Old Friends (Colby Brock x Re...

By HannahKatie8

64.2K 1.2K 288

You and Colby were the best of friends as kids. However, you were forced by your parents to distance yourself... More

Chapter 1 - Rekindled
Chapter 2 - Pizza Date Part 1.
Chapter 4 - Mountain Air
Chapter 5 - Lake-side Fun
Chapter 6 - Lake-side Tumbles
Chapter 7 - Lake-side Inter Turmoil
Chapter 8 - Invitation
Chapter 9 - Los Angeles
Chapter 10 - Pizzagate and a Movie
Chapter 11 - The Beach Part 1.
Chapter 12 - The Beach Part 2.
Chapter 13 - Night Out Part 1.
Chapter 14 - Night Out Part 2.
Chapter 15 - The Morning After
Chapter 16 - Exploration Part 1
Chapter 17 - Exploration Part 2
Chapter 18 - Good Company
Chapter 19 - Pizza Night Part 1
Chapter 20 - Pizza Night Part 2
Chapter 21 - It's a Jungle Out There... Part 1.
Chapter 22 - It's a jungle out there Part 2.
Chapter 23 - Retail Therapy
Chapter 24 - Life of the Party Part 1.
Chapter 25 - Life of the Party Part 2.
Chapter 26 - City lights
Chapter 27 - Morning Reflections Part 1.
Chapter 28 - Morning Reflections Part 2. (Unedited)
Chapter 29 - Road Trip! (Unedited)
Chapter 30 - Open Air... (Unedited)
Chapter 31 - ... Open Mind (Unedited)
Chapter 32 - Leap of Faith (Unedited)
Chapter 33 - Conflicting Emotions (Unedited)
Chapter 34 - Spiders and S'mores (Unedited)
Chapter 35 - Hiking (Unedited)
Chapter 36 - Written in the Stars (Unedited)
Chapter 37 - Running with the Wolves (Unedited)
Chapter 38 - Cat's Out (Unedited)
Chapter 39 - Midnight Lights (Unedited)

Chapter 3 - Pizza Date Part 2.

2.7K 45 6
By HannahKatie8

You and Colby spent the majority of the drive into town listening and singing along to music.

You were surprised how quickly you felt comfortable around Colby, how easy it was to fall back into the close friendship that you once had with him.

"Where should we park?" Colby asked you as he reached across to turn the music down a little so he could hear you.

"It might be best to park down here and walk up to the pizza place, it's only like 2 streets away from here." You suggested.

"Alright, sounds good!" Colby replied as he pulled into the next available place.

You both hoped out of the car, and started walking down to the street.

"So when was the last time you were in Kansas?" You asked him.

"Uhh... Me, Sam and another friend of ours were here last month, but that was just for filming really so we only spent a few days here."

"What were you filming for? Sorry, I don't actually know what you and Sam do now." You added nervously.

"Nah, that's okay!" Colby reassured you with a smile. "Sam and I are YouTubers, we've started doing paranormal videos on our duo channel this year, but we also do random videos on our own channels." He explained.

"Oh cool! So you believe in the paranormal then I take it?"

"Honestly we were pretty sceptical in the beginning, but recently we've had some pretty weird experiences... And now I think we're haunted!" He said with a laugh.

"Dude! You've got to take that shit seriously, you don't want demons attached to you!" You exclaimed only half serious, which made Colby laugh even more.

"It's okay, I think we sorted it." He said "that's why we came to Kansas last month. You remember that old abandoned factory that I used to go to with Sam and my brother when we were kids? I don't know if I ever told you about it."

"Yeah, I came with you once! But then my parents found out and threatened to ground me if I ever went again!" You explained with a groan. "Why, what about it?" You asked.

"We figured out that was the start of it all, Sam had even taken a locked box from there ages ago and forgot about it! We think a spirit was attached to it. Anyway, we went back out there with Nate and did a cleansing ritual."

"Really? Do you think it worked?"

"I think so, before that I had this... heavy feeling all the time, which has gone now! But I don't know... maybe it was more of a peace of mind thing." He replied honestly. You realised that you had reached the pizza place.

"Ah, here we are!" You said as pushed open the door, holding it for Colby. You chose a table towards the back of the restaurant.

