Underneath it all

By rose280811

32.1K 986 178

Based just over a month after TLJ from Kylo Rens point of view. Smut warning More

She's still alive?
Mind over matter.
Seeing her.
Not much time left.
Leaving Chandrilla.
You're a monster.
Please help me.
Come with me.
An exchange.
In love with a monster?
Just in dreams.
A new road?
The ways of a true jedi
Trying to change.
Too much pain
Everything in plain view.
Rey and Ben.
The truth.
A long wait.
Enjoying each other.
A trap.
No way out?
An escape.
A tough crowd.
As one.
Transmission response.
Building bridges.
The start of a new life.


633 21 4
By rose280811

When they reached Rey's hut Kylo exhaled loudly, glad to be free of the others cold gazes. He looked around, the hut wasn't dissimilar inside to the one on Ach-to. He sat down on the bed, watching as Rey took off her staff and boots. She came to sit next to him then, her hand brushing hair from his forehead as she so often did.  He looked at her, his eyes roaming her face, hers roaming his and then he leant in to her, pressing his lips to hers.

Rey responded, their kisses becoming hungry, their tongues pushing against one another's.  Kylos hands pushed up under the bottom of her tunic, feeling her silken skin and drawing a gasp from her. Rey's hands moved from Kylos face down to his shoulders and then slowly down to the point where the tunic fastened, her fingers freeing the fabric, letting it fall open.  Rey's hands slid inside and Kylo heard himself moan deeply into her mouth, the hardness already aching in the confines of his trousers. Rey's hand brushed against the bandages on Kylos stomach and he flinched, his lips leaving hers for a moment. Rey sat back, her eyes wide with concern, "I'm sorry". Her hands adjusted the bandage then, her face full of concern, her eyes roaming over his chest, pushing the tunic off his arms and taking time to examine his other bandage. Kylos hand came up, closing gently around hers. She looked up at him "So many scars" she muttered as she took in the lines that covered his body. Her eyes stopped on the one she had given him on his face and for a moment she just looked at it, her eyes glazing with the memory of that fight. Kylo shifted, letting go of her hand and breaking her trance. "You have dried blood on your skin, let me get some water and a cloth" Rey said quietly, turning and disappearing into the bathroom.

She emerged a moment later, soap, water and a cloth in a pottery bowl and a towel hung on her arm. Kylo watched intently as she knelt down before him, wringing out the cloth. She stood then, moving the warm cloth across his collarbone and to his neck, pushing under his hair. She rinsed the cloth again and gently wiped his face, carefully moving the cloth over his closed eyes. After that she moved to his chest, wiping at a smear of blood and then allowing the cloth to reach the top of his trousers. Kylos eyes opened then and he watched as she rinsed the cloth again, coated it with soap and brought it up to his shoulder, dragging it very slowly down, past his bandage and down to his hand. He shuddered, goosebumps showing on his skin. "Are you cold?" Rey asked gently. Kylo shook his head, "It's not because I'm cold" he said softly, his eyes on her lips. Rey blushed, moving onto the other arm, following the same path downwards to the bed, Kylo closed his eyes and drew in a shaky breath. Rey climbed onto the bed, sitting behind him and moved the cloth over the broad expanse of his back. Kylo sighed deeply and then jumped as he felt Rey's lips graze his shoulder blade.

Rey moved off the bed, kneeling in front of him again. Her hands pulled at the zip of his trousers and he stopped it there with his own, "Rey you don't have to" he said, his voice hoarse and breathless.  Rey looked into his eyes, "I want to" she whispered as she eased them down, Kylo wriggling his thighs to help her.  She pulled off his boots and then pulled his trousers from around his ankles.  Her eyes traveled up his legs, stopping for a moment on his strained underwear and then carrying on up to his chest which rose and fell rapidly and then to his parted lips.  Kylo watched as she rang out the cloth again, wiping his feet and then dragging the cloth up his calf, over his knee and towards his crotch. He let his breath out as his body noticeably shuddered under her touch and their eyes met for a moment.  Rey's face was flushed, her breathing quickened as she did the same to his other leg, travelling even higher this time, a groan escaping from Kylos lips.  She looked up at him and he leant forwards then pulling her to him and kissing her greedily.

As they kissed a delicious thought entered his mind.  He could do the same to her.  Would she let him?  Afraid to ask out loud he took Rey's hand and placed it at his forehead. For a moment Rey looked confused but then her eyes became wide as she pushed into his mind, seeing his hungry desires, his unspoken wish to return the favour, to clean her velvety looking skin. Pink travelled up her cheeks and she nodded quickly, swallowing hard.

Breathing heavily Kylo stood, taking Rey's hand as he did and helping her to stand too. He refilled the bowl with fresh water and then came to stand infront of a shaking Rey. He slowly undid her belt, which fell to the floor and then he slid his hands under her top, letting it open slowly and then drop to the floor. Rey's eyes were on the ground, just a light v-neck T-shirt covered her modesty now. Kylo pulled at it, easing it over her head, a tendril of soft hair falling to frame her face. His eyes travelled over the smooth curves and lines that was Rey. Her hands were clutching her breasts, her face flushed with embarrassment. Kylo reached down and rung out the cloth, bringing it over her face, leaving a trail of moisture across her brows and then wiping her neck, admiring how delicate it was. He rung the cloth out again and she gingerly moved her hands, revealing her soft breasts. Kylo hesitated for a moment, sucking in a shaky breath as his manhood twitched with desire. She was beautiful. He slowly and gently ran the cloth over her breasts, moaning himself as he heard her gasp as he gently circled the nipple. He removed the bandages from her arms and then the leather cuff from the top of her arm, taking in the scar there, inflicted by one of Snokes guards all that time ago when they had fought together in the throne room.

