
By squir_squir

87.1K 2.2K 4.5K

Pearl believes that Mr. Nick (aka Phoenix Wright) is Maya's special someone, and has done all she can to get... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note
Special Episode
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Fanart Time!!!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's Note

Chapter 17

2.3K 71 30
By squir_squir

Sitting there thinking about it wasn't going to get me anywhere.

Besides, there are things I need to start planning.

Christmas had come and gone, New Years too, and for both we were lectured by Gumshoe to not do or try anything with them. He said it was better that they celebrate the holidays like they normally would without it getting too awkward.

But from what I heard from Phoenix, they had become just a little bit closer. Gumshoe hasn't told me much on his end either. I suppose Edgeworth didn't tell him.

With both occasions out of the way, work was steadily coming back and things had returned to normal. Well, before I received the news of a parcel for Phoenix.

I should probably go tell him.

Stretching, I stood up and made my way over to his office. I knocked twice before entering to find him sifting through papers and folders. "Hey, Nick. How are things?"

Facing me, he smiled. "Hey, Maya. Yeah, things are alright. Although I do feel as though my head will explode." At that, he hung his head in his hands. "Since it's the new year, I've been going through the files and folders and doing a massive cleanup of the office."

"You could've asked me for help you know." I went to his side and looked at the work pile. "On second thoughts, I think I'll leave it up to you."

Phoenix rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Maya."

"No problem!" Patting his back, I remembered what I came here for. "Oh yeah, I was on the phone with Gumshoe just before and he said he had a parcel for you at the precinct."

"Gumshoe? Why does he have a parcel for me?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. It has your name on it but no address. Don't know why it's at the precinct though. The person could easily look you up and find your address."

"Mm." Phoenix sat in his chair with his hands crossed. "I suppose I better go down and collect it then. I'll find out more from Gumshoe there."

"I'll come too!"

Phoenix stopped to turn and face me. "Actually, I was hoping you could stay here and keep an eye on the place. Is that alright?"

"Oh uh, okay. I can stay."

I really wanted to go though...

He nodded. "Thanks, Maya. If you have any troubles, just call me. And if there's a client keep them entertained until I come back or get their details and I'll contact them later. Oh, and—"

"Oh for goodness sake, Nick, just go! Pearly and I can look after ourselves, you don't have to worry so much." I push him in the direction of the front door. "Go on! Get out before I make you!"

"Haha, okay, I'm gone! Bye!"

Finally, he's gone.

I move out of the office and sit back down on the couch. Thinking to myself, I understood why Phoenix asked us to stay but it was very rare for him to do so and he usually only asks us if he's doing a simple errand.

I wish I could've gone with him. I wanted to see what the deal is with this parcel.

Instead, I sat there, waiting patiently for Phoenix's return.

January 6 12:36 PM

Wright & Co. Law Offices

It had been a while since Phoenix went to the precinct. He had received a parcel with only his name on it. No address to where it was going or where it came from. Naturally, we were confused but Phoenix decided to go down and investigate. He left Pearl and I at the office to look after things and in case there were any clients.

But no one has come in at all.

Time passed by slowly. Pearl was in her room reading her books, and the only sound was the ticking of the clock and me tapping on my phone. Time was moving very slowly. But a knock coming from the door startled me out of my seat.

A client?

I rushed to the door. "Hello, this is Wright & Co. Law Offices! How may we help you?"

Barely finishing my question, I noticed the person standing in front of me was a police officer. He did a small salute before speaking.

"I'm sorry, but is Mr. Wright here? Mr. Phoenix Wright?"

I shook my head. "I'm afraid not. He just went down to the precinct."

"He did?" The officer groaned. "I just came from there to deliver this parcel to him and now I find out he's gone down there himself! Just my luck."

"Oh." I looked at his hands to see he was holding a box. "Is that the parcel he was asked to pick up?"

"I guess so. I didn't know he was coming to pick it up. I was told to come here as soon as possible and give it to him."

Feeling dejected, the officer held the parcel out to me and asked me to pass it on to Phoenix. I nodded and gave my apologies for making him work so hard. He just nodded and turned to leave, not before he bumped into Phoenix who had just returned.

"Ah, Mr. Wright! Sorry about that. I just came to deliver a parcel to you from the precinct."

Phoenix quirked an eyebrow. "You did?"

"Yeah. I just passed it onto your assistant so if you don't mind, I should be getting back to work. Sorry for the trouble."

With a salute, he left. I looked to Phoenix and saw him furrow his brows. "Something the matter, Nick? I've got the parcel here if you want to inspect it."

Shaking his head, he walked pass me to his office and sat in his chair. "No, it's just...he said he came to deliver the parcel to me..."

"And he did. I've got it right here." I lifted the box in my hand. "See? Arrived here safe and sound."

"That's not it." Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a box similar to the one that I have. "This is the one Detective Gumshoe handed to me."

I looked between the 2 boxes. Placing them side by side, the one I received was bigger than the other but that was the only difference. Everything else was the same in terms of their packaging. They both had his name written on them but no address.

The writing for his name are the exact same too.

Confused, I began tearing them open.

"Maya! What are you doing?!"

"What? How else are we going to know what's inside unless we open them? Besides, maybe they'll hint to who sent them."

Sighing in resignation, Phoenix waved for me to continue. Taking the box I received earlier, I removed the tape holding it shut and opened it.

"Nick...what's this?" 

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