Sliver Heart (Lloyd X reader)...

By Katelynreads989

38.1K 935 686

Sliver-Calming and flowing with the waves, the light of the moon. The power is calming and balance and reflec... More

Rise of the Snakes
Never Trust a Snake
Can of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green Ninja
Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer

All of Nothing

2.3K 57 36
By Katelynreads989

We were running after a snake around Ninjago City until we finally caught up to him.

"Going somewhere?" Cole asked.

"Uh-oh," the snake said, scared as we held our weapons.

"Thought you could joyride through town and not be noticed, eh? Where's the last Fangblade?" Jay demanded.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, clearly lying.

"Oh, cut it out and give it up," I say.

"You know what it is. The fourth Fangblade. When Pythor finds them all, he plans to unleash the Great Devourer," Kai said.

"Oh, that Fangblade. Haha, you're too late. Pythor's already there now. He's probably already digging it up. If I were you, I'd start preparing for the worst, because when the Great Devourer is awakened, there will be nothing it won't consume!" The snake said.

"Won't that mean it'll consume you too?" Zane asked logically; it took a moment before the snake freaked out.

"Ah! Please, you have to stop him. That snake is crazy. I don't wanna unleash the Great Devourer. I'm a snake, not food!" he said.

"Is it really too late to stop Pythor from getting the last Fangblade?" Kai asked.

"Your days behind him. There's gotta be something else you can do!" He said.

"Oh, good, Ninjago," I say as we take him to the police and get back to the Bounty.


"The Venomari's right. By the time we cast sail clear across the other side of Ninjago, Pythor will have already beat us to the last Fangblade," Nya informs her calculations.

"Oh, come on, guys. This is the last one. We gotta get it. WE gotta think of something," Jay complained.

"Hmm," Cole thought.

"Hey," Lloyd said, trying to get our attention.

"Huh?" Kai looked at Lloyd.

"All we have to do is just get one Fangblade to stop him. What if we take back the other three? Pythor wouldn't risk having them all on him. He's probably hidden them somewhere while he goes for the fourth," Lloyd said.

"He's right," I smiled. "You're getting smarter" I shoved Lloyd with my shoulder.

"Hey!" He shoved back as I laugh.

"It's so simple," Cole said.

"Huh, why didn't I think of that?" Kai asked himself.

"It can't be easy," Jay said.

"Well, yeah, do you really think we can't just stroll in and say 'hey can we just borrow these and never give them back, yeah, thanks.' I mean, really," I say, crossing my arms.

"My algorithms suggest taking the other three would be far more dangerous. Pythor would undoubtedly have them protected by his top generals," Zane says.

"Ha, finally. I don't have to hold back," Kai said.

"Wait, I was supposed to hold back? Why did no one tell me this?" I asked.

"Y/n, you wouldn't have if we told you to," Nya said.

"Fair enough," I agree.

"Even if you could steal the other three, you don't even know where they are," Garmadon said.

"He's right. For the past few weeks, there have been almost no Serpentine sightings. How are they moving around? It's like their ghosts," Sensei said.

"Well, the only snake that can go invisible is Pythor; I have no idea about the others unless" I start.

"Bridge, give me a sonar sweep of Ninjago," Nya said as the computer shows no activity.

"See, nothing. It's just like Sensei said," Kai said, stating the obvious.

"But what if they aren't traveling above ground? They're snakes, right? Snakes burrow," I inform.

"Bridge, now give me a sonar sweep of Ninjago, but twenty feet below the surface," Nya says as the computer brings up tunnels that the snakes had made.

"All the tombs have been interconnected," Kai said.

"To make one massive underground fortress," Cole said.

"And all this time, right under our noses," Jay said.

"Or rather, feet," Zane said as I facepalm.

"There, that's the most protected area. The Fangblade must be held there" Kai pointed to a significant part where the tunnels meet.

"Then what are we waiting for? Nya set the course," Sensei commanded.

"Already on it. We'll be there by sunup," Nya said, as we all head down to prepare.

"Good job, soon to be team leader" I laugh at Lloyd.

"Hey! I'm going to be a great team leader," he stated.

