I Missed You- Kleinsen (deh)

By immayeetmyself

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After the whole Connor Project incident, Evan hasn't talked to Jared since their fight. He expected it to sta... More

A/N Kinda
A/N But it's important!!!


966 34 139
By immayeetmyself

Merry Christmas peeps. And those of you who don't celebrate Christmas, happy holidays

I would like to point out that I have no clue how being drunk works, how many drinks it takes to be blackout drunk, and how many drinks it takes to have a hangover, so if this is kinda not accurate, my bad.

I was already planning on writing it this way, but for those who asked, you're welcome :)

Holy shit dicks. Dear Heavenly Lord of fucks. Jesus Christ on an ass cheek. Fuckin' piss bitch nuggets.

Evan kissed me last night.

I drank a lot, yeah, but I really didn't drink as much as I'm used to, which is probably sad. That's actually the first time in a while I drank just beer instead of the liquor my parents *try* to hide from me. So for the most part, I remember everything. Some things are a little hazy, but definitely not that part. It was the clearest part of the night.

I already knew Evan got flirty when he's drunk. It happened the few times I've convinced him to drink with me in high school. I just thought it was hilarious and used it to make fun of him later. He hates it (probably cause I made fun of him...) and I think that's the reason he doesn't drink that much. Or the fact that he doesn't like the taste of most alcohol. Or the fact that it's... you know... illegal.

Before he wasn't really flirting. More like making playful gestures and getting uncomfortably close to me. But now he was on a whole new level. He did get really close to me, but it was never uncomfortable. He started teasing me a lot and just wouldn't stop looking at me with that goofy little smile and laughing at everything and ugh, why must he be this way?

And I just lapped it all up like a dog. It's probably because brain me was disoriented from all the beer. Yeah. That must be it. Obviously.

We got into a fight about Pluto, I think. It wasn't really a fight, more like two toddlers yelling at each other. Then he made fun of my height (I am not that short). And then he started flirting again.

"I will destroy your entire bloodline."

"Oh really?"

"Don't you fucking flirt your way out of this."

"Make me."

"Good lord of left nipples Evan I swear to God."

"What?" He said leaning closer to me. Are you mad that it's working?"

"Oh yeah. It's totally working. I'm utterly in love with you." I reply sarcastically. He leans in a little more.

"You're blushing."

"What?" I touch my cheeks and find that they are a little warm.

"You're blushing." He repeats.

"That's just cause I'm drunk dumb ass," I say, defending myself. He doesn't look convinced. He just leans in even closer to me.

"If you don't back up Alana and Zoe are going to take a picture of us and tell everyone we kissed."

"Alana and Zoe went upstairs." He says, smirking a little. I looked around to see that we are, in fact, alone in the living room. Damn, I am the most unobservant person in the world.

"Hey, what did I tell you?" I laugh, remembering what I told him not that long ago. "Frat parties are where you get drunk as fuck and play beer pong while someone is probably having sex upstairs."

It took him a second to process what I said, then his face scrunched up and he said, "Jared ew no what the hell?"

I laughed at my own (really bad) joke and he giggled a little too.

Then there was a moment where we just kinda looked at each other. I was not thinking about how cute he was- I was not thinking it- I was nOT-

And then he kinda, you know, kissed me.

At first, I was shocked cause like what the fuck but then I was just like 'oh okay this is happening now' and kissed him back.

It never really deepened or anything, just two dudes kissing on a couch. But I guess that's a good thing, because it would be a lot more awkward than it already is.

Everything else that happened was kind of a blur. I vaguely remember Alana and Zoe leaving. I think they were making fun of me about something as they were walking out of the door, but I don't really know what. I do remember, however, that Alana didn't kiss me goodbye like she always does, and I'm still pretty offended. But I think I had my fair share of kisses, so I guess I can forgive her.

I woke up before he did. I crashed on the couch, he fell asleep in one of the chairs. I did not know what the hell was going happen when woke up, I just hoped he was drunk enough to forget everything. I didn't want to sit there and worry about it, so I just occupied myself with making a hangover cures for the both of us. It definitely wasn't a bad hangover, but I still had a headache.

I learned how to make these hangover cures from my grandma. All the adults in my family got super drunk on New Years, so she taught all the kids how to make them for our parents when they wake up. The adults didn't really appreciate their kids knowing how to make them, but it did come in handy.

As I was in the middle of making them, I hear Evan groan from the chair.

"Mornin' sunshine!" I call from the kitchen. He grunts in response and doesn't move from the couch. Instead of telling him to get up, I just finished the cures and downed mine. It was pretty gross, but hey, it worked. 

Eventually, he grumbles his way into the kitchen. I hand him his drink, and he looks at me with absolute disgust.

"What the hell is this." I already knew Evan got grumpy in the morning, so I'm assuming the hangover made it worse.

"Egg yolk, lemon juice, Worcester sauce, and some pepper," I replied.

"That sounds fucking disgusting."

"It is."

"Then why do you want me to drink it?"

"It's a hangover cure, damn," I laugh. That didn't seem to convince him to drink it whatsoever. "Evan, just drink it."

He slowly lifted the cup to his face, grimaced, then took the tiniest sip. And gagged.

"Yeah, nope. Not happening."

"Dude, you're such a baby."

"Shut up." He gave it back to me and refused to take it back. I sighed and gave up, turning my back on him to go to the sink to clean out our dishes.

As I was doing so I asked, "So, how was your first ever frat party?" I ask. I really didn't want to know if he remembered or not, but at the same time, I really wanted to know. I'm glad we weren't facing each other, because I didn't want to see his face, and I didn't want him to see mine.

"I uh, don't really remember anything. So." He replied. Thank fucking God.

"Heh, neither do I."

My lying ass.

"Oh, okay."

It quickly turned into an awkward silence, which didn't ease my worry, even though he did say that he doesn't remember anything. We got pretty comfortable around each other since the Fourth of July party, so our silences were rarely awkward anymore. I didn't like it.

After I finished with the dishes we walked back into the living room to assess the wreckage. Not frat party bad. But it was still a mess.

"Yeah, you get to help me clean this up," I told him.

"Oh, screw you, Jared." He said but helped me clean up anyway.


so uh yeah this was a kinda short chapter and the next one will be too, but I'll upload that maybe tomorrow because I already wrote half of it lol

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story,

Sincerely, your favorite person with baby hands, 


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