Locked Class Hero (Rwby x Mal...

Wolfinator12 tarafından

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Massive AU inspired by 'Forged Destiny' from Fanfiction.net. In the world of Remnant your class dictates your... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: First Quest
Chapter 2: Problems
Chapter 3: Guild
Chapter 4: New members
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 8: Valhallas guest
Chapter 9: Strange happenings
Chapter 10: Duels
Chapter 11: Quest
Chapter 12: Classes
Chapter 13: News
Chapter 14: What is going on?
Chapter 15: Theory
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon

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Wolfinator12 tarafından

Y/n: "Is everyone ready?" Y/n asked looking at his guildmembers.

Ruby: "Lets do this!"

Yang: "Yeah lets show those Grimm who they are messing with!" The two sisters were very excited.

Y/n: "Does everyone remember their roles?"

Phyrra: "Jaune and I will be the tanks." Y/n nodded.

Yang: "Nora and I will be the heavy hitters." The two fist bumbed.

Ruby: "Ren and I will be guarding their backs and keep Weiss and you save."

Weiss: "You and me will deal with the grimm from afar." she didnt sound happy about that making Y/n sigh.

Y/n: "Ok get ready. We dont know what will come through that door. Weiss drop the wall." The mage did so and the ice vanished. Everyone was ready for whatever it might be that comes through the open doorway, yet nothing came. "Lets go. Yang and Ren take a torch." The two grabbed a torch each and lit it at the fireplace.

Soon the group found itself traveling through an underground cave network with the occasional group of Grimmlings. While walking through the seemingly endless tunnels Y/n made sure to mark the path they came from so that they will be able to find their way back out. Hours went by and slowly everyone was getting exhausted.

Yang just bashed in the head of a Grimmling as one managed to get the jump on her. The small beast clawed at her back while she tried to get it off of her, to no avail. The thwip sound of an arrow echoed through the cave and the beast vanished into smoke. A concerned looking Y/n rushed next to the grounded Yang.

Y/n: "Are you alright?" he asked worried. Yang looked at him and for a few seconds just stared into his black eyes. She never noticed it before but Y/n eye color had to be the darkest black she ever saw, but more interesting were the small blue flame like structures that seem to fend of the darkness of the iris from the pupil. "Yang, are you ok?" She realized that she was staring and a small blush formed on her cheeks, lucky for her the little light from the slowly dying torches helped her hide it.

Yang: "Y-yeah, sorry, I got cocky at the end there." She said shrugging it off.

Ren: "I would recommend heading back, the torches wont last for long." the monk stated. Y/n looked at him and saw he was right.

Y/n: "Ok lets head back and continue after classes tomorrow." Y/n turned back to look at the still downed Yang quickly averted her eyes away from Y/n. "Can you stand?" he asked in a worried tone. Yang nodded and got back up from the ground, picking up the torch she dropped. "Ok everyone change in formation. Phyrra ,you and me take the back, Ruby stay with us. We three will keep our backs save. Weiss you and Yang are in the middle, with Ren, Jaune and Nora taking the lead." Yang looked a bit confused.

Yang: "Why am I taking the middle instead of you?" she asked with an eyebrow risen.

Y/n: "You just got jumped by a Grimmling and you layed on the ground just starring of into nothing for quiet the long time. I will not take the risk of you getting hurt again."

Ruby: "Yeah Yang you never lost focus like that. Just relax and let Y/n take your place."

Phyrra: "I mean he was able to beat you in a hand to hand fight. His strength must be quite high." Weiss looked at Y/n intrigued.

Weiss: "Say Y/n. How high IS your strength? I mean it cant be that high, your lack of class should lead to an decreased amount of statpoints gained each level up." she said in a snobby tone which made Fenrir snarl in Y/n head and Y/n grew a tick mark.

Y/n: "Turn down the sass before I make you. And to answer your question my strength is at 103." Everyone stopped and looked at Y/n with wide eyes. "What?"

Jaune: "Dude you have a higher strength than some 2nd years, what level are you?"

Y/n: "23."

Ruby: "HOW!" she shouted. "The average 1st year is level 14 then they join. Im just barely level 16."

