Cursed for life

By partwithpride

508 48 8

Iris had just turned seventeen and it so happens to be a full moon that night. Having always living away from... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter One

123 8 1
By partwithpride

"Happy birthday!" Someone happily yells into Iris's ears while she was sleeping making Iris jolt awake and aggressively out of her covers, falling onto the floor. She lets out a groan as she wipes the sleet off her eyes before looking up, she is met with her mothers soft light brown eyes looking down at her.

"You do this every year, mom," Iris grunts out while getting up and siting back on her bed, "I'm too old for birthday greetings in bed."

Her mother, Kayla gives her daughter a pointed look, "You're never too old for birthday greetings, you're still a baby in my eyes." Kayla leans down and kisses Iris on her forehead, "Happy birthday my beautiful girl."

Iris gives her mother a lazy grin, "Thanks mom."

Kayla smiles happily before asking, "So Iris, what are we gonna do this year for your birthday?" Iris thinks about it for a moment, "I was wondering if I could go somewhere by myself for the day this year?" She asks cautiously.

Kayla looks at Iris questionably, what on earth would Iris do by herself? Her baby girl wanting to do things alone? Kayla thought to herself but she supposed her daughter is growing up and she should loosen the reins on her. She gazes down at Iris before smiling warmly at her, "Of course you can, but what are you going to do?" She asks.

Iris shrugs her shoulders, "Well, I was gonna go take a drive for the whole day. On an adventure, I guess." Kayla thinks pretty sketchy of what her daughter is doing today but pushes the thought away and puts a smile on, "Okay, if that's what you want to do."

Iris beams up at her mother and jumps up and engulfs her into a hug, "Thank you mom!" Her mother laughs heartedly and hugs her back, "You're welcome, Iris. Now go get ready for your road trip." Iris pulls out of the hug and smiles excitedly at Kayla, "Okay, I will." Kayla smiles back before walking out of the room closing the door behind her.

Iris is finally going somewhere for birthday by herself. It was a long shot to ask her mother to go somewhere but it was worth it. Always had Kayla kept her children safe and sound. That included for the, to not go anywhere besides school or go shopping with her. But today her mother had changed her ways and let her go.

Iris jumped up off her bed giddily and ran to her bathroom to have a quick shower. After having a shower she quickly brushes her teeth and gets changed into loose black jeans, a blue long sleeved T-shirt with a baggy sweater over, leaving her hair still wet and messy. She grabbed her keys for her BMW R69S that she got for sixteenth birthday and ran downstairs for breakfast.

Once down stairs she was tackled to the ground by her oldest brother, Danny who is twenty four, "Happy birthday squirt!" He said whilst scruffily messing Iris's wet hair. Iris squealed out loud, trying to get her brother off of her. Danny finally let Iris go and got up giving Iris a cheeky grin.

Iris glared up at her brother before smiling back at him, "Thanks for the birthday wish." He shrugged his shoulders and laughed, "No problem old lady." Iris gasps and covers a hand over her heart mockingly hurt, "How dare you say I'm old! I only just turned seventeen, still young but I can't say the same to you." She snickers at her brothers reaction. Danny puffs his chest out and looks away dramatically, "I see how it is then, good day ma'am." And walks upstairs trying to hold in his laughter.

Iris shakes her head at her crazy brother and walks into the kitchen where her two other brothers, Leo who is eighteen and Seth who is fifteen and her sister, Scarlet who is turning twenty in a week. They all greet her happy birthdays one after the other as she thanks them each and sits down next to Scarlet.

Scarlet twists her body to the side to look at Iris. "Mom says you're going by yourself somewhere this year?" She asks making sure she heard their mother correctly. Iris doesn't look at her as she packs on pancakes on her plate and pours syrup on them, "Uh, yeah I just want to adventure alone for the day." She grabs a knife and fork and starts eating.

Scarlet thinks about what her little sister said and is confused. Why would she want to go anywhere by herself? She clears her throat before asking, "Are you coming home late tonight then?"

Iris shrugs her shoulders while still eating, "Maybe not, but if it gets to late I'll probably just stay at a hotel for the night then head back home early morning."

"If anything happens I want you to call us straight away, even if you're just scared and I'll come get you right away, okay?"

Iris finally looks at Scarlet and sees the concern and sadness dancing in her bright blue eyes for her little sister. Iris nods her head, "Okay Scarlet, and I'll message you throughout the whole day."

"You better because if I don't have any messages from you at all the whole day, I'm coming to find you." Scarlet says seriously.

Iris laughs, "Alright, I will. Don't need to go all mom on me." Scarlet smiles and gets up from her seat and leans down to kiss Iris on top of her head, "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you." She mumbles. Scarlet stands up and gives Iris one last smile before leaving the kitchen.

Leo and Seth were still at the table eating their breakfast listening to their sisters conversation. Leo did not really care where his little sister went for the day, he just wanted to get on with his own thing while Seth did care, though he does not really show it sometimes, he looks up to his older siblings and cares for them.

"When are you going?" Seth asks as he runs a hand through his brown curly hair.

Iris looks at her little brother before answering, "After I finish breakfast and pack some things I might need."

An idea comes to Seth's mind. Why doesn't he go with his sister? She won't be alone and he won't have to worry if something bad happens to her because he'll be there. "Can I come?" He asks excitedly.

Iris is surprised by the quest to come along with her, she supposes it wouldn't be bad to have company with her, "If mom says yes then you can come." She says.

As soon as Iris said that, Seth flew out of his seat and ran to find Kayla. Iris laughs out loud, her brother must be very excited to want to come with her. It might be a good time to do some brother sister bonding together.

Leo clears his throat and flicks his black hair to the side, "Hope you have fun on your road trip." He says briefly, giving her a cheeky grin before walking out of the kitchen.

"Okay, got to get ready soon." Iris mutters to herself as she finishes of her pancakes and trots up to her room to pack her stuff.

She packs some clothes in case she stays at a hotel for a night, her toothbrush, toothpaste, three hundred dollars, a torchlight, her phone and charger and a lighter just for safe reasons. She doesn't want to end up in the dark somewhere with no way of making fire.

Loud thumbing coming up the stairs makes Iris jump before Seth's grinning face enters her room, "She said that I could go!" He cheers happily. Iris smiles wide at her little brother, "Okay, okay go get your stuff ready then." He nods his head quickly before running off into his room.

This means now that Seth is coming she couldn't take her motorbike, she put her keys back and went downstairs to ask for the car keys. She enters the lounge room and finds her mom and dad Brandon, who were watching television. Brandon looks up and smiles at Iris and gets up from his spot of the lounge, "Happy birthday Iris!" He says giving her a hug, "Thank you Brandon." She smiles back at him. He sits back down next to Kayla as Iris clears her throat before asking, "Since Seth is coming with me, can I take the car?" The both nod their head before her mother speaks, "Of course you can, take the ute." Iris gives them a smile and thanks them.

Before any of them could say another word, Seth comes jumping down the stairs with a bag slung over his left shoulder, "I'm ready to go." He grins. Iris gives him a quick nod before turning back to their parents, "Alright, we're going get going now. We'll see you tomorrow or later tonight."

After a quick goodbye to everyone and promising that Iris would text or call them if anything happens, Seth and Iris were on their way.

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