One night

By gawdtillerr

56.1K 1.5K 144

Kalin and Myles fanfic More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Not an update
Part 40
Not an Update sorry
Part 41
Thank You

Part 15

1.1K 29 4
By gawdtillerr

Adrianna's POV

I walked in Myles dressing room to see something that shattered my heart. Lycia and Myles making out. "M-Myles" I spoke up. He looked at me. I ran as fast as I could "Adrianna! Wait!" I heard the voice getting closer and closer then a hand grabbed my wrist. "Adrianna please let me explain!" I cried. "WHAT SO YOU CAN EXPLAIN HOW YOU HAD YOUR TONGUE DOWN LYCIAS THROAT!?" I screamed. "NO please baby let me explain" he pleaded. "No! And don't ever call me baby. You know I came down here to surprise you! And to tell you how much I missed you! But.. obviously you didn't miss me because you had Lycias company!" I screamed but weak. Why did he do this to me, I just wanted to crawl into a corner and just cry. "Please let me explain!" He started crying. I just had to. "Fine!" I sat down still crying and he started explaing. "Ok so.. after the show I walked to my dressing room and Lycia followed me into there she closed the door and started coming onto me. I swear Adri I didn't mean for this to happen. I love you way to much and I missed you to i would never do anything to hurt you I swear. And literally when she kissed me was like 1 minute before you came in" he explained of what happened I felt bad cause I was yelling at him. "I'm so sorry I didn't let you explain Meelz" I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried onto his shoulder.

Destiny POV

I walked into Kalins dressing room and saw him taking selfies and going on twitter. I walked over to him and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and he had the biggest smile on his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and peck his lips. "I missed you so much baby k!" I chuckled "I missed you too babe" he replied "but I need to tell you something" he said while scratching the back of his neck. I got really worried. "So Myles has been sleeping with this girl... Lycia." I got so filled with anger. I stormed over to his dressing room and saw him and i see him and Adri just cuddling and laughing and talking. "Wow! How can you pretend you didn't do anything asshole!" Adrianna looked confused while Myles looked ashamed. Adrianna shot up from the couch and asked me what had happened. "Your "boyfriend" over here (using air quotes) has been sleeping around with thot named Lycia!" I yelled. She looked so broken and I feel bad but she had to know! She looked at Myles and told me "wow that's funny cause I just walked into them kissing and he was saying how he didn't know she was here! And then he explained how he loved me so much-" she looked at Myles "how could you! You literally just told me how you didn't mean for that to happen and you love me so much... but you don't because you've been sleeping around with that bitch Lycia-" right when she said her name "I heard my name!" Lycia pranced right in. "YOUR A FUCKING WHORE! BITCH!" Adrianna screamed. Lycia slapped Adri and she was just beyond pissed! Adrianna jumped on top of Lycia and beat the crap out of her and broke her nose! "Yass girl get it!" I yelled. Adri got off of the beaten Lycia and walked over to me. "Let's go.. oh and by the way, don't ever call me or try to contact me myles!" We walked out and went to Kalin. He saw Adrianna's hands all bloody and started laughing "high five gurl!" He said girly.

Myles POV

I looked at Lycia on the ground all bloody and picked her up and put her on the couch. "Thanks Meelz" she tried to kiss me but I pushed her face away. "You caused this problem in my relationship that I really cared about. Adri meant so much to me! I really loved her and I was thinking of making her Mrs.Parrish but... I ruined that" I started crying into my hands. "I'm.. I'm actually sorry Myles I mean yeah I know you cared about her and that's why I did this. And now. Your all mine!" Lycia started saying I looked at her and flicked her off and told her to leave. I sat there crying. "Why did I have to do this?" I whispered as I tugged on my hair.

A/N- Should there by a #mydrianna? I'm not really sure so I hope you enjoy!

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