A kiba Inuzuka Love Story

By preetypinkrose

4K 71 20


A kiba Inuzuka Love Story

4K 71 20
By preetypinkrose

Just a little info

Name: Rose

Age: 17

Backround: been on her own ever since she can remmber. Never knew if she had parents or siblings. she is born fighter and has always loved/been good with dogs.

The story starts on the edge of the land of fire and just so u know words in italics is dog speak.

Rose has been running at a steady pace, jumping from tree branch to branch. She had been running for days, from this one man. All the way from the border of the land of fire to about a mile from the gates of the hidden leaf village. He just wouldn't leave her alone, but for now it seemed as if he had lost her trail.

Rose's P.O.V

"It's been a long time since i've seen him. Maybe he lost my trail."

panting "I've got to take a brake." I stopped a after a few more jumps and landed on the ground. I tripped and rolled on to my back. After a few minutes of resting I decided to get up to lean against a tree. I got up and slowly made my way over to the nearest tree.

 As she made her way over she said "I know you're there, i can smell you." Then leaned against the tree. A figure emerged, a young man. I quickly noticed the kurini in his hand, headband, and his being eager to fight.

The young man: "Who are you?" while staying far enough away to dodge an attack but still close enough to see any movement.

: "My name is Rose, i assure you that i am no enemy. Can i ask for your name?"

The young man stared at rose slightly confused but answered none the less "My name is kiba."

I smiled with a small laugh: "See that wasn't hard."

Kiba looked at me like i had a mental issue or something like that. I stopped smiling and went tense. Which made Kiba tense up to.

Before Kiba had relized what happened, he was on the ground with me in front of him pulling a kuini out of her arm. After i pulled the kuini out of my arm, i threw it at a tree in the distance. The tree snapped, falling to the ground. Kiba sat on the ground stunned, but came back to reality when i took off running in the that direction.

A man came out from behind the same tree i had thrown the kuini at. I could hear kiba get up and  about to follow.

But i yelled "Stay out of this. It is not your problem."

After walking a few more steps i said "Gadon."

The man smiled: "So glad you remember me."

Rose: "Kinda hard not to. since like YOU WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

Gadon's smile faded and was replaced with anger: "It's only, because you won't come with me. I have come again, this time i will force you to join me."

Rose: "Yeah, but i really doubt that'll work."

Gadon smirked and yelled "Earth style:earthquake" slaming his fists to the ground. 

Kiba's P.O.V

I saw, what was his name Gadon, he smirked and yelled 'Earthstyle:earthquake."

It was just like an earthquake. i dropped to all fours for better balence, then i saw Rose do the same. She dropped on all fours and made a justu sign with only one hand. In a blink i couldn't see her. Then i saw that Gadon guy go flying into a boulder. The boulder cracked. I was starting to think this was a girl you shouldn't mess with.

I thought the battle was over untill Gadon Suddenly came out of the ground right in front of Rose. She had no time to react. Gadon grabbed her throat and slowly pulled her up off the ground. I could see her struggling, kicking, trying to free herself.

I don't know why but i felt anger towards this Gadon guy. Like i wanted to kill him or something to protect Rose.

Akamaru barked at me "I know you like her. let's go, she needs our help."

: "What? no i don't. I don't even know her. Besides she said it wasn't our problem."

I turned back to the battle just in time to see Rose kick Gadon in the face. i was smirking until Gadon dropped her and punched her stomach. I watched as her body hit the ground and bounced. She diddn't move, i could smell blood. I could feel rage building inside me. Suddenly Akamaru took off towards Gadon. I wasn't far behind him.

Rose's P.O.V

Gadon just appered in front of me. He grabbed my throat and lifted me into the air. Once above his head i saw the log by the boulder. A substitution and i didn't see it. I felt incredibly stupid.

I started to wiggle and kick, trying to free myself.

Gadon just laughed at me: "Now will you come with me willingly or by force?"

I managed to gasp out "I will never go with you, jerk."

I pulled my body up some by holding onto his arm and kicked him across the face.

Gadon: "Then it will be by force."

He released his grip on me, but then he punched me and i went flying. i coughed up blood while i was still in the air. When i landed i felt my head hit a rock. When i rolled over my vesion was all blurry for a few seconds. As my vision cleared, i saw this white dog, that was like twice the size of a full grown dog, running towards Gadon. The dog growled and jumped at the man. Gadon simply moved aside dodging the dogs's attack, he also made a few hand signs. The dog landed and turned around for a 2nd attack, but before the dog jumped Gadon kicked him, sending the dog a few feet. Where what looked like quicksand was. The dogs feet were stuck in the mixture and it whinnied. My experience with dogs let me talk with them. So i translated the whine into sound of pain and worry.

Then i heard Kiba yell "Akamaru!!"

I turned my face to see him. His face was one of concern for the dog. This had to be his partner. I knew i recognized the markings on his face. He had to be an inuzuka. Kiba charged Gadon, they battled with taijustu for awhile. It looked like Kiba was winning until Gadon hit the back of his legs. Kiba fell and the earth came up around different spots around his arms and legs, binding him to the ground. Kiba tried to get free, but he was stuck.

