The Thief and the Royal

By NoTomorrow_23

522 36 22

Someone has the same story line as me which is a bit creepy but whatever. I wont do anything based off of the... More

Will Kiing is Taking Over
Harmony Hallow
Dead or Alive
A night at Harmony Hallow
I'll be back
The start of a Day
Fixing it(Part 13)
I'm right here
Too quiet
The fun plan

Their day together(part 12)

27 1 3
By NoTomorrow_23

Its part 12 baby! So basically my mom was pregnant and i was busy helping out but now the babies out and i dont get much time to update. Since it's taken me so long this one will be long.(Republish)

Will's POV

Liam and I walked onto his balcony and he looked over to check if any guards were there.

"Alright I see one and I'm pretty sure it's Joe, he slacks off a lot. Won't notice a thing." He explained looking back at me. 

"How do you know this?" I asked surprised he knew them by name and how they preform. 

"I have nothing better to do in my days and I wanted to run away sometimes." He shrugged. I smiled before wrapping the last rope I had around the railing and tying it off as best as I could so Liam couldn't get injured.

"Ill go first, just in case anything happens while you go down. Okay?" I asked stepping over the rail and wrapping my legs around the rope. 

"Ill be here waiting." He smiled watching me start the way down. Keeping my feet tight together with the rope between them, slowly making my way down. I looked up to double check Liam was there and he was in the same place smiling down at me. I smiled back before continuing down again, almost to the grassy patch beside the castle dropping to the floor so that Liam can start the journey.

He slowly went over the rail, looking down with fear in his eyes. He wrapped his legs around the rope and used his hands to get down. After going down a floor I seen his hand slip, it all seemed to be happening in slow motion as I was rushing forward towards his flailing body.

Actually managing to catch him, the force of his speed sent me flying to the floor, but he wouldn't be injured.(Author fun fact. A tall freaking slide was at a daycare I attended when I was 11, and I caught a kid who was pushed off. This moment reminds me of that so much)

His eyes were screwed shut clutching onto me for dear life. "Hey, hey, hey; your okay, I got you." I reassured him setting him on the grass gently. His eyes opened slowly and I smiled at him. "Your okay." I whispered hugging him tightly, his arms wrapping around me as well.

"Okay catch your breath, we can go after your alright. The shift change is in 12 minutes so as long as it's before then." I smiled at him, watching as he tried to catch his breath.

He shook his head in a no fashion and held up his arms. "Let's just go, help me up." He squinted as his eyes had the sun shining in them. I laughed before bending down and wrapping my arms around him. Instead of helping him up I started to carry him. "Will!" He shrieked clutching onto my shirt looking at the ground.

My face split into a grin as I walked out of the bushes with Liam in my arms and my bow and stack of arrows on my back. I started the way towards the guard to seem not suspicious. "Have a good day you two." 'Joe' smiled at us as I stepped past him. Liam smiled back and waved while I kept going. 

"Told you." The beautiful boy in my arms laughed. I grinned from ear to ear as we grew closer to the stone wall. "Will I'm not climbing up that wall." Liam stated starting to squirm in my arms.

"Wrap your arms around my neck and get on my back." I explained stepping up to the tall beast of a wall. I felt his small arms wrap around my neck and he shifted onto my back and I started the way up from the ground onto the stone. The holes between the blocks of cement was small, just cracks and there was a large chance we could fall with Liam on my back but I pushed myself to go faster. When we got to the top I stood straight and he slid off of my body.

I stepped over to the tall pine tree that grew against the guard wall of the kingdom. I stepped onto a branch and wrapped an arm around the trunk before holding out my other and grabbing Liam's hand. He jumped over quickly and grabbed onto my shirt trying to look down. "Don't do that, it'll scare you more than you already are." I explained pulling him closer to me. I looked up and grabbed onto the rope still there from last time.

I threw it out so that it was easily accessible before grabbing it again and starting to wrap it around Liam's leg. "Will, what in the world are you doing?" He asked watching my wrap it around and tie it off. "This time I'm not going to be down there so I can't catch you if you fall. I'm making sure it doesn't happen." I explained as I threw the rest back down. "Alright slide on down." I held the rope above him watching as he inched his way down.

When he got to the bottom he untied the rope before looking up for me waiting for me to come down. I put the rope back before climbing down the tree. At the bottom I grabbed Liam's hand and started to run off to the Harmony Hallow house.

Liam's POV

We arrived at the little cottage and around us was a picnic all planned out. "Woah." I breathed out looking around. There was a blanket laid out in the middle with a basket on it. A horse was eating grass beside the small house as if waiting. I turned to Will excitedly smiling wide. 

