The Broken Girl At Table 9

EMyoui9 द्वारा

34K 2.1K 1.4K

Confident, that is one word to describe Im Nayeon. She is the star of Seoul College Of Arts And Music, she is... अधिक

1 - The Girl Who has Everything
2 - Yoo Jeongyeon
3 - First Impressions
4 - Friendship?
5 - Obvious
6 - Hanging Out
7 - Finding I
8 - Finding II
10 - Changing
11 - Transference
12 - Projection
13 - Turmoil
14 - Solitary
15 - Lines between Past and Present

9 - Okay

1.7K 147 66
EMyoui9 द्वारा

Things have gradually settled down after my encounter with Jeongyeon and Mina last week. I eventually fell back into my daily routine of attending classes, training, hanging out with my friends and going back to my place. Only one thing was unusual with my routine, and that was because of a certain tall brooding girl that has been with me these past few days.

In fact she was sitting in front of me as we have our lunch in the restaurant of my pick today. That's what we've been doing these past few days, spending our lunch together to whichever place we want. At first, I was surprised to see her outside of my classroom waiting for me and when she saw me, she just asked me to have lunch with her. After the first time, it slowly became our thing to spend lunch together, just the two of us and even though I'm still confused about this sudden arrangement, I'm not complaining.

Momo and Sana knew everything but not once did they pushed me to answer for things I clearly have no idea about, both girls were understanding, saying that we always spend time together and even thanking me because they could use their own lunch breaks to be with the person they like. Figures.

"Why are you staring again, Im?" Jeongyeon's annoyed tone broke me out of my thoughts. My eyes focused back on her face only to see her looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"You're just staring at me, why?" She clarified.

"I am?" I cleared my throat, "I mean, yes, I am, no-I ugh-" I sighed, decided to stop myslef from further embarrassment. Jeongyeon's amused smirk is not helping either.

I feel my cheeks burn as I glared at her, "Don't dare say a word, Yoo. "

She chuckled, "Seriously, you were so lost in thought. Is it because I'm just too pretty or there's really something on your mind?" she teased.

"Yes," I answered absentmindedly as I tried to calm myself. There was a pause for a second before I heard her cough. It was my my turn to look at her in amusement as her face turned red.

"I'm rubbing off on you," I smirked.

"Shut up," Jeongyeon grumbled.

I laughed at her for a while before we settled back to silence as we finished up our lunch. My thoughts came back in my mind as the silence drag, my eyes locked on her as I tried to form the question I wanted to ask.

"Yoo Jeongyeon," I called her attention and when she looked at me, I paused, "Why?" That's the only word that came out of my mouth.

When she stared at me in confusion, I steeled myself to ask again, "Why are you here with me?" It took her several seconds to respond. I respected the silence that had fallen on us as I wait for her to say something.

In the end she shrugged, "Just my way of thanking you."

"Yeah right," I scoffed, "Come on, Jeong, just tell me why you're spending time with me rather than with miss perfect, " Instead of her usual snarky reply whenever I speak of Mina that way, all I get was a satisfied smile.

I look at her confused, "What are you smiling about?"

"You called me Jeong," She said with a wide grin.

That's where realization hits me and to hide my embarrassment, I try to play it cool, "You're name is too long."

"You seem to like saying my full name though," She mumbled and when I glared at her she shrugged changing the topic, "This is my way of thanking you, Nayeon, believe me."

"By hanging out with me?" I replied.

A look of uncertainty now on her face, "Yeah, I mean, you found me and took care of me," She avoided my eyes, "So, thank you, and I figured being friends with you isn't that bad."

I couldn't for the life of me, begin to comprehend the incredible feeling when I heard her say those words. Something about the idea of having Jeongyeon as a friend makes me giddy and excited.

"Of course it's not bad," Trying to hide my feelings, instead, I grinned smugly at her, "I'm the best thing you could ever ask for!"

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes, "You seriously have a narcissistic tendency."

"Well, would you prefer me flirting with you?" I casually threw at her and it was definitely amusing to see Jeongyeon make a fool of herself as she choke on the juice she was drinking.

"What kind of reaction is that, Yoo Jeongyeon?" I frowned at her, "People would die just to have a chance to flirt with me," I ended it by flipping my hair.

Unsurprisingly, Jeongyeon snorted as she began to shake by trying to control her laughter, "What the hell, Nayeon," Jeongyeon's face was red and their was actually tears in her eyes as she laughs, "I don't even know if this is confidence or arrogance."