Gadon: "You should have stayed out of this."

Gadon turned around and walked towards akamaru, while pulling out a kuini. As he started to throw it at akamaru, i didn't think, i just ran. Gadon stood there and stared. Kiba stopped struggling and stared. I was on my nees with my arms out in front of akamaru. I looked down, the kuini was deep inside my gut. My shirt was now soaked with blood.

Kiba's P.O.V

I was stuck to the ground. Gadon was about to kill akamaru and i couldn't do anything. I watched as he threw the kuini. To me it felt like time slowed down, but i still didn't see Rose get there. I  blinked and Rose was in front of akamaru protecting him. The kuini was deep in her gut. The blood just keep coming out of the wound.

I stopped struggling and stared at her. ' What is with this girl? ' She didn't even know us and yet she probably just killed herself protecting akamaru.Gadon started to walk towards her.

Rose wobbly stood up: "Don't come any closer!"

Gadon stopped walking: "And what would happen if i diddn't?"

He was probably smirking at her.

Rose lowered her head and raised her hands: "This will."

Her hands moved so fast i couldn't tell what signs she was making. A dark pink glow started to appear around her. Gadon moved to attack, but Rose disappeared. i could only see her for brief seconds as she appeared in different spots around Gadon giving punches and kicks. Gadon stumbled, Rose appeared in front of him and kicked him down.She walked over to his side, i could see the same dark pink chakra around her fist, more condensed now.

Rose: "It's over now. You will not follow me anymore."

She pulled her arm back, then shot her fist down into Gadon's Chest. I heard many cracks and saw blood come from both their mouths. Rose stood up, wiped the blood from her mouth and walked to akamaru.

Rose's P.O.V

I walked over to akamaru and knelt down. "It's ok akamaru. I can get you and kiba out."

Akamaru tilted his head and barked "Can you understand me?"  

I nodded to him: "Yes, don't really know how i learned, but yes i can."

Akamaru started to wag his tail. i smiled then made a few signs. Pretty soon the ground returned to normal and akamaru was free. i held my hand out and he licked it, smiling, i patted his head. We turned to walk over to kiba and free him as well, but i fell down to my knees

I held my side and coughed out more blood. My body couldn't hold me anymore and i had used up most of my chakra. I fell onto my side, trying to regain my breath.

Kiba: "Rose?....Rose?"

I couldn't respond, my mouth just wouldn't move.

Kiba: "Akamaru, come here boy. Get me out of this. We've got to get her to a hospital."

Akamaru started to move towards kiba, but I made a noise with my throat, making it sound like a whine. Akamaru quickly stopped and came back to me. He got his head to my level. I made more sounds. Akamaru understood me completely. He put his snout under my side and helped me onto his back. He walked very carefully over to kiba and helped me slide down.

I sat there shaking, but managed to do the same signs to free kiba. As soon as he was freed he sat up and put his hands on my shoulders.

Kiba: "Lay down, i have some medical supplies with me."

I let him lay me down. He pulled the pack off his back and pulled out some herbs and bandages. kiba reached for the kuini in my gut, then looked at me. I gave him a nod and he pulled the kuini out. I gave a small scream of pain. Kiba looked at me with concern, but went back to treating my wounds. Akamaru came over to me and licked my face. i gave him a small smile, which made him wag his tail again.  As Kiba applied the herbs, i passed out.

Kiba's P.O.V

I told her to lay down, so i could apply some of the medical herbs. I could tell she didn't want to, but knew she needed it.

When i pulled the kuini out of her, she screamed, i felt horrible. like i was responsible for her pain. I returned my focus to applying the herbs. Akamaru came over and licked her. I was kind of surprised. Akamaru only licked me and my family of course. He never licked strangers. Then i felt Rose go limp.

: "Crap!"

I quickly wrapped her up and carried her bridal style. Me and akamaru ran as fast as we could back to the village hidden in the leaves. I ran straight to the front desk at the hospital.

: "Please help her. she has a stab would in her stomach and a cut on her head."

The nurse quickly called for a stretcher and i layed Rose down. I watched her be carted off, then went to see the hokage.

Rose's P.O.V

I opened my eyes. ' Why was is it so bright? Did i really die? No, my body feels heavy. '

I tried to move and pain shot through my gut. No, i am diffidently not dead.

' Wait if i'm not dead where am i? '

I sat up, ignoring the pain and took off all the stuff stuck to me. Though i was wobbly, i made it out of the bed and was pushing against the wall to keep my balance. Suddenly the doors burst open and nurses came in. I took a fighting stance, the nurses stopped, we stood there in a stand off until i heard

" Akamaru!! Come back here!! "

I saw akamaru jump over the nurses. He came right over to me, standing slightly in front of me in a protective manner. I slid down the wall and sat.

Kiba's P.O.V

It's been 4 days since i brought her here. The nurses said she should be waking up soon.

I walked up to the front desk asking for the room Rose was in. Suddenly akamaru took off, so i ran after him. We went up a flight of stairs and down 2 hallways before i call after him.

: "Akamaru!! Come back here!!"

