One Shots

By GabrielleMartin661

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This is a collection of one-shots of my favorite characters from various movies and tv show. Ranging from the... More

Sherlock- I don't Belong
Loki-All I Ask of You
Spencer Reid-Bullies
Loki- Life Line
Hulk/Bruce Banner- My Green Knight
Sherlock- Adoption
Loki- My King
Mr. Gold-Savior
Bruce Banner-Sedative
Newt- Bullied
Jacob Black X OC
Jacob Black/OC part 2
Bruce Banner-Pregnant
Jacob Black/OC part 3
Ben Solo/Twin Sister
Koba- Lab Worker
Newt- Lost Friendships
Loki-Family Issues
Dr. Strange-It's Not About Your Hands
Dr. Strange- The Lesson
Bruce Banner - Retrieval
Tony Stark - Jericho
Bucky-A Life Time
Request: Jasper/OC
Request: Emmett/OC
Spencer Reid-Loss and Grief
Request: Jasper/OC
Koba- Left for Dead
Spencer Reid-Bullied
Bruce Banner-Retrieval Part 2
Sherlock-There are Two of You
Loki-Cages pt 2
Loki-Cages Pt. 3
Loki - Cages pt 4
Lucifer- the devil and SHIELD
Lucifer and SHIELD part 2
Loki- Cages pt 5

Loki - Cages-Pt 1

886 37 5
By GabrielleMartin661

A/N: I have a question for you guys. I started this story a while ago and haven't had time to continue it. I'm going to post what I have as a one-shot. Tell me if you think I should write more or make it a book of its own.


I lived in the tower with the Avengers, I wasn't one, I cleaned up after them. I took care of the tower. My father was one, Dr. Banner took me in when he found me one the streets after a natural disaster and my family was gone. I was too young to remember them. I was cleaning when I came upon a room I didn't know we had. I went in, assuming there was cleaning to be done. What I found instead horrified me. There was a glass cage, inside was a man chained and muzzled. His clothes were torn and he was covered in bruises. "Oh my god," I said dropping my stuff I was carrying. "What have they done to you?" I asked coming closer to him and he only backed away.

He didn't scare me; I was used to people being held here for SHEILD by Fury's orders. I was surprised at his state. Surely Fury didn't mean for him to be treated like this. Fury could be a jerk and a pain in the ass, but this, this had to be Odin's doing. This treatment, was wrong, how could anyone let this happen?

I could see the fear in his eyes. His eyes were a beautiful green, his long black hair tangled. How long had he been here? "I won't hurt you, I promise." Aggressive dogs were treated better. I felt so bad for him. "Oh, hun what have they done to you?"

"(Y/N)!" My name was shouted by Thor. I jumped, having been startled. Thor's normal non-shouting voice was loud. I turned to face him, backing into the cell that held the pale man with dark hair. "What are you doing in here? It's forbidden!" I wasn't aware of any room that was forbidden in the tower, JARVIS would have told me.

"Clearly it isn't, the door was unlocked and you're in here."

"Don't back talk (Y/N)," Thor replied. There he went acting like he was my dad or something. I was legally an adult; my parents if they were alive wouldn't be able to control me. Bruce was the closest thing I had to a father and he never tried to control me.

"Don't give me that shit about you being king, you aren't my king. I don't answer to you. Nor are you my father. Why the hell is he chained, muzzled, and caged like a dog?"

"You know what he did," Thor said. Again with New York, I had been there; I had been in the fight. There had been no place to hide.

"Two years ago, hasn't he helped rescue your girlfriend since then? Why the hell is he covered in bruises? His clothes are torn, what are you doing to him?" I was angry, "when's the last time he had food, water? Does he have a proper place to sleep? What about treatment for his wounds? The cuffs have cut into his skin, he's BLEEDING! The bruises have to be causing no small amount of pain." There was nothing in the room with him, just the chains holding him.

"He hasn't had any medical treatment," Thor replied.

"WHAT!" I shouted. I shoved the cleaning supplies into his arms while pulling the key off of him. I turned back to Loki, "I'll be back with some food and water, and something warmer for you to wear."

"You leave him alone," Thor said trying to grab a hold of me.

"Keep your hands off of me," I growled. Everyone knew better than to touch me if I didn't want it, my dad turned into the Hulk. If I was angry and upset then Hulk was angry and upset which meant something was going to be smashed. "I will do what's right, what's happening here isn't right."

I walked passed him and went to my room and gathered my first aid kit, some clean clothes that would fit him, some pain meds, and a hair brush. I then went to the kitchen and gathered some water bottles and I made some toast and I grabbed some fruit and juice cups, yogurt, crackers, cheese, and soup. I didn't know what he'd want or how long it had been since he had eaten.

