Times Three (X3)

By kingbeeseries

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AN ORIGINAL TEEN FICTION/ROMANCE/MYSTERY NOVEL. One's dangerous interest in power, status and greed can lead... More

CHAPTER 1 - Douchebags
CHAPTER 2 - Violence
CHAPTER 3 - Gorgeous Mariyah
CHAPTER 4 - Tariq
CHAPTER 5 - Invitation
CHAPTER 6 - Wild
CHAPTER 7 - The Gang
CHAPTER 8 - Blood Types
CHAPTER 9 - 18 Years
CHAPTER 10 - Emotions
CHAPTER 11 - Tattoo
CHAPTER 12 - Truth & Trust
CHAPTER 13 - Secrets
CHAPTER 14 - Stabbed
CHAPTER 15 - Hands Where I Can See Them
CHAPTER 16 - Blueprint
CHAPTER 17 - Kissed
CHAPTER 18 - Fight
CHAPTER 19 - Home Sweet Home
CHAPTER 20 - Illinois
CHAPTER 21 - I'm Yours
CHAPTER 22 - The President's Daughter
CHAPTER 23 - I'm coming back for you
CHAPTER 24 - Jada is back
CHAPTER 25 - The Game
CHAPTER 26 - Cody And Mariyah
CHAPTER 27 - The White House
CHAPTER 28 - My Dad
CHAPTER 29 - Tension In The Room
CHAPTER 30 - Leverage
CHAPTER 31 - Dirty Work
CHAPTER 32 - Hurting
CHAPTER 33 - P.O.V's
CHAPTER 34 - Liars
CHAPTER 35 - Missing Peices
CHAPTER 36 - Prison
CHAPTER 37 - For The Right Price
CHAPTER 38 - Lost You Twice
CHAPTER 39 - I Love You
CHAPTER 41 - Triplets Apart
CHAPTER 42 - Birth Name
CHAPTER 43 - Ugly Witch
CHAPTER 44 - Portrait
CHAPTER 45 - Date Night
CHAPTER 46 - Date Night 2
CHAPTER 47 - Hospital Bed
CHAPTER 48 - Leak Information
CHAPTER 49 - Leave The Nest
CHAPTER 50 - Kissing
CHAPTER 51 - Brunette
CHAPTER 52 - Cheated
CHAPTER 53 - Symbol
CHAPTER 54 - Yes
CHAPTER 55 - Disapprove
CHAPTER 56 - Wedding Or Not
CHAPTER 57 - Patrice
CHAPTER 58 - My Heart Aches
CHAPTER 59 - Apart
CHAPTER 60 - Helium
CHAPTER 61 - Press Conference
CHAPTER 62 - Darker Shades Of Black

CHAPTER 40 - Sisters

54 10 7
By kingbeeseries



Previously On Triplets Apart:
Jada leaves the White House and finds Tariq with Emma at a cafe. It broke her heart and in her defense, she attempts to remove her tattoo. She was stopped in the process by Tariq as he pours out his entire heart, expressing his love for her, she did the same.



#47 in friend fiction! Thank you!


"This is really good. Where'd you learn to cook like this girl?" Tariq asks, muffled from food in his mouth.

"You don't speak with food in your mouth." I scold, pointing my fork at him.

He swallows then takes a sip of his orange juice, his favorite.

"Who taught you?" He asks again smiling.

"The internet, cooking tutorials and Charlotte on some occasions."

"So apart from watching horror movies all night, you actually have a hobby that doesn't involves being scary." He smirks which earns a chuckle from me.. taking another bite of his omelet.

"So you were scared." I grin, sipping apple juice.

"Uuhh, nooo." He rolls his eyes and I chuckle again, he seems annoyed now. "So what made you spent the night?"

"Because... I feel at peace with you. All that shit going on at the White House, uhm.. I told you this last night."

"Oh yeah. Some step mother you have there. Better yet, Aunt."

"Oh trust me, she won't be my step mother very soon. And Rebecca is not my aunt." I correct.

"Do you think your plan will work?"