"Do you like it?" He asked, a blush formed across his face. 

"Like it? No." I told him looking around again before remaking eye contact with him. He was frowning a bit. "I love it." I smiled again pulling him to the picnic. We laughed and talked about how everything has been, while we ate a variety of things that I know Will did not cook, because while eating he told me he wasn't good at making food. I learned so much about him and I bet he learned a lot about me as well.

"So, time to get a little depressing. My parents died a few years ago when they tried to stop Arthur getting into the castle. My dad was a guard while my mom was a baker, but she decided to stop by during my dads shift to give him some pastries, and they both didn't make it." Will suddenly said casually. 

"Oh, uh...Will are you okay?" I asked placing my hand on his thigh(NOT NASTY) and he looked up to meet my eyes. He smiled but his eyes still showed pain. 

"'m fine. C'mon lets go horse riding." He stood up holding out his hand for me after wiping his palms on his pants. I hesitantly took his hand before following him to the brown horse waiting for us. He showed me how to get up before climbing on himself. "Alright, off we go." He looked at me and smiled before cracking the rein and our journey began. Will was sat behind me and he controlled how we went and where. After trailing through the woods for a while we came across a cliff with a beautiful view. "This is our final stop. After this I'm taking you back to the castle." Will spoke up, sliding off of the mule.

He reached up and pulled me off and made sure I was steadied before walking off to the edge with me tailing behind him. He sat on the edge and when I went to sit beside him he moved me onto his lap. I turned so I was facing him, causing my legs to straddle his waist. His eyes went from my own, down to my lips. I realized what he was silently asking for and leaned into him. I closed my eyes and right as I was about to touch his lips with my own, a heard the sound of a string being pulled.

I felt Wills hands shove me off of him and he laid on top of me. I felt him twitch before his breathing got labored. I pushed him off of me to see a group of men standing there, one holding a bow still pointed at us. I looked over at Will to see his eyes wide and an arrow through his chest. "Will!" I screamed shaking him. 

"Will? Do you mean the Will Kiing? As in the brave rival who died a long time ago after getting shot by a guard?" The kid spoke with a confused look on his face. I looked at him once again and his eyes grew wide. 

"He hadn't died from that, but I think your the one who just killed him." I explained looking back at my soulmate. 

"Your the Prince." Another kid spoke, a girl this time.

"Prince Liam, the son of King Charles. You just killed my soulmate. Go get help!" I spoke staring into the eyes of the lifeless Will. "Don't be a prank, please Will." I cried as tears poured down my face. I looked over at the group of kids again. 

"I'll spare you the misery then." He smirked, aiming his bow at me. The arrow flew from the bow and seconds before it hit my face my body flew back, Something laying on top of me. I took me a few seconds but after trying to push them off they finally rolled off. Looking to see who it was, Graser sat up and gasped for air. I stared at his chest as an arrow was in his chest. 

"Take care of Shelby for me would you?" He gasped for air as he if he couldn't breath. The kids were long gone now. 

"No, no, no, no, no, This wasn't supposed to happen. Graser you have to stay with me please." I begged as the tears finally fell down my face. Laying Graser down he smiled at me with a mouth full of blood that started to drip down his face. 

"I'll tell Will you said hello, now take care of yourself and my soulmate okay?" He let out a breathy laugh. 

"I-I will Graser, I'll fix this. I'll prevent this from ever happening I swear!" I watched as his eyes started to get dull, the color draining from them. 

"I don't doubt it. Tell Shelby I love her, will you?" His eye color turned grey, his skin pale, along with his best friend beside him. This is how they would have always wanted to go out. Beside each other. I let out a sob as I seen Shelby run from the way the Cottage was. 

"I'm so, so very sorry Shelby." I cried as I leaned over Graser. 

"Lets...Let's go get you cleaned up. We'll come back for the bodies." She whispered, staring at the lifeless bodies beside me.

And so here I am, inside an underground living space with people surrounding me. One lady in particular stood out. It was as if no one else seen her. "Who is that?" I asked Shelby quietly as she cleaned the dried blood off of my skin. 

"You're probably talking about Britt. Many of us cannot see her unless she is here to help you. or she allows you to for special occasions. If you see her, she can help you with whatever you desire most." Shelby explained, putting the rag back into the cold water. 

"I know what I want most." I stared into the eyes of this Britt lady. I seen her nod her head, a snap of her fingers were heard and I was gone.

I know I said it would be long in the beginning but I'm already working on the next one, so sorry for the long wait

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