I came back to the room and he was still in the cage, but in the corner. "I'm not going to hurt you; I got food, water, clothes, and first aid supplies. May I come in?" I waited for him to answer; I knew by the bruises that when someone came in, it only ended in pain. "I just want to help you Loki. Please let me, you're safe with me." He nodded and I opened the door and came in. I set my bag down and crouched down low, "is it all right if I come closer to take off your cuffs and muzzle?" I asked showing him the key.

He used his fingers to make a gun, "No, I'm not armed. I took off my sweat shirt and turned showing that I didn't have a gun on me; I lifted my shirt and turned again. I then rolled my pants up as far as they would go before turning again. He then pointed at my bag and shook his head before pointing to me and nodding. "You want me to leave my bag there?" I asked. He nodded. "Is it all right if I come a little bit closer?" He nodded again, but seemed confused. I stopped a few feet away from him, "Am I only the only that asks if I can come in?" He nodded again and held his hands out to me. "You want me to come closer?" He nodded, I slid closer to him and he held his hands out to me again.

"May I?" I asked holding up the key. He nodded and I gently took hold of the cuffs and inserted the key, causing them to fall from his wrists. His wrists were so raw and red. I felt tears spring to my eyes at the sight. How can people be so cruel? He reached to rub his wrists, "No, don't," I said gently pushing his hand down. "I'm afraid your wrists will start bleeding if you touch them. I brought my first aid kit with me."

He nodded, "Is it all right if I remove that muzzle?" He nodded and I reached up and found the clasp behind his head. It took a minute because his hair was so tangled. I got it off; I had to untangle his hair from it. Once I had it off he sighed taking a deep breath. "I'll get you some water and the first aid kit," I said going to get my bag. I came back with my bag and he gestured to it, I pushed it toward him. He looked through it; I think he was checking for a weapon. He didn't trust me and I couldn't blame him. "You can talk to me you know?" I asked.

He put his hand to his throat and shook his head as I handed him a water. "May I see?" I asked pointing to what his hand was covering. He seemed unsure at first, even afraid but I didn't push. I was furious about what had been done to him. He nodded again moving his hand. When I saw the bruise in the shape of a hand around his throat I was pissed. The print was huge, limiting the possibilities of who could've done it. "Who did this?" I asked trying not to let my anger come through. I didn't want him to think I was mad at him. He just looked down as I pulled out my first kit and the toast. "Here's some food, there's more in the bag. Are you cold?"

He nodded after he got over the shock of my question. How long had it been since anyone had shown him any kindness? I pulled out my jacket and put it over his shoulders. He looked at the water as though unsure it was safe. "It's not poisoned, here," I said taking it from him and opening the bottle taking a drink and passing it back. He quickly took a drink, "Take it easy, don't upset your stomach. There's plenty of water," I said. I got everything out I needed to treat his wrists, this was going to hurt, they were so raw. "Eat some of that toast before I give some pain meds, I don't want the medicine to upset your stomach."

He glared at the toast and I took a bite out of it to prove I hadn't done anything to it. "I'm not going to poison you. I'm not a killer, I'm not an Avenger, I clean up after them. Tony makes the biggest mess. Thor is the next biggest mess maker," I said smiling. He gave me a small smile. "May I treat your wrists? Just some fore warning, it's going to sting, be no small measure," I said.

He nodded holding one wrist out, the other hand holding on to a piece of toast. "What happened to your eye?" he asked. I looked up at him from getting some gauze ready to clean his wound.

"Two natural disasters in a row, first in an earthquake which I earned a cut across my face, then a tsmusni hit. Debris got in my eye and blinded me, the cut turned into a scar. I was left orphaned. Bruce took me in; he's the only family I've known since that day."

"You can see out of your other eye though?"

"Yes," I answered. "You want to mess with Tony?" I asked.

"No," he answered and I could hear fear in his voice.

"He's the one that hit you." I took a closer look at the bruise on his neck, it matched Tony's suit. "Damn it Tony." Tony was dead meat.

"Thor as well," Loki mumbled.

"Oh, Loki," I said taking his hand in mine. "I'll hit them both with Thor's hammer."

"Can you lift it?"

"Yeah, I hide it from Thor all the time to get back at him for being a shit," I replied. Loki laughed. "Just because I clean up after his ass doesn't mean he can treat me like shit." I finished treating one wrist and asked for the other. I needed to get to Tony's machine that could regrow cells, but everyone was in the tower right now. "Hey JARVIS?" I asked.