"I know it will." My smile is confident as I retrace the things I did a few hours ago, constantly making sure that it was seamless.

"You're scary." He eyes me side ways and I just can't handle how cute he is.

"I know." I giggle.

I spent the night at Tariq's mansion and we were all alone. Tyrell wasn't here, probably because of some newly found love interest of the sort. This house belongs to Tyrell, his and Tariq's official home. Tyrell was back at his penthouse which is apparently his other place where stays sometimes, mostly whenever he has lady friends visits. He doesn't brings them here because of the respect he still has for Amra's mom but of course he won't say that out loud.

I got up and cooked breakfast in the huge, extravagance they call a kitchen for both of us while he was still sleeping.. just the thought of doing something nice for him for always being there for me. I'm wearing one of his oversized Sean John shirts, it looks baggy on me because it's his and I'm way smaller than him obviously. My hair is down and messy and wearing socks and for some reason he's been enjoying the scenery all morning.

I can't leave my phone alone since Kyrie texted me and told me to download this app called Free Fire. Whenever the excitement of the game sucks me in, I momentarily forget about all the things that bother me. I never knew Lexa was a gamer until her, Kyrie and I all started to play together. I don't tell Tariq about this just to avoid the awkwardness he might create. It's just a trio of friends having fun online. I didn't tell him about the hug either because of course, he'll read into the whole situation way more than he's supposed to.

I place my phone on charge so we can sit around the mahogany wood dining table, stuffing our faces as a way of starting off an epic day the right way. It's about to get probably really stressful in just a few hours, might as well kick start things with good food. A lot of good food. I pause from eating as my curiosity bothers me.

"So last night..." I trail off and I watch his eyeballs roll up, staring at me.

"What about it?" He finally lifts his head, fighting to bite away the amused smirk.

"Why didn't you.. you know.." Why am I so shy with this ridiculous shrug, looking at my plate as if anything is in it that makes sense.

"Why didn't I try to have sex with you?" He spits it right out and I can hear the smirk in his tone. I nibble on my lower lip. "The night was about you, not me.. I only wanted you to be comfortable around me and to be happy. I'd be selfish to try and take disadvantage of you when you're at your lowest. What do I look like? What kind of an ass do you think I am?" He asks harshly with an 'okay then' expression. His careless speech amuses me at times and if I didn't know him, I'd think he's being offensive. Like, he says anything without filtering it first and he doesn't give a damn how it comes across. Almost like myself.

"Hey, language?" I scold.

With that being said, It's a shame to say that after all this time, I'm just seeing him in a different light. I had no clue that he could be such a thoughtful gentleman. I really need to forget about his pass and allow my underlying perspective of him to die out.

He stops eating and looks at me in curiosity. "You've never slept at a guy's place, haven't you?"

"What? No. Why'd you ask such a thing?" The childish disgust is clear in my voice and he finds it funny for some reason. What? Not all of us has sex listed on our teenage priority wish list.

"My point exactly." He points an index at me, I gaze at him confused. "Your reaction just now. You were tense for a while last night prior to you getting comfortable and eventually falling asleep in my arms." His smile becomes warmer as I obviously reminisces, I bite my lower lip looking down again.

"But I mean.. if you wanted me to play with the kitty, you could've said it." He shrugs and the stupid, cocky smirk returns.

I gasp, glaring at him. "You... piece a shit!" My words earn an hysterical laugh and I wish the floor would open and swallow me up to ease the embarrassment.

"Hey, you've never..." He starts but realizes my expression which already answers his question.

"No. I'm still a.. you know..." I trail off. He stares at me without answering, astonished for some reason. What? Not because I'm surrounded by alcohol, lovely looking alpha males and parties means that I have to do my part to meet society's standards. It's not like I don't have a choice and I'm going to do time for not having sex. "You finished?" I ask in reference to his food and he nods.

I gather the dishes in a pile to wash them.

Approaching the sink, prior to a pair of firm arms wrapping around my waist from behind. My body stiffens as the annoying shivers travelling down my spine again. I close my eyes, embracing the feeling of his hard, firm torso against my back.