Akamaru turned into an open door. It took me only a few seconds to reach the door. I ran into the room and saw Rose sitting on the floor, with akamaru in a protective stance in front of her. I found it kind of strange, but didn't say anything.

Akamaru barked at me " she's good to leave. she doesn't like hospitals. They give her the creeps."

I nodded to him and turned to the nurses.

: "She can leave can't see? The hokage wants to see her."

The nurses nodded yes and one said "She will just need to be watched for another 24 hours. To make sure she has no brain damage."

: "That's fine. I'll make sure she's ok."

The nurses left the room. I looked back to akamaru and spoke to him

"Well, we got to get her ready."

Akamaru: "Yes, but she is very weak right now. i help her dress." 

I noticed that Rose's cheeks turn a shade of red. She couldn't have understood that, could she?

: "Here's some clothes. we need to get to the hokage soon."

Rose nodded and asked me to close the curtain. After i few moments i heard akamaru 

"You look really pretty."  then Rose giggling. 

Rose: "I'm done kiba, you can open the curtain now."

I opened the curtain and felt the blush on my cheeks. She looked amazing to me, just perfect. I moved a little to akamaru and made a noise like a mix between a growl and a bark.

(translation: you were right, she does look pretty.) 

Rose: "Thank you kiba."

I jumped and looked at her.

: "you can understand dogs?"

Rose made a small, friendly kinda of growl "What? got a problem with that?" 

: "No, no," but i thought it was cool. It made me think i liked her, just a little.

Rose's P.O.V

Kiba was waving his hands: "No, no."

I could see the blush he was trying to hide. I got off the bed, stood wobbly, i put my hand to my head and whined

"I don't think i can walk." 

Both kiba and akamaru understood what i said. Akamaru came over and nosed my hand. i looked at him.

Akamaru: "It's ok, i can carry you. lay on my back and hug my neck." 

I smiled at him and carefully got on his back, hugging his neck. Kiba walked ahead of us. We were walking pretty quickly, so it didn't take us long to reach the hokage's office. Kiba helped me off akamaru, before we walked into her office. Kiba knocked.

"Come in" came from inside the room.

Kiba opened the door and i followed him inside. It was a nice, little room and the lady looked friendly enough. I learned that her name was tsunade and she wanted to know how i got here and if i wanted to become a ninja. I told her how i had met kiba and put myself in the way so akamaru wouldn't get hurt. plus how kiba had saved me by treating my wounds and taking me to the hospital.

: "I just woke up about a hour ago mam, but i'm sure i would love to become a ninja of the village."

Tsunade gave me a warm smile, then she asked me "Now we just have to work out living arrangements, until we can get you a place of your own. You could live with Kakashi, he has a spare room."

Akamaru came closer to me and gave a small growl.

Tsunade: "or how about naruto, he has plently of room."

Again akamaru growled. I looked at him and then back to tsunade.

: "Um...mam, i think akamaru would like me to stay with them."

Tsunade looked to kiba "Is this alright with you."

Kiba: "Yes, my mom and sis are out on a mission for another few weeks. she can use my sisters room."

Tsunade: "then it's settled. Rose you will stay with Kiba for the time being."

I nodded: "Yes mam."

Tsunade: "that's all, you may go. i've got some paperwork to attend to."

Me and kiba nodded and left the office.

Kiba's P.O.V

We left Tsunade's office and made our way outside. It was just starting to get dark. once we were outside the building i helped Rose back onto akamaru. she didn't fight the help, she looked like she was really tired, but i wanted to show her something.

: "Hey, Rose. i want to show you something."

Rose: "That's ok. Is it far?"

: "Not really. akamaru and i can run pretty fast."

She smiled at me, i couldn't help but smile back. without anyone telling her to. she leaned down and held on tight to akamaru. Her stance was very close to mine, i was about to ask her something when she gave a bark. akamaru took off without me, he was doing that quiet a lot lately, but i ran after them anyway.

The place was only a few minutes away. On the way there though Rose let out a howl. one that ment she felt freedom and happyness. It made me smile. When i reached the destination Rose and akamaru were already laying down in the feild looking at the stars. I walked the rest of the way over to them before i sat down. Rose was curled up, sleeping, using akamaru tummy as a pillow. i sighed, she look so peaceful and beautiful sleeping like that.

I guess i fell asleep, because i woke up to akamaru whining.

: "What's wrong boy?"

akamaru whined and looked towards rose. She was shivering and looked like she was having a bad dream. i was about to wake her up, when she sat up and screemed, then started to fall over. i caught her, before she hit the ground. she was still shivering, i felt her forehead, she had a fever. Rose was whispering 'no, no.' looking at her i saw her eyes were closed, but her cheeks had tears on them. i wiped the tears away and picked her up bridal style. I felt her lean into me. One hand on her chest, the other gripping my jacket. Me and akamaru took of for home.

Rose's P.O.V

i jumped awake and screamed. it was that same dream, i haven't had it for a few weeks. why did it come back? i felt myself start to fall over, but i landed against something warm. I could hear a heartbeat, it helped calm me down a bit.