"Hey Y/n, get some sleep, you're going to be joining us," Kai said and ran off.

"You're going on missions?" Lloyd said, a little jealous.

"I've been going on them, ever since you were taken. I made them take me. I started getting used to using daggers and training that I can fight," I tell him. "I started it, so I could get you back, you're my best friend" I smile and walk into our room and laid down to sleep. When I wake up, I get dressed and sharpen my daggers, then go and finish our preparations on the upper deck.

"There is no room for error. The Serpentine has shown that they have great powers, and to combat them, you must turn their greatest strengths into their greatest weaknesses. Kai, how will you defeat the Hypnobrai?" Sensei asked.

"Their hypnotizing powers are useless if their opponent can fight without relying on his eyes," Kai said.

"Good, Jay, the Fangpyre is fast and his bite sharp," Wu said.

"But if he can't bite through your skin," he taps the armor on his armor; he can't turn you into one of them," Jay said.

"Yes. Cole, the Constrictai are strong," Sensei said as he puts a net on him. "And they will not let go," Sensei said.

"But instead of fighting back, one must try to loosen up," He said as he loosens himself and gets out of the trap. "And a little soft shoes doesn't hurt," He said.

"Zane, the venom of the Venomari can make you see things. Cloud your perception," Sensei said.

"Then I will use my new Falcon Vision," Zane said as he starts to activate it.

"Very good. I have trained you well. You are already," Sensei said.

"What about you, Sensei? Will you fight? We need all the help we can get," Kai asked.

"My concern is that my old bones cannot keep up, but I will be there in spirit," Sensei said.

"Oh please, I highly doubt that," I say, knowing Sensei Wu even if he was old, he still was kicking butt, for crying out loud he went and got Garmadon!

"We're arriving at the Mountain of a Million Steps. You all might want to see this," Nya said over com.

"Look at all those piles of dirt," Jay said.

"They've been busy," I say.

"Wonder what those snakes are up to," Kai said. We start to get ready to leave.

"Wait for me," Lloyd called out.

"This is not your fight. The Green Ninja is too important for a future destiny. You shall stay with me," Sensei said.

"But Y/n gets to go!" Lloyd wined.

"Lloyd, your destiny is too important to Ninjago then mine," I said, Nya arrived in her suit with the update, I started to smirk.

"Well, he's gonna have to look after himself because we made room for you," Nya said, showing off the new addition to the suit, which was just a sit.

"Well, you said you were concerned that you couldn't keep up, so Jay, Y/n, and Nya rejiggered the design, so you could come along. well, what do you think?" Kai asked.

"I think...shotgun! Haha!" Sensei laughed.

"for someone old, you can still act like a child," I chuckled.

"I will stay back with Lloyd. I don't enjoy saying this, but...good luck" Garmadon said. I smiled, fist-pounding him, then hugging Lloyd.

"Still not fair," Lloyd whispered.

"Lloyd, you're more important than me, and you know that," I say, then walked off to join the group. We climbed down a robe and looked around, it's quiet, too quiet.

"I thought you said this place would be heavily guarded, Zane," Jay said.

"Forgive me. Even nindroids make mistakes," Zane said.

"No, something isn't right," I say. We looked around, trying to find where the Fangblades are.

"Hey, check this out," Cole said, looking at a carving.

"Pfft. That doesn't even look like me," Jay said.

"Ugh, they're gonna pay for that," Kai said.

"Oh Lord," I shake my head.

"I mean, at least give me a decent mustache," Cole said.

"You don't have one," I said, facepalming. Cole goes to rub it, but the wall opens, revealing a passageway.

"Uh, I meant to do that," Cole said.

"Sure you did," I say, rolling my eyes as we enter through the passageway. As we get deeper in, we see countless snakes.

"There's too many to deal with at once. I say we travel by shadow," Kai said.

"Right behind you," Nya commented.

"And I'll be right behind you," Sensei said, but the snakes noticed us.

"Shoot," I say.

"Lloyd, can you hear me? Ugh, I'm not getting anything," Nya said, getting frustrated.

"Forget them. We need to fight back. Ninja, show them what you've learned," Sensei says.

