Leave Before The Lights Come...

Autorstwa arcticmonkeysfan505

2.6K 106 24

Written from various points of views on life for the arctic monkeys post AM era. With his music career on ho... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Authors note

Chapter 2

439 16 2
Autorstwa arcticmonkeysfan505

It was a Monday morning; the first full week of not being on tour or recording.
I rolled over to my side to check I hadn't slept with anyone last night. No. I was alone, unfortunately.
I stared at the ceiling for what felt like an age, before curling back into a ball under the covers, playing with my ungelled hair. It was getting longer now, and I was considering growing it back to how it was around the time of Humbug, as I had run out of ideas for what to do with it.
Eventually I rolled out of bed, throwing on a t-shirt as all I had on was a pair of navy blue American apparel boxers.
I stood in silence for a second, the house seemed eerily quiet, too quiet. I looked around the room to see if there was something I could use as a potential weapon, before spotting the Brit award we had won for something or other in a box under my TV stand.
I picked it up and bared it like a gun, walking from one room to the next, wary of any crazy fans or potential murderers.
For some reason I was disappointed to see I was in fact alone. I let my hands hang by my side, the award dangling from my fingers. I lifted up the smooth trophy and read the plaque at the bottom
'Mastercard Album of the Year Award: AM-Arctic Monkeys'
I smirked, scoffing a laugh. Oh yeah. I remember now, despite being completely wankered at the event. I made (what I thought was an alright) speech before dropping the microphone. Not my proudest moment. It's a story to tell I guess, the rest of the monkeys found it funny anyway.
I placed the award on the nearest shelf to be forgotten again and made my way into the kitchen. I sighed as I found that most of my belongings were in cardboard boxes. After breaking up with Arielle and moving out I had barely bothered to un box the little belongings I had as I was barely at home. I hadn't even properly looked at the house I bought, I just turned up at the house the estate agents had first suggested, took a picture and sent it to my mum to see if she thought it was alright and when I got her approval bought it.
I started shifting my way through pots and pans in a battered cardboard box before finding a mug and kettle. I filled it up with water, stuck some toast in the toaster and slumped over one of the kitchen chairs.
I scrolled through the contacts on my phone and called Matt. It rang three times before he answered.
'Alright Alex?' I heard Matt say in a muffled voice down the phone.
'Yeah yeah, not too bad. What ya doing?' I asked
'Oh, tha knows (breanna shush, I'm on the phone, just a minute darlin and I'm all yours)' I heard him say, not paying attention to me.
'What you up to today?'
'(Ahahah) sorry, what was that Alex? Oh, today? Wedding planning with the fiancé' he said proudly
'Don't call me that' I heard Breanna laugh from Matt's end of the phone, followed by what sounded like her hitting him over the head with a pillow.
'Oh, was just wondering if you wanted to do summit'
'Fraid I can't today, maybe tomorrow (fucking hell Breanna... You cheeky minx I'm on the phone to Al). Yeah think we're looking at venues or summat. Listen Al I gotta go' Matt was saying over noises of him and Breanna laughing.
'Oh-I...alright-' I started to say, but the line went dead.
I sighed and got up to get my toast, to discover I had no butter or jam so I would have to eat it dry and that the instant coffee I had made was a weird, cloudy colour.
I once again sighed and returned to my seat at the table before calling Jamie's number.
'Aight! It's cookie. Can't answer you right now but I'll give you a bell later. Leave a message!' it was his answer phone.
'Alright Jamie, just were wondering if you were busy today. If not call me and we can do something, us two together like back in High Green yeah?' I said, before a beep rang out signalling I had been cut off.
I pressed the call icon next to Nick's name and it rang before he picked up immediately.
'Hi Al' he said in a tired out voice, I could hear a baby crying in the background.
'Nick? You alright?' I asked.
'Not really, it's chaos round here. Kelly's dad's had a heart attack and we're trying to book plane tickets back to England, she's in a right state. And of course, Hearst's acting up as per-bloody-usual' Nick said whilst Hearst carried on to make a racket in the back.
