Sanders Sides x Reader Onesho...

By HiThereFellowKids

115K 2.5K 11.9K

{Currently on permanent haitus} Just another oneshot book! If you have a request, there is more information i... More

||REQUESTS CLOSED|| Request Page
Thomas Sanders x bullied!Fander!Reader
Patton x sick!Reader
Logan (Logic) x Suicidal!Reader
Roman x Reader
Virgil x abused!child!Reader Part one
Virgil x abused!child!Reader Part two
Virgil x abused!child!Reader Part three
Deceit x side!teen!Reader
Virgil x extremely childish!Reader
Vrigil x abused!child!Reader Part four
All x Reader
Patton x Reader
Patton x Reader Part Two
Virgil x soulmate!Reader
Logan x soulmate!Reader
Another A/N
Roman x soulmate!Reader
Patton x soulmate!Reader
All x childish!teenager!Side!Reader
Patton x internet friend!Reader
Short Oneshot
This is for you
Patton x blind!Side!Reader x boyfriend!Virgil
Deceit x soulmate!Reader
2K reads?!?
Patton x self-harming!Reader
Patton is such an innocent bean
Roman x servant!Reader
Not an update!
Selfharming!Virgil x Reader
Logan x fluffball of anxiety!Reader
Deceit x Patton-like!Side!Reader
Selfharming!Virgil x selfharming!Reader
Thomas x bullied!sibling!Reader
Roman x selfharming!Reader
Logan x abused!Reader
Roman x assassin!Reader
Patton x Reader
Thomas x actor!Reader
Virgil x tutor!Reader
Deceit x Reader
Thomas x Reader x Sides
Virgil x singer!Reader
Platonic!All x Winged!Reader
Q&A for 10k
Virgil x Reader
Roman x playwright!Reader
Logan x deaf!Reader
Roman x grieving Reader
Virgil x significant other!Reader
Thomas x All Sides x Reader
Everyone x Reader
Virgil x Reader
Virgil x harassed! Reader
Virgil x Reader Part Two
Logan x adopted!daughter!Reader
Criminal!Roman x Partner in crime!Reader
Human!Remus x Reader
Child!Logan x child!Reader
Human!Deceit x Reader
Demon!Virgil x Reader
Positivity Palace

Patton x roommate!Reader

838 20 275
By HiThereFellowKids

TW: brief mention of abandonment.

Please tell me if I need to add anything!

You were woken up by the sound of sobbing from the room next to you. 

Checking the clock, you saw that it was 2:47 a.m. And someone was crying in the room next to you.

Still half asleep it took you a second to realize that that was Patton who was crying, your roommate. You had lived together for almost two years now.

Now fully awake and very concerned, you slipped out of your bed and walked towards you door, opening it and stepping into the hallway. You crept quietly closer to Patton's room, then stopped in front of his door.

"Patton? You okay?" You asked while knocking on the door.

The crying cut out with a sharp gasp. "O-oh! Ye-yeah, I'm fi-fine!" Pat's voice shook, and revealed just how 'fine' he was.

"...Can I come in?" You asked, your voice soft and gentle, one hand on the doorknob.

The reply came after a moment of silence. "...yeah.." 

You felt relieved Patton didn't try to shut you out and slowly opened the door. You could see easily because of the nightlight Patton kept in his room. He was sitting up on his bed, looking down and hugging his pillow. He looked up when you came in, revealing that he was crying and looked miserable and terrified.

You were at his side, hugging him in seconds. "Oh, Pat, I'm here. I've got you, and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon."

Patton held you tightly, shaking a little as he tried to not cry. "I'm-I'm sorry for-"

"Don't you dare apologize for waking me up. I'd much rather be awake and helping you feel better than leaving you alone to cry in the middle of the night just so I could sleep." 

Patton laughed weakly. "I guess- I guess that's fair."

Seeing that he felt just a little better, you decided to ask him a question. "Now, what's wrong? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but if you do I'm willing to listen." You kept your voice soft and made sure to hold Patton gently.

Patton looked down, reminded of why you were in his room in the first place.  "Well... I.." he hesitated.

"I promise I won't judge you or say a word of this to anyone, if that helps." You carefully said.

Pat nodded and took a deep breath before continuing. "I.. I had a nightmare."

Shifting your position so Patton would be more comfortable, you asked quietly "What was it about?"

"You... You were there, but.. you were different... But no one else could-could tell the difference, just me. Then you- you asked me if I want to go to-to a farm with you, and I-I said yes, and then you drove us out into- into the middle of nowhere and-and-" Patton cut himself off.

"Hey hey it's okay, Pat, take your time. I'm not going anywhere." You reassured him, running a calm hand through his hair. Patton seems to calm down at the gesture and so you kept doing it.

"-And then we got out of the car, and you- you lead me away, and I-I was stuck, I don't know why- but then you just- you just drove away, and-and you left me there, all- all alone." Patton recalled the rest of his nightmare in a hushed tone.

"Oh, Pat, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry you had that nightmare. I promise I'd never do that, never in a million years." You held him just a little tighter.

Paton was silent, a little wary still but partially believing you.

"...I pinky promise." You smiled a little and held out your hand, little pinky finger extended.

Patton smiled weakly and entwined his pinky with yours. "Pinky promise." He echoed.

You started to hum the tune of Patton's favourite song, rocking him gently back and forth. Patton seemed to be much calmer after you did this, but still jumpy and scared. Then you got an idea.

"Hey, Patton?"

"Yeah-?" He looked up at you.

"You know what always makes me feel better?" You grinned.

"...What?" Pat asked, a small smile growing on his face, getting the idea you got.

"Hot chocolate. What do you say we go and make some? With extra marshmallows!" You offered.

Patton smiled. "You know what? I think- I think that's a great idea."

You and Patton got up and left his room to make hot chocolate. You added extra chocolate powder to his, knowing Patton liked his extra chocolatey. As soon as the water was done boiling, you added it and stirred in the powder, creating yummy hot chocolate. But you weren't done yet, oh no. Patton needed a treat! And so did you. Grabbing the milk from the fridge you added a dollop to each mug, Patton's favourite cat and dog mug and your (favourite mug). Then came the marshmallows.

You added enough marshmallows to each that it made carrying them to the living room without spilling a near impossible task. 

Patton had decided to set up a nest of blankets and pillows on the floor for the two of you to sit in. There was enough room to lie down in it, too. Plus Patton had made it close to the coffee table so you'd both have somewhere to put your mugs.

As if by a predetermined agreement, you set the mugs down while Patton turned on the tv and set it to 'Lady And The Tramp'.

You got comfy in the blanket and pillow nest and held Patton close when he got in. Cuddling, drinking your hot chocolate and watching the movie, the both of you slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

When you both woke up the next morning, you were still holding each other close.

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