The Trouble with Friendship

By DoNotMicrowave

342K 9.7K 5K

When the notebook containing their deepest, darkest secrets is stolen, two former best friends must unite, de... More

Author's Note
๐Ÿงต Prologue: Alex, Alexx, Toil and Trouble
๐Ÿงต One: Cheese to the Freakin' Weekend
๐Ÿงต Two: So You're an Ass Guy
๐Ÿงต Three: I Wear My Sunglasses Inside
๐ŸŽค Four: My Truth Would Suck Without You
๐Ÿงต Five: Why Don't You Just Read Me in the Middle?
๐Ÿงต Six: I Ain't Sayin' She a Sly Digger
๐Ÿงต Seven: We'll Eat Friendship By the Ocean
๐ŸŽค Eight: Girl, There Ain't No Weird in "Team"
๐Ÿงต Nine: It's a Chapter of the Times
๐Ÿงต Ten: With You, I Dream Again
๐Ÿงต Eleven: Make Me Feel Like I'm Living a Tan France Dream
๐Ÿงต Twelve: Ain't it Fun Living in the Green World
๐Ÿงต Thirteen: Swing About It Somewhere Only We Know
๐ŸŽค Fourteen: It's Just a Muscle Crush
๐Ÿงต Fifteen: Don't, Don't, Nirvana You, Forget About Me
๐Ÿงต Sixteen: Why Truth Great 'Til They Gotta Be Great?
๐ŸŽค Seventeen: Had I Known How to Save a Soda
๐ŸŽค Eighteen: Gonna Take My Questions to the Old Town Road
๐Ÿงต Nineteen: Is It Too Late to Say I'm Tangled Now?
๐Ÿงต Twenty: Shatter Every Lie Till It's All Blown Away
๐Ÿงต Twenty-One: Just Because It's Complicated Doesn't Mean It's Really Over
๐ŸŽค Twenty-Three: The Aunt Wants What It Wants
๐ŸงตTwenty-Four: We're Fallin' Like the Stars, Fallin' in Fault
๐ŸงตTwenty-Five: We Are Never, Ever, Ever Getting Friendship Together
๐ŸŽค Twenty-Six: Ooh, Baby, Baby, I'm Dancing with an Elephant

๐ŸŽค Twenty-Two: Had to Have High, High Hopes For a Tension

1.7K 141 35
By DoNotMicrowave

Do you remember that one time in middle school when we auditioned for Annie? I didn't feel so hot, but it was the only time I could try out so I went up on stage and the minute I opened my mouth, I ended up barfing all over the music teacher? Kids laughed and made fun of me for days but then mysteriously stopped. It wasn't until later that I found out you had your brothers threaten to beat up anyone who made of me. I never thanked you, but I am now. Thanks for always sticking up for me. You know I love you, right? No matter what happens or where life takes us, remember that. —Freddy aka Alex

An unnamed tension filled the air that made the hairs on the back of Alexx's neck stand up. Her gaze darted to and fro, but no one was giving her any hints as to what the h-e-double hockey sticks were going on. Foot tapping, she raised her eyebrows at her best friend as if to say, Well? However, Alex was too busy glaring at Sloane.

"Don't call me that," Alex ordered through gritted teeth.

Sloane smirked, a hard edge in her voice. "Isn't that your name?"

"It's only for those who care about me," Alex said with the force of a whip.

Sloane stood there stoically, but Alexx knew her too well. Behind that wooden expression was a wince of hurt. Alexx reached out as if to stop the two, but Sloane flung out, "They might care about you, but can you honestly say you care about them?"

Her best friend visibly flinched, her eyes flickering to Alexx.

What in the world...?

However, before she could ask—no, demand—to know what was going on, Ravi cleared his throat. "Alexx, do you have a minute? I wanted to talk to you."

Her pulse sped up those dark, brooding eyes looked at her. "Um, of course." Her heart jumped as he motioned for her to follow. She barely noticed Hugo's narrowed gaze, Alex's startled look, and Sloane's furrowed brows as she passed, too focused on trying not to trip and making a fool out of herself.

Was this was the moment her dreams would be realized, and Ravi was going to ask her out on a date? Should she feign surprise? Play it cool? Or maybe she should take a page out of Wonder Woman's book and be super upfront about her feelings?

"What's up?" she asked, deciding on playing it cool. She remembered watching a YouTube video from a dating expert. He said there was something to be said for letting a guy chase a girl, and frankly, Alexx was all for Ravi chasing her. For once, he would be the one to seek her out instead of vice versa.

He briefly looked over his shoulder to where Sloane, Hugo, and Alex were standing. "Um, I was wondering if you, uh..." He trailed off as he glanced over again.

Was he nervous about her brother overhearing? Maybe Ravi told Hugo he was going to ask her out and that's what the tension was about. "Yes?" she prodded.

"Um, I...uh, I was wondering if you wanted to—"

"Yes!" she said, unable to hold back her answer. Who cared about playing it cool? She had a date!

