
By beyondthesuga

46.1K 3.8K 851

"Quick! Hoseok this is an emergency! It's a catch-22 situation!" More

 one 
 two 
 three 
 four 
 five 
 six 
 seven 
 eight 
 nine 
 ten 
 eleven 
 twelve 
 thirteen 
 fourteen 
 fifteen 
 sixteen 
 seventeen 
 eighteen 
 nineteen 
 twenty-one 
 twenty-two 
 twenty-three 
⭐ twenty-four ⭐
⭐ twenty-six ⭐
⭐️ twenty-seven ⭐️
⭐ twenty-eight ⭐
⭐ twenty-nine ⭐
⭐️ thirty ⭐️
⭐ thirty-one ⭐

⭐ twenty-five ⭐

656 66 5
By beyondthesuga

His entire body is itching to get up and stock out of the classroom. Everything is suffocating him, the white walls with inspirational quotes (who even puts up inspirational quotes in a freaking history class – they're all dead, what kind of inspiration can they give to someone – someone like him in love and –), the kids who blab about the schoolwork, (the golden couple) how Mr. Oh was almost fired for throwing a water bottle at a student, (SeokjinandNamjoon) the party none of the second year students were invited to (Namjoon and Seokjin being boyfriends).

All of that is eating him up, his fingers tapping restlessly on the table. Dr. Lee doesn't seem to care too much that the students are talking with one another instead of working on their final paper (ha! Who would have thought that all that help Namjoon gave him when they first met would actually come in handy!).

Taehyung wants to feel mad about all the chattering but is kind of grateful there is no silence so he won't drown in his thoughts.

(Even though that's what's currently happening).

It doesn't help at all that what Hoseok said earlier today has been tattooed into the corners of his mind, bouncing around along with the rumors and gossip and Namjoon. You're kind of dense, you know? What. What does that. Mean.

(He hopes it's what it means – he wants it to mean that Namjoon –)

"Please remember the final essay is due before the 20th students, not after." Dr. Lee mumbles, dismissing the class when the final bell rings.

Taehyung jumps from his desk, haphazardly throwing his notes and pens into his backpack without caring they'll wrinkle.

He needs to ask Hoseok what he was going to say – he needs to see Namjoon – he needs to calm down and go home.

He's in the middle of the corridor, standing between the clusters of sweaty and bored students, pushing in from side to side like the sea rocks a ship.

Taehyung grips the strips of his backpack tightly, wondering whether to send Namjoon a message and ask him if he wants to meet up (to talk about Seokjin, not anything else, to get rid of this stupid crush from his mind – maybe if he keeps hurting himself it'll go away) or if he should walk home and sleep the day away.

The buzzing from his phone makes the decision for him.

yoongs hyung 🖤:
hey, wanna go and grab some food and meet up with seok later?

sure, where u taking me?

yoongs hyung 🖤:
just meet me at the entrance

Taehyung sees Yoongi casually leaning on the black railings of the school gates. He calls out his name, smiling dully when Yoongi waves at him.

His uniform is messy and rebellious, the shirt untucked and his tie pulled apart with the button undone, there's a new piercing glinting in the late afternoon sunshine that catches Taehyung's eyes.

"Hey," Yoongi says. He nods at Taehyung to follow him, pressing the button on the pole to cross the street.

"How were classes?" This is unlike Yoongi, throws Taehyung a little off.

It's not that Yoongi isn't an emotionless person (though sometimes it seems that way) nor that Yoongi doesn't take Taehyung out to eat once in a while (and he means once in a while, Yoongi-hyung is stingy), but it's more in the fact that it seems suspicious that Yoongi messaged him today after his conversation with Hoseok and was getting asked about classes. Since when did Yoongi care about sophomore's and their boring teachers.

"Okay, I guess." Taehyung shrugs, because they were. Nothing crazy – except for the talk of the town.

Yoongi hums, sighing in annoyance when the cross signal hasn't turned to the walking man. "Cool. And Namjoon-ah?"

Taehyung gulps, staring at the cars that pass by. "What about him?"

Yoongi shrugs, "I don't know. You tell me."

The signal turns for them, the two of them walking side by side. They've opened up a new café right in front of the school, Buddha Café or something like that – apparently they serve vegan food and some really good boba.

Yoongi walks a little faster in front of him, opening the door and Taehyung is immediately hit with a wave of cool air condition, loud indie music, and really good food.

The café is actually very nice, there's only two other people there and neither pay any attention to Yoongi or Taehyung.

"I'm gonna buy some nachos they sell here, according to Mina they're really freaking good. What boba do you want?"

"Uh, mango is fine."

Yoongi nods and waves a hand at him to choose a spot. The sun is setting down, and there's no open windows except for the door which only allows a silver of pale yellow sunshine to ghost in.

The walls are covered in a deep red, dim yellow lights spotted here and there with white candles lit up. Any other day and Taehyung would feel relaxed, but he has a feeling this conversation is going to sound a lot like Hoseok's did back at the park.

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