Dricki always and forever

By _iam_tyi

20.6K 642 192

Drake and nicki are married they have there problems but at the end of the day they love each other but are t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
All things go
Test of strength
The Crying Game
Bad barbz club
Superbowl Party
How About Now
Authors note

Chapter 18

465 20 6
By _iam_tyi

Do yall remember a couple chapters back when nicki got pregnant yeah I know I ain't did the best job building it up but you'll live so yea that's were at now the hospital Drake and diamond with nicki and Wayne and Deja with August

(Deja p.o.v)

They shot my daddy he was trying t save me now he's in a coma they said he lost to much blood when they shot em I just met him he can't leave now

Déjà- daddy I don't know if you can hear me and I don't know if I ever said it before but I love you I know you just found out about me and I just found out about you and we were learning together but I want you to know I love you so much please stay daddy for me

I sat there for an hour the doctor said he wasn't getting better he was getting worse the bullet was traveling uncle wayne just hugged me I noticed he never said everything's going to be okay that how I knew it was bad I hope he pulls through

(Nicki p.o.v)

Nicki- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh get this big headed baby out of me

Drake- it's okay baby

I could tell he didn't know what to say he was scared

Diamond- ma I love you your gonna be awesome

Okay that made no sense yep they have no idea what to say so I'm just gone squeeze drakes hand lets be silent

Doctor- ok your fully dilated you ready

Nicki- I been (gco) ahhhhhhh

(August p.o.v)

I've never been afraid of dying until I had a child atleast she has a wonderful mother and step daddy man I ain't think this was how I was gone get got and if I could do it again I wouldn't change a thing I can go in peace as long as I know there good

Déjà - daddy please

Déjà- daddy please you said you'd never Leave me *tears*

(Nicki p.ov)

Doctor- 1.....2.....3 push

Nicki- ugh I can't

Drake- come on babe you can do it

Doctor- one more 1...2...3 push

Nicki- ahhhhghhhh Drake this is your big headed child

Then I heard crying but I was to busy catching my breath

Doctor- congratulations it's a boy wait there's another 1...2...3 push

I pushed with everything in me

Then I heard crying again

Doctor- congratulations twins one boy one girl

Nicki- you said nothing about twins

Doctor- I wanted to tell you but you said you wanted it to be a surprise so surprise

Ima end of fuckin him up you don't suprise people with twins I need a new doctor don't get me wrong I love my babies but I'm getting to old for this mess and I was hoping for a boy secretly them girls a handful boys you just gotta keep them outta jail the nurse cleaned them off and gave them to me

Nurse- what you wanna name them

Nicki- (boy)
Reese Xavier Graham

Nurse - ohh that's cute

Drake- no make him a jr

Nicki- no you know I don't like jrs everyone needs there own identity

Drake- *sighs* fine what's her name

Nicki- Aaliyah Hazel Graham

The nurse handed me the Birth certificates I signed and fed my little bundle of joys a boob for each

(Déjà p.o.v)

Deja- daddy come back please *tears*(screaming)


Wayne- shhhhh it's okay

Deja- it's not okay it's my fault he took a bullet for me and I -I was to late W-we never even got to finish are daddy daughter day

(3 days later)(at church)

Every one was in tears nobody knew it just happened he ended up having to many seizures and his body couldn't recover and just gave up

Pastor-(t.d jakes) - lets not call it a funeral let's call it a celebration of life lets not dwell on what he didn't get to do lets focus on what he did get to do in his 22 years this young man has accomplished more than most people in there whole lifetime he was a man of God and I know he's with our lord and savior

Nicki walked up to speak

Nicki- *crying* I'm sorry yall it's just he was just here breathing-g-g talking walking and n-now a bullet took his life it's just not fair he was a g-good person most I-importantly an amazing father you want to say something b-baby girl

Deja walked up clearly trying to hold back tears her eyes were red and she was shaking

Deja- he was trying God why you had to take my daddy he was trying he was trying to be a better person just not for me but for us we never even got to finish are daddy daughter day he was my Rock the person I could talk to when no one else was by my side fly high daddy i love you

By now everyone was in tears we sat down and his mom came up crying

Mom- .....I'm proud of you aug you finally did it you made it I never got to say it it but I believe he knew I'm sorry for putting a man before you maybe if I was a better mother you wouldn't have had to try so hard to be successful and you could have ended up like your brother and been another 187 and I'm proud you changed your life around now I'm not gone sit here and lie I was not expecting for both of my kids *starts crying harder * to leave by a bullet and aug no matter what you might think everything I did I was thinking of what was best for you I might not have always made the right decisions but just know I tried

She went to go set den and the pastor came back up

Pastor- In our minds we always knew this time would come to pass.But knowing it, and living it, has come and gone so fast.

Goodbyes are often hard to say,
they hurt so very much.
Though you're not gone.
You still remain,
in the minds, hearts, and lives you've touched.

Then the Paul barres (Drake,wayne,twist,Chris ,trey,Tyga) came and carried him out as Beyoncé sang

[Verse 1:]
I fought for you
The hardest, it made me the strongest
So tell me your secrets
I just can't stand to see you leaving

But heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
Heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
So go on, go home

[Verse 2:]
We laughed at the darkness
So scared that we lost it
We stood on the ceilings
You showed me love was all you needed

[Hook x2]

So go on, go home

Padre Nuestro
Que estás en el cielo
Santificado sea tu Nombre
Venga tu reino
Hagase tu voluntad
En la tierra como en el cielo
[English translation:
Our Father
Who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it in heaven

Everyone- amen

"For every life there's a death ,for every death there is a life that's true circle of life "

R.i.p aug fly high

What's in his will ??
Did yall like it ???
I got the qoute from final destination hahahaha
I love yall your awesome I got 10 votes and I can't even do write and give yall material this one a little short but powerful I think I like it how about you
As always


One love ✊✌️✌️✌️

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