'Oh, give Kelly my best wishes. Hope her dad gets on the mend' I said, biting into my dry toast.
'Me too. (No Hearst put that down thats daddy's bass pick don't put it in your mouth- oh fuckin hell take that out your mouth Hearst you bell end) listen Alex nows not a good time I'll call you back'
And the line went dead.
I sighed. So that was all the monkeys busy except for me. I knew there was one last, special boy I could call.
'Hey, Alex! How's the retired life going?' A sweet, liverpaulian accent said down the line, brightening up my day instantly.
'I ain't retired miles! Just taking a break that's all' I laughed.
'Yeah, yeah, course you are. We both know you won't be staying away from that recording studio for too long'
'Ha-ha. No seriously, going to try and have a proper break this time, my heads been in a proper muddle these past few months'
'Yeah but that's from drugs'
'Oh shut up, I didn't call to get abuse hurled at me. What you up to today?'
'Well, right in this moment in time I'm at the studio, working on some new stuff. Thinking of making a new album'
'Really?' I asked, jealousy piercing through my veins that Miles had a project to work on.
'Yeah, I've been feeling inspired at the moment, like.'
'Opposite of me then'
'It'll come back to you. Give it time, you've been touring for ages now mate. Anyway, meanwhile me and you need to go on the lash, pull some birds'
I groaned loudly. I knew it was only a matter of time before they all started bullying me to find myself a bird of some sort.
'I'll go on the lash but don't even begin with the whole girlfriend thing. Matts been givin' me enough earache about that to last a lifetime'
'Oh alright. Anyways gotta go, some of us have work to do. See you al'
'Bye miles' I sighed, realising he wasn't going to be free for the rest of the day.
I scraped my chair back and wandered around the kitchen, opening cupboards to discover that I would need to go shopping unless I wanted to starve. At least it would give me something to do.
It was going to be a long week.
//////////(2 hours later YO)///////////
'Yesterday in down town LA a homeless man was stab-'
'Partly cloudy for the west, but otherwise sun-'
'Baltimore Ravens won their championship fina-'
I flicked through the radio stations in my car as I drove back from the supermarket, what was it with modern day radio stations never playing any proper music?
I sighed and reached over to the passenger seat to try and get my leather jacket with the phone in the pocket so I could put some real music on.
In the backseat I had piles of plastic bags full of junk food, alcohol and ready meals. When I got home I planned on having a Breaking Bad marathon to fill the day and unhealthy food and Jack Daniels was necessary.
Incoming call from: Nick O'Malley
Said the screen on my iPhone. I pressed the answer button and held the slim white body in between my shoulder and cheek.
'Mr O'Malleh I was just about to call you. Do ya fancy joining me in an afternoon of Walter White and whiskey?'
'That sounds pretty good right now, but I can't. Kelly is on the next flight to England and I need to drive her to LAX airport. Me and Hearst are gonna fly out some point next week because there's no more tickets besides the one and Kelly has to see her dad.'
'Oh, all right. Anything ya need in particular then?'
'Yeah actually. Do you think you could look after Hearst for a couple of hours whilst I take Kelly to the airport and get some food in the house? He's been proper driving me mental man I need a break'
I thought of how tiring touring had been and how hard it must be for Nick as he's had no time to rest as he's been thrown into the role of being a father after being on a non-stop party for two years. The least I could do would be looking after little Hearst whilst he drops off his missus and does some shopping.
'Of course mate. You know me and Hearst get along great. I'll come pick him up now, I'm in the car about 5 minutes away'
'Aw cheers mate. I owe ya. See you in five' he said, then hung up.
I returned to trying to find some music, flicking to the next radio station.
'Just last week the Arctic Monkeys finished their most popular tour of the album AM, lead singer Alex Turner claims that the band is going to "disappear" for a while and admits to not working on any new projects, even with close fellow musician Miles Kane. Fans all over the country are devastated about the break, however we all wish Arctic Monkeys the best. This is "snap out of it" from their latest album. Enjoy.
