Juliet Noble // Cody Martin

By 0804writer

43.2K 645 161

Juliet is going to school at Seven Seas High School. She's intelligent, pretty, and really shy. Juliet has ne... More

First Day
Looking and Working
Author Notes
Dance and Museum
Harvard or Yale
Moseby's Birthday and Meeting the Parents
Garbage and Hannah Montana
Holiday Special (Part 1)
1 thousand views!!
Holiday Special (Part 2)
Holiday Special (Part 3)
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Holiday Special (Part 4)
First Day, Again
Chief Martin
when in rome
london (part 1)
london (part 2)

Beauty Pageant

1K 20 4
By 0804writer

Juliet's POV

I woke up and got ready for the day. I actually had nothing to do today. I was going to just dance and do homework. I took a shower, blow dried my hair, and got changed.

I grabbed my phone and transferred the stuff in my normal purse to my other. Then I grabbed my bag and headed out onto the main deck.

I walked out on the main deck to see Bailey and Cody and she was putting heels on.

"Hey guys." I said walking over to them

"Hey Juliet." Cody said

"What are you guys doing?" I asked them

"I'm entering the Miss. Tipton pageant, you should do it with me." Bailey said

"um, why not, when is it?"

"Later tonight." Cody said

"And what training do you have?" Cody asked jokingly

"Well, I did pageants until I was 6. I won a few titles. What makes you a good coach?" I asked

"I never said I was, but I was in a pageant when I was little." he said

"Like for guys? I guess I never thought of them." I said

"it was a girl one." Bailey said a bit confused too

"got it." I said confused

"Enough about me, Bailey, would you please walk." Cody said helping Bailey out of the chair

"Cody says I walk like a penguin." Bailey said starting to walk and he wasn't completely wrong and then she had a like stumble

"Bam! you're eliminated." Cody said walking over and I followed

"Now what about talent?" Cody asked Bailey

"I've thought of that, I'm going to sing a song that I wrote." Bailey said excited

"Everyone's going to sing, it's very common. You need to do something that no other girl would think of doing." Cody said

"Like what be your girlfriend?" Bailey said right back

"Well, Juliet, what are you going to be doing?" Cody asked

"I'm going to dance." I said

"Really?" Cody said surprised

"Yes, I'm quite good actually. I'm going to do pointe. Now why don't you try and stand on the tips of your toes and dance." I said

"And you know what I don't need you as my coach." Bailey said

"Fine." He said

"Fine!" Bailey said and Cody turned to walk away

"I'll win this pageant without you. You'll see." Bailey yelled

"Actually I won't because I'm not going." Cody said and then left

"wow." I said a bit taken back by it all

"I'm going to get ready. I'll see you around." Bailey said leaving

"What just happened?" I asked myself completely lost on how that happened and I sat down at the table confused on how fast that just happened

"Hey." someone said and I looked up to see Aiden

"hey." I said still a bit overwhelmed

"What's up?"

"If I'm being honest, I'm not completely sure...Oh, crap." I realizing I'm doing the pageant and don't know what I'm doing

"What?" he asked concerned

"Um...I'm doing the pageant and I have to figure out a routine and find a costume and figure what dresses I'm going to wear." i said realizing he probably doesn't care

"Sorry, um you probably don't care about everything I have to do." I said

"It's fine, I can help with the routine and costume part." he said

"Really?" I said

"yeah, for sure."

"Thank you so much, do you want to go to my room to figure out the costume part and then go to the studio and figure out the routine?" I asked

"Sure, I had nothing planned for today." he said and we got up and went to my room.

We looked throw my closet to find something suitably for the pageant. I did bring a few of my costumes back, but I only brought one tutu. So after a while of figuring it out we came to picked a navy leo and my black tutu. For now I'll keep my hair in a pony and I'll put it in a bun when it's my turn to go on. I got changed in the bathroom and then we went to the studio

We got in the studio and I put my bag down. No one was in there so we had the whole place. We immediately got to work. I choose the song The Other Side by Ruelle. After a few hours of figuring out the choreography we finished.

"Thank you so much for helping me." I said to Aiden as I took my shoes off and put them in my bag

"It's no problem, I'm happy I could help and I can't wait to see you tonight." Aiden said

"Yeah, I better go get ready." I said getting up

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." I smiled and headed back to my room

I got back to my room and immediately headed into the shower. I didn't sweat that much since it's quite cold in there but just to make sure. I blow dried my hair and curled my hair and put a clip in.

Then I did my makeup.

Then I put my first dress on and my necklaces and bracelet and then my heels.

Then I grabbed my normal purse and phone and put it on. Then I put my leo and tutu in a dress bag, then I put my other dress in a dress bag. I took the two dress bags and went to the area where we're all supposed to meet up. Once I put my stuff down I put on my sash that said Princeton and went to Cody's room. When I got there I knocked on his door.

"hey.....Juliet." Cody said opening the door


"You look.... stunning."