Someone's hand wiped away the tears i had on my face and picked me up. My hand grabbed at the jacket. I could faintly hear akamaru whine, asking if i was ok, then we were moving fast. I wavered in and out of consciousness. i came to when i felt something cold being laid on my forehead. slowly opening my eyes, i saw kiba. the concern evident on his face.

: "Where am i?"

kiba smiled at me: "Were at my house, you got a fever though."

I sat up, the wet cloth fell from my head.

: "Thank you for taking care of me."

As i gave him a hug. He smiled and hugged me back:

Kiba: "You need to lay still and get some rest."

So i laid back down. Kiba brushed some of my hair away, then he kissed my forehead, before putting the cloth back on. As he put the cloth back on, i closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Kiba's P.O.V

I brushed some of her hair out of her face. i leaned down and kissed her forehead, i just couldn't stop myself. It felt like the right thing to do though. Rose closed her eyes and went back to sleep. I sat there for a little while, until her breathing was steady. I yawned and akamaru nudged me. akamaru moved, so i could lay down on the floor and use him as my pillow. it wasn't long before i was asleep to.

Something kept poking me. I groaned and rolled over. Then there was water all over my head, i jumped up ready to attack. Rose was sitting on the bed laughing her head off, holding a cup.

I frowned: "What did you do that for?"

Rose: "akamaru said you had training in an hour. so i thought i'd better wake you up."

: "shoot, i forgot."

I jumped up and ran for the bathroom to change.

I heard Rose leaving as she said "By the way, there's food on the table."

After changing i ran downstairs and man did it smell good. As i walked into the kitchen i saw bacon and eggs on the table. Rose was already eating, occasionally giving akamaru little bits.

Rose: "Better hurry, you don't have much time."

So i sat down and took a bite. My eyes grew.

:"You are the best cook ever!!"

Rose laughed at me: "Thank you."

I ate the rest of my food and put my dishes in the sink. Rose got up and  did the same. She started to walk towards the livening room, but akamaru ran under her, putting her on his back. Rose yelped in surprise, as akamaru turned around, going to the door.

: "I think he means you are going to training with us."

Rose: "Well he could have just asked."

Rose's P.O.V

Akamaru ran under, putting me on his back. I yelped in surprise. Kiba was smiling like he knew akamaru was gonna do that.

Kiba: "I think he means, you are going to training with us."

: "Well he could have just asked."

I made a pouting face, but inside i was smiling. It was so much fun to around them. I just felt better, i was starting to think i might like kiba as more than a friend. We made our way to the training field, running as fast as akamaru could carry me.

When we got there i saw a girl with purple eyes, by her stance i could tell she was a shy person and a man who's face i couldn't see, because of his glasses and high collar on his jacket. He looked like he was trying to be cool or something, so i ignored him. Kiba walked me over to the two and introduced everyone. The girl's name was hinata and the man's shino.

I introduced myself: "Hello, my name is Rose. I'm happy to meet you guys."

Hinata: "h..hi ro..rose."

I had guessed she was shy. Shino didn't say anything, but i could tell he was looking at me.

Kiba: "Well, um we should get training."

Hinata and shino nodded, they walked out to the field and started sparing against each other. Akamaru walked us over to a tree and stayed with me. When the sun started to go down, the group walked back over to me and akamaru. We all said our good-byes, Kiba started to walk away, me and akamaru following.

Shino spoke up: "Kiba, wait."

We all stoped and turned around to look at him.

Shino: "I would like to challenge Rose to a fight."

Kiba started to protest, because of my injury, but i cut him off: "Challenge accepted."

I got off akamaru and walked over to shino, staying a few feet away i said "You can start." with a smile on my face.

Shino attacked, we battled with our taijustu skills for a little bit, until shino jumped back and made same hand signs. Bugs flew at me, i made some hand signs and disappeared. Shino stopped his attack, he fell to his knees holding his head. Kiba and hinata stood and watched. All they had seen was shino take a step at me, but he fell to his knees clutching his head.

I waited a few seconds, before i said 'release' freeing him from the genjustu. I turned and started to walk away, shino jumped up and kicked me in the back, making me face plant on the ground.

Kiba: "What the heck, shino!!"

POOF! My body disappeared leaving a log in it's place.

I appeared behind shino, swept his legs out from under him, put my knee on his chest and a kuini to his throat. Kiba and Hinata were silent. Shino lay there stunned.

: "I win." I put the kuini away, got up, and walked over to kiba. "ready to go." Kiba blinked, but nodded.

Kiba's P.O.V

I was stunned, rose had just beat shino in a matter of seconds. She didn't even get any injury's.

Rose: "Ready to go."

I could only nod and follow her. once were out of shino's and hinata's view, rose took off running. She was fast, me and akmaru couldn't keep up, In a few seconds, she was out of our view, but at least we could still smell her. We followed her sent into the woods, she had finally stopped. I stopped running, so did akamaru, we walked carefully, getting closer to her.

I finally saw her crouched over, she was coughing, then i smelled the blood.

Rose: "I can smell you, Come on out Kiba."