He frowned. "Yes?"

She nodded, her ponytail bouncing up and down. His puzzlement was adorable. Who knew Ravi Malik could be so insecure? "I'd love to go on a date with you."

His eyes widened as his eyebrows hit his hairline. "Date?"

"That's what this was all about, right? Don't worry about Hugo. He'll come around." If not, she would have a serious talk with him. "So this Friday?"

She was already mentally combing through her closet for the perfect outfit. She should ask Alex if she could come over and help. Maybe even whip up a new top or dress. She knew Alex was busy with the drama club, but surely she could find time for her best friend's first date. Eek! A first date. She wanted to jump up and down and scream it to the world.

Ravi swallowed and then licked his lips like he was parched. Doubly adorable. He was nervous! "Uh, I—"

Randy shouted her name, demanding she get on stage. "We needed you ten minutes ago!"

"Okay!" she yelled back. She turned to Ravi. "Let's talk more about this tonight. Get my number from Hugo. No, wait. Get it from Alex." Knowing Hugo, he'd give the wrong number just to be difficult. Brothers, she thought with an exasperated sigh. Thank goodness she had a best friend to cover her back.


Alexx was sprawled on her bedroom floor with her feet propped on her bed and her phone right next to her head. She tugged on her ear, hating the deathly silence in her room. Frustrated, she picked up her phone for the thousandth time tonight.

Georgie: You gave Ravi my number, right??

Freddy: I did.

Georgie: Ughhhh. I know he's not at Playhouse because he left before I did. Why isn't he texting me??

Freddy: Maybe he's eating dinner?

Georgie: At eight-thirty?

Freddy: They eat late? I don't know what else to tell you.

Exasperation poured over her. Couldn't Alex set down her needles and threads for one second and listen? It's like she didn't care that Alexx was practically having a heart attack. Instead of texting, she called. Alex picked up after the first ring.

"Why isn't he texting me, Freddy?" she asked.

Alex let out a slow release of air, and she knew her best friend was tired of reassuring her, but she didn't care. This wasn't some guy. This was Ravi, and it was a pretty big fudging deal that he was interested in her.

Alex finally said, "I thought we've been over this."

"No, you were over it. I'm still here stewing in a big fat vat of worry." She moved her legs and arms like she was making a snow angel in the carpet.

"He's probably doing homework. Shouldn't you be doing some too?"

She turned her head to look at the books neatly stacked near her bed. "I finished all my work."

"Of course you did. I don't know how you have the time," Alex grumbled. "You're just as busy as me, but you're always ahead of things."

"That's because I plan and make lists." She raised her voice over Alex's loud groan. "If you'd let me organize your life, you could be ahead of the curve too. Or at least on time."

"No, thank you," her best friend swiftly answered. "The only time I want to be color coordinated is with my clothes. Not my schedule."

"You're impossible."

"But you love me anyway."

She let out a long-suffering sigh. "I do."

A pause. "Hey, Georgie?"


"You really like Ravi, yeah?"

Alexx felt her lips curve into a smile. "More than you could possibly know. Or I guess you do know since you're with my brother."

"Yeah, I—"

Alexx interrupted. "And I want to apologize again for the whole Libby debacle. I should have told you, but you know he's crazy about you, right?" There was a long period of silence. "Freddy?"

Softly, her best friend replied, "Yeah, I know."

"Good because I just know in my gut you two are meant to be together. Just like Ravi and me." Her head jerked as she had a thought. "Oh my gosh! When Ravi and I become a thing, we can totally double date! How fun would that be?" She grimaced. "Although the idea of seeing you guys kiss and make out kind of grosses me out."

"No one is making out."

"Yet," she stressed. "Dude, what's with my brother driving in the slow lane? I thought you two would be all over each other by now." Of course, they hadn't had an actual date yet. She'd have to nag Hugo some more. Her best friend deserved more than just hanging out.

"It's, well...we went to get smoothies today, and—"

"I know! I'm so happy when I saw you two together. Have I told you yet how good you guys look?" They fit like two puzzle pieces. Both were easy-going but were passionate about their hobbies. And they balanced each other out—Hugo with his analytical mind and Alex with her creativity. If only Libby would get out of the picture. Maybe she could get Randy to fire her...

Hmm. Food for thought.

Her phone buzzed. Alexx quickly looked at the screen and did a double-take. "He finally texted me!" she squealed, sitting up. "Okay, I got to go, but I'll fill you in on everything tomorrow." She ended the call and smoothed her hair and clothes, which was ridiculous, seeing as how he couldn't see her, but the act made her feel ready and confident—kind of. Batting down the nerves, she answered, "Hey Ravi! How's it going?"

"Good, good. How was the rest of practice?"

She heard a thread of nervousness in his voice which made her relax a smidge. At least she wasn't the only one. "Rough but Randy expects perfection."

"Yeah, no kidding. I've never heard anyone yell so much in my life except maybe my aunt."