I start to get attacked by a Constrictai without a long tail with a sphere. He tried to stab me, but I flipped over him, throwing my daggers into his back, and rolled, kicking a snake in the gut as I jumped up. Cole ran towards the blades, but his hand got stuck, and a cage came down on us.

"Come, come, can this get any better? Seriously, they fell right into my trap," Pythor said.

"Oh please, you really think this cage will stop us from defeating you," I say.

"Oh, this isn't good. Where's Lloyd when you need him?" Kai asked.

We were in the air now with our weapons, all taken away and hanged in front of the cage. Let's just say, it took a very long time for them to get all my daggers away. Now Nya was throwing rocks at her suit.

"Lloyd? Lord Garmadon? Is anyone there?" Nya asked.

"It's me, Nya. I'm here. But my dad left. How are you guys holding up?" Lloyd asked, oh, thank Spinjitzu. Someone answered...wait, LORD GARMADON LEFT?! Oh, when I get my hands on him, we won't need the Green Ninja. Nya threw another rock to fix the static.

"We're fine, but we're a little held up at the moment. Our weapons have been taken, and we're locked in cages," Nya explained.

"Lloyd, where did your father go?" Zane asked.

"I-I told him to leave. He was trying to steal secrets," Lloyd said.

"Oh, big surprise there. I told you about that guy, but you guys wouldn't listen," Kai said.

"He helped us get Lloyd back, so if you're really going to tell me that, I will come over there and--" I start.

"My dad's going back to where he came from. But don't worry, I'll save you," Lloyd said.

"Oh no, we just saved you, I'm not letting you get retaken," I say.

"You're not ready, Lloyd. Your destiny is too great to risk," Sensei said.

"I hate to break it to you, Sensei and Y/n, but if we don't get out of here before Pythor unleashes the Great Devourer, I think this will be the end of all our destinies," Cole said.

"Ugh, I'll get you out of there in a jiff," Lloyd said as I hear a crash. "Ouch."

"Oh boy, just be careful, Lloyd," I say as the com dies.

"Ugh, so all we can do is just wait? This is killing me," Kai complained.

"It's killing me that Lloyd is coming here," I say.

"Patience. Lloyd will figure something out," Sensei said.

"Sensei, you know, well, as I, he will just come here," I say.

"We're putting all of our trust into the son of the greatest villain Ninjago has ever seen," Kai said.

"HEY! He may be his son but doesn't make him like Garmadon," I say, VERY annoyed with Kai.

"Uh, is anyone having doubts about this plan? Just because we don't have our weapons doesn't mean we can't use our powers. We just need to focus," Kai said.

"The chamber was built out of Vengestone. Our Elemental Powers are rendered useless. Patience." Sensei said. Kai went over and took a tube with hair oil for Jay and Cole's checkerboard, which I don't even know where they got.

"Hey, that hair oil was just to be kinged," Jay complained.

"Yeah? Well, I'm just about to get us out of here" Kai spread the oil on his gi, gross.

"Whoa, grease ball. How about warning us before you do that?" Cole says.

"Yeah, really. Blah, so gross," I complain.

"Unh, you can make jokes all you want, but I don't think we need our special powers to get out of here. Just a little ingenuity," Kai said, slipping through the bars.

"He made it," Jay cheered.

"Look at the," Zane said.

"All right, slickster. But now what?" Cole asked.

"Now, we quietly do a little ball and chain," Kai said as he climbed down and swings on the chains.

"It's working, keep going," Nya cheered.

"Come on, everyone. Let's see if we can throw our weight around," Cole said as we run side to side.

"Come on, more speed," Jay cheered.

"Next one and I've got it. Push," Kai jumped, but Pythor caught him.

"Dang it," I facepalm.

"Uh, uh, uh. Trying to escape, are we?" Pythor said.

"Heh. I bet this looks kind of bad, doesn't it, huh?" Kai says as I facepalm. Pythor put Kai back in and tied our wrist to the bars; they had a hard time trying to catch me, though.

"Great, we're in such a better place than we were before," Cole said sarcastically.

"And now we can't even play checkers," Zane said.

"Oh, my Ninjago" I facepalm.

"I was gonna be kinged, Kai," Jay complained.

