Wishful Dreams (Kamen Rider E...

By Paranilla

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**Credit to Rufus147 for the beautiful cover** Elkie Winters is asked by one of her friends about what world... More

-80- **Read Note at the end please**


153 5 69
By Paranilla


"And that is how you beat this level!" Emu exclaims, beating the Might Action game again. He has beaten this game so many times. And still, he's playing it.

"Ah, I see." I'm not the best gamer in the world, but I do enjoy gaming. I love to play Pokemon and Overwatch the most. I'm not as capable as he is when it comes to playing games like he is.

He looks up from the handheld console and turns to me, smiling. "Elkie, are you into Hiiro? You know...having a crush on him?" Why does he have to smile when asking such a terrible thing to me?

"Why would I be into Hiiro? What makes you think that I'm crushing on him?" A crush on Hiiro? Really?

"I guess I'm asking because you two seem quite close lately. You get kind of flustered around him too. You know, red in the face all the time when he says something to you about something," Emu tells me.

I shake my head. "No, I see him like a friend." What is Hiiro to me exactly? 

"Are you sure? I'm just curious about you two is all." He is just curious about my relationship with Hiiro? Has he felt neglected lately because of me being around Hiiro a lot? 

"Emu, I'm sure about it. Hiiro is handsome in the cool doctor kind of way, but that is all. I wouldn't date someone like him." He's way too cold for me to consider dating and he's pining over his ex still.

"I see." He nods, smile dropping a little. "I guess I just read you two wrong. I just felt like you two were bonding all of a sudden and had gotten together. Especially since you stayed over at his place." He looks down, staring at his game once again.

"Well, I am not into him and never will be. I just annoy him if anything," I state. "Besides, I'm not over my ex-boyfriend yet." My super sweet Bugster true love! I miss him so much!

Parad is a fictional character, but he's a hot fictional character with cool powers. That not being in a relationship with him any longer even harder to deal with. It is like losing the best thing to ever happen to you in life. Not that Emu isn't cool like Parad is. Wait...why am I even worried about how I view Emu?


I nod. "I dated some around here briefly. Don't worry, it isn't anyone you know personally." I can't come out and tell him I dated a Bugster that has been trying to play with him. He'll hate me then.

He looks back at me, nodding his head. "Ah, I see." He puts down his handheld console next to him on the couch. "How about I get your mind off of him? You know, by going to hang out as friends? But only as friends."

"As friends?" I blink. Do I really want to go and hang out with Emu all alone? Is this another chance at having fun with a really cute guy who is fictional and Japanese? Also, he's a Kamen Rider and future amazing doctor!

"You can say no if you want to. I know it must be weird for someone to ask you out even as a friend." He looks away, looking a bit awkward. "I just think it is best for someone to get out when they need air and all. You know, medicine for the soul kind of thing."

He's thinking it'll be good for me to, right? I guess he's right on that. I have heard going out with friends can help someone get over a break up. Of course, I read that in a magazine and seen it in shows. 

"Well...I would say no if it wasn't probably true that it could help me get over it a bit. Uh...just know that I don't want to see any Bugsters or Dangerous Zombies when we go out. Got it?" I know that we're both danger attracting magnets.

He looks at me, mouth wide. "You want to go out as friends with me?"

"I do." I nod. "Really, I do." Gosh, he's so cute!

Kuroto said I couldn't go out with Parad, but he didn't say anything about Emu being off limits. Of course, I'm not pursuing Emu romantically. But if I was, it wouldn't be against anything Kuroto said. Besides, I'll consider going after Emu because he is an option for the dating thing. This doesn't mean I'll be over my Bugster love though.

"Wow, usually no girls are interested in hanging out with me but Poppy," Emu says. How does he have no luck with the girls? He's kind and sweet and better than Hiiro and Taiga. Are ladies here blind?

What is interesting to me is that Hiiro has a fan squad of nurses. I didn't believe that he did, but I've seen them around the hospital following him. They whisper to each other about him all the time and nearly faint when he looks at them.

I mean, I get the thing about girls liking the cool and calm guys. However, it is mostly a movie and show thing. Girls like the bad characters a lot, but tend to date guys who aren't bad in real life. However, lots of jerks get girlfriends by deceiving girls and acting perfect. Players.

"You're a good catch, Emu. No one usually noticed the good ones right away." I want him to feel good about himself. 

"Aw, thanks! You're a good friend, Elkie." He grins. "Let me call Hiiro and tell him that we're heading out to shop. However, I'm going to leave out what we're actually going to go and do."

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" He is so clue when he has no idea what to do with someone.