"Relax." He whispers which results in me sucking in my lower lip...sinking my teeth into it to try and relax.

He presses a soft kiss against my neck, tilting my head to the opposite side as a breath of pleasure escapes my lips, my eyes still closed.

Sweet mother of pearl, is this really happening now? Right here in this kitchen?

I just ate but somehow now craving something else. Something else that is not food but in human form instead.

well maybe it is actually..

"We already have people for that." He says in reference to the dishes as he kisses my neck. His warm, soft lips set fire under my skin and I can't contain myself.

Now realizing that neck kisses turns me on.

"Shall we?" His voice is soft and soothing as he traces his lips up to my ear.

My body trembles at the feeling of his warm breath crawling against my skin. Hoping that the butterflies in my stomach would just calm the fuck down.

"What?" I ask.

"To go to the White House." He says.

"Oh, uhm.. Yea, sure." I clear my throat, realizing what he actually meant.

He chuckles at my embarrassment and I mentally punch myself for being such a horny, perverted nut case.

"Let's go get ready. We have to look nice for your sisters." He retreats towards upstairs.

"So you're coming?" I ask.

"Of course. From now on I want to be there for you on all these.. events." He adds emphasis on the world 'events' making it sound as scary as it actually is.

I jog to catch him up, hugging him around the waist as he raises his arm placing it around my neck. Walking with him on the cold, cream marble floor, heading towards the enormous, extravagant, grand staircases together.

"And one more thing." He pauses to get my attention which I raise my eyebrows in question for him to continue, "I heard about your little moment with that new guy. "'Mr. Tall and Handsome'? Put it this way, no one's allowed to call you beautiful, yeah? And I don't want him around you." He says possessively and I ignore the urge to let him understand that I know Kyrie long before him and that he should exercise a little thing called trust. Also that he's not allowed to tell me who I can or can't talk to but I refuse to ruin the beautiful time we've been having since yesterday with my rebuttals. I know he'll ask about our history and I honestly don't want to go down that road today. This makes me feel even worse about yesterday's event with Kyrie and gaming with him online. It's not like it's a couple thing where we eventually end up in Vegas and get married because it's three of us and soon Tori will probably join in.

"You know, I called Cody for some kind of final advice shit, right after you left the café. He let me know straight up if I let you go now, I'll probably completely lose the best thing that ever happened to me to that guy. For some reason, he got a vibe from you two like.. you knew him or something?" He asks and I fight the urge to be annoyed both by Cody singing like a nightingale and Tariq for possibly only returning because of his toxic masculinity; losing me to another gorgeous guy. Probably Cody telling Tariq what happened was from a good place and I'm going to believe that Tariq actually came back not because of ego but because he came to his damn senses. Come to think of it, it's probably not ego, but him actually being scared to lose me.

After sighing and preparing myself to respond, I'm happy for the interruption that enters the room next. I'm in too much of a light mood to explain the whole Kyrie situation right now.

"Mr. Aniston, your delivery has arrived." His butler, Liam informs him, stopping us in our tracks. I met him last night. "Hello Miss Dé'Neilio, how are you today?" He takes my hand and presses a kiss to it.

Miss Dé'Neilio.. I could really get used to this.

"I'm well.. thank you." I say politely with a grin, trying to match his level of manners.

"Excuse me, do we... pay you to kiss my girlfriend's hands or do we pay you to get her designer clothes?" Tariq snaps, confused, glaring at Liam with knitted brows.

I cover my mouth, giggling at his silly jealousy.

"Wait, what?" I say, realizing what Tariq just said.

"I called Thomas Burberry and gave him your sizes."

"How do you know my sizes? And how do you know I like Burberry?" My hands spread apart as Tariq shakes his head with a smirk.

"The same way I know how much you love apple juice and you never leave those damn chest bags." He signals Liam to bring in the clothes. I shake my head and chuckle, clearly amused.

Two other men pushes in a wheeled luggage carrier with outfits on hangers on it. A female expressively dressed walks beside it.

"You didn't have to do this!" I say but Tariq ignores me.