I walked out from behind the tree, Rose wiped her chin, but i could still see some of the blood. i could also see her cheeks had tear stains. Rose sat and pulled her legs to her chest. I sat down next to her

: "Um..can i ask what's wrong?"

Rose: "nothing, there's nothing wrong."

Akamaru came over and nudged her arm: "We can tell, Rose. There is something that's really bothering you." 

Rose sighed and was silent for awhile before she spoke "I have never really had friends before. Just different dogs from the city's i went through. So, I made a promise to myself, that whenever i made a friend. i would never hurt them, in any way, but shino, he was your friend right? I beat him, probably embarrassing him to. I broke my promise, now you'll see me different, and....and"

Rose stood and started to take off, but i grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug. She tried to get away, but i held her tighter.

: "Rose, listen to me."

She stopped struggling.

: "It's ok, i saw you as a strong, friendly, person, when i met you. Now, yes i see you differently, but in a good way. Now i see you as a strong, friendly, dependable, a fierce opponent, and may i add an awsome cook."

She leaned back to see my smiling face.  Her eyes gave a small sparkle in the moonlight, even with the dirt and tears on her face, she looked amazing to me. Her smell, something i couldn't describe. It was then i realized i never wanted to be without her. I wiped the tears from her face, leaned down and kissed her lips. The taste was sweet as sugar.

Then i realized what i was doing, jerking back i said "Sorry."

I felt the heat on my cheeks and saw her's were just as red.

Rose: "It...It's ok."

: "It's getting dark, we should be getting home."

Rose: "yeah."

We walked in silence, the rest of the way home.

Rose's P.O.V

We walked home in silence. I just couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. He really kissed me. Does he like me? I came back  to reality when i tripped on the steps to the door.

When we got inside kiba said he would get supper, akamaru would show me where the shower was. I nodded and followed akamaru upstairs to the shower. I took a set of clothes and some bandage wrap for my stomach. I washed my hair till it sqeaked and got off all the dirt, then got out. I got dressed and started to put on the bandage, put decided i would just heal it instead. It was being a pain. i walked out and sat on the bed, made signs to start medical justu.

With one hand i pulled up my shirt, my other hand covered my wound with the green chakra. It didn't take long before the wound was completely healed. My vision blured on me.

: "Darn it, i used to much chakra." Then i passed out.

Kiba's P.O.V

Akamaru came back down after showing Rose where the shower was. I finished making the food and set it down on the table. After awhile, Rose had still not come down. I was a little worried, so i went upstairs to check on her. I looked into my sis's room and she wasn't there.

Akamaru: "She's in your room."

So, i turned and went down the hallway, opening my door i saw Rose passed out on my bed.

: "Akamaru, why'd you show her my shower? Don't answer that."

I walked over to the bed, her shirt was up a little. Her wound wasn't there anymore. She knows medical justu to? This girl just keeps getting more amazing. I moved her limp body over a bit and pulled the covers up over her. Then went back downstairs to eat.

After eating, i decided to watch a little tv. About an hour of watching tv, Akamaru's head popped up, he got up and jogged up the stairs. I turned off the tv and followed.

Rose was still sleeping, but as i got closer it looked like she was having trouble breathing. Her face had pain on it.

Akamaru: "Bad dream?" 

I tried shaking her and calling her name, but she wouldn't wake up. i finally just went the bathroom and filled a cup with water, came back and dumped it on her head. Her eyes snapped open and she jumped out of the bed. I tripped back and fell on my butt.

Rose's P.O.V

The black shadow's of people, always there, no matter where i turned. They wouldn't stop laughing, taunting me. I felt like someone kept hitting me, i couldn't get any air. Then something wet was poured on my face.

The next thing i knew i was on the floor, gasping for air, holding my arms, shaking. I noticed kiba on the floor looking at me, his face a mixture of shock and concern.

I lost it, i covered my hands with my face and started to cry. It wasn't long before i felt warm arms pull me into a hug. Kiba gently rocked me, trying to clam me down. Eventually i did.

Kiba: "Are you ok?"

: "Ye...yeah, just a bad dream."

Kiba: "That seemed like more than a bad dream. Are you sure you're ok?"

: "Yeah, i'm fine."

I was still a little shakey, but i pushed myself away from kiba and climbed back into the bed. Kiba and akamaru got up and were walking to the door.

: "Um...kiba?"

Kiba: "Yeah?"

: "Would you, uh, stay in here, with me tonight."

I don't know why i said it, but i didn't want to be alone, i just couldn't. not after having that dream again.

Kiba: "Sure."

He turned around and came back over. He climbed onto the foot of the bed and propped himself up against the wall.

Kiba: "You have any more of those dreams, i'll make sure to wake you up."

I smiled at him: "Thank you kiba-kun."

Even in the dark i could see the blush on his face. For some reason i felt safer with him. I soon fell back asleep.

When i woke up in the morning, the sun was shinning and the birds chirping. I yawned and tried to get up, but there was something around my waist. Turning my head i saw kiba laying behind me. He had his arm around my waist. I blushed. I tried to get up again and failed. I somehow managed to roll myself over, so i was facing Kiba. I poked his face a few times. He only stirred.

