Life according to Delshawn

By Afterthought1

148 1 0

This is a story about Delshawn a senior in highschool who unexpectedly becomes the infatuation of school star... More

CH. 2 Shocked as hell
Ch.3 Interrupted
CH.4 Rules and Stipulations
CH.6 I'll be good
CH.7 Why you got to be so cruel
CH.8 Guilt Ridden
CH.9 Lets get closer
CH.10 Suspicion
To my readers
Chapter 11 An offer
Ch.12 A night to remember
Ch 13 A Night to remember pt.2

Break up to make up

11 0 0
By Afterthought1

Chapter 5 Break up to make up
It had been one week since me, and Antonio kissing session. I have to be honest I was thinking about him, non stop and I was craving them lips again. It was getting to be too much, I still was studying and continuing to work hard as I usually did, but in the back of my mind I was thinking about Antonio. In some since it almost made me want to go to gym class just so I can catch a glimpse of him. " what has this boy done to me, to make me think about him like this." I thought to myself. I entered the locker room and low and behold there he was, shirtless and in our team colored Basketball shorts. I found myself eyeballing his crotch for a few seconds, and then making eye contact with him. " What the fuck you looking at big booty shawny. " he saids as his friends, gathered around him and started to egg him on. It was then I realized, at that moment. Things were going back to normal, between me and Antonio. I slammed my locker shut and walked away with a feeling of utter humiliation, that I said I would never forgive. After gym class, I waited to be the last guy. So I wouldn't have to worry about seeing him. I got dressed, and I shut my locker door. To my surprise I see Antonio standing there. " Hey." Antonio whispered in my ear. I stayed in stony silence and began to walk away."Delshawn where are you going?" He said, he looked at me with a puzzled look. With my back turned to him," I won't allow you to hurt me, the way you did in the locker room today." I said. Antonio didn't get what I was talking about. " "Delshawn what are you talking about ?" He said to me. " An there enlies the problem right their." I said. Antonio looked at me still puzzled as to why I was showing him my ass and not in a good way. He grabbed my arm as I tried to walk away. " Delshawn look I'm sorry for whatever I did." He said. I lowered my head, looked up to him and said," Antonio this has to stop,I like you and I don't mind being discreet with you, but I'm not going to continue to let you bully me in public and be my hero in private, it will only push me away and make me resent you even more than I already did before." Antonio had a genuine look of guilt knowing full well what he did and said to me today. Antonio then leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. " ok, I'll stop ripping on you so hard, I can't promise you anything about the others but I won't laugh." He said. " really not even if it's a good one? " I said. Antonio looked at me with a big smirk on his face and said " wellll....." we both laughed and then he kissed me again. We both made a vow. His was to not to rippe on me,and mines was to not take it so personally. He left for practice five minutes later, and said I will see you after the game. I almost missed the bus because I felt dazed. Could this be what I think it might be the cliche, that I rationalized and fanatically believed, would absolutely never happen to me. I'm in love. With another DL boy what the fuck I am thinking ? End of END OF CHAPTER 5

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