I glared at her when she wouldn't stop laughing, "Shut up!"

"Jeong!" It was like a switch as I watch Jeongyeon stop laughing immediately and schooling her face.

We both turned to see the small blonde named, Chaeyoung, as she approached us and she looks like she means business. She acknowledged me with a nod before locking eyes with Jeongyeon, "We have to talk."

Jeongyeon met my eyes in a silent question and I gave her a nod of permission. Wordlessly the half siblings walked out of the place and my eyes followed them as they stopped at the far corner of the parking lot. I remained seated for a while, my eyes not leaving both girls and I don't need to hear them to know that they're discussion is getting heated with Chaeyoung's hands flailing around and Jeongyeon's frustrated scowl.

Gathering mine and Jeongyeon's bags, I placed money on the table as payment before casually walkinh out of the restaurant and slowly making my way towards the two girls, fortunately they were near my car so I just leaned my back on the passenger side of the car and making sure to not have my presence known as I listened to them.

"I just can't understand how you can hurt Mina like this?" Chaeyoung sighed exasperatedly.

"I'm not doing anything, Chaeyoung," Jeongyeon snapped.

"You're clearly avoiding her, unnie!" Chaeyoung exclaimed, "And you're spending time with-with-"

"With who?" Jeongyeon cut her off darkly, "Im Nayeon? You can say her name, Chaeng," I shifted when I heard my name, what could possibly be that girl's problem with me?

"She-she's bad news, unnie," I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Chaeyoung's words, "She's not exactly the type of crowd that would get along with someone like you."

"Like what?" I can clearly imagine Jeongyeon is already fuming at this point.

Chaeyoung must've realized what she'd said but it was too late to take it back, "Unnie, that's not what I meant-"

"What am I like, Chaeyoung?" Jeongyeon pushed.

"Damaged!" Chaeyoung snapped but she and I knew she fucked up as a heavy silence fell around the area.

"Fine," That was what Jeongyeon could only say. I decided that was my cue to break them apart.

"Jeongyeon, get inside the car," I told her as I unlocked my car, my eyes never leaving her sibling. When Jeongyeon remained umoving I looked at her, "Yoo Jeongyeon, get inside, now."

It looked like Jeongyeon could see the seriousness in my eyes because she turned her back on us as she wordlessly climbed in side the passenger seat. Now without worrying Jeongyeon could hear us, I faced Chaeyoung with the most intense glare I could muster.

I stepped closer to her and took hold of her shoulder when she was about to step back, "Listen here, you little shit," I gritted my teeth as I heavily patted her shoulders, "You and I both know how you clearly fucked up, yeah?"

She nodded silently and I revelled at the fear I saw in her eyes, "Now you listen to me very carefully when I say this, do not ever, and I mean ever say that to Jeongyeon again."

"She's not damaged," I spoke with dermination, "She might be a little broken but she's not fucking damaged!"

"I'm sure you know who's the main reason why she's like this," I glared at her, clearly insinuating her father's wrong doings towards Jeongyeon and it was confirmed when her eyes widened in recognition. So she knows too, I confirmed.

"That's why you have no right to say those words to her when you clearly know all about it," I snapped at her, "You and Mina are her friends, you know that, even I know that, but don't you think it's best to let Jeongyeon rest for a while because of how she's suffered by being with you two?"

"I admit I'm from a different crowd and I know I'm a bitch but do you think Jeongyeon would have come near me if she sees I'm not worth trusting for?" I spoke honestly, "I'm not here to destroy what you three have, I'm just here because surprisingly enough, I care for your stubborn and annoying sister."

I might have said some harsh words but I think she got my point because her shoulders dropped in defeat. The look of guilt on Chaeyoung's face was evident as she remained unmoving. Chaeyoung and Mina need to know that even if Jeongyeon stayed with them, they still don't have any idea how much they're hurting her by being clueless and I would like to change that.


Classes sucks.

That's the only thing I kept repeating on my mind as I listened to Mr. Jeon keep going on and on about Hitler's reason on starting what he did. I rolled my eyes when it looks like Mr. Jeon is whipped over the dead dictor and I tried to hide a laugh when Sana puckered her lips to do a kissing face when he turned his back on us to write something on the board. The bell sounded it was like a war zone as everyone quickly gathered their things and dashing for the door not even paying attention to Mr. Jeon as he gave off instructions for the next meeting.

"Thank god, for the bell," Sana groaned beside me as we walked into the hallway that leads to the lockers, "He would never shut up about freaking Hitler."