"What's been happenin'
In your
What have you been
Up to?"
Immediately I flicked the radio off. Nothing was worse than hearing your own music. It was like nails on a chalkboard. I hated the way the radio presenter had made it sound like we were yesterday's news, that we had broken up forever. Twat. Did he not hear my speech? 'That rock n roll will never die'? It won't. In many interviews I've stated that Arctic Monkeys is 'a battle with no finishing conquest' why do the media twist things so much?
I pulled up in the O'Malley drive way and got out of the car.
Nick's house was a lot nicer than mine, with three floors and properly interior decorations. Mainly because he was planning on staying in LA for the foreseeable future, I had no idea where I planned on staying forever. I wasn't used to being in one place for a long period of time.
I lifted my hand to knock on the door to find It had been left open.
I mooched in to the cool corridor, when a I felt a small body come running down the lengthy hall way.
'ALEX, ALEX, ALEX, ALEX, ALEX!' I heard a little pitched voice squeal.
Hearst rammed himself against my shins and held on tight.
'Hey! How's my little mate?' I asked, picking him up and holding him proudly on my side.
Hearst nodded his little head and beamed at me. Ecstatic at my presence.
'My daddy said I'm staying with you this afternoon!' He stated, giving me a big wet kiss on the cheek.
'You are indeed. We're gonna have some fun and give your mummy and daddy some peace yeah?' I asked, lifting my hand up for a high five.
Hearst mutely nodded and slapped my hand in agreement, before wriggling to get down and holding on to my calf like a little monkey and refusing to let go.
A watery eyed Kelly came down the hallway tutting.
'Oh Hearst get off Uncle Alex now or he won't want to look after you' she warned, yet not having the energy to physically pull him off.
'Alright Kelly, love' I said, stumbling down the hallway dragging Hearst on my leg and giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek.
'Been better Alex. Thanks for looking after the little monster by the way. He's driving us up the wall, just like a little terraway from high green he is' she said, picking Hearst up and hugging him.
'My pleasure. Be good to have some company like. How's your dad?'
'Oh, recovering. The doctors say he might have another heart attack. I need to get home before...' She whispered, tears spilling down her cheeks as she pictured the inevitable.
'Now then darlin it'll be alright. The doctors know what their up to. You're on the next flight home and there's nothing more you can do. You'll see your dad again' I said, hugging her and hoping it was true.
'Alright Kelly, nearly ready to go darlin' asked Nick, coming down the hallway jangling his keys.
'Yeah' she whispered, leaving the front door.
'Cheers for looking after Hearst like' Nick said, patting my shoulder.
'Here's his bag of toys which should keep him entertained and there's some DVDs in there to keep him quiet. He's potty trained but I stuck a diaper on him because he can be unpredictable and you don't want to be dealing with that mess. Don't let him get a hold of any guitar picks because he mistakes them for sweets and could choke and don't under any circumstances give him Whisky like last time to shut him up. Okay?' He rambled, whilst I nodded trying to look like I was taking in all he way saying.
'Yeah, yeah. Hearst will be fine no worries. Go to the airport now.' I said dismissively.
'Oh alright. Here Hearst give daddy a kiss good bye' said Nick, and Hearst jumped up and hugged him.
'That's my boy, right let's go' Nick said.
We all stumbled out of the house and into the different cars.
'Wave good bye to ya mam and dad mate' I said, buckling him in in the passenger seat and ruffling his hair whilst he enthusiastically waved goodbye.
'Right, this is a song me and your daddy play. Well, we used to. When we were babies like yourself' I said, sliding in our first album 'whatever people say I am, that's what I am not'.
I know I said listening to your own music was cringey, but I wanted Hearst to hear the original arctic monkeys.