"It's worth it if the performance is good."

"I guess," he said skeptically.

"You haven't worked on any productions before have you?"

"That easy to tell?"

She laughed. "Pretty much. Yelling is just part of the process." Weirdly, he didn't know all of this since he lived with Keya. Surely he'd seen or heard something. "So how long have you lived with Keya and her folks?"

"Not long."

She waited for a beat, but he didn't expand. "Are you liking it here?"

"It's okay."

Again, she waited, but nothing more. Okayyyy. "Well, I've lived here my whole life, and I love it. The only sucky part is not being closer to the city so I can go to more shows. Do you like going to those things?"

"I'm more of a book person."

"Oh. Well, that's okay. Um, I like books too. What's your all-time favorite?"

As she listened to his answer, Alexx realized the harder she tried to draw information out, the more shut off he became, so she began chatting about herself, hoping he'd open up once he grew more comfortable. "So yeah, I've been in pretty much every production since I was eight. I'm hoping all these lead roles will help me with college."

"You can get a college degree in theater?"

She laughed, thinking he was playing dumb on purpose but quickly realized he really didn't know. "Of course. You can get a degree in it as well as go to specialized colleges like Juilliard. You don't know anything, do you?" she marveled.

"I know absolutely zero. Sorry."

"It's okay. If you're not in the life, well—" She shrugged. "It's a whole other world."

"I'll say," he murmured. "Listen, about Friday night..."

"Yeah! So I was thinking—"

The doorbell chimed several times. No one answered. Where was Hugo? More chimes, and then pounding. Had he locked himself out? Not wanting Seth to answer it in case it was a stranger, she said, "Ravi? I'm sorry, but I have to go. Can I call you in a little bit?"

"I can't. My aunt doesn't like me being on the phone too late. How about we talk tomorrow at school?"

Eight-thirty was late? "Um, sure. Sounds good. See you then."

Alexx threw her phone on the bed and scrambled to the door. Throwing it open, she scowled at a smug-looking Arlo holding several books in the crook of his arm. "What do you want?"

He pushed the door open further and went inside like he owned the place. "I'm here to drop off some books for Hugo." He looked around, his shoes scuffing the hardwood floors. Great. Another chore to add to the list. "Where is he?" Arlo asked.

Her mouth tightened. "He's supposed to be playing basketball with you."

Arlo shook his head. "He cancelled. Said he was busy."

Unease crept up her spine. Where was he? "Do you think he's okay?"

"Your brother can take care of himself, princess. He's probably just hanging out with that college chick now that he's free and clear."

What? "No, he's not. He's with Freddy."

Arlo set the books down, shaking his head with a long sigh. "I think you need to talk to your friend."

She put her hands on her hips, her lavender nails tapping against her jeans. "I just did. Everything's fine."

Disbelief, as well as a flash of anger, lit up his brown eyes. "That's exactly what she said?"

Well, now that she thought about it, Alex hadn't specifically told her anything. Maybe Alex hadn't been distracted by sewing but depressed because of Hugo. She felt a pang of guilt as she remembered going on and on about him. "Do you know what happened? Is it because of Libby?"

Arlo held up his hands and backed away. "That's between them. If you want the tea ask her."

"Oh, come on! Spill." She pouted her lips. "Please?"

He pinched her lips and squeezed, so she looked like a duck. "How can anyone say no to this face?" he teased, laughing as she struggled to get away. "Good thing I'm not just anyone."

She hit the inside of his elbows until he released her. Rubbing her face, she glared. "You're so annoying."

He tapped her nose. "Only to you, princess."

"But seriously. Is he seeing Libby now?" The thought of her brother throwing off her best friend for some random college girl made her blood boil. She loved Hugo, but if this was the case, then he was an idiot. Alex was galaxies ahead of that girl. Sure, Libby was nice. Over the course of the past month, she'd gotten to know her better, but there was no passion there. She didn't burn with it like Alex.

Arlo opened the front door. "Talk to your best friend."

She crossed her arms. "Fine, I will."

Standing in the archway, Arlo looked pleased, but concern lurked in his expression. Why? What was he hiding? Did he know something she didn't?

Hand on the knob, he said, "Lunch tomorrow. Meet me at my locker."

Her nose scrunched. "Why?"

"Just be there."

"I can't. I'm meeting Ravi." Technically, nothing was planned, but she fully intended to corral him into spending lunch with her.

The muscle in Arlo's jaw twitched. "Repeat that?"

She rolled her baby blues. "Don't go all big brother on me. It's just lunch." And a date on Friday night, but he didn't need to know that. Her dating life was none of his business.


She tossed him a sweet smile and pushed him out. "Bye, Arlo. Thanks for the books. I'll be sure to tell Hugo when he gets home." Then she slammed the door in his face, savoring his stunned expression. Wiping her hands clean, she marched back to her room. She had a lunch date to plan for after all.

I can't wait for tomorrow, she thought to herself as she sorted through her clothes. Best day ever.

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