Saved by the doctor

By Firefox214

15.8K 481 68

The 11th doctor x reader More

Saved by the doctor
The adventure begans
Into time
The past,the present, and the future

The second time lord

1.5K 57 19
By Firefox214

You had a weird dream,
You were on a strange planet playing with two young boys, one called the doctor and one called the master, you heard a bang in the back ground and looked up millions apon millions of things screaming exterminate were attacking your home planet, your mother and father removed all of your memories of gallifrey and sent you to earth, you were found by a young couple and they took you in, they named you, bathed you, feed you, and clothed you. Your life was good, until you started high school. preschool through eighth grade were great, but then ninth grade came along and the girls started talking about the way you dresses and everything else they could think of to bully you about. You could deal with that, you knew they were brats and didn't pay much attention to them, but one day a whole group of girls surrounded you while you were walking home from school, they kicked you to the ground and continued to punch,kick,stomp, and even throw rocks at you, this continued until they were sure you were on the brink of death the girls took turns spitting on you as they left. When you got home about a hour later your mother was furious, because she had got a call from the school saying that you were the one who started the fight, even thought not any of the other girls had a scratch on them. Before your nightmare could continue you woke up screaming. The doctor froze, and looked up from his hands, he reached out one of his tear soaked hands and placed his hand on your shoulder,when he made sure you were real he jumped out of his chair, that caused you to break out of your daze and jump a little.
"Y/N how are you alive,you cant be,you got shot by the dalek,unless you are a..." he stopped mid sentence and went and got something from a cabinet in the corner, a stethoscope, he put it on one side of your chest, a heartbeat, he slowly moved it over to the other side of your chest, a heartbeat. He nearly fell down when he heard the second heart.
"Y/N, I DONT KNOW HOW THIS IS POSSIBLE" He was pacing around the room "DOCTOR" the doctor Stopped pacing and looked at you after you yelled at him, " please calm down and explain to me what is so shocking"
"Y/N your a time lord"
You looked at him confused
"Im a what"
"A time lord, like me"
you remembered back to your dream and remembered the two young boys you were running around with at the time your planet was attacked.
"Is that why I had that strange dream, was I remembering my past"
The doctor smiled at you which caused you to smile back.
You jumped out of the bed and hugged the doctor. "ummm doctor "
"Yes Y/N "
"Do you think you could let me say good bye to my mum and dad?"
"Well of course I can, I can go back 30 minutes after we left" you nodded .
You got back into your clothes you had on after you landed back next to your bus stop. you got to your house and knocked on the door, your mom opened the door,
"What are you doing here, your suppose to be at school" she gave you that look only mothers can give,
"Well mom you do know I'm eighteen now and I hope you trust me enough to make my own choices, and I want you to meet some one."
The doctor introduced him self, you told your mom about everything that had happened, your mom thought about it for a few minutes, after saying yes she hugged you,and sent you and the doctor on your way, but your mom stopped the doctor before he left
"You take good care of my daughter ok"
"Yes mam" the doctor smiled and you both headed back to the tardis to start your new adventure.

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