"Really? Your complaining about that?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Sensei. I have faith in Lloyd," Nya said; I smiled.

"Lloyd's smart, he can do it," I commented.

"Whoosh. Ninja roll. Flying Drag--" I hear someone fall. "Woah! Ninja recover! Whoosh. Ninja roll," Lloyd said doing some moves, of good lord.

"Hey, look up there, it's Lloyd," Kai said, earning the other's attention.

"Come on, Lloyd," I cheered.

"Come on, Lloyd. You're the Green Ninja. You can do this," he says to himself as he fell down the stairs.

"Ooo, ouch," I say as I hear his grunts.

"Well, if we don't meet again, Pythor. Unhand the Ninja, or suffer humiliation against the Green Ninja!" Lloyd tries to threaten. I facepalm.

"I take it back, he's not smart. Oh, someone helps his soul," I sighed as I hear the snakes laughing.

"Oh, yeah? You, and what army?" Pythor tested him.

"Uh, how about the army of my fists?" He punches, but almost falls again.

"Or this army?" I hear Garmadon say and see the Skeleton army.

"No way," I say, smiling.

"Dad!" Lloyd yelled.

"Lloyd, you helped me realized I do have a choice. And if there is anyone who is going to threaten Ninjago, it better will be me," Garmadon said.

"That's still bad, but I'll take it!" I cheered.

"The Skeleton army? But why would they fight beside you? You betrayed them and Sanukai long ago," Pythor asked.

"Because everybody hates snakes," Kruncha says as everyone laughs, even I.

"Attack!" Pythor command.

"Attack!" Krubcha command. Pythor pulls a lever that makes the cage go own to the venom.

"Hey, we're moving," Jay said happily.

"Yeah, the wrong way," Cole said.

"Lloyd!" Nya yells. Lloyd runs and frees up and our weapons.

"Told you I'd save you," Lloyd said.

"Yes, yes, you did. Now I have some revenge to take care of" I grab all of my daggers and help some skeletons fight.

"Go, ninja, go," Kai told Lloyd.

"Ninja, go!" They yell, clearing a path.

"Y/n!" Lloyd calls over as we start to run out with the others.

"Don't worry about us. We'll keep fighting the good fight," Nuckal said.

"Thanks!" I call down to him.

"I never thought I'd be saying this, but go, Ninja, go!" Kruncha cheered as we ran out and went to the Bounty.


Lloyd and I saw Garmadon starting to pack.

"You're leaving?"

"Now that you are safe, and the Ninja have the Fangblades, there is nothing else I am needed for," Garmadon said.

"I need you," Lloyd sighed. "I know you have to leave, but know this: when we meet again, I'm gonna do everything in my power to defeat you," Lloyd said as Garmadon pats him.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" Garmadon opened the door and stops. "Oh, and, son? You're a good boy. Soon, you'll be a great man. Although we're now opposite sides, I'm still very proud of you," Garmadon said as I smile.

"Thank you, for everything, Garmadon," I thanked him.

"Wait, I can get you one of Jay's gliders. You probably don't need it, but it--" Lloyd turned around and seen Garmadon had already left. "Might help. So long, dad," Lloyd said, a little upset. I hugged him.

"It's ok, Lloyd, I'm here for you," I tell him.

"Thank you, Y/n" he hugged back as we start to head up to the bridge to celebrate with the others.

"He left, didn't he?" Nya asked as Lloyd nodded. "Then have some snog fruit punch. Cole made it, and it's actually not bad," Nya said.

"Something that isn't acid" I faked a gasp as we laugh.

"Hey!" Cole shouts, picking me up on his shoulders.

"Hey!" I laughed.

"To Lloyd's dad!" Nya said.

"Hear, hear!" We all cheered.

"To dad!" Lloyd said happily.

"Tomorrow, we arrive at Torchfire Mountain to destroy these Fangblades once and for all. And it couldn't have been done without your father. I'm going to miss him," Sensei said.

"Garmadon isn't as bad as we thought. He still has some good in him, and that's you, Lloyd," I tell him as Cole puts me down.

"Thanks, Y/n, now where's the cake?" I laughed as we went to find some sweets.

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