Roses and Knives

By redninja173

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A dangerous figure is coming to Paris bringing about a change that no one expected. (Miraculous x Male OC) More

Author's note
Chapter 2: The Depths of Despair
Chapter 3: Foundation of power
Chapter 4: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 5: First Impressions
Chapter 6: Nightmare Toys and Parties
Chapter 7: Caught on Camera
Chapter 8: The Storm
Chapter 9: Love Can Be Cold and Sweet
Chapter 10: Managed Mischief
Chapter 11: Some Things Are Better Left Unseen
Chapter 12: Swift Strike
Chapter 13: Marinette's Birthday Disaster
Chapter 14: Your Past Never Truly Leaves You
Chapter 15: Debts Must Be Repaid
Chapter 16: Tensions Rise
Chapter 17: The Wannabe Hero
Chapter 18: Skynet and a Sleepover
Chapter 19: New Powers
Chapter 20: A Strange Kind of Zombie Apocalypse
Chapter 21: A Snake Appears Before The Wolf
Chapter 22: Too Much Glitter
Chapter 23: A Pain In The BEEhind
Chapter 24: A Brief Shift In Personality
Chapter 25: Sticky Situation
Chapter 26: Someone Like You
Chapter 27: Nightmares Be Gone
Chapter 28: Thin Ice
Chapter 29: Heroes Day
Chapter 30: Darkness vs Life
Chapter 31: First Date
Chapter 32: A Trip To Shanghai
Chapter 33: A Liar Returns
Chapter 34: A Different Path

Chapter 1: How it all began

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By redninja173

A person at some point in their life will ask themselves, How has the human race come to be? have we evolved from apes or were we created from some higher power? If there is some sort higher power than what is it? Does anything that we do ever matter? Is there any meaning to our existence?

The truth is a little more complex than people think. All the entities from the major religions are real with Earth being a shared project that all participated in. When the creation was finished each of the pantheons divided up the world into their own territories. The pantheons agreed to never directly interfere with each other's territory so as to not destroy all that they put effort into creating.

The different gods each thought they knew what was best for their creation and since they couldn't interfere directly, they would have something do it for them. Each of the pantheons worked a new small project that would be able to connect them to the world, this project called Humanity. Humans were given form, individuality, and knowledge that would make them unique to the rest of creation.

The gods stated the situation to the mortals very plainly, "you may do as you please with whatever you have, But should you choose to remain devoted to us then we shall continuously provide blessings upon you". From this communities of Humans developed different dialects, architecture, and traditions into their culture to reflect the gods as representations of their devotion. 

Due to this devotion the gods fulfilled their promise and gave humans blessings such as knowledge, inspiration, protection, and most importantly the ability to use magic. magic known as what breaks the rules of the world giving Humans to do what was considered impossible before. Humans were now to do feats such as creating fire from their hands or being able to fly through the sky without the need for wings like the birds. This however would not last forever for most civilizations unbeknownst to them.

As long as a civilization exists it will inevitably evolve and become more advanced. As technology was developed and people were understanding how to use nature to their benefit using what was known as science, the need for the gods and magic was becoming less and less and so lessened their devotion. most of humanity did not see the consequences of what this may bring except for 3 civilizations, those being the Aztecs, Norse, and Greeks. They came together and created a spell that would become the salvation to this inevitable threat. Using the magical energy of the world itself they created invincible magical domes that would cover the entirety of their lands to keep the rest of the world away so they could advance while keeping their connection to their pantheons. So long as their is life of any kind on Earth these domes would remain standing.

(these are what the domes look like, ignore the ice)

As predicted, the rest of the world lost their devotion to the gods and as such lost their connection with them completely. The world tried to get past the domes as to claim even a fraction of the power they once had and failed to put even scratch on the domes eventually giving up the meaningless endeavor. As time went on the gods themselves became nothing more than myth and legend to humanity while magic became a fantasy. Humanity became a shell of its former self relying on the only thing they knew, logic and science to have them advance while the three countries in their domes were always at their peak magical and technological state due to their foresight.