"He's whipped," I laughed with her.

"Oh! You're birthday's two weeks from now, Nayeon," Sana grinned as she skipped in her steps, "What would you like us to do this year?"

One person first came into my mind as I thought of my birthday, would she come if I ask her to?

"I'm thinking going to my cabin with everyone, you, Momo, Jihyo, and also the kids," I smiled at her, "3 days is good enough, what do you think, Sana?"

"Yeah, that would be great," Sana answered but she gave me a side glance and a teasing grin, "Though I think you should invite one more person."

I frowned at her in question and she sighed, "Some hot nerd that's aloof and mysterious but that's okay because you totally dig those things about her," Sana specified and I just want to smack her right there and then.

"I don't dig those things about her," I denied, scowling at her choice of words.

Sana grinned triumphantly, "Oh, you have someone in mind," She giggled as she nudged me, "You totally didn't deny the hot nerd part."

I pushed her away as I felt my face heat up, "Get away from me, I don't know what you're talking about."

Sana laughed not caring about the attention she was gathering. I raised an eyebrow at those nosy onlookers and they immediately looked away and scurried off my way.

"Jeongyeon!" My eyes widened along with the other students in the hallway when Sana called for the silent girl who's trying to blend in but Sana ruined that for her. I gave Jeongyeon an apologizing look as I followed Sana's energetic steps towards her. Eyes followed us, who wouldn't, two of the university's popular girls are approaching what they've labeled as a nobod, a label which I definitely don't like.

"Hey, I don't know if you know me but I'm Minatozaki Sana, I'm best friends with this grumpy lady," Sana introduced and I rolled my eyes when I noticed she has her charms on and ready for Jeongyeon.

To my surprise Jeongyeon smiled at her as she replied, "Hi, yeah I know you, it's not really that difficult to recognize the university's model," I watch as they instantly clicked and began talking like they're long time friends.

I frowned at the thought, Sana had no problem getting through Jeongyeon's walls just like that, unlike me who took longer before Jeongyeon would even talk or smile to me. I know that it's just that way with Sana because no person could ever resist the girl, she just makes everyone comfortable with just her mere presence but still, I couldn't help but feel a little bit of unfairness and it shows as I was now scowling at Jeongyeon.

"What's you're problem grandma?" I heard Jeongyeon say and Sana choked as she tried not to laugh.

"Whatever," I scoffed at them before walking away from them.

Why the fuck am I affected by such a little thing? Am I actually jealous of the fact that it only took Sana a matter of seconds to get Jeongyeon to talk while it literally took me weeks to do the same thing?

"What the fuck?" I laughed at my own thoughts, "Jealousy is not in my vocabulary."

"Hey, Nayeon, wait up!" I stopped in my tracks when I heard Jeongyeon's voice. I turned to see her walking towards me and I can see Sana still standing on the spot where I left them. It left me confused when Sana was jumping idly while raising both of her thumbs up towards me, "Sana said you have something important to ask of me."

"What?" My eyes diverted from Jeongyeon to Sana's idiotic actions, "Oh!" I stupidly nod as I understand Sana's meaning and it embarrassed me to see Jeongyeon's now looking at me weirdly.

"I-I want to ask-" I cleared my throat to gather myself a little because I fucking squeaked, "I want to ask if you would like to spend my birthday with me and my friends. It's the Saturday that's two weeks from now."

Jeongyeon's eyes widened for a fraction as she stared at me in surprise and with every second she stayed silent, I dreaded and prepared myself for rejection. As I thought, it's too soon to introduce her to many people, I'm overwhelming enough by myself, she may think differently about this and of course I couldn't blame her. I would probably be sad--scratch that, I will be sad if she rejects me-

"Okay," I heard her answer and I immediately meet her eyes in surprise.

"Okay?" I repeated and she nodded, a small smile playing on her lips before walking away from me.

I feel the usual fluttering feeling that I've become used to whenever Jeongyeon smiles at me or whenever she's in close proximity. Realizing that I wasn't rejected brought a tenfold of those same feelings making me unexpectedly giddy as I let out a sigh as my eyes trained on Jeongyeon's retreating back.

It never occurred  to me that I was still smiling like a fool as I repeated her answer, "Okay..."


Hi, miss me? Here's a chapter for you guys to heal you of you're boredom or angst against my long absence! Sorry for that! 🙏🙇‍♀️

I hope you enjoy the chapter, don't be shy to let me know what you guys think and please don't forget to vote. 🥰


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