"Hmm....I guess we can go out and club. You know, not the actual club. I want to sing and dance in a room where no one else can bother us at. We can go shopping before that so we can look the part." But I don't have money, so he's going to be burning all of his up.

"I am aware that you're not going to be spending an ounce on this, Elkie. But that is fine! I'm okay with spending money to hang out with you and have a good time. So, karaoke and shopping? Sounds fun." He is too sweet!

"I guess you have some money, huh?" He did play in tournaments for years.

He nods. "I do. If we get back home in time, can we play video games together? It'll be the perfect way to end the night. You know, by raging at each other when we do what the other doesn't like in games?"

"Oh, you're so on!" I laugh.

I'm going to school this nerd later in gaming somehow.


I look around the fancy looking karaoke bar. It is all neon lights and fancy looking doors, which lead to the private rooms for people to sing and be drunk in. I feel bad for Emu's wallet since this place isn't going to be cheap.

"Uh...do you want a drink? I already paid for our room, so that is all that is left to do." Emu looks at me, eyes sparkling a bit. He looks so cute when he is kind of nervous. This isn't his typical idea of having fun, but it is okay to branch out a bit and try something new.

"Of course! You can pick out something." I smile. "What is our room?"

He turns a bit, pointing. "That is our room over there. The last one is the only one available at this time, so I took it. I hope you don't mind walking over there to get to it since it is kind of far." Walking isn't an issue for me.

"I guess the others have a party going on." I nod my head. "Alright, that is fine. I don't mind the long walk." Walking with someone is kind of romantic. When we leave, it'll be like strolling the sands on the beach. However, it'll be with neon lights and people singing in rooms.

"I'll go and get our drinks now." He points ahead. "I'll see you in a moment."

He moves around me and I turn, watching him go over to the person tending the bar. We both look so out of place here. We're both dressed in the most casual clothes ever for a party night. I bet people think we're odd.

I sigh and turn to the direction of our room. Okay, I got this. I won't be a total potato during our time singing together in that room. I got this.

I head to our room and pop open the door, looking inside of it. This is the nicest room I've been in since being in Emu's place. I'm tired of white walls and stupid mean guys being in a room with me.

The couch in here is red and the walls are a grey color, looking kind of sleek. Oh! That TV looks really nice! 

I enter the room and spin, looking at everything. Wow, this is one amazing place to be! I'm going to make sure to sing my heart out once he gets in here.

I am aware that I can sing in Japanese at the moment somehow. I guess that has to do with me being sucked into this world. So, I can understand it at the moment. I should take advantage of that and sing all the songs I've always wanted to sing here. I do love me some Japanese music sometimes. Can I rap in Japanese?

"I see that you're admiring this room," Emu's voice says, laughing. "I have our drinks right here. I hope you don't mind, but I did get alcoholic stuff for us to drink. We're going to be doing shots since it seemed like a fun thing to do."

Shots are a fun thing to do? "That's fine." 

"Do you like rum?"

"I have never tried it, honestly." I'm not a huge drinker, but I have drunk a bit. 

He places the bottle down along with two cups stuck together. Those are some cute shot glasses! They're pink with the logo of this place on it. 

"I bet you can handle alcohol better than me," I tell him, picking up one of the glasses. "Can you pour me a shot before we get started?" I grin.

He sits by me and picks up the bottle of alcohol. "This is their custom one they order to be made. It is a strawberry flavored drink with rum in it. That is why I brought up the rum thing. You know..." He's being so awkward right now and it is cute.

"Pour it for the both of us." I want to start drinking and singing! 

He opens the bottle and pours it into my cup gently, making sure not to over do it. "Wait until I get mine poured." 

"I will." I won't drink without him.

He pour some into the empty cup on the table and puts down the bottle. He picks up the shot glass and holds it out towards me. I move mine forward into his and tap them together, smiling. This should be fun.

I bring my glass to my lips as he does the same, taking a sip of it. Wow, this is so strong! I haven't swallowed it yet but I know it is going to get me flying high!

I swallow. "Ah, sweet! I hate vodka, so I'm glad you didn't get me straight up vodka."

"Is it really that bad?" he asks, putting down his glass. "Did you pick a song yet?"

I shake my head. "I didn't get that far. You came here faster than I thought you would. Uh...what do I want to sing?" I didn't really think about what to sing while he was out of the room. I was busy thinking about if I could rap or not in Japanese. 

"I think there is a hint of lime in that drink."

"Huh?" That is random.

"The rum," he states. Ah, right.

"Oh, I see. Yeah, I guess it did." I didn't notice. "Uh...how about 'Don't Push Me' by Sweetbox?" I never heard of the song, but I want to sing it.

