
By Korzari

5K 282 44

schiz·o·phre·ni·a /ˌskitsəˈfrēnēə,ˌskitsəˈfrenēə/ a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown... More


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180 17 0
By Korzari


"Ashley Lovelace?" The nurse spoke and she slowly crept into the room.

"Sayora Rain? You aren't supposed to be here" she continued

Seeing that Sayora was in my ward instead of here own could get her into some sort of trouble with any other nurse but  Ms. Cooper wasn't like that.

Instead she was one of the nicest nurses here she specializes in kids with my disorder but works with kids with other issues. If you were to get her you're considered lucky.

Ms. Cooper stood 5'2, pale skin, & bright orange hair. She was a sweet old lady, never wanting to hurt a soul.

"Ms, Sayora was keeping me company & we fell asleep with out knowing, if anyone should get in trouble let it be me." I begged, faking my sincerity.

The nurse blinked twice before the walked up to me and completely ignored Sayora's presence.

She handed me all of my meds and a plastic cup of warm water before writing something down on her check list and exiting the room.

Moments of awkward silence filled the room before me and Sayora began to have a loud laughing fit.

Days later

"This place is treated like a prison, guards are mean, cameras are placed in every corner, the kids are treated like prisoners, and they don't get fresh air often.

There has only been one successful escape and that was over 40 years ago.

People called the group of kids "Dumb Riot" because that's what they created.

Rumor has it that some of this kids are still around living life as ordinary people today. New names and identities.

It was 15 angry kids who were apart of this. Most of them went unrecognized as they didn't hold any importance.

But the ones who did were either idolized and demonized.

Sarah, Baliey, Jake, Simon & Peter were most known they became criminals all due to neglect they experience at this hospital.

They planned an evil escape and didn't care about who got in their way." Sayora read a page from a fictional book her mom had gotten her.

The group of kids blinked. "So-fucking-what." Jahseh spoke first.

"So what? What if we do what they did to escape. It's not like you had a better plan seeing that it failed the first time." Sayora rolled her eyes.

"Does anyone agree to follow this plan?" Isaiah intervened while pointing up.

Literally no one agreed, not even Sayora as she was now having second thoughts.

"Why would your mom even give you a book like that? Doesn't seem like a smart idea and it's showing" Stokeley said.

Yeah right, doesn't make since, what was she even thinking they all said talking over each other.

All five kids spent hours trying to figure out a perfect plan.

None of them were trying to escape and be on the run at least that's what a few of them thought.  Ashley just wants to feel free again. She doesn't belong here. All she ask for is for a day of freedom or two, where she can go to the fair her dad used to take her

It's not like they were criminals they're kids for God sakes.

With everybody still trying to plan it out Sayora's vision started to shift.

You have to meet me in the bathroom at 7 remember? A deep voice reminded her.

Sayora asked Ashley for the time, it was 6:55

"Okay," she said as she stood up "I'll be back" with no one paying attention to her she just left.

As she walked things in the room started to change, the halls felt cold and the air smelled like spring.
When she got close to the bathroom door she felt a force push her in . Her eyes remained closed until she was told to open them. When she did he was here again.

"Saint!" She exclaimed as she ran up to hug him successfully.

She took in his smell, a mix a weed and cologne.

"Hey little sis," he smiled at her "I thought you wouldn't make it" he chuckled while still holding on to her

Sayora snuffled in between tears, "why?" She said while tracing her fingers on the back of his neck.

"Because of your new friends, I can tell they're dangerous."

Sayora let go of the hug, not because of his statement but because she didn't feel the moles on his neck.

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