'I don't want to hear ya
I don't want to hear ya
I don't want to hear ya fake tales of San Francisco'
My young, rusty voice sang, whilst me and Hearst drummed on the dash board and steering wheel as we drove back to my place, shouting the lyrics back at the radio.
We arrived outside my rather pathetic looking house.
'Right, in you come' I said, opening the passenger car door and unbuckling his seat belt as he clambered out and ran up the drive way screaming.
I chuckled and shook my head at the floor, he was a real little boy.
I picked up four bags in each hand, flexing my muscles as I did so. I was pretty chuffed with my arms, they had developed a lot from the constant guitar playing.
I struggled to stick my keys in the door with the heavy bags but managed anyway.
'In ya go little mate' I said, swinging the door open whilst Hearst charged in.
Again, I smiled and shook my head and walked into the kitchen, placing the bags down on the table. I emptied everything in the fridge and cupboards, apart from the snack food and spirits.
'Oi, Hearst. Come here man' I shouted into the corridor. Moments later Hearst bombarded in, a toy plane in his hand which I had taken from his toy bag.
My heart filled with warmth as I saw Hearsts eyes widen in amazement at the pile of sweets in front of him.
'Sweeties!' He lisped, pointing at the table and looking at me with big blue eyes.
'Yeah Hearst, sweeties like' I said, crouching down to face him and pinching his nose. I picked up a bar of chocolate and gave it to him which he took gratefully, giving me a big kiss on the cheek before running off again.
I laughed and got up, wiping my hands on my jeans.
I walked into my bedroom to see Hearst sat contently in the middle, happy as can be with his aeroplane and chocolate.
'Right then, wanna watch some danger mouse?' I asked, jumping onto the bed beside him and picking up the remote.
Hearst nodded mutely whilst I flicked on the TV and put it on DVD mode after a few failed attempts. I had the whole series on box set, and had watched Season 1 in one sitting the night we had got back home from touring.
The familiar, catchy theme music ran out and Hearst snapped his head up to watch. I mumbled along with the tune under my breath.
The programme started and Hearst snuggled up to me in a touching matter, his feathery head resting on my chest whilst I put my arm around him protectively.
We sat watching for what felt like days, but was only an hour or so before Season 2 was finished.
The credits rolled on screen and Hearst jumped up.
'Again! One more, Alex! Please' he begged, jumping up and down amongst the bed sheets and empty sweet wrappers from food we had consumed on our Danger Mouse marathon.
'Nah, not again mate. We need something else, something more time filling' I pondered, staring back at his little face.
I wondered about taking him for his first pint, but then remembered he was wearing a diaper so was obviously too young. I thought about Disney Land or something like that but remembered it was in Florida.
If I could do anything right now what would it be?
The answer was obvious, and I picked Hearst up and placed him on the floor whilst he looked at me questioningly.
'HELLO EVERYONE, WE'RE THE ARCTIC MONKEYS!' I boomed into the microphone.
No, we weren't at a proper gig of mine. I had made a makeshift gig in my living room with the amps and guitars I had laying around my house. A little gig just for Hearst, so I could practice my hip swinging and get out the urge to perform.
'Well, we're the arctic monkeys minus our drummer Matthew J Helders the First, our bassist Nick O'Malley and our guitarist Jamie Cook. So I'm afraid it's just me tonight ladies and gentlemen!' I said, whilst Hearst played the roll of an enthusiastic audience member by jumping up and down and clapping with a toy car in his hand.
'Stop making the eyes at me I'll stop making the eyes at you...
What it is that surprises me is that I don't really want you to
And your shoulders are frozen'
I sang, pausing waiting for Matt to say 'cold as the night' but then I remembered it was a one man show.
I picked the microphone of its stand and turned it to Hearsts mouth. He stared and it in a puzzled manner.
'Say as cold as the night' I whispered.
'Cold. As er...' he stumbled, spinning the wheels on his car.
'Night' I whispered again.
'Cold as night!' He exclaimed.