He leant down and kissed the scar, his eyes raising to hers as if seeking approval. Her hands went into his hair and he moved up again, their lips meeting, his aching arousal pressing momentarily against her stomach, causing them both to groan. He felt her hand grip at his hardness through his underwear. He stopped her. As much as he wanted her to touch him as she had on Ach-to, it was her turn. Kylo wiped her stomach with the cloth making her shudder and then he carefully pulled her trousers down, all the way to her boots, removing those too and then allowing her to step out of them. He kissed back up her soft legs, all the way to her cotton covered purity, loving the little whimpers she made every time his mouth touched her skin. And then he washed her thighs, noticing with a groan that the water and soap had splashed against the crotch of her underwear, making it transparent and her outlines visible to him, his urge to do more to her near boiling point.

He stood and they kissed again, both groaning into the others mouths as their eager bodies pressed on one another, her breasts against his bare chest, her crotch on his leg, his hardness firmly pressing on her stomach. Kylo looked in Rey's eyes quickly before ducking his head down and kissing her neck, his tongue finding its way down to her nipple, circling it and drawing a gasp from her.

He kissed down to her stomach and her hands fell into his hair, grasping at it as he reached the top of her underwear.  He glanced up at her and their eyes met for a moment.  Her cheeks were flushed and her mouth was open slightly.  She nodded at him, sending a rush through his body and he carefully gripped the waistband and pulled them down, Rey trembling under his touch, his eyes absorbing the deliciousness of what he saw before him.  He kissed softly around her mound, his tongue flicking across the delicate folds.  Another tremble and Kylo looked up.  Rey was watching him intently, her eyes filled with desire.  He stood and kissed her mouth once softly before scooping her up, ignoring the pain and laying her on the bed, climbing on top of her, shaking with the effort of having her naked perfection beneath him.

He held her face and kissed her, holding his weight off her with his elbows but their bodies pressed together, her soft, wetness against his leg, the very realisation of that fact releasing a breathy moan from him. He trailed his tongue down her body, not halting until he reached between her legs, looking up once into her eyes before going to work. He had done this with Yazmina all that time ago and he had remembered how she had arched her back, growling with an almost animalistic quality.  The memory spurred him on and just as Yazmina had reacted so did Rey, her small hands flying into his hair, her back lifting up and a gasp leaving her lips.  Kylo moaned against her, his own throbbing desire begging for attention, only spurred on by her actions.  His fingers found their way to her wetness and he felt her jump as he slid a finger across her wet folds.  He hesitated, his lack of experience suddenly making him doubt his abilities to please her and he came up to look at her again, taking in her flushed skin as he spoke, "Show me Rey, show me how to touch you".  Rey hesitated, swallowing hard and then she took his hand and pushed it down between her legs.

It was wet, from his saliva but also he knew from the way her body trembled it was wet from her desire. She held the back of his hand and pushed it over her, a gasp leaving her lips, the wetness coating Kylos fingers. He stroked her twice more before sitting back on the bed and leaning on the headboard. Rey turned, surprised. Covering her breasts with one arm and her purity with the other. "Rey, come here" he said softly. Still trying to cover herself she crawled up to him and he turned her slowly so that she was sat between his open legs, his hardness pressed against her back, still achingly restrained in his underwear. Rey got the idea and he felt her guide his hand back to her, taking a moment to position his finger and then moving it in small circles. For a while Rey's hand guided his but soon it moved away, trusting him to carry on, small whimpers leaving her lips, Kylo breathless with desire, feeling the wetness soaking his fingers. His hand ached but never once did he slow or change his rhythm.

They were both panting now. Kylo took in the flush creeping across her chest and the way she was moaning more regularly now and he knew that she was close. Suddenly she gasped, arching her back, her hands gripping his thighs,her head falling back against his chest, a raw, animal sound rushing from her, her hips pushing upwards over and over again as more wetness soaked Kylos fingers. Kylo sat behind her, her body shaking against his arousal as he bit his lip hard to stop from releasing himself. He had never seen or felt such an act and the whole thing left him physically shaken.  She fell back against him and he slowly moved his hands up to wrap around her stomach, both of them breathing heavily.  For a moment neither spoke and then finally Rey sat up, turning to look at him, blushing wildly, their eyes locked.  He shuffled down the bed until his head was on the pillow and Rey moved above him, one hand self consciously at her chest.  They kissed for a moment but Kylo knew that there was something Rey wanted to ask.  He pulled back, tilting his head and tipping his chin as he spoke, "What?".  Rey knelt up beside him, her hand gingerly reaching out to touch his stomach, sending a shiver through him in response, "I, I'm ready Ben, I want to....".  She didn't finish, she didn't have to.  Kylo knew what she was too afraid to ask for.

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