(Present day, Forest near the city of Sparta in Greece)

(3rd POV)

A man is standing with his guard down holding a training sword in his right hand. Not a care in the world as he takes a bite of the apple in his left hand. He sighs yells in the open "Hiding is pointless you know. If you don't take action then your enemy will make a move instead." He hears the rustling of the trees and looks up with a bored expression. Seeing a child jump out from above with his training sword in hand shouting "Take this old man!".

The child swung his sword down at the man who casually deflected the strike with his own sword and while dropping the apple used his left hand to send an open palm push on the stomach of the child to send him into the trunk of an Oak Tree. The child hit the tree hard gaining a few scrapes and bruises , groaning and knowing that he lost muttered under his breath said "Dammit, Why can't I ever land a hit on him". The Man walking up to the child with a Shit-Eating grin on his face as he said "Well Dante first off it's not a sneak attack if you shout like that and second is that I have much more battle experience and skill than you do. You may be my son, But your not anywhere close to being at my level".

This 32 year old man is known as Andreas Barbatos well known warrior and the strongest man in Greece as well as the father of Dante, his 4 year old son who wants to follow in his footsteps. Andreas spent his entire life to the art of combat, learning every combat style and training his body to the absolute limit. Andreas' biggest accomplishment was slaying the Colchian Dragon who plagued Greece and was widely believed to be immortal. After the dragon was slain he was awarded fame, riches and the title "Sword of Ares". His strength and achievements made him admired, envied, and feared to the rest of Greece, making as many friends as he did enemies.

Dante POV

I looked at my dad with a pout slowly getting up and dusting myself off and stretching out all the stiffness in my body.

Dante: "whatever dad, you know that I will surpass you one day."

Andreas: "I don't doubt that, you are my son after all. You have more talent in combat than I do, and your body may not be as strong as mine, but you certainly heal much faster than I do." 

my dad pat my head as all the scratches and bruises I had were completely gone. It was well known that us Greeks had bodies that would become stronger the more we push them, But if we push them too far all at once we would gain permanent damage. As for me I have an abnormally fast healing rate so I never had to really worry about it.

My dad and I started walking back home as it was starting to get dark and my mom gets worried if we are still in the forest at night because that is when the monsters come out. I remember the time when I snuck out of the house at night into the forest and was met with a spider as big as me. I was so scared that I couldn't move and before it attacked my dad cut it straight down the middle. I was so happy to see him that I just clung to him until I we got home. I was scolded and was banned from going to the forest without my dad.

Dante: "Dad when will I get to use a real sword instead of this wood?"

Andreas: "After you learn the basics and your two years older at least. I am surprised that you didn't want to be mage like your mother, you got your mother's smarts you know."

Dante: "ya I suppose, But I would rather fight then study. I want to overpower my foes with pure strength and skill not with tricks and whit."

Andreas: "you shouldn't look down on magic son, I am not as good as your mother but I still use it to give me the edge in battle if I need it."

Dante: "ya ya whatever dad, your just afraid that someone is going to beat you in a fight."

Andreas: "hahaha son I don't fear anything."

Dante: a mischievous smirk appeared on my face cause I know the person he fears most. I start running back to the house. "I am going to tell mom that you beat me up today." I look back and I see the look of terror on my dad's face as he is now chasing after me.

Andreas: "nonono lets not say that to your mother, she will kill me."

I just barely made it back to the house before my dad did and saw my mom tending to her garden. She always loved flowers saying they were always full of beauty and brimming with life if properly taken care of.

This 30 year old woman was Lilith Barbatos a first class mage, wife of Andreas and mother of Dante. She was a genius and extremely talented with the art of mage-craft. She was responsible for creating 50 spells that the people of Greece now use for everyday life and for combat. She was a high ranking government official until she decided to retire to take care of her child. Andreas didn't mind because he got to send more time with his wife and didn't have to worry about any financial troubles since the bounty on the dragon he killed was so large neither of them had to work.