: "Kiba, hey kiba. we got to get up."

He groaned and pulled me closer to him.

My eyebrow twitched: "KIBA INUZUKA! GET UP!"

Kiba and akamaru both jumped, rolled, and fell onto the floor. I leaned over to look. Kiba was scratching his head.

Kiba: "What the heck rose?"

: "You had your arm around me and i couldn't get up. I tried to wake you, but you are one sound sleeper. So i yelled."

Kiba blushed, turning his head to try and hide it: "You sounded like my mom."

I laughed at that: "Nice to know, but i think your going to be late for training."

Kiba: "I don't have training today."

: "Well, the clock says it's almost noon and I'm starving."

Kiba: "Me to."

Then all our stomachs including akamaru's growled. As if they were agreeing with us.

Kiba's P.O.V

: "We could go to the ramon shop."

Rose: "Sounds good to me."

We got dressed and walked over to the ramon shop. Each of us ate 2 servings. I paid, then we started walking around the village. Rose started sniffing the air.

: "What's up?"

Rose: "Water"

She took off, akamaru right behind her. I sighed, why do they do so much running, but i followed them. We ended back at the same field, the night she got out of the hospital. There was a decent sized pond in the middle. The water unnaturally clear.

Rose was atop of a boulder, waving at me to come over. I made it to the top of the boulder, rose smiled, then she just fell backwards. I tried to catch her, but i was to far away. looking over the side of the rock, i saw her flip in the air and make a perfect dive into the water. When she surfaced again she yelled at me to get in the water. I started to say no thanks, when akamaru pushed me off the rock. My landing wasn't near as graceful, it was a total belly flop. I resurfaced out swam to the side, pulled myself out and looked at akamaru. He was up there wagging his tail.

Rose: "What, don't you like the water? "

She was at the edge of the water, arms on the ledge, looking at me.

: "No, well i like the water, i just didn't feel like swimming."

Rose frowned at me: "Well, could you help me out?"

I walked over and grabbed her hand to help her out, but she pulled me back in. I came back up and spit the water out of my mouth. Rose was on the side laughing.

: "Oh, i'm gonna get you for that."

Rose smiled and swam away. The rest of the afternoon went by pretty quick. Soon the sun was setting. All 3 of us were laying down in the field watching the sun set.

Rose's P.O.V

The rest of the week went kinda the same way. I had nightmares occasionally and kiba would stay with me the rest of the night. After a few weeks kiba just stayed with me in the first place. I stopped having the nightmares after that.

One morning i woke up late in the afternoon. Akamaru was at my feet, but kiba wasn't there. i turned my head and found a note on the bed-side table. It said 'Rose, i was called to see the hokage. should be back by 1. kiba' I Looked at the clock, it read 3:48. I don't sense his chakra in the house, wonder where he is.

: "Hey, akamaru. wakey wakey."

Akamaru stretched and yawned.

: "Did kiba ever come back, after meeting with the hokage?"

Akamaru: "No, it's late to."

: "Let's go find him."

Akamaru nodded and we left the house. We searched for hours and couldn't find him. The sun had set over an hour ago.

: "Hold on a sec akamaru."

I shut my eyes and focused on his sent. Catching a small whiff of him, we were off. I was on akamaru's back, leaning down to help us go faster. We came out into a small clearing. It had an oak tree right in the middle of it, with Kiba sitting against it. As we got over to him i noticed him wiping his face, there were cuts all over his hands and a bruise on his leg. I hopped off akamaru and sat down next to kiba.

Kiba's P.O.V

Rose: "Hey, you ok? we've been searching for you all afternoon."

: "The hokage requested me for a meeting today."

Rose: "Yeah, i got the note."

: "she told me they haven't had contact with my mom or sis for a week. They don't know where they are or if they're even alive."

Rose: "Oh,......Well, um, what happened to your hands?"

: "I was training today."

Rose: "Here, give me your hands."

She made a few signs and a familiar green glow appeared around her hands. I placed mine on hers. My hands healed in a few seconds. I mumbled a thank you.

Rose suddenly stood up: "We got to get to your house."

: "Why?"

Rose: "because were gonna find your family."

I stood up, excited and confused: "How are we going to do that?"

Rose: "Just, come on."

We soon reached my house, gathered some gear and were standing in the front yard. Rose stood there, with her hands pressed together. I waited and waited some more, before Rose started to fall in front of me. Luckily i caught her.

She put her hand to her head and shook herself: "They are 5 days walking distance, so 2 days  if we run."

I stared at her: "How the heck did you find them?"

Rose lowered her head and sighed: "In my past, i've been called a demon. I'm not totally sure about it, but i think there's something inside me. That has wolf abilities and all. I didn't want to tell you, i was afraid you would treat me like like the other people."

I pulled her into my chest, holding her tight: "Rose, demon or not, you are a very special person to me."

Akamaru came over and licked her face. It made her smile a little.

Rose: "Come on, let's get going."

Rose's P.O.V

We ran all through the night and all of the next day. I don't think either of us were really tired, but we were worn out. The sun was just starting to set.

: "Kiba, let's stop for the night."

