laissez les bon temps rouler...

By stephie177

98.3K 1.9K 179

Else Mikaelson is the twin sister of Klaus Mikaelson, the big bad wolf himself. Else finds herself in a situa... More



1.2K 27 0
By stephie177

I walk out onto the balcony overlooking the courtyard. I can hear Elijah shouting, "Brother! Niklaus!"

"You do realize that literally everyone in here has supernatural hearing, right?" I ask him.

"Where is our brother?" Elijah questions.

I shrug my shoulders. "I may be his twin but that doesn't mean I know where he is."

"Sister, this city is under siege by an army of beasts following our deranged mother's every command. Now, considering it was your people who just declared war on the vampires, now's not the best time for your particular brand of sass," Elijah remarks.

"Nik left a while ago. If you want to find him, I can't help you. If only there was a magical device that people used to call people? I don't know, I'm out of ideas. Good luck." I turn to walk back to my room but stop and face Elijah again. "Oh! One more thing, Elijah those 'beasts' that you're referring to? They may be under Esther's control, but, like you said, they're my people. So, if you hurt them, our wretched mother will be the least of your problems."

On my way back to my room I stop off at Hayley's. I've grown closer to Hayley in recent months. I think that she has realized through the absence of Jack it's me who is going to look out for the pack. I've lived longer, I've seen wars like this before. I'm the one that should lead our pack right now, and Hayley has finally come to terms with it.

Hayley is laying down on her bed. I walk in and plop down next to her.

"What did Elijah want?" Hayley asks.

"Once again Klaus is unaccounted for and will not answer his phone," I tell her. "Why do you want to know?"

Hayley looks at me for a moment. "No reason." She shakes her head.

I smile and laugh a little. "No reason, or the reason being that you are so totally in love with Elijah."

Hayley blushes slightly. "I'm not in love with him," she insists. She looks down. "Plus Elijah hasn't spoken to me much lately.

I nod my head "What is that all about anyway? You guys were all over each other not too long ago."

Hayley shrugs her shoulders. "I don't really know. Things have changed since," Hayley pauses for a moment. "Since you had to send Jolie away."

I smile sadly at the mention of my daughter. "It feels like the whole city has changed. The pack has split in two, and Jackson is nowhere to be found." I laugh slightly. "It's crazy I kinda miss having Jack around everyday."

Hayley smiles at me. "You two were like the ultimate power couple."

I laugh a little. My smile falls when I hear my name being called. I walk out into the courtyard and find the werewolf Aiden looking for me. "I need your help."

After talking to Aiden I head to Marcel's loft. I'm going to need Elijah and Marcel's help if I'm going to help the wolves. When I arrive I see Elijah pushed up against the wall by a vampire, her hand in his chest.

"Elijah?" I ask. The girl jumps back from my brother. "We need to talk." As Aiden and Hayley walk in, the girl looks like she wants to lunge for them. Elijah holds her back. "We're not here for a fight. Just hear him out."

Elijah looks towards Aiden unimpressed. "Speak. I suggest you be succinct."

Aiden sighs. "Please. I need your help."

Marcel, Oliver, and Josh join Elijah, Gia, Hayley, Aiden, and I. I listen as Aiden explains the werewolves dilemma. "The witch wants soldiers. So now, it's either join up, or pay the price."

"I've known my brother Finn to be merciless, but I'll admit, this exceeds even my expectations," Elijah states.

"They're just kids. Marcel, you know the Quarter like the back of your hand. If anyone can get them out of here, it's you," I tell him.

"Oh? And take 'em where?" Marcel questions.

"There's still wolves deep in the Bayou. Ones that didn't take a ring. They can look after them," Oliver explains.

"The ones that never sold out, you mean," Marcel states.

"You wanna look at it like that, that's fine. We did what we had to do," Oliver argues.

Marcel sighs. "Your wolves have been fighting us for decades. Why trust us now?"

Aiden hesitates for a moment. "One of the recruits is my little brother. There's no way I'm sending him to war."

I look to Elijah hoping he will help. He looks to Marcel before sighing. "Tell us what you need."

"Alright, the kids are being held in the City of the Dead until we bring them through the Quarter to St. Anne's Church. Now, meanwhile, Vincent is holding a meeting with a few humans in-the-know. The ones who have been... reluctant to fall in line with his new leadership," Aiden explains.

Elijah looks stunned. "He's going to use the children to kill any opposition."

Aiden nods. "Activate their curse, send a message to anyone who's thinking about going against him. It's two birds, one... bloodbath."

"Okay, so, we'll hit them while the kids are on the move," Marcel offers.

"Aiden, make certain you and Oliver escort the children. We'll handle the rest," Elijah explains.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Esther and her psycho son are already giving me the stink-eye. If these kids go missing on my watch, I'm as good as dead," Oliver argues.

"You wanted to help your people and make amends for the past. This is your chance," Elijah tells him.

We all split up heading to different places across the quarter. The streets are filled with partiers celebrating All Hallows Eve. Everyone around me is in costume. Gia is tasked with accidentally running into one of the werewolves to distract them. Aiden chases after her and Oliver takes the kids away.

When Oliver passes the alley Hayley and I are in I call out to him, "Ollie, this way!"

Oliver and the kids follow me through an alley and into Rousseau's, where Josh is waiting for us. He opens a door hidden behind a cupboard in the kitchen. "Go ahead." The kids start into the tunnel. "It's a passageway from the Prohibition days. It'll take us pretty much anywhere we want to go," he tells us.