Dante: She saw me as I ran to her giving her a hug while laughing. "Hey mom, we're back safe and sound as promised."

Lilith: she smiled at me "I see that, thank you for keeping your promise."

Dante: "of course, I will always do my best to keep my promises."

Lilith: she let go of me and stood up on her feet. "Now can you tell me why your father looks scared? Did he hurt you when I told him to be easy on you? Did he do something that would make me angry at him?" she asked this while sending a harsh glare his way making my dad more nervous than ever.

Dante: I decided to be nice and save my father from my mother's fury. So I gave the biggest smile I could and said "we had lots of fun, dad said that I was really improving in my sword proficiency. He was just scared that I would trip and hurt myself since I was running so fast to see you."

My dad looked very relieved while my mother had a look of suspicion on her face. She gave a really heavy sigh since she probably didn't believe me, but decide to let it go anyway. She regained her smile and said "Go ahead inside and wash up for dinner while I talk with your father real quick." I didn't want to upset her so I just nodded did what she asked of me.

3rd POV

Lilith: "your lucky that your son had mercy on you Andreas. now I want you tell me how bad he was hurt out there."

Andreas: "my love, it was honestly not that bad just a few cuts here and there. He just wanted to make me worry about my own life for a minute using the only I fear."

Lilith: "our son is smarter than I thought, only four years old and already able to use me against you. knowing I am the person who keeps you keeps you from going wild and making a mess of everything."

Andreas: "Exactly he will become stronger than the both of us, so what's a little danger here and there to help him grow like how I did at his age. He has your brains after all so I think he can get himself out of any situation that would hinder him."

Lilith: "It's precisely because he is our son that I worry about him. If he is like you then he is going to be a battle loving maniac who is going to need a strong willed girl to reign him in when he gets out of control."

Andreas: "What's wrong with loving to fight. the adrenaline that you feel when the outcome is uncertain, and when you win you get the sweet taste that victory provides is just the best."

Lilith: "There is also the possibility that you could die when you get into a serious fight. I allow you to train him so he could protect himself, But I don't want him to be chasing his own death like you did before we met."

Andreas: "You know we can't keep him in this house forever. one day our son is going to make a life of his own, make some friends, and break some hearts. all we can do is to prepare him for the world as best we can and hope for the best."

Lilith: *sigh* "For once I think you may actually be right, we just got to do what we can and believe that our son will be alright. Now why don't we head inside and have dinner, I made everyone's favorite today."

Andreas: "Sounds like a plan my love, your cooking is always the best."

the two went into the house, Lilith went to the kitchen to get the food while Andreas went to the dinner-table to take his seat at the end of the table. Waiting for Andreas at the table was his son Dante who was in the chair to the right of his father's. Dante noticed his father come into the room and took his seat and gave his father a teasing smile.

Dante: "Looks like mom decided not to kill you, congrats on getting to live to see another day."

Andreas: "Yea, luckily for me she still wants me around, probably cause I'm such a stud." with a goofy grin on this face and a sense of undeserved pride.

Lilith: "Don't get ahead of yourself Dear, I only keep you around for the foot massages." she said in a half joking half serious way. coming into the dining room with three bowls putting them in front of everyone and taking her place in the chair to Andreas' left. 

Andreas: "you know what I'll take it, I still consider it a win for me. Listen Dante when you get a girlfriend it is your job to relax on the coach with her while massaging her feet until she falls asleep then you carry her to bed without waking her up."

Lilith: "Dante your father is telling the truth on this one, you must treat her like the queen she is if you want to get far with her. Remember the wrath of the woman you love will be the scariest thing in the world to you. Now lets eat I made beef stew for us."