"Good morning Mr. Aniston! And you must be... Jada. Tariq did say you were beautiful, but my my my... you are a living, breathing, stunning piece of art." She chirps with a warm smile and Russian accent, earning a laugh from me. She has a spirited and jittery personality.

"Thank you so much." I reply smiling.

"I'm Diana, by the way. It's so nice to meet you. Come with me!" She beams, extending an arm, as I shake it. She shoves her arm between mine, leading me upstairs as she signals someone behind her to bring up the clothes.

I take a bath in Tariq's jacuzzi then enjoy Diana's company while going through fittings until I decide on an outfit.

"And darling, make sure that the outfit you choose today and for the rest of your life.. you're choosing it because you like it. Not because your boyfriend does, okay?" She says fiercely and I nod with a smile at the strong content of feminism in her. "You're fabulous, go take over the world honey!" Damn, Paige would love this woman.

She and I share small talks even about Tariq and I and I'm intrigued about how passionate she is about basically everything. She turns everything into.. fabulousness. I've never liked someone's vibe so quickly. When I'm done and ready, she gives me her card and tells me to call her anytime, she is also a famous celebrity stylist.

Tariq and I head to the White House, both of us looking better than a million bucks.

I walk straight in to the sight of my dad about to go upstairs.

"There's my baby girl." His entire mood just changed from dry to bubbly, opening his arms for a hug as I hurry into him.

"Mariyah said you needed some space, are you okay?" He asks, I simply smile and nod. Never been better.

"Daddy this is.."

"Of course I know Tariq! He's like a son to me. He's like a son to me, just like he is to Tyrell." He winks and we all laugh a little. I hope to God he doesn't classify Tariq as his son anymore in my presence.

"Please know that this is my daughter and I love her very much. You hurt her, you hurt me and you don't want to get on my wrong side, boy. Please don't let me have to make you disappear." Dad jokes as he shakes Tariq's hand with a daring smirk at him. Tariq nods with a nervous smile and scratches the back of his head with the other hand.

"You have nothing to worry about Mr. President sir. She's safe with me." He assures my dad.

"Come now. I have people for you to meet." Dad says to me, ignoring Tariq.

"Who?" Tariq and I ask in unison.

"Your sisters and their families." He smiles as I instantly freeze.

"What. They're here already?" I ask a bit startled in which he nods and cups my chin. Now I'm grateful for Diana's pep talks and the confidence she gave me.

"Follow me." He places a hand in his pocket, walking away.

I glance over at Tariq, wondering if I'm really ready for this. I'm nervous as I bite on a nail. He removes my hand from my mouth and holds it at his side, interlocking his fingers between mines, squeezing my palm in his.

"Just relax, this is what you've been waiting and working for, right?" He asks, earning a nod before I straighten my posture. You've been preparing all morning.

A kiss to my forehead, he keeps his lips there for a moment, slowly relaxing my nerves.. we follow behind my dad. He leads us to a large door, the soundproof room he has business meetings in but is still comfy and welcoming enough for family.

I stop outside the door to take a few breaths, Tariq continues to squeeze my palm for support.

The first face my vision lands on is Tyrell's. He smiles and nods at us and we return the gesture. I thought this would've been an event but apparently it's only a meeting which is actually the wiser idea than to have a crowd around in a time like this.

Remember what happened the last time? Hmm.

Scanning the rest of the room, my eyes land on Phoebe's beautiful face, surrounded by her family.

I silently take a deep breath and exhale to slow my heartbeat that had just suddenly sped up a little. We share eye contact for a moment, I watch as her eyebrows slightly begins to knit in thought. What's she thinking?

I can't believe it's really her, she looks even more gorgeous in person.

She looks just like me!

Well, duuhhhh dummy!

I snap out of my thoughts when Tariq pokes me and signals me to a seat, finally realizing that I'm still standing at the door, frozen.

Seating comfortably, my eyes continue to scan the rest of the room before halting on Amber.

She wears a slight smile, the loveliest thing I've ever seen.


I guess this is finally happening now, huh?

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