"I never heard of that song."

I look him in the eyes. "Neither have I, but we should try new things, right? So, this song is new to us and it seems like I should try to sing it." 

"Before you do that, want another shot?" 

I nod. "Yeah, that should get me brave enough to sing badly in front of you because my singing is straight trash." It is the truth.

He picks up the bottle and pours more into our glasses. "Make sure to put it down once you pick up the microphone and select the song with the controller."

I bring the glass up to my lips and take it all in, swallowing it quickly. Man, this is nice to do with someone really cute at my side! I can't do this kind of thing with Parad at all. He's probably not even old enough to actually drink.

I put the glass down and pick up the controller. "Okay, selecting the song now."


I press the select button and put the controller down. I grab the microphone and look at the screen as the music starts playing. I got this. No matter how bad I am, he won't be a jerk about it. He's a good guy.

"I'm a love 'em and leave 'em king of girl," I sing, holding the microphone near my mouth. I am so off-key for this song, but I'm sure Emu is enjoying it so far. It isn't like we're professional singers. "Touch and leave 'em kinda girl." I turn to Emu and wink, holding back the urge to laugh.

He claps his hands. "Yeah, woo!" He's cheering for me to keep going? Aw!

"I'm the perfect type for one wild night." Wow, it is starting to feel hot in here. Is it this song or being around Emu? No, it is the alcohol. "Yeah, I suffocate quick. Does that make me a bitch? I really don't care. No!"

"Wo-ah!" Emu gasps. He's really surprised by these lyrics huh?

"Well your roses were sweet, really swept me off my feet," I sing, standing up. I think it is time to really get into this performance. "But I start to choke when you say let's elope. Yeah, I suffocate quick. Does that make me a bitch. I don't really care, no, no, no!" I make the choking sign and he laughs, clapping. He's just so much fun to be around.

"Keep going!" He claps some more, laughing hard.

"Don't push me so hard, don't push me so far. Don't cage me in, don't tie me down. Don't push me so hard, don't push me so far. Don't cage me in, don't tie me down," I sing, jumping up and down. I need more to drink.

"Aw, it is going to end in a moment," he comments, frowning as he eyes go over to the screen. Thank goodness!

"Don't push me, don't push me, don't push me, don't push me down. Don't cage me in, oh! Don't push me! I don't wanna be tied down! Don't push me so hard, yeah, don't push me so far, no, no! Don't cage me in, come on, don't tie me down." I need some air. Thank goodness it is over.

I sit down, putting the microphone down as the music ends. I close my eyes, panting. I need some sweet oxygen! It is getting so hot in here and I need a drink. Really, I do need one.

"Do you need a shot? I was hoping to see more of your dance moves." Emu wants to see me dance? I can't dance anyways. 

I laugh, nodding as I open my eyes back up. "Yes, I need one. Man, that song so wasn't me." 

I'm not the kind of girl who does that kind of thing in the song. I'm pretty nice about things. I don't like to be pushed around though. It makes me feel bad when someone pushes me around.

"You sang pretty well," Emu tells me, pouring me a shot. "Here."

I pick up the glass, leaning forward a bit, and bring it up to my lips. "I'm taking that as you enjoyed my off-key singing, huh?"

"It wasn't bad at all! Honestly, I liked it." He smiles. "So, I should sing now, huh? Do you want me to or do you want to go again?"

"You can go. Do that song there. That's Shalala Ring song will do."

"NU'EST? What is a NU'EST?" He tilts his head, blinking. I guess he's not into the music scene. I kind of know who they are but I didn't expect them to exist in this world. Then again, this is an alternative Japan and NU'EST promoted in Japan for a bit.

"Yeah, sing it. Trust me." It is a cute song that will fit a cute boy like him.

"Alright." He grabs the controller with his free hand, keeping the bottle in the other. I think he is going to pour himself another shot. "I'll sing it just for you, but don't tell anyone about this."

Oh, I won't.

A/n: I was originally going to put the Korean version of Don't Push Me (it is a cover by one of my favorite Korean solo singers to have ever existed, U;NEE), but I felt the original should be included due to it being the one sang. 

And if you want to know what NU'EST is, I'm afraid you will have to look them up yourselves (I love NU'EST. All of them are beautiful and I adore them so much. I've been supporting them since I was in high school). I am not a fan of the song that I mentioned in this story, but it would be so cute with Emu singing it. I can just see it now. :')

Anyways, onto the next chapter for me. I need to write more of this story. I'm addicted to writing when I have free time. Someone stop me. PLEASE!

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