Dante: "Don't worry mom I will take both yours and dad's advice to heart, Thanks for the food."

the three of them ate their dinner and had small talk much like any other family, but twords the end of the meal Dante asked a question the two were not expecting.

Dante: "mom, dad do either of you have a dream that you want to see fulfilled?"

The couple blinked in surprise that their four year old son would ask such a thought provoking question. The couple then smiled knowing that they had the same dream, Lilith decided to answer for the both of them.

Lilith: "As a matter of fact Dante we do. Your father and I want to be able to travel the world. Experience the different cultures, meet new people, and enjoy our time together while we do it."

Dante: "Why bother with the rest of world when Greece is the best country their is?"

Lilith: "Just because other countries are different doesn't mean that any worse. In fact your father and I met different country."

Dante: "Really? you never told me any of this before. please tell me how you two first met, I want to know everything that happened."

Lilith: "Okay, well it started in a city called Paris in the country of France. Your father was looking for a worthy opponent to fight while I embarrassing as it is wanted to be a professional singer. We first met in a little coffee shop where I accidentally spilled my coffee on him and we instantly got into a huge argument ending in us hating each other. Every time we saw each other we would get into a fight never giving each other a chance to really talk and understand one another."

Andreas: "The only reason we reconciled with each other was because of our friends we made in the the city. I made a friend with a french boy named Tom Dupain, a kind man with a jolly personality always finding the good in people while getting excited over the smallest of things that made him happy. Your mother made a friend with a chinese girl named Sabine Cheng, A shy woman with a sweet and sassy personality always being a pillar of support for her friends."

Lilith: "What we didn't know at the time was that Tom and Sabine were actually a couple and wanted us to stop fighting. So they devised a plan for us to hang out with them, but there were really setting us up so we had to talk out our differences. They took us to Tom's home were they locked us in a room together and would not let us out until we made up. I didn't know how to teleport at the time and we didn't want to break the house so didn't have a way to get out. It took about three hours of fighting to have an actual conversation where to our surprise had a lot in common with each other. Your father then asked me out on a date and I said yes and since we were still locked in decided to just enjoy our time together. You can imagine their surprise when they unlocked the door to find out that they unintentionally played matchmaker with the two of us." 

Andreas: "Our first date was perfect and knew that we were made for each other by the time it was over. As for our reasons for coming to Paris were had different results for the both of us, While I had failed to find anyone worthy enough to fight at my full power your mother had success in become a professional singer and I would be there to cheer her on every step of the way."

Lillith: "My stage name was songstress, people would say that my music had the ability to enchant others to do whatever I wanted which by the way was not true. But, my singing carrier didn't last long as I only release 2 albums before I decided to give it up so I could stay with Andreas who was being called back to Greece by his family. But, before we left we said our goodbyes to our good friends Tom and Sabine. They made us promise to come back to Paris one day and visit the bakery they were planing to open in the future. I wonder how the two of them have been doing after all these years. Knowing them they are probably making baked goods and putting smiles on the faces of the Parisians." 

Dante: "They sound like great people, I hope to meet them someday. When you go back to Paris to fulfill your promise will you take me with you?"

Andreas: "Sure son, I am sure they would be more than happy to meet you too, But for now its getting really late and you should be heading to bed."

Dante: *yawn* "Okay that sounds good, Goodnight mom and dad"

Lilith and Andreas wished Dante goodnight as he went to his room and went under the covers of his bed.

Dante: "Today was a great day, I hope many more will be just like it."

As Dante drifted into sleep his wish would not be heard by anyone, not even the gods in fact the opposite would be coming true. Very soon would be the beginning of the worst years of the boy's life.


(Time Skip 16 Days)

3rd POV

It was 1am with the Barbatos family sound asleep in their home. The night was very quiet, so quiet that it would be unnatural for people who are unaware of the danger that would befall the Barbatos family. This would be the beginning of what made Dante the person he is today.

Andreas and Lilith were in bed cuddling as they slept. The two woke from the sound of an explosion and the smell of smoke. The two immediately knew something is wrong and dashed to the noise while using magic to equip their armor.