'Oh but you're an explosion!' I sang, picking up the guitar where I left it off.
I played a lot of our older songs, some I had thought I might have forgotten to play but no, I still had them in me. I even played songs like 'perhaps vampires is a bit strong but...' 'The view from the afternoon' 'no buses' 'do me a favour'.
I missed these songs.
'What do you knoww
But I'll still take you home,
Yeah, I'll still take you home'
I sang, properly getting into 'Still Take You Home' I had forgotten what a good song this would be to play at a gig.
Suddenly, the sound of my guitar silenced and my voice trailed off.
'The fuck...?' I asked, turning around.
Nick was stood, the lead to the amp in his hand and a confused expression on his face.
'What are you doing Alex?' He asked in expiration, taking in the scene of the bottle of Whisky I had beside me and Hearst on the floor off his head on e-numbers.
'Oh, tha knows. Just playing Hearst some proper arctic monkeys tunes' I shrugged.
'Its been years since I've even heard those songs' Nick said sadly, picking up a guitar from the floor and strumming it sadly, sitting on the sofa.
'Yeah, I know mate. Maybe next time we tour-'
'Alex, we've all told you it's going to be a while before we tour again'
'Yeah, but, when we do-'
I was cut off by a low groan from Nick.
'Alex, we're all proper worried about you mate'
'What? Why? I'm fine. I'm great' I argued, defensively crossing my arms over my chest.
'No you're not. Look at you Alex. You're taking more drugs than usual, you're lonely, you watch excessive episodes of Danger Mouse and Breaking Bad, you don't know what you're doing with your life. It's scary, you've always been one the smartest, always steering us in the right direction'
'Yeah, well I'm fine'
'Alex, I think you're having a midlife crisis'
'What?' I laughed 'I'm not even thirty, I can't be having a mid-life crisis'
'You're acting like it though, towards the end of the tour with the hair and the weird dance moves and drugs. Now you're playing old songs trying to relive you're times in High Green. It's all very mid-life crises like.'
I sighed, I knew he had a point but I didn't want him to worry.
'Nick, I'm fine. Maybe a little lonely, but other wise fine.'
We sat in silence for a few moments.
'And how are my dance moves weird?'
Nick finally laughed and shook his head.
'Aha, come on you gotta admit some of the stuff you do up there's a little weird'
'Says you, how long have we been doing this now? 5 albums worth anyways, and you're still an awkward looking fucker when you're stood up there' I laughed along with Nick.
'Yeah, the drugs we take before we go on make me more paranoid than you' he said, shaking his head.
'Ah well, not like we'll be doing any more gigs for a while' I said.
We sat in sad silence for a while, thinking about the excitement before we went on the stage and we could hear the angsty crowd screaming for us, the roar of the crowd when we went on the stage, the moment of silence as you played the first few chords of a popular song and the crowd trying to figure out what it was before erupting into cheers, the moment when you ran off stage to have the crowd chant 'ARCTIC MONKEYS! ARCTIC MONKEYS!' The second we were out of sight.
It was safe to say, my heart broke a little realising I wouldn't experience any of those things for a while. And I think Nicks did too.
'Come on mate, wanna come to the park with me and Hearst?' Nick asked, patting me on the back and getting up.
'Yeah, go on then' I sighed, also getting up.
Nick gave me a sad smile and looked around at the scattered guitars and amp leads on the floor, before picking it up and playing the well known, spine chilling entrance to 'Do I Wanna Know?'
It was like a post-war, last-call bugle to the end of AM.


A/N so hey hope you enjoyed this chapter I enjoyed writing it and picturing Alex and Hearst being all cute.
Fuck me it's sad it's the end of another era.
Anyway, hope you all like it and votes and comments are always appreciated. Unfortunately wattpad doesn't let me to reply to comments but thankyou to every kind one and message it makes my day and they are noticed and appreciated so please keep commenting!
Plus I can't be arsed with reading this through so any spelling mistakes feel free to point out.

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