Kiba: "Nani? but were so close. I've got to get there, I'm gonna kick those rouge ninja's butts. i.."

I cut him off by hitting him on the head. Which made us stop moving at least. Kiba was face first, sprawled out on the ground.

He got up and rubbed his head: "What was that for?"

: "It isn't going to do us any good, if were worn out from running top speed for a whole day and night. Then go blindly in there attacking. We need to rest and come up with a plan."

Akamaru whined, but then barked in agreement.

Kiba sighed: "I know, it's just, i want to rescue them. I want to know that they're safe."

Rose: "I know you do. Let's just set up camp and get some rest for tonight. ok?"

Kiba: "Ok."

After setting one small tent, all of us went to sleep like we normally did. Kiba's arm around my waist and akamaru by our feet. The night went by fast for me. I woke up with my head on kiba's chest. His heartbeat steady and comforting. I laid there for a few minutes, before remembering the mission.

I started to get up, but Kiba's rolled over, taking me down in the process. Now squished against him, with him totally oblivious.

:  "Akamaru, hey, wake up boy."

Akamaru yawned, got up and walked up to kiba and started to lick his face. He knew exactly what i wanted him to do, before i had even said it. Kiba stirred, his eyes barely opening.

Kiba: "heh."

Then kiba realized what was going on and was trying to push akamaru off of him.

Kiba: "Ok ,ok, i'm up."

: "Good thing to. would you mind letting go now?"

As he looked over at me, he smiled and kissed my head. I blushed a little.

Kiba: "Sure."

We got up and packed up our things.

Kiba's P.O.V

I woke up to akamaru licking my face: "ok, ok, i'm up."

Rose: "Good thing to. would you mind letting go now?"

I looked at her and smiled. How lucky was i to have a person like her. She is such a good person, i can only hope that she feels the same way about me as i do about her.

I kissed her forehead: "Sure."

After we had our stuff packed up, i asked her: "Um, do we got a plan or anything?"

Rose: "Yes. Before i went to sleep last night, i searched around. The enemy is 17 or so strong. Your mom and sis are the 2nd tent in on the right hand side. They are under a genjustu, so you will have to release it, before they can move. I will distract the enemy and get them to follow me, so you can get to your family."

: "Ok, you sure you can handle that many?"

Rose glared at me, as if daring me to challenge her ability's.

: "Never mind."

Rose: "Besides i've got one more trick up my sleeve."

She gave a bright smile, but something told me it was a dangerous one.

We ran for about an hour or so, before i could smell other people. As we snuck closer i could barely smell my ma and sis. There scents were being masked.

: "So, what's this trick you've got?"

Rose: "Just watch. As soon as you see them go over that hill, get to that tent."

I nodded to her, she nodded back. I watched her go running out into the open, instantly getting some of the enemy's attention.

Rose: "Yo ugly's! Ready for a fight?!"

Some of them ran at her, while others went and stood in front of the tents. 10 guys were charging Rose and she was just standing there. I was getting worried until i sensed immense chakra. Looking closer i saw the same pick chakra as before, but it seemed darker now. It had increased by at least 6 folds. Her canine teeth had grown like mine , her nails to. When the rouge ninja's were just a few feet away, Rose launched herself at them. In a matter of seconds 8 of them were dead. The ninja's that were gaurding the tents started to walk towards her, their weapons drawn.

Rose slowly backed up, the ninja's followed her as she turned and ran over the hill. As soon as they were gone, i ran to the 2nd tent on the right hand side. I found my mom and sis laying on the ground. They were tied up and under a genjustu like Rose had said. I untied them and said 'release' while making the hand sign. Mom and sis slowly blinked, then both of them punched me in the gut. I went flying out the front of the tent, i just laid there and groaned.

Hana: "Heh? Kiba?"

I sat up holding my stomach: "That's the thanks i get for coming to get you? Gee, i feel so welcomed."

My mom: "Sorry kiba, didn't know it was you."

A loud explosion went off behind us. Turning around i wispered "Rose"

Rose's P.O.V

These guys were tough. I had lead over the hill, yes. So, kiba could do his job, but i don't think i can get all of these guys.

Suddenly, an explosion went off in front of me. I shielded my face with my arms as i was thrown back. My body slammed against a tree, once again, in like the past 2 minutes, i spit out blood, again! I landed on my back and rolled to get up. I was all shaky, but there is only 1 ninja left, i can do this. While i was charging at him i faltered.

The ninja caught that and swung his kunta at me. I recovered just enough for it to miss any vitals, but it still scraped my side pretty badly. Somewhere off to the side, it sounded far away, but someone had just screamed my name.

I was in really bad condition, but i managed to grab the guys wrist, that had the kunta in it, twist it out of his grip and i slashed the sword in a downward diagonal arc across his chest. His eyes rolled as he fell to the ground. Finally, i did it. I took a few steps back towards the camp, my body felt extremely heavy, i could barley make out 4 figures running towards me, before my knees gave out.

I kept going in and out of consciousness. I felt someone holding me against their chest and were those tears falling on my face? This smell, is this Kiba?

He was almost yelling at someone "Hana, help her, please!!!"

