look back at Cindy and see that she was bleeding. She looks up at me and says.

Cindy- 'th-thank you.'

(Y/n)- 'yeah....sure'

I help her up and walk her home. Her parents wouldn't stop thanking me and even offered me dinner. After that, we manage to connect more and more.

(Flashback end)

Thoughts- 'funny....and I thought people couldn't change.'

Ms. Recker- "Mr. Constance! Do you mind paying attention for once?!"

(Y/n)- "oh...right."

I sat up.

Thoughts- 'honestly.....fuck school.'


I left the school and was walking home, though the main route was closed off because of a fight. Apparently the titans were here.

Thoughts- 'Ugh, Dammit! I wish I could've seen them in action. Ugh, anyway at least I have another day I get to see Moria-'

Robert- "hey Constance!"

I sigh and turn around only to be met with a punch to the face. I fell backwards a hold my nose as it was bleeding. I look up and see a tall guy with facial hair and a black tank top

(Y/n)- "who the fuck?"

Robert- "pick him up Rodney!"

He says as the big guy supposed named Rodney grabs me by my hoodie and lifts me off the ground.

(Y/n)- "w-what the f-fuck?"

I say before I straight up knee him in the nose. He drops me and holds his bloody nose.

(Y/n)- "hurts don't it you son of a bitch?"

I see behind him that Robert's little girl posse had Cindy in their grasp, while Robert held a knife against her neck. He flashes and cocky smile.

Robert- "rules are simple. You attack him/me, you move toward me, or you try to fight back, she gets a one way ticket to heaven...or L.A. I heard the devil lives in a penthouse up there. It's your call little doggie."

I balled my fist tighter, knowing that Robert wouldn't do something like that....but I knew the risk was too high. So I calmed down and kept my hands behind you back.

Robert- "good. Alright bro, do your thing."

Rodney runs toward me readying his fist.

(Y/n)- "COWAR-"


Rachel's POV

I was....mortifying....

Thoughts- 'what was his problem. Why does he always act like this...'

'It's wrong isn't bout you teach him a thing or two about justice~'

Thoughts- 'n-no...I won't...'

'Oh? But he just hurt a loved one, and your just gonna sit here and watch?'

Thoughts- 'n-no...I'm not gonna d-do it...not your way...'

'Well too bad, it's my turn. But don't worry, it'll be over soon~'

I tried to stop it...but I'd lost control and through a reflection of some broken glass...I saw my eyes turn black.


('I'm not 100% about the whole split personality thing. I only watched two episodes of titans and I remember that seen when Rachel's warning her.

Anyway, I was just wondering. Yes or no to more gender-bent stories. If yes, then I have another one I plan of publishing....if no, then oh well I'm still gonna do it...when I'm not feeling lazy....')

Love you guys, bye bye

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