Josh goes in first than Hayley than me. I look at Oliver and smile slightly before he closes the door. As I lead the kids through the tunnel I put my finger to my lips. Josh is in front of me with a flashlight. When we get to a metal gate Josh breaks it down. As we exit the tunnel Gia is there waiting.

"Hey, where's Marcel?" Josh asks.

"Uh, he's getting the getaway car," Gia tells him.

"Hey! Big-mouth! Shut it! There are werewolves everywhere," I warn.

I lead the kids to the nearby gas station. Marcel is there waiting with the ambulance we are using as the getaway car. Marcel quickly hops out of the front seat and gestures toward the children to get in the back. "Let's go! Move!"

Marcel and I help the kids into the back. I hear Aiden shout behind me, "Nick!"

His little brother smiles up at him. "Aiden! You made it!"

They hug one another. "Of course I did! I told you I'd be here, didn't I?" Aiden pats Nick on the head and gestures for the ambulance. "Go."

Once Nick is inside Marcel and I close up the ambulance. Aiden walks over and looks towards Marcel. "Thank you." He turns towards me. "Both of you."

"We're both fighting for the same thing, you know. Just trying to save the ones that we love," I tell him.

Aiden smiles at me. Marcel claps Aiden kindly on the shoulder before going to get in the driver's seat of the ambulance as I get in the passenger's seat.

After we drop the kids off safe and sound in the Bayou I head back to Marcel's loft with him. Gia is there as well. Marcel pours drinks for us all.

I smile as he hands one to me. "Well, we did it! I never thought I'd see the day again when 'we' meant us." I laugh a little.

Marcel smiles at me. "Never say never, 'cause never ain't that long. You taught me that. And, what we did today was the right thing. But, you know it's gonna make things worse between your people and mine."

I notice Gia staring out the window so I call out to her, "There's a life lesson for you, baby vamp. It always gets worse before it gets better."

I grab a second drink and walk over to sit next to Gia on the window seat. I hand Gia a drink, but Gia still looks worried. "We left Elijah out there."

I sigh. "Look, I worry about a lot of things where Elijah's concerned. But, trust me he can take care of himself." I smile at Gia as she smiles weakly back.

Nik is still unaccounted for and now I can't find Elijah. I don't know who else to turn to so I head to Marcel's loft. Things have been better between us, he no longer holds animosity towards Elijah or I for what we did to Thierry.

When I enter Marcel's loft he is at the bar pouring himself a drink. I smile at him. "So, those werewolf kids you helped get out of the Quarter made it to the safe house up north."

Marcel looks at me pleased. "Great! My good deed for the decade."

Marcel hands me a drink and I take it gratefully. "Thanks." I take a sip. "Maybe the vampires and us free wolves can work together after all."

Marcel smiles at me. "Free wolves?" he questions. "Last time I checked you were a hybrid." I give him a look. "Anyway, the enemy of my enemy is my friend!"

Marcel and I both drink. "Anyway, thanks... for helping," I tell him.

Marcel shakes his head. "Don't thank me. Thank Elijah."

My smile fades. "I would have, but I can't get a hold of him. I searched the whole compound, thinking he'd be there..."

Marcel looks surprised. "Really? I thought you always have tabs on him? Or maybe that werewolf Hayley would?"

I laugh slightly. "Like I ever have tabs on my brothers. Especially now with the once dead Finn and Kol now both very much alive. But Elijah wouldn't just disappear."

Marcel pauses for a moment. "Uh, last I knew, he was gonna keep the wolves distracted. Your boy Oliver was gonna help."

I look at him worried. "I tried to find Ollie first but I couldn't track him down either." Marcel's face turns sour. "If they're both missing..." I don't say anything as I turn to leave the loft.

Marcel stops me. "Where you goin'?"

"To find them," I state.

"Not on your own, you're not," Marcel insists. He puts down his drink and rushes out the door after me.

We head to the garage that Elijah and Oliver were supposed to be at last night. Looking around I see blood everywhere. I can tell there was a struggle. I take out my phone and call Nik.

When he answers he is out of breath. "Uh, I'm a tad busy. What is it, El?"

"Something has happened to Elijah. He was supposed to be our decoy last night, and now he's vanished. There's blood everywhere, werewolf and vampire. There's a trail. I need you to help us track it," I inform him.

"Well, as much as I might like to help you find our brother, I have more pressing matters at the moment," Nik tells me.

"What's more important than our own brother?" I ask.

"My life? Your life? Davina had Mikael on a magical leash, and it broke. Now Mikael has Tunde's blade, the white oak stake, and Cami," Nik tells me.

Marcel stands up from the puddle of blood he was looking at. He looks angry about Nik's news.

"I'm gonna get her back." Nik pauses for a moment. " And then, I'm gonna end this. Either Mikael or I will be ash by day's end." Marcel walks over towards me. "And, if you do find our brother, please, tell him I could do with a hand?"

Nik hangs up and I look at Marcel worried. "You know for most people if they could come back to life they would cherish every moment spent with their children. Instead my parents still seek to destroy us."

Marcel looks at me. "Now are we going to save Nik from Mikael or do you still want to find Elijah?"

I smile wickedly. "Oh, I'm hoping there is still time for me to be the one that kills Mikael." I laugh a little. "After all Nik did get to do it last time."

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