I was laid back onto  the ground.

Hana: "Well, i'll try but she looks pretty bad. i'm not sure i can do much kiba."

Right before i blacked out i swear i heard kiba say "You have to, I love her!"

Kiba's P.O.V

I ran over the hill and saw rose get stabbed with a kunta. I screamed her name, it looked like she was in really bad condition. I watched as she took the kunta from the guy and killed him. When the guy fell, rose looked a little relived.

She started to walked towards us, but she fell to her knees, then to the ground. All of us ran to her. I was the first to get to her. I held her to my chest, the tears just wouldn't stop coming. I was kinda screaming at my sister to heal her.

Hana: "Well, i'll try but she looks pretty bad. i'm not sure i can do much kiba."

As she said those words it felt harder and harder to breathe: "You have to, i love her!!"

Ma and sis looked at me shocked for a few seconds before both of them started to try and heal her. I could only stand behind them and watch.

After what seemed like hours, they sat back and sighed.

: "Is she ok? Did you heal her?"

Hana: "Kiba, she is far from ok, but we did save her. What's her name?"

: "Rose."

Hana: "Well, rose needs to have medical attention and soon. We only managed to give her a few hours."

: "It's over a day to get back to the village!!"

My mom hit me upside the head: "Kiba Inuzuka, for you to like a girl, she has to be tough. If you run all day, we should have given her just the amount of time you need to get her to the hospital."

I didn't need anymore advice. I carefully picked rose up and took off running towards the village.

I kept running hour after hour. Night came buy i didn't stop. I almost tripped when i felt rose grip my jacket. I looked at her as a ran, she wasn't awake, but it meant she was still alive.

"stay with me" I whispered to her.

After 13 more hours of running, i made it to the hospital. Rose was immediately taken away. They took me and akamaru to a different room to be checked. As soon as they said we were ok, we followed rose's scent to her room. I cautiously walked into her room. She lay there, all bandaged up, but breathing normally.

I sighed in relief, Rose was alive. Akamaru barked happily. I pulled a chair in the room over to the side of her bed. I stayed there all day and the rest of the night.

The next day my mom and sis entered the room. They managed to drag me away saying she shouldn't wake up for a few days and i could come back tomorrow. At supper i didn't really have an appetite, so i told hana i was gonna take a walk.

Rose's P.O.V

I was barely conscious, wind was blowing against me. Am i being carried? Then i recognized kiba's smell. I grabbed onto his jacket, wanting to feel secure again. "stay with me" Kiba said, before i blacked back out.

Bright lights, i was moving again, so many people yelling. Someone looked over at me, put a breathing mask on me and i was back out.

When i woke up again, everything was still. I looked around, i was in a hospital. Then i saw kiba and akamaru, they were sleeping. I tried to talk to them, but my mouth wouldn't work, nor would my body move. Maybe in his sleep, kiba felt my distress, because he moved his hand until it was holding mine. I made my decision, when i got out of here, i was going to tell Kiba i loved him. As i was thinking about it, i drifted of to sleep.

The next time i woke up, my room was empty. I was feeling much better to. Sun shown threw the window. I took off all the stuff stuck to me and grabbed the clothes that were near by. I was just jumping out the window, when the door opened. I heard doctors and nurses scrambling to see where i had gone, but i was long gone when they looked out the window. It was slow going, because all of my injury's hadn't healed, but i eventually made it to the field, where kiba first took me. The sun was just starting to go down when i heard someone approaching.

Kiba's P.O.V

The next day i quickly ate my breakfast. Then made my way to the hospital. When i got to rose's room, there were all these nurses in a panic. I finally got one to stop for a moment so i could ask what was going on.

The nurse: "She's gone sir, we can't find her."  I was kinda expecting this. I only nodded to the nurse and left. Following her sent trail, lead me back to the field i'd shown her. The sun was just starting to set as i walked over to her.

She sniffed the air and stood to face me. A nervous smile on her face.

Rose: "Hey kiba."

: "Hey, you ok? you left the hospital."

Rose: "heh, o yeah, i'm fine. it's just hospital's freak me out for some reason."

I nodded to her and we stood there in an awkward silence for awhile.

Rose: "Um kiba, could i ask you a question?"

: "Sure." Rose: "When your mom and sis were trying to heal me, i, i thought i heard you say..."

: "That i love you."

She looked at me and her eyes grew.

: "Yes, i said that and i do mean it. Seeing you there, i thought you were going to die. I felt so helpless just standing in the background. If you don't feel the same way i would understand."

Suddenly, i was pushed to the ground, with rose kissing me. I didn't wait to kiss back. After a minute or so we had to break for air.

Rose: "I love you to, kiba."

Rose's P.O.V

Kiba smiled as he helped us stand. He reached for his jacket pocket while getting on one knee. I covered my mouth with my hand. He opened a dark blue box, with a rose carved diamond ring.

Kiba: "It didn't take me long to realize we were more than friends. I love you Rose. Will you marry me?"

I could see the nervousness all over his face, but it wasn't like that long. I practically screamed yes. Kiba slipped the ring onto my finger and we kissed right as the sun left the horizon.


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