Barden Love

By Andile05-12

7.2K 247 6

Emily was always treated like the princess in her school and neighborhood. This was because she was kind, fri... More

Bumper's party
Dysfunctional Family
Mountain View
Ain't no party like a Mitchell party
Family Fun Day
Cheer up
Nice to meet you
Songs and Drama
Music video
Let's party
It had to happen eventually
Pyschos and new beats
Another music video
Barden Awards
And the award goes to..
Record deal
Past year

First day back

586 16 0
By Andile05-12

Beca woke up when she heard her brother yell in her ear. She fell off the bed and saw both her siblings laughing at her.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?!"

"In our defence we tried to wake you up gently but you are a deep sleeper, so I thought Jesse should yell in your ear. Now get up before we're late for school." Emily said as she and Jesse left the room still laughing.

Beca went and got ready for school then went downstairs for breakfast. "She's alive!!" Beca's mom yelled when she sat down.

"Barely. I feel like a zombie." Beca said as she put a pancake on her plate.

"Look like one too." Jesse added and Emily laughed. The kids ate then went to get their backpacks and got in their dad's car and he drove them to school. In the car the listened to a lot of music.

When they got there they saw their friends. "Hey Mitchells!!" greeted Cynthia.

"Sup weirdos." Beca greeted back.

"So how was summer at your dad's old town?" Benji asked the three siblings.

"It was awesome, there were lots of trees at his lake house. We went camping and Emily sold a song to one of her dad's old friends." Jesse said a bit too excited.

"Okay, calm down before you pass out dude." Emily said trying to get him to calm down.

The bell rang for morning assembly. In tradition the first day of school at Barden High School is not a learning day. The kids were given their schedules, the principal introduced the staff, the kids were told about the school program then the kids went for lunch.

"Well that was boring." Bumper said as the kids sat down at their table. "But we're done with the stupid intros so after lunch we get to watch the dance team perform."

"Oh, by the way guys I need you to meet my cousins. Keep in mind that only one of them is my real cousin, the other two are just the kids of my dad's best friends who I call my uncles." Benji explained as he spotted his cousins walking towards him and his friends.

"Whatever weirdo. Just introduce us to them." Donald said as he took a sip of his juice. Benji then signaled for the three girls to come over.

"Okay guys these are my cousins Stacie Conrad, Chloe Beale and Aubrey Posen. And these are my friends and they are way to many for me to introduce one by one." Benji introduced.

"Well you have to introduce me, I'm Fat Amy. The interesting one."

"Why do you call yourself Fat Amy?" Aubrey asked.

"So twig bitches don't say it behind my back."

"Makes sense to me" Chloe said.

"Okay now all you have to know is that Amy is not the interesting one here-" Beca was cut off by Jesse.

"Yep because I'm the interesting one here."

"You wish dork. I'm way more interesting than you, last time I-" Emily was cut off by Beca.

"Whoa! I was talking about me you dimwits!!" Beca yelled at her siblings.

"These three are Beca, Jesse and Emily. They're siblings." Benji said to his cousins.

"And they are very close." Added Cynthia as the three continued to argue.

"They seem like fun." Chloe commented.

"They seem childish to me." Aubrey raised eyebrow.

"Well, get used to it sweetheart cause we're all childish." Jesse said after hitting Beca and Emily with his schedule.

"I don't know Bree, I think their childish behavior is cute." Stacie finally spoke.

"Thank you. See blondie your friend over here gets it." Said Jesse grinning at Aubrey.

"My name is not Blondie it's-" she was cut off by Jesse.

"Aubrey Posen. Yeah I know, Benji already introduced you. You should really learn to lighten up a bit sweetheart." Jesse said before letting out a laugh.

"Well you two are definitely gonna be great friends." Flo said as she and Emily laughed at the two.

"That would be very unfortunate." Aubrey said as she crossed her arms.

"Don't be so bitter Bree." Chloe said as she and the other two girls sat down.

"I would listen to red over here if was you Blondie." Beca said while smirking.

"So your just gonna call us by our hair color?" Stacie asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe these two but not you." Emily answered.

"Okay next topic, what after school activity are you three gonna be doing?" Donald asked.

"Well I don't know about these two but I'm thinking of joining the volleyball team." Stacie said shifting in her seat.

"Well lucky you legs. Legacy here is on the team and she can sign you up, as long as your good at it." Amy said pointing at Emily.

"Cool, would you really do that?" Stacie asked smiling at the slightly younger girl.

"Yep, just meet me back here after the second assembly." Emily said and Stacie looked a bit confused. "Yes we have two assemblies on the first day."

The kids kept the conversation going and then went for assembly to watch the dance team perform. After the performance the kids were given a chance to talk and sign up for a few clubs. Emily and Stacie met up while Beca and the rest tried to help Aubrey and Chloe pick an activity.

"Okay, so if you come with me to the gym we can see what you've got." Emily said while pulling Stacie into an empty gym.

"So you want me to play against you?" Stacie asked as she picked up the volleyball.

"Yeah, pretty much." Emily said as Stacie started the game and they began to play.

"So can we do a Q and A?" Stacie asked.

"Sure, go ahead and ask."

"Okay. Why did Fat Amy  call you 'Legacy'?"

"Everyone calls me that because my mom and my grandma used to play volleyball. So it just seems like a legacy. Next question."

"Okay, favorite color."

"Wow that's really digging deep into my soul." Emily said sarcasm in her voice.

"Shut up and answer." Stacie laughed.

"Okay, it's royal blue."

"Oh, I see your highness." Stacie bows and laughs. They continue playing and asking each other questions. Emily even came up with a nickname for Stacie. After the game they went to sign Stacie up for volleyball.

"Hey Eiffel can you please sign Stacie up?" Emily said to the girl who was writing down the names of the people who wanted to sign up.

"Okay, first off you were supposed to help me here but you didn't now you want me to sign your girlfriend up?" Alexia frowned.

"Okay, first off, that's the captain's job,that's you. Second, I only agreed to help you with running tryouts. Third,she's my friend, we both know I don't date. Now sign her up." Emily shot back.

"Whatever you say but you don't have to sign her up since she's your 'friend' and you're helping with tryouts. All she has to do is show up." Alexia reminded Emily.

"Oh, right. Let's go find the others." Emily said as she and Stacie walked away. "Bye Eiffel."

They met up with the rest of their friends and enjoyed the rest of their first day at school.

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