"Thanks, but the reason why I came here is because I wanted to tell you to come tonight."

"Thanks Juliet, but I'm not sure."

"It was a silly fight between you guys and I know she would like for you to be there. Even if you don't go for her go because I want you to be there, okay?"

"fine, I'll be there." he said and then I hugged him quickly

"Good." I said and let go

"I got to go now." I said

"Okay, but you really look amazing."

"Thank you, see you." I said and waved goodbye and went to the sky deck because we had to meet up there. We all had to walk to out and do almost like an introduction to the show. Then it started and Mr. Moseby started to announce as we went down the stairs. I was standing behind London and before Bailey. After the introduction we all got changed again and went for questions. I got changed but left my hair, jewelry, and shoes.

Then we went back out and Bailey went and then it was my turn.

"Juliet, As technology is becoming more widely used, do you think that technology will hurt our communication skills over time?" Mr. Moseby asked holding the mic toward me

"I think in some ways it could, but...for me someone who has something called Asperger's which makes some social skills more difficult, I think technology helps, it's a new way to communicate. Some times it's easier to say things with distance, but I think people will always go back to face to face communication when it really counts." I said and smiled and saw Aiden clapping and mouthing 'good job, you're doing great' and then I walked off walking pass the judges table and Zach gave me a thumbs up and smiled, telling me I'm doing okay. Once I was off the stage I had to do my hair and change. I did my hair the same as before and put my leo and tutu on. I put my shoes on and went to find Aiden or Cody because I needed ask one of them to do something for me. I went on the sky deck back by the juice bar and tapped on Aiden's shoulder.

"Hey." I said

"Hey, shouldn't you be back there getting ready?" he asked confused

"Yeah, but could you do me a favor and set up three chairs and a table in the dance studio?" I asked

"Yeah, but why?" he asked more confused

"You'll see." I said realizing I had to go back because I was next after London went with her talent of shopping, and Bailey singing her own song, which was really good it was my turn. I went up to Mr. Moseby and whispered

"have everyone go to the dance studio." I said and he nodded and I went to the dance studio and I could hear Mr. Moseby announce "Would everyone follow me to our dance studio for our final contestants talent of out three finalists."

I went into the studio and saw Aiden finish setting up the chairs.

"Thank you so much." I said walking over to him. There are two walls with mirrors and the other two are windows so hopefully everyone will be able to see and there are really good speakers so I kept the doors open. I was standing inside when I saw people fill in on both sides out side. Then Mr. Moseby came in

"Do you know what you're doing?" he asked and I nodded and he handed the mic which worked in here

"Okay, hello, sorry I made you all move, but it's much easier to show you my talent in here. I'll be doing contemporary pointe and if you don't know what that is it's a type of ballet that's a bit more modern then the traditional type. And if there are any kids you can come sit along the wall in here. I'll start in a minute." I said and handed the mic back to Mr. Moseby.

A few kids came in and sat down. I went into the middle of the studio and started. I was nervous with the questions and even the beginning but now I was in my space. The song started and I started to dance.

{this is the song :) }

{these are a few of the tricks she did, I did not take them, I got them from giphy }

The song ended and I finished. Once I stopped I heard applause. I bowed and then Mr. Moseby came into the center of the room.

"Okay, now that we've seen all of the three finalists talents let all head back onto the deck for the awards in a few moments." he said motioning everyone to leave. I watched everyone leave and then I went to get water and a bar. I went to the kitchen and got a class of water and a homemade bar I made the other day. I was eating my snack when Cody came in. 

"Hey." he said walking in

"Hey." I said drinking water

"You did really great." he said coming over the counter

"Thanks, so did Bailey. I probably won't win, but it was a lot of fun." I said and finished my water and put the cup in the sink to wash later

"She did, but why wouldn't you win?" he asked confused

"Well, no offense to Bailey, but London is kind of a Tipton and it's the Tipton Ship, so she'll probably win, but it's fine I did this to have fun." I said and ate some of my bar

"You deserve to win. You with years of training vs London just shopping, you should win."

"Thanks, but really it's okay. I think Bailey wants it more than me." I said jokingly 

"yeah and though I lover her you should win, but we should be getting back." he said

"Okay." I said and finished my bar and we both went back to the deck and I went to the side of the stage waiting to hear who won when I heard Zach, Woody, and Marcus fighting over what I assume who won. Mr. Mosey went over to them to find out who won. 

"What is going on? Did you pick a winner?" Me asked

"No, we're deadlocked." Zach said

"Plus, we can't agree." Woody said 

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems we have a three way tie." Mr. Moseby said and everyone asked "And so you the audience with applaud for each of the contestants and choose a winner. Ladies, come up here." he said and we all walked onto the stage

"Okay, Let's hear it for Bailey." Mr. Moseby said point to Bailey and she got cheers that were well deserved. 

