The Old Tuck Shop

By anaisbrimble

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Finley Green's life has been nothing but one tragedy after the next. His mother's abandonment and years trapp... More



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By anaisbrimble

We stayed in that position for what felt like hours; our fingers were intertwined with each other, my head leaned on her shoulder, and I could feel her breath. Last time I felt this calm, and relaxed was with my Mother. I shook my head, as if shaking those thoughts out of existence, and nestled closer into her. I felt at home.

I felt relief for finally telling Poppy about my past. Like a huge weight had finally been lifted off of my shoulders. I looked at her and I saw my future. I know it's stupid to think so far ahead, but with a life that I've had, sometimes hope that things will get better is all that keeps me going. And Poppy was exactly that. She was my hope. My reassurance that my life would change for the better.

"Cae?" Cal called from the front room. "Sorry I'm late, there was bad traffic-"

"It's fine," I interrupted, "I'm just in my room... Poppy's here too." I smiled involuntarily at hearing her name.

"Hey, Mr Callaghan!" Poppy yelled, getting comfier on the bed.

"Poppy! Nice to hear your voice, my dear. I'll get the kettle on for us all... if you want to, of course," Cal said, slamming the door shut, making the whole house shake. Sometimes I swear he forgets that he's the only one here going deaf.

"That would be nice," she said.

I chuckled. "Poppy you don't have can go home if you want."

She nudged me, "I'd like to," before stepping into the kitchen, and I followed.

Cal removed his coat, and leather shoes, and grabbed three mugs from the cupboard. "Do you take sugar, Poppy?" he asked.

"Mhm..." she said, "two please."

He grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured it into her tea. "Anyone want biscuits?"

"Ooo... yes please!" I exclaimed like a child. "What you got?"

Cal grabbed the biscuit tin from the top shelf and peered into it. "Hm... I have custard creams, digestives, and a few hobnobs." He set the tin of biscuits, and tea on the kitchen table, before sitting down.

"So, Poppy. How was your singing recital," Cal asked, reaching for a custard cream, "I think Cae was more nervous than you."

"I wasn't nervous," I sighed, "just excited to be in the theatre."

"Of course you were," he laughed, "did you enjoy yourself, Poppy?"

"Yeah, it was great. Great," she replied, taking sips of tea.

"That's wonderful to hear... I let Cae wear one of my suits because it was such a big occasion," he said, and I sighed again. Cal was trying to show me up in front of Poppy. He was like the embarrassing mum and dad I never had.

"It wasn't that big of an event... he didn't need to come dressed so fancy," she giggled, tugging at my suit.

"Wasn't a big event? Cae made out that he was going to the Oscar's or something," Cal joked.

I sighed. "You're loving this, aren't you?"

"Oh, yes," he smiled, "it keeps me young to see you two."

my eyes widened, and Poppy blushed, "Uh..." I tried to change the conversation.

"So... Mr Callaghan... Cae tells me that your great-grandson is going to University in September. That's good," she said, saving us from any embarrassing questions from Cal. As much as I loved him, he got too involved sometimes.

"Mhm... a bit of a scholar he is. I don't know-how. His father wasn't the brightest bulb," he snickered, and Poppy laughed.

"What about you, Poppy? What are you going to do after school?" Cal asked, dunking another custard cream into his tea.

"Maybe something in Music... I'm not sure yet," she said, grabbing a hobnob. "Honestly, my mind changes every day."

"Perhaps you two could do something together... a duo maybe..." Cal added.

"I'd like to, but I don't think he's up to it," Poppy said, and Cal widened his eyes.

"Why?" he asked, "you two would be great...and he's got a guitar now."

"That's not exactly what I said. I said I'd think about it." I rolled my eyes. Cal was taking Poppy's side and he was enjoying it.

"He's going to join Josh's band instead," Poppy added, pretending to be upset just to see Cal's reaction. They both clicked together so well, and I was grateful for that.

"Josh?" Cal asked.

"My friend from years ago..." I said, and he looked even more confused, "He's... um... he's the one who stole from you," I whispered, but Poppy heard.

"Oh... that one," Cal sighed.

"What?" she exclaimed. "No way!" Her mouth was wide open now.

"Mhm..." I said. "But it's all sorted now," I added.

"Yes, I know," Cal said, "...only cause this one's mates with him," he sighed, pointing at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"If it were up to me, I'd lock him up and throw away the key," Cal whispered, and Poppy laughed.

"Well I am shocked," Poppy said, taking swigs of her tea, "I mean, what? I could never see Josh do something like that..."

"I was shocked too, to say the least," I said, "that's how I met him. I caught him with Cal's money, and it was.. definitely awkward."

"Oh, I can just imagine it...I don't know what I'd do," Poppy said.

"Like I hadn't seen him for five years at the most, and this is how we reunited..." I sighed.

"It'd be so weird," Poppy said before her phone started buzzing. "Sorry, it's my Mum... she's wondering why I'm taking so long. Thank you for the tea," she said, giving a hug to Cal.

"No problem, dear. You're always welcome." He smiled at her, before grabbing her mug, and placing it by the sink, "I hope you'll stop by soon."

"I will," she said, smiling at me.

"Bye," Cal replied. I followed her to the front of the shop.

"When can I see you next?" I asked, rubbing the palm of her hand.

She smiled. "I don't know... but I will see you soon. I promise."

"Pinky promise?" I chuckled, and she looped my pinky with hers.

"Pinky promise," she laughed, before heading back to her house, and I walked back into Cal's.

I removed my suit, hung it back up in Cal's wardrobe, and crawled into bed, only wearing a pair of bright green boxers. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I stared at my lips, picturing Poppy's pressing against them. I stared at my hair and imagined her ruffling it. I smiled at the creases in the bedding where we were sitting and saw Poppy resting her head against me. It was the first time in a long time where I just focused on Poppy, and let the world move at its place. It was the first time in a long time where I wasn't focusing on my mother, or my past, or even my present. It was the first time that I felt relatively calm.

I placed my head on my pillow and imagined her lying next to me. I felt her delicate hands intertwined with mine, I felt her small body nestled into me, and I felt her eyes looking at me. I smiled and fell asleep to the image of her.

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