Yang: "Yeah, Im level 17 and my strength is 76. Where did you get all that exp?"

Y/n: "The dungeon I was stuck in for a month." Y/n saw the stares and sighed. "Look lets get out of here and then we can ta-" Suddenly a strong gust of wind came through the tunnel, extingushing the torches. "Great. Now what?"

Weiss: "I could use a fire spell but that wont help much seeing that I cant see where the torches are."

Y/n: "Hmm. Ok I think I know what could help. Fenrir?"

Fenrir: "How may I serve Master?" The deep growling voice echoed through the caves.

Y/n: "Lead us out of here." Y/n ordered but before Fenrir could do anything the cave walls slowly began to glow. "What in Odins name is going on?"

Fenrir: "It seems like the dungeon wants you to keep traversing through it."

Ruby: "I mean how much more can there be? We already walked for hours." The reaper stated.

Y/n: "Hmm... Is everyone ok with continuing?" Nora and Ruby nodded energetically, Ren and Weiss were a bit more calm about it.

Jaune: "Yeah sure, I could need the exp."

Y/n: "Ok we will carry on." The group got back into formation as they continued traversing the now abandoned tunnels. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' Y/n thought.

?: "Turn left next.~" An unknown voice was heard in Y/ns head, it seemed to be whispering into his left ear making him turn to look but he found nothing.

?2: "There are 10 of those creatures master.~" another voice said, now coming from the right, this one sound female.

Y/n: 'Who are you?' Y/n asked in his head.

?: " Im Hugin.~"

?2: "Im Munin.~" Y/n froze making everyone stop and turn towards him.

Ruby: "Is everything ok?" the girl asked concerned.

Y/n: "Y-yeah, I... unlocked a new summon." in an instant Nora was in front of him, jumping up and down.

Nora: "OHHH what is it? Is it a dragon? A giant bear? A GIANT PANCAKE?!"

Y/n: "None of those. Let me try and summon them."

Ren: "Them?" His question was answered as two masses of shadows started forming on Y/ns shoulders. Soon those masses took the shape of ravens. The two flapped their wings as they perched on Y/ns shoulders.

Weiss: "Your summons are birds? Really thats all?"

Munin: "Watch your tongue.~"

Hugin: "Before we peck it out.~" the two cawed.

Y/n: "Let me introduce to you Hugin and Munin, the eyes and ears Odins, two ravens that whisper the happenings of all the realms into the All-Fathers ears. But I need to know what made you come to me and how did I unlock the ability to summon you?"

Hugin: "We saw the situation you were in.~"

Munin: "And decided to help.~"

Hugin: "Since the disappearance of the All-Father we searched for a new master.~"

Munin: "One with the will and the blood of a Norse.~"

Hugin, Munin: "And we found you.~"

Yang: "Sooo... do you always talk in unison?"

Munin: "Not always.~" an awkward silence fell upon the group before Y/n broke it.

Y/n: "Lets move on and do the whole questioning and such later. Hugin and Munin told me about a upcoming room with 10 grimm inside so get ready. Weiss how much arcana (info added to Info page) do you have left?" the heiress closed her eyes before answering.

Weiss: "Around 1/4, enough for 5 more spells, I should get some back over time, but not much."

Y/n: "Ok, save those spells for emergencies, try to stay safe and stay close to one of the tanks." Weiss seemed to not like being bossed around like that as she rolled her eyes before crossing her arms.

Weiss: "I dont need you to tell me w-"

Hugin: 'Behind her.~' In the blink of an eye Y/n dagger soared past Weiss' face, nearly hitting her ear as a thud was heard behind her. Everyone looked at the disappearing corpse of the Grimmling that managed to sneak up on them.

Y/n: "Lets get going." Y/n simply said as he picked up his dagger his eyes glaring at Weiss, who shook in fear. Noone wanted to say anything so the group continued they journey, reaching the from the two ravens mentioned room and quickly clearing it of its inhabitats. The room was not very big but right on the opposite side from where they entered stood a massive stone door.

Phyrra: "I think we found the boss." the gladiator said Ren nodded in agreement.