"Go Bailey." Woody cheered and once the cheers started to stop Mr. Moseby went to London

"Now, London." Mr. Moseby said and there were some cheers 

"Go London! Woo!" Marcus said from the judges panel

Then London opened her phone and said "Drop 10,000 dollars." and then money started to drop onto the ship and people started to pick it up. I looked over at Bailey and she didn't look happy. I honestly don't really care, London or Bailey could win instead of me. Then once all the money was collected by the people they sat back down and Mr. Moseby was going to do me, but then I decided to say something

"And finally-." he started

"It's okay, London won the crowds applause, we don't need to do mine." I said looking at Mr. Moseby and the audience

"But she bribed them, that isn't fair." Bailey said 

"Juliet deserves to win." Zach said

"Thanks, but London and Bailey care more to win than me so let one of them win. I did this to have fun and dance and I did. They can win the title, but I already won in my own way." I said and people started to cheer 

"You don't-" I started but the I saw Aiden stand up and start "Juliet, Juliet, Juliet, Juliet,..." He said chanting and people started to cheer

"Really- I-n-I, stop, Aiden-stop." I said not being able to put a whole two words together being embarrassed and then I saw Cody and he was also chanting and the next thing I knew I was having a sash put on and flowers being given to me and a crown being put on my head. I was started to get overwhelmed by everything, I tried to stay calm. I smiled and stood there and then the mic was put in-front  of me and it was becoming too much.

"Thank you, but I'm not the winner. They are." I said giving the flowers to Mr. Moseby and then taking the crown off and giving it to Bailey  and taking the sash off and handing it to London. 

Then I stepped back and said "They are the actual winners, not me." I said and turned and walked off there stage. Then I heard cheers for them and then I covered my ears and kept walking back to the room where my stuff was. I started to clean up and a few of the girls came over to me.

"Why would you give up the crown?" 

"You won, why wouldn't you take it?"

"I don't know why you won."

"I wonder what they saw in you." 

they all were bombarding me with questions and mean comments and it was too much. I dropped what I was trying to put away and walked out bumping into someone so I said sorry and kept walking. I was walking away when I heard.

"Wait, Juliet." and so I turned around and saw Aiden.

"hey." I said and turned back around with my ears covered and my eyes barely open and kept walking

I was walking past people when I was pulled by my arm in a hallway and my eyes were closed and I was still covering my ears. I was shaking at this point and standing with my eyes closed and I think someone was saying something, but I just wasn't listening. Then I think someone started to hug me tightly which wasn't terrible. I started to relax and I open my eyes and released my hands from my ears and a bit and heard

"Shh, everything is going to be okay..." and looked up and saw Cody with his eyes closed trying to say things to calm me down. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back and said "thank you."

"of course, everything is just fine." he said as I leaned my head against his chest. It felt nice, the last time I hugged someone like this was probably James. 

"I'll always be here, I promise." he said

"thanks, and I'll be here if you ever need me." I said

"I'll always need you." he said and I looked up at him and he said "I do...you are the best person I have in my life." I smiled, but I also felt guilty so I started to let go

"Sorry if what I said upset you...." he said and I was facing away from him

"It's not that, exactly, just I shouldn't be, Bailey, your girlfriend should be." I said and there was silence between us

"Cody, you have a girlfriend, I should step back if that's how you feel." I said 

"What? No, Juliet-" he started and mumbled off

"what? I like Bailey and I can step back, it's what best for your relationship with her. she should be your priority. I'm not going anywhere, but Bailey is your girlfriend." I said 

"What about us?" he asked and I turned around 

"Us?" I said confused

"We're friends, but you and Bailey are in a relationship. It's only fair to her for me to step back. We'll always be good friends, but for now I should give you guys space." I said turning to leave

"And what if I don't want to? don't I have a say?" Cody asked and I stopped

"Cody, you and I both know it's for the best, so please don't make this harder than this already is." I said and walked away. I was proud of myself for not crying. I went back to the room and clean everything up and went back to my room. I was about to get changed when I heard a knock at the door and I opened it to see Aiden standing holding something behind his back.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked confused

"Well, you may have not thought you deserved to win, but everyone else did, so I got you this." he said holding a tiara out.

"Aiden-" I started but he stopped me 

"sh, I know it isn't the real thing, but it's all I could find on such short notice." he said jokingly and motioned to put it on my head and I moved my head down. 

He placed it and said "Much better."and I just shook my head jokingly 

"I should be going, have a nice night, Juliet." he said starting to leave. 

"Wait, thank you, and I hope you have a night too." I said and he smiled back and then left. 

I took a shower and then went to bed. I have to give Cody space, it's what's best for everyone...I hope...

**Author's Notes**

Hey guys, so sorry that it's taken this long to update again. I was really busy with my schools play, but now play is over and I will hopefully be able to update again soon. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment if you did. Also please follow me, I've been thinking about leaving messages on my page, let me know what you think. Okay, that's all, until next time :)

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