
By Music_With_Books

185 2 0

The war is fully starting. Each girl are having to deal with their own decisions when it comes to fighting th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Twelve

8 0 0
By Music_With_Books

C lays on her bunk, listening to the others discuss the plans. Some symbol keeps appearing and the others are fascinated by it. Each of them want to know why it seems to be everywhere they go. The thing is, she has an bad feeling about this. 

"We should go see Luna's father," Harry offers. 

"I don't like that idea too much," Belle states. 

"I have to agree with her," C tells them.

"Why don't we split up then?" Ron asks. Harry looks a bit unsure along with Hermione.

"If we're doing that," Jas says, "Lets split evenly. Three is a more universally sound number."

The group agree on it. They discuss the different locations afterwards.


The three sit in a tree, looking at the spot where the others should appear. C leans against rough pole, relaxing for a moment. A tree branch snaps and all three turn in that direction. A group of Snatchers appear. Jas motions to be quiet as she pulls two bows from Duat. She hands one to Belle before getting arrows. The two notch the arrows and aim at the group. 

C pulls her wand out just in case. A snap fills the air as the other three of their traveling group arrives right below them. The group of Snatchers to the new comers. The two girls take this opportunity to fire the weapons. The arrows lodge themselves into the shoulders of two of the men closest to them. The group look at the three. 

"Shit," Jas sneers, leaping down. C and Belle follow her lead, all six together again. C quickly realizes why Jas was upset. The leader of the group is Scabior. His eyes fixed on the demigod.

"Now are we going to make this easy or difficult?" he smirks. They are still out numbered. Instead of responding, all six of them run off in the opposite direction. C pushes herself to move as fast as possible. She is glad that she spent as much time at Camp as she did. Every now and then, she casts a spell in hopes of knocking one of them down. Her heart is pounding so much, that is all she can really hear. 

She watches in horror as Belle rolls down a hill, slamming into a tree. A jinx hits her as well, knocking her down. A few of the Snatchers pick her up and drag her where the others are. She can see that Harry had been hit with some spell that temporarily deforms his face. Everyone at this point is being held while Scabior looks at them. He first goes to Hermione.

"What's your name, Love?" he asks, lifting up one of her curls.

"Lavender," she lies smoothly. "Lavender Brown."

He places a hand on her face, causing Ron to loose it.

"Leave her alone," the red head snaps. A Snatcher punches him in the stomach.

"Your boyfriend should learn his place," Scabior smirks. He walks over to Jas, lifting her chin so she looks him in the eye. "You defiantly have grown, Little Jas."

She tries to stab him with her dagger. He catches her wrist, twisting her arm behind her. A person brings out gold rope, which he starts tying her wrist in. She lets out a yelp in pain. He tugs it tighter. C can see her wrist turning red.

"Make the dagger go like a good girl and I will loosen the rope some," he orders. She does as he requests and he loosens the ropes just barely, tying her hands together. Next he walks over to C, looking her up and down.

"Now you look familiar," he chuckles. "Yes, I know your mother. She is dying to see you." C spits in his face, which he wipes away. "I have a feeling she may not mind if my men have a little fun with you first."

Her heart seems to pick up and the monster in front of her smirks. A few of the men cheer at the thought of that. He looks over at Harry.

"Who are you?"

"Dursley," Harry stutters. "Vernon Dursley sir."

"Do we have a Dursley on the list?" he asks one of his men. That is when he notices Belle being held up. Her shirt is lifted enough to show her side is starting to darken. "Aren't you Potter's girl?" She keeps her mouth shut and he squeezes her cheeks, looking in her eyes. "Where is your boyfriend?"

"I don't know," she sneers. "I am always on the run and never receive any letters."

He lets her go, looking at the group once more. He focuses on Harry once more, this time getting a better look. He smiles, turning to his group.

"We're going to Malfoy Manor," he states. He aggressively grabs Jas and pull her forward. The men pull C and the others behind. Soon they arrive at a dark iron gate. Bellatrix comes forward with her sister in tow. Scabior slams Harry into the gate, pulling the dark hair back.

"Bring him in," the psychotic killer smiles. "Along with everyone."

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