"What are you doing?" Loki asked.

"I have an idea to heal these wounds much faster," I said.

"Yes, miss?" JARVIS asked.

"Where is every one?" I asked.

"They all went out for pizza; they should be gone for another hour or so."

"Can you work the cell repair machine?" I asked forgetting the name for it but knew JARVIS would know what I meant.

"Yes miss."

"Thank you JARVIS," I said. I turned to Loki having cleaned both of his wrists, "can you stand on your own?"

"I don't know."

I put everything in the bag and handed him some pain pills, "for the pain," I said. He took them and I helped him to his feet.

"Will I be coming back here?" he asked.

"No, you'll be staying with me." I moved my hands from him and he almost fell. I caught him, he tried to take a step and nearly fell again. "Put your arms around my neck," I said wrapping my arm around his back.

"I don't ask for help," he said.

"But you need it," I said. After a moment he wrapped his arms around me and I put my other arm under his legs and picked him up. I took him to the medical bay. I put him in the unit and JARVIS fired up the machine. I told him how it worked as the machine healed the worst of his wounds. Once he was healed I took him to my room, thanking JARVIS. "I bet you'd like a hot shower," I said setting him down on the toilet. I got out a shower chair for him to sit on and some towels for him to use.

"Do you think you can manage on your own?" I asked. I put the rug down and helped him out of his boots. I set some clothes for him up on the counter. I pulled out an extra tooth brush and some deodorant. I started brushing his hair to get it detangled.

"I think so. Why are you helping me?"

"It's the right thing to do. Animals are treated better than you were being treated. It isn't right, I'm just as bad as my dad when I'm pissed off, I just don't grow a few feet and turn green."

"You're not going to tear the place apart are you?" he asked nervous.

"Oh god no, I might hit Tony's suit with Thor's hammer."

"I can't believe you can pick it up," Loki said as I finished working on his hair.

"I'll bring it to you later, for now I'll leave you to shower. I'll be right outside, just call for me if you need anything."

"You'd help me bathe?" he asked shocked.

"If you need it, it's nothing I haven't seen before. Once when Tony got drunk he walked around the tower naked. I was the one to drag his drunk, sorry ass back to his room. Not only am I a house maid, I'm a nurse maid." Loki nodded. "I'll be just outside the door if you need me." I left to let him clean himself up. I had a king sized bed in my large room Tony had given me. It was almost an apartment.

Loki ended up needing help getting into the shower so I stayed in the bathroom sitting on the toilet till he was done. We both talked, more about me than him. I knew that he didn't completely trust me yet but because of the circumstances he kind of had too. I was the one person not trying to hurt him, I had brought him food, he needed help just to walk or stand. He had to trust someone not to hurt him so he could at least go to the bathroom. Once he was dried and dressed I helped him over to my bed. "One bed?" he asked.

"There's more than enough room for the both of us, one of the safest places to sleep. I'm not called mama bear for nothing."

"Mama bear?" he asked.

"I'm a little over protective, this group is my family. Are you feeling any better? Do you need more to eat? More pain meds? Water?"

"You're actually worried about me," he said.

"Yeah, I am. I care Loki. You can ask anyone here, I can't fake it. I physically can't lie, the part of the brain that allows you to lie doesn't exist in my brain, it never fully developed. So is there anything you need?"

"Water would be good."

I pulled some more out of the fridge, "Do you trust me or do you want me to drink some first?"

"I trust you," he said. I opened the water for him and passed it. "So Thor's hammer?"

"Right," I said. "JARVIS are the others back yet?"

"Yes, they're all watching a movie in the main room. They just started it."

"Ok, JARVIS don't let anybody but me in here. I'll be right back, thanks JARVIS." I left the room and headed to Thor's that was two floors above mine. He never locked his door; he kept his hammer by his bed. I went in; the room was a mess, "god Thor, I only clean in here every other week. Pick up after yourself." I grabbed the hammer and headed back to my room. I walked in carrying the hammer.

"I don't believe it, that means you're worthy to rule Asgaurd," Loki said.

"I'm nobody's ruler nor do I want to be," I said. I handed him some crackers, "Eat." He took the crackers from me but didn't seem interested. "Food is required to regain your strength, just take it easy. Try not to upset your stomach."

"What if I do? What are you going to do to me?" Loki asked leaning away from me.