(Andreas' armor)

(Lilith's armor)

Andreas: "Lilith can you check what is going on?"

Lilith: "Yes, lets see here" *using clairvoyance magic*. *in slight shock* "There are hundreds no thousands of people surrounding our home getting ready to attack."

Andreas: "Shit! looks like our enemies are making their move. Get Dante far away from here, I will hold them off as long as I can."

Lilith: "You better be alive when I come back."

Both: "May the gods protect you."

While Andreas jumps out of a second story window Lilith heads straight for her son's room hoping that he wasn't hurt. When she got to the room she bust down the door now relieved to see that he was unharmed and was sleeping. Dante woke from his slumber from the noise of the door and looked at his mother.

Dante: "What's going on mom? Why did you break the door?" rubbing his eyes while asking the questions.

Lilith didn't answer as she grabbed he son and used her magic "Greater Teleportation". the magic took the two of them to the middle of the forest that was near their house under the Biggest tree that grew there. For whatever reason the tree gave off a magic signature that kept the monsters far away from it.

Lilith: "Dante, we are being attacked by very bad people, I need you to stay here where I know its safe. I need to go back and help your father, we will come back for you when we handled the problem."

Dante: "wait mom don't leave me here! I don't want to be alone!" holding on to his mother's sleeve. 

Lilith: gently pushed her son away. "Dante I need you to listen to me, your father is in a battle he can not win on his own. If he is going to survive then I need to be there as well." Lilith looked at the direction of the battle.

Dante: he looks at his mother with tears in his eyes. "How will I know when you will come and get me?"

Lilith: thinks for a moment to put her words together before she puts it plainly. "Your father and I will be here to get you by sunrise, if neither of us come by then assume that we're dead. If that happens you need to leave the forest on your own and find your uncle, he will take care of you." turning back to her son seeing that a constant stream of tears are falling down his face from hearing what she just said. She bent down and hugged her son and knowing that this may be the last time she sees him passes her magic crest to him without his knowing.

(This is the crest, It is on the back and is only seen when using magic)

Lilith: she thought that now even if the worse were to happen she still gave him the strength that he would need. She took one last look at his face "There is one last thing I need to tell you so listen very carefully. No matter what happens become stronger than anyone or anything else and never let anyone decide your fate for you." she got up and away from her son "Greater Teleportation."

Dante with no hope of following her though the forest since it was night and the monsters were out. Seeing in the distance giant spiders, large venomous snakes, and three eyed bears just waiting for him to get away from the tree so they could hunt him down. Being helpless to the situation he just lies down and cried himself to sleep hoping that he will seeing his parents in the morning.


(Back at the Darkmane home)

Lilith returned to the house to see it burning and her husband still fighting, but wounded having taken out 1/4 of the enemy forces. the enemy force was comprised of people who hated Andreas and Lilith for various reasons. Lilith always knew that both of them had enemies, but didn't think they would never act on that hatred much less put a great deal of time and planning into the attack. beside that she couldn't heal her husband as it requires for her and him to be still as she does it. She would just have to hope that both of them would be able to hold out until it was over.

Lilith: seeing a large group of mages chanting a powerful spell that would make the situation much worse for them cast her own. "Vermilion Nova" a large pillar of fire arouse disintegrating all 150 people caught in it. Then deciding to go a step further "Multi Chain Dragon Lightning" creating 5 giant bolts of lightning in the shape of dragons tracking everyone who she deemed an enemy. the spell roughly took out 200 hundred people. she kept the process going not letting anyone get even a single inch of control.

Andreas: relived to see his wife come back alone meaning that she succeeded in getting their son to safety and now no longer had to restrain himself. "Why don't I just end all your lives right now!"