Y/n: "Ok everyone, this is the final enemy. We dont know what will wait for us behind that door but it will be a tough fight. Jaune you and Phyrra will be our tanks, keep its attention on you but call for aid if needed, Nora and Yang you are our heavy hitters so it will be your job to deal the damage. Ren and Ruby your job will be dealing with possible additional grimm. Weiss, you and me will stay on range and give some ranged support. You are all free to do whatever you think is right as long as you do your jobs, communicate with the others and keep your health, stamina and energy in check. Get ready I will open the door." Everyone readied their weapons as Y/n slowly pushed open the door, grunting while the weight strained his arms and legs, but luckily he had the needed strength.

Once the door was open everyone swarmed in and got into position as the newly opened room was lit up by red crystals that grew on the ceiling, submerging the big area of the room in a red light. In the middle of the room sat a big humanoid looking grimm with arms and legs the size of trees and having two pairs of each. It saw the group of heroes-in-training and screeched loudly. Suddenly the heavy door slammed shut behind them, locking them in with the now slowly approaching grimm. "Ok." Y/n readied an arrow. "GO!" he let the arrow soar through the air and the moment it was about to hit the grimm it was swatted away by said grimm, its long arm coming straigth towards Yang, luckily Jaune was ready and blocked the strike with his shield. The force behind the attack was still enough to make Jaune kneel down, grunting in effort. The grimm, seeing the weakness, swung its other arm towards Jaune.

Nora: "No you dont!" The hammer wielder crushed the arm under her arm earning a pained shriek from the grimm. A blueish glow filled the room and a moment later the grimms legs were encased in ice credit to Weiss' spell. The moment the grimm was bound Fenrir clamped down on its neck and Yang began laying into the grimms stomach as Ruby and Ren kept the left arms busy with Jaune blocking the random swipes, Phyrra and Nora doing the same with the right pair. Arrows and a hailstorm of ice shards peppered the beasts back. This barrage of attacks kept on for a minute. One minute became two, two became ten and eventually ten minutes became an hour. Weiss long ran out of arcana and Y/n of arrows, Weiss joined Phyrra while Y/n continued with attacking the grimms back. After an hour of continues fighting everyone except of Y/n, who thanks to his higher level had a higher amount of stamina, were exhausted yet the grimm was still alive as the ice slowly began to give away.

Yang: "You got to be- "she panted. "kidding me."

Ruby: "How is it still standing?" Ruby, who long was out of the fight thanks to the lack of stamina, asked.

Phyrra: "We must have dealt alot of damage to it."

Y/n kept a close eye on the grimm as he stepped away from it, swipping away the built up sweat from his forehead. He was about to get back to attacking as the ice suddenly gave away, freeing the grimm, which instantly, thanks to Phyrra and Jaune being distracted by the shards of ice flying their way, used its arms to grab onto Fenrir. Using his long arms it managed to fling the wolf away from it. Once completely free from all its restrains it let out an ear piecing screech that shook the ground and forced everyone to cover their ears. The moment the scream ended Y/n saw the change in the grimms body. Its 4 arms were reduced to two each holding the severed other arm, the legs looked stronger and the overall stature seemed to have changed to one filled with desperation. Unfortunately Y/n couldnt spent more time studying the change as it suddenly charged towards Ruby. With everyone still too tired to react Y/n was certain that the young girl was in grave danger and something clicked in his mind as he used his remaining strength and stamina to rush between the grimm and its target.

Everyone watched in shock as the grimm charged towards the defenseless Ruby, who closed her eyes in anticipation of the incoming pain. The grimm shrieked as it swung his arm maces towards Ruby but a flash of blue followed by black smoke as a big round shield blocked the grimm with Y/n holding it in place, the strain clear on his face.

Ruby: "Y-Y/n?" the young girl noticed the smoke coming of the boys body as his eyes glowed an omnious blue. The boy in question let out a growl as he began to push back the grimm. His friends and the grimm watched in shock as the boy pushed back the arms of the grimm.