"Loki," I said sadly realizing he thought I would beat him, "if you do get sick to your stomach, I'm going to help you. I'll take care of you. I'm going to make sure you get your strength back. I won't hurt you. Tony can attest to that. He pisses me off plenty but I have never hit him, his suits on the other hand are another story." Loki smiled at that. "With Thor, I just take his hammer and tell him he's not my king. Someone has to remind him that here, his royal title means nothing. Here, he's no different than me or your average person on the street as far as our rights go. The only difference is he can control thunder and lightning."

"Is the world so black and white to you?"

"Nothing is black and white, there is fact and there is fiction, in-between there is the unknown, or undiscovered. The world is in color," I replied.

"But the differences between me, you, and Thor," he started. I got up and went into the bathroom got a small hand held mirror, and grabbed a picture of the team in normal clothes off my dresser before coming back to my bed.

"Look at them and me, then yourself," I said passing him the mirror. "What differences do you see? I don't see any."

"You don't know what I am," he said.

"Half Asguardian and half Frost Giant, adopted son of Odin," I replied.


"I hacked your file, I heard your brother broke you out of jail and you helped him. I wanted to know more about you, but since everyone thought you were dead I couldn't exactly ask you and Thor wasn't talking."

"And you didn't know where Odin was," Loki said.

"I wouldn't trust what Odin said anyway. I've heard stories, we have legends down here and if even a portion of what I read has some truth in it the man is an ass hat." I nodded back to the picture, "What differences do you see?"

"Too many," he said.

"You know most of our pasts Loki, we all make mistakes, even if you asked Steve, the one who is always trying to do the right thing, even when he's wrong, will admit he's made mistakes. The world isn't split into good and bad as many would have us believe. We all have the light, the good and darkness, the bad in us; we just have to choose which to act on."

"(Y/N!) Thor's voice bounced off the walls. I smirked. I picked up the hammer and set it outside the door.

"Oh well, it's fun taking it from him," I said. Thor had been a dick today. Tony must have eaten all the pop tarts again.

"Miss, there's a code green in the lab, you're needed," JARIS said.

"What did Tony do now?" I asked shaking my head. "I'll be back Loki, feel free to watch TV. If you need me just tell JARVIS and he'll get the message to me." Loki nodded. "JARVIS is everyone clear of the lab?" I asked heading in that direction.

"Yes miss, it's just Bruce." I headed straight to the lab, this was always fun. I took the elevator; the stairs would be too quiet. I came into the area where Bruce was and saw his green form going around the corner. I knocked on the wall, getting his attention. I knew better than to sneak up on him. With Hulk you didn't act like you were prey or like a predator. Don't run from him and don't attack him.

"Hey big guy, what's going on?" I asked. He just grunted. "Tony annoy you again?"

"Tony make Hulk angry," he replied.

"Tony does that to everyone, not just you. Can I come closer to you?" He nodded. I walked closer to him and sat down on a stool that was still in one piece. "You want to talk big guy? You know I will always listen." He sat down in the mess of broken things; I hoped he didn't hurt himself.

"People afraid."

"Seeing you change forms from a man with tan skin of 5'10 to being a man that's 8' and has green skin can be a little frightening. People don't expect that to happen. Then you start smashing things; that scares people hun. Use your words, not your fists." He grunted again. I climbed up on his knee, "Fear is a survival instinct. People don't always know why they're afraid, they just are, but between us I don't think you're scary."

"Then you stupid human," he said.

I laughed, "Probably," I replied. "I like you, both of you. You saved my life remember. I know you, you're kind and gentle. I feel safe with you. I got two dads for the price of one. I couldn't ask for more. I love the both of you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and I could feel him shrinking under me. When Hulk was Bruce again he was sitting on the floor while I was standing, I still had my arms around him, his face in my stomach. "It's ok dad," I said holding on to him.

I held on to him while he pulled himself together, when he accidently lost control he was always very upset with himself. I had seen it a few times growing up and learned how to calm 'the other guy' and made friends so I wouldn't get hurt. Now when it happened in the tower I was the one everyone called. "Thank you (Y/N)," dad said as he calmed.

"Anything for you dad," I replied.

He looked around to see what had happened, "God what a mess."

"I think Tony had it coming," I replied.

"Oh, did the other guy say something?"

"Just that Tony made him angry and people were afraid of him. I think the lab assistants were startled."

"Oh god," he said.

"Every body's fine, they were just surprised. What happened?"

"Tony being Tony." I handed him my long waisted sweater.

"Here, you might want this," I said. All of his clothes were really loose now; the sweater would cover him till he could get to his room. "Get some sleep dad." Dad and I parted ways for the night. When I came back to my room Loki was half asleep with the live remake of The Jungle Book playing on the TV.

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