(1:00-3:20 this is pretty much how he fights this enemy force)

After two hours of pure combat there were still over 1000 enemies left and they were both exhausted and critically damaged and knew that they would not have long to live landed next to each other and brought out the trump card they were hoping not to use. The couple put their hands together and used their remaining life force to cast a spell that causes instant death to everyone within 1000 meters from the caster. While most died including the couple themselves about 20 people or so were just barely out of reach which allowed them to live, but were so  traumatized from the battle that they would never be able to fight again. To suffer the losing of thousands of fighters for only two enemies, this battle had become a very hallow victory for those who survived. 

________________________________________________________________________________(Middle of the forest, 8AM)

Dante: Woken from his slumber by the rays of sunlight Dante looked around and saw nobody. Tears returned as he remembered that his mother said that if they didn't return to him by sunrise then they would be dead. Letting all his emotions out he began to repeatedly hit the ground. "NO, Why did it have to be them?! what am I suppose to do without them?" after a little while he stopped and calmed down still sad but, trying to think practically about his situation. "I just need to remember what mom told me, to get out of this forest and find my uncle. If I stay in this forest another night I could starve or if I am to slow in leaving I will be hunted down by the creatures who live here. I got till sundown, I better hurry." 

Dante started to run in the direction opposite of his home for he knew it would be a bad idea to go back there right now. Dante ran through the forest as fast as he could and whenever he got hungry grabbed a fruit off one of the trees to temporarily stave off his hunger. As the sun was setting he was at the edge off the forest completely exhausted from running all day, but willing himself to continue because if he stops now then he will die from the viscous predatory beasts that now began to give chase to the boy. Just as the beasts were about to catch him Dante crossed the border between the forest and the town beside it making the beasts give up pursuing him. knowing that he was out of immediate danger let his body collapse on the sidewalk of a street. 

A couple of officers and the surrounding people rushed to the boy as they witness him run out of the forest that most would not dare to enter. The officers put him to the side and gave him a couple minutes to catch his breath, afterwords questioning him the basic stuff. What is your name? Where are your parents? Why were you in the forest? how long were you in there? that sort of stuff. After explaining his situation with downcast eyes the officers put in a call to confirm it. once they did and finding out that they boy didn't have any immediate family that could claim him and being to young to be on his own, they had to abide by the law and take him to the town orphanage.

Once there he was taken in and would stay until further notice. It was a nice little orphanage being relatively new and clean and that the head matron's assistants were pretty nice to him. However this would not be the peace he thought it would be. For the next year Dante was brutally bullied by the other kids since he was the youngest and became a target for the ringleader a 9 year old boy named Dio who always made sure to Make Dante's life worse. The kids would beat him, make sure that you did their chores, and humiliated him every chance they got. Even of his 5th birthday when he was given a small cake made just for him, Dio stole it and ate it himself saying that Dante owed him respect for being the oldest. The head matron was always too stoned to do anything or even care and the assistants weren't able to watch him at every moment of the day. The only times of peace were when they ate their meals because they were all in one place and constantly watched. The other times of peace would be when he went to the bathroom which sometimes he spent all day in to get away from them. The last would be when it was time for bed, everyone had their own rooms which would be locked at night with a special set of keys that only the head matron had.

This would not be the end of it though because one night strangers would come to the orphanage with a very cruel objective in mind. Soon Dante would find out what true suffering would be like. 

AN: thank you all who made it this far and want to continue. I am already working on part 2 right now and I will give you a warning right now it is going to be really messed up. This would only a taste of the despair the I am going to make Dante experience. If your not comfortable with that kind of thing I would recommend that you skip the next chapter. And If you are all wondering Dante will be in Paris in chapter 4 and that is when things are going to involve the main cast. I am still not sure when he should be at Paris, But I narrowed it down to be either before Stoneheart or after The Collector because to me these two would make the most sense. I want you guys to vote which one, the pole will be open until I post Chapter 3. If you are going to vote please be specific, I won't know which one you want if you say things like "this one". Thanks again and have a wonderful Day/Night.

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