Y/n: "I will not let you hurt one of my guildmates. I WILL NOT WATCH YOU HURT THEM!" With a battle cry Y/n forced the grimms arms into the air, knocking its improvised weapons out of its hands. Not letting the monster get its bearings Y/n held out his hand as a axe out of smoke formed in it and swung it towards one it legs, cleanly cutting it off. "FENRIR! HUGIN! MUNIN!" His three familiar came rushing to his aid, the two birds pecking at the beasts eyes as the wolf began tearing into its side, their master blocking the attacks while retaliating with heavy swings of his own. "A LITTLE HELP HERE!" This shook everyone out of their stupor and they rushed in to aid their guild master.

With the grimm and the heroes being on their last legs the speed of the fight almost slowed to a crawl. Y/n only ran on adranaline at this point as he took the extremely tired Jaunes place as one of the tanks. He just blocked a poorly aimed kick as he saw Yang running next to him trying to land a punch but was meet with a kick to the stomach. Seeing this Y/ns anger flared. More black smoking coming off of him as the flame like structures in his iris began to move like actual flames which slowly began to crawl out of his hands and into his formed weapons.

Y/n: "ENOUGH!" his voice echoed through the cave as his shield and axe vanished and a giant two handed axe took their place. With a mighty swing encompanied by a battle cry that made everyone freeze, even the grimm, the axe soared through the air and soon straight through the grimm entire body, splitting it into two. A second of silence past, another and another following as the group watched with slack jaws as the grimm began to disappate as the red light changed to a blue tint and the door blocking their exite opened again, signaling the Hunters have won.

Yang: "Wow." the blonde brawler broke the silence and voice what everyone thought.

Ruby: "We. Won..." she sighed a satisfied smile on her face. Phyrra and Jaune walked towards their guildmaster who now stood their still in the same position like the one he had after the final strike, now without the axe that ended the battle, Hugin, Munin and Fenrir also missing.

Jaune: "Great job Y/n." The boy patted Y/n on his back.

Phyrra: "Yeah Master, that was impressive." they were met with no answer. "Y/n?" she asked shaking the boy, who suddenly fell other. Shocked everyone crowded around Y/n prone form. Ren carefully turned Y/n onto his back revealing Y/ns unconcious form.

Weiss: "Did he just fall unconcious while standing?"

Nora: "Our boss wont go down that easily!" Nora surprised everyone with her energy. Yang just stared at the sleeping form of the boy that saved Rubys life and showed a strength she did expect from someone with no class. With a gentle smile she carefully picked Y/n up.

Yang: "Lets collect the loot and get him back to beacon." Nora gained stars in her eyes as she quickly looked around the room for every possibly valiuable thing. A second later she stood back in front of the group with a bag of coins, a mace that resembled the arm of the creature they just killed, a strange looking stone, a pair of antlers that once doned the top of the grimms head and scroll. Weiss quickly snatched the scroll out of Noras hands and unfurled it.

Weiss: "This is a dungeon scroll."

Ruby: "A what now?"

Weiss: "A dungeon scroll you dunce, have you never heard about how dungeons work?" Ruby, Nora, Jaune, Ren and Yang all shook their heads making the white haired girl sigh. "On the defeat of a dungeons boss they will always drop a scroll that contains the names of the people that cleared the dungeon and even gives information on the dungeons difficulty. These scrolls are still a big mystery but they are used as a piece of evidence. If we give this to the headmaster or his assistant we will get a reward."

Nora: "Couldnt you just have said that in the first place?"

Yang: "I have to agree with her there Ice Queen."

Weiss: "Dont call me that." another sigh escaped Weiss lips. "Lets just get out of here I need a bath and a long night of rest."

Jaune: "Agreed."

Meanwhile Y/n stood in a big hall like structure, filled with broken tables and the skeletons of hundreds of people. He looked around and noticed that this hall looked awefully similar to the description of Valhalla yet this version layed in ruin.

Y/n: "I must have fallen unconcious or I died. Lets hope it is the first of the two." He heard the flapping of wings as Hugin and Munin landed on his shoulder, with Fenrir walking next to him, sitting down.

Fenrir: "You just fell unconcious. Your friends are already helping you get out of the dungeon." The big wolf said.