"Is here okay?" You asked Colby.

"Yeah!" He replied as he sat down and pulled the menus from their holder, passing one to you.

You thanked him. "So where's the creepiest place you've been for your videos?"

"Hmm.. It depends, paranormal wise it's The Stanley Hotel. We used to explore abandoned places before we got into the paranormal, so overall those places were more terrifying."

"Oh cool! What made you change?"

"Ah..." Colby laughed nervously. "Well most of those videos meant that we had to sneak into places trespassing basically. We were finally caught at the beginning of this year..."

"No way! You were arrested?"

"Yeah... I mean it was going to happen eventually. It was kind of a good thing though because it forced me and Sam to change, and now we're making content that we've wanted to for a long time."

"But with the paranormal stuff, now that you've done that ritual thing, are you going to carry on with it?"

"Yeah! We're planning on going to England soon, actually. At least we know that we've got the ritual to fall back on if something gets attached to us again."

You were interrupted as a waiter came over to take your order.

"You want to share a pizza?" You asked Colby.

"Yeah sure, you choose what you want on it."

"Pepperoni?" You double-checked with him anyway.

"Sounds good!" He smiled, as he bought up his left hand to fix his hair, you noticed a tattoo on his hand.

"What's that tattoo off?" You asked as soon as the waiter left the table.

"Oh.. it's just a bird." He said as he showed you the tattoo.

"Have you got any others?"

"A few, I've got a crown on my wrist.." He pulled up the sleeve of his jumper.

"Kingdom Hearts?" You asked as you recognised the crown "you used to be obsessed with that game!" you smiled at the fond memory of the hours you and Colby spent playing the game as kids.

Hey! You were too!" Colby laughed. "I've also got a wilted sunflower, wolf and moon on my arms, and then an 'x' on my back, and another on my chest."

"What's the 'x' for?"

"It's mine and Sam's brand, it stands for explorer."

"That's cool!"

"What about you? You got any tattoos?" He asked you.

"No, not yet anyway! If I were to get a tattoo, it has to actually mean something, y'know?"

"Yeah, I get that!" He grinned, nodding his head understandingly.

"So, tell me about yourself? How's life been going?" Colby asked. You were interrupted again as your food arrived at your table.

You told Colby about yourself as you both ate your food. You spoke about your sister, who was only a toddler the last time Colby saw her, and about how you were working two jobs to save money to go travelling. Colby in turn told you about the trips he had been on with his friends. You both giggled as he told you funny stories about what happened on those trips.

"Aw man, I'll have to introduce you to Corey." Colby said, tears in his eyes from laughing so much. "He's so funny!"

"Did he come to Kansas with you guys?" You asked, he replied yes and then told you about his other friends that had come with him – Katrina, Jake, Tara, Kevin, Mike, Reggie and Aryia.

"Hey, we're planning on doing something tomorrow if you want to join?" Colby said.

"Are you sure?" You asked hesitantly, his friend group seemed pretty close-knit and you didn't want to impose yourself on them.

"Yeah! They're all pretty chill, they won't mind! Plus we need some ideas on what to do!" Colby assured you.

You thought to yourself for a moment "how about we head out to Hillsdale Lake? We could have a barbeque and a few beers?"

"That's sounds amazing actually..." Colby replied "I'll have to check with the guys, but I'm sure they'd be down. It'll be nice to chill like that after the show tonight."

"Show...?" You asked confused.

"Oh yeah, sorry! We're meeting a few fans tonight, Kat, Aryia and Mike are performing some of their songs! The rest of us will then do a Q&A or something like that."

"Ah, okay!" You replied, before asking him more questions about the show and what it entailed.

"You finished? Ready to head out?" He asked you as you pushed away your plate.

"Yeah, I'm ready if you are?" He nodded, and you pulled out your purse to pay for half the bill.

"No, I'll get it!" Colby said as he stood.


"Please let me get this." He interrupted almost pleadingly.

You sighed, before saying "okay, thanks Colby!" You smiled at him and watched him as he went to the counter to pay as you collected your bag.

He's still that kind soul you once adored with all your heart.


Imma just leave this chapter here as this hasn't actually had any views yet, lol.

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