After the Darkness

By Kalekona01

21.6K 698 37

Five years after a horrible event that changed her life forever, Sang Sorenson meets back up with the Blackbo... More

Getting There
First Meeting
Shocking News
Trials for Secrets Part 1
Trials for Secrets Part 2
Author's note
Tour of the House
The Mission Part 1
The Mission Part 2
The Treatment
The Aftermath
The Rules of the House: Shadows
The Rules of the House: Ghost Part 1
The Rules of the House: Ghost Part 2
The Rules of the House: Giant Part 1
The Rules of the House: Giant Part 2
The Rules of the House: Sparky Part 1
The Rules of the House: Sparky Part 2

The Rules of the House: Techno Part 1

479 12 0
By Kalekona01

Tonie POV

The rays of sunshine lit up my room as I was starting to hear the sounds of people moving. Glancing at the alarm clock on my nightstand. I groaned as I realized that I slept in longer than I should have. I was all ready to be up and moving by now, which was 6:30. There was something I needed to talk to Stella about. I rushed out of my unmade bed and got ready for the day. As I was getting dressed, I was thinking of all of the positive things that the quiet observant female brought into my life. Once I was dressed, I headed downstairs to the second floor. I noted that all of the doors held noise hidden behind them as I walked straight to Stella's room. Once inside, I froze at the sight that I was seeing. There was someone that I didn't know in bed with Stella. He had his arms around her to protect her physically. I wanted to let out a laugh because Stella was the one the protected us, the Shadows included that way hardly ever the opposite way. Shaking my head at that thought of him protecting her, I went to her desk and wrote a note for her. I tack it to one of the locations that I know that only she would be the only one to found it. I made a copy of it to hand over to Grayson as soon as I could find him. My watch told me it was already 7:15, I went back to the seventh floor to see my team spilling out their rooms trying to wake up before something happens. Something happens every morning that makes everyone in the house get up and be aware. The problem for those who like their sleep, it's hardly ever the same event that happens. There was a very loud thud from below us that was followed by others below and above us. By the sounds of it, it sounded like someone fell out of bed that made others also fall out of bed. Snorting softly, I gather my stuff for the day and what needed to get done as I went to the sitting area where Camille walked over with two cups of coffee. Coffee's on the coffee table, we both grabbed something to read over but chatted as we read together. 

Camille POV

As we chatted, our wolf pups woke up and headed over to us. As they jump into our laps disturbing our neat piles of papers we had. There was a call to everyone from Zara who cooked breakfast for everyone ready for the day. Once breakfast was on the table, everyone was quiet as we ate waffles and bacon. Once my plate was clear of food, I grabbed my plate and headed towards the kitchen we had on our floor to wash the plates while Zara dried them. After they were dried Tilda is going to put the dishes away. I hope that it would remind those two not to pick a fight that is not needed with the others. This last one was with Grayson and those two accidentally picked a very bad topic. However, the reaction, got me thinking not positively. His reaction was very similar to Stella but not the others. All we know is that something happened that made Grayson and Stella very close but we can't tell what it was. The reaction might tip me in the direction I prayed that wasn't true. I hoped to god that they weren't sexually abused because that means the scars they carry go far deeper then what we thought. After washing the dishes in light-hearted nature teasing, I went to find Tom. I asked the others and pointed me to where he was. Knocking on his door before opening it, I saw my genius just stare blankly at the wall. Walking on silent feet, I sat beside him and just grabbed his hand to let him know that he is not alone. About 10 minutes later, my hand was entwined with his squeezed lightly. "Want to talk about it?" I probed gently. His rough raw voice answered me back. "Not really but if I don't I go into a panic attack." I felt my eyebrow go up in response because that means it was one of the worst times in his life. "Remember the time that I went to go hunt down the trio known as The Hunters? I got them and in the process, I put them in comas that would lead to their deaths. When the dark leaders found out, they ordered me to go to the torture room. I comply to hopefully get out sooner. I was right but they made those thirty minutes a very strong reminder to listen to my orders."

Zara POV

I was standing at the door when Tom starting talking, and I listened. I kept silent knowing if I make a noise, he won't talk about it again for a while. Once I heard silence, I opened the door to join Camille and my love. Tom just carried on talking once I settled on his other side with his hand in mine. "The girls were in the room and they looked beaten up pretty badly. Stella was the worst as I saw that they used her as a target for target practice again. However, they got their hands on a father and son. The moment I saw them, I knew that they were going to kill them, so the five of us made sure they got out alive. The lesson they deemed that we needed for that action was one of the worst because they made us watch get each other beaten up more. I ended up having to carry Stella out. Once she was out of the room, they took her to her cell where they put the shackles on her with very little clothing they deemed worthy. There was no medical attention for her but for the rest of us, they cleaned us up and sent us back to our cells." Tears wanted to escape my eyes as I tried to imagine how much the effect of this moment is present and the weight of that scar. Stella is one that we can talk to but she hardly shares anything about her past. We all understand that she got hurt the most out of the nine of them. I know that she knows that when she decides to share she can with us. A somber mood fell across the room as the others entered. Their faces told us that they heard it all already. Tom looked at all of us and a brokenly sad smile with his eyes showing sorrow and pain. The silence lasted until Tom decided to get up dragging us into the sitting area one by one. "Today won't be a sad day if I can help it" Tom declared proudly to us. The rest of us looked at each other and nodded our agreement. I jumped up to my feet rushing over to him and slam my lips to his. He returned the passion tenfold as he tightens his grip on me, pulling me closer.

Tilda POV

His story that he told tears me inside knowing that he had to go through that. However, what pisses me off the most is that the one they hurt the most they did nothing for. Stella was the hardest one to warm up to but it was worth it. The part that hurts the most is that she is struggling with the memories of her past. I can't imagine what runs through her head on the daily basics. However, it just makes me more active in my pursuit to make sure that all of them get to truly live life. Especially Tom as he is willing to do whatever necessary to make the most of the day instead of moping around. I was pulled back into the present moment as Tom makes a noise and preps for the one our favorite past times, bowling. Sharing looks, we all grabbed our bowling shoes and headed down to the first floor. Entering the door, I had a flashback of when we were surprised by this room.

All of us were in the living room just chilling after a hard mission when Stella popped in. I was not as wary of her as I was when we first met but still wary of a degree. She signed to us with a small smile, come on I have a surprise for you lot. Well, this is interesting, not a warning or a glare from her. Looks were shared as we got up to follow her down the hallway. She stopped at an ornate wooden door that had a sign covered in paper. However, there was no keypad or keyhole on the doorknob. She opened the door letting us go in first. How she knows that we love to go bowling we had no idea as we never told her that. I look at her, for a moment I could see fear and worry in her eyes. That was when I realized that she gives a shit about us but she just didn't know how to show it to us. The others went forward to explore the room as I went to Stella. She immediately stiffens as stiff as steel. Gently grabbing her hand, I pulled her into a hug showing her my thank you and joy. Slowly I felt her arms wrap loosely around me as I whispered into her ear. "You are worth all the trouble. You are not alone in your fight anymore with the others. You have us supporting you too."

Hey everyone, I hope that you all are staying healthy and trying to make the best of the situation. Hopefully, I should be able to get some more updates soon. Also, let me know if you would like a sneak peek for the future of this story? Message me if you would like that!

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