Y/n: "That is nice to know. Now what are we doing in Valhalla and why is it destroyed?"

Hugin: "We ourselves cant answer these questions.~"

Munin: "What we can say is that something feels strange about Odins throne.~" Y/n looked towards the big throne of the All-Father that stood empty, yet unlike every other piece of furniture in the once prestigious hall of fallen heroes it was still in mint condition. As he stared at it Y/n felt a strange attraction as the urge to sit down on it over came him. Without him noticing Y/n walked towards it and sat down. A feeling of power overcame him as all the broken tables were swallowed by shadows. Y/n was about to question it as his eyes grew heavy and as he closed his eyes he woke up in Beacon infirmary.

Y/n was about to sit up as he felt someone hold his hand. This someone was Yang who was peacefully sleeping with small snores escaping her mouth.

Blake: "You are either stupid, crazy or unlucky. That is the second dungeon you got in in the time of a week or so and both times you came out unconcious." Y/n turned towards the assassine that sat on the other side of his bed, reading a book.

Y/n: "I think it is a mix out of all three. What leads you here?" The girl looked up from her book and stared at Y/n.

Blake: "Just making sure you can repay me the debt from saving your life." Y/n saw a subtle smile on her lips. "And maybe a bit of worry."

Y/n: "Thank you. Glad to see you are doing well yourself."

Blake: "So what is the next plan for the Guildhall?" Y/n rose an eyebrow.

Y/n: "You know the more things you say like this the more I think you are stalking me. But being honest I was planning on asking someone to join the guild, but I didnt have the opportunity yet, this someone managed to evade me uptill now with her impressive sneak skills." Blake closed the book and stared at Y/n.

Blake: "Oh and is that someone with black hair?" she asked sarcastically.

Y/n: "Yep." He answered with a goofy smile. "And what do you say? I cant offer you much seeing that the guildhall is still lacking furniture and things like that but you will have people that welcome you with open arms... well except of Weiss."

Blake: "I think I will think about it, but now that I know that you are alive and can still repay me I will take my leave and leave you and your girlfriend some privacy." she was gone before Y/n could correct her. With a sigh Y/n sunk down into the pillow, closing his eyes.

Yang: "You know I wouldnt mind." Y/ns eyes shot open as he looked at Yang.

Y/n: "E-ehm... I... ehm. Eh?"

Yang: "Glad to see that only your brain got damaged." She joked.

Y/n: "S-sorry. Its just was a bit of a shock. You shouldnt joke about something like that you know?" Yang rolled her eyes playfully.

Yang: "Im not joking. You seem like a good catch so why not go for it?" she leaned closer while placing her hand on Y/ns chest.

Y/n: "Yeah, Im going to stop you right here." he gently took Yangs hand away from his chest. "Dont get me wrong you are a nice girl with a great personality and equally great looks but we only know each other for a few months and it has been less than a week ago as you hated me and I saw you as nothing as a bully. So lets wait and see where our friendship goes ok?" Yang sat back down and looked up, rubbing her chin in thought.

Yang: "Deal, but I still have something I need to give you." She gave Y/n a peck on his cheek making the boys face gain a heavy blush. "That was for saving my sister. Now go get some rest the gang and I will come an visit you tomorrow." She got up form the chair she sat on and walked towards the door, intentionally adding a swing to her hips, one that didnt go unnoticed by Y/n who was caught staring as Yang turned back to wink towards Y/n.

Hey guys Wolfy here with a new chapter for TBwtlc (The Boy with the locked class , p.s need to work on better titles for my books) as you might have noticed I began to hint on future happenings, added another mythelogical creature, or creatures in this case, and even began to explore possible pairings. Now you can choose, who the lucky girl will be that Y/n will give his heart to. Will it be the open, pun loving brawler Yang, the silent mysterious assassine Blake or maybe the two of them? Yes these are the options, I will not do another Harem and so decided on a maximum of two IF you want it that is. Please vote down below.

Pairing with :



Yang and Blake

Like always comment on the one you want. This could have been the last update for anyone of my books for the remainder of 2019, if so I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.

Wolfy out.

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