The Criminal's Mate

By bri72182bri

233K 8.4K 334

(Book One) Taylor Fox lives in the crazy city of Miami Florida as the top police officer on the force. She... More

Chapter 1: Bank Robbery In Progress
Chapter 2: I Will See You Again, Mate
Chapter 3: Cherry Red Ford
Chapter 4: The Dog Want's To Kill Me
Chapter 5: A Date With A Criminal? As If...
Chapter 6: Don't Get Caught...
Chapter 7: Six Seconds To Run
Chapter 8: I Need My Mate
Chapter 10: Ok Your Being Serious...
Chapter 11: 'Get Used To It' He Say's
Chapter 12: You Can't Control Me
Chapter 13: If It Kills Me
Chapter 14: Dead End
Chapter 15: I Have The World To Fight For
Chapter 16: Welcome Home
Chapter 17: Prank Wars
Chapter 18: Family Reunion's Suck
Chapter 19: Talk About Possessive
Chapter 20: Monster In The Closet
Chapter 21: Phoenix
Chapter 22: And Now Your Mine
Chapter 23: The Big Bad (Ticklish) Alpha
Chapter 24: Did We?...
Chaper 25: Powerless
Chapter 26: Home "Sweet" Home
Chapter 27: Homesick
Chapter 28: This Is A Test
Chapter 29: New Harmony City Limits
Chapter 30: A Glimpse Of Hope
Chapter 31: I Found Soren
***Important Author's Note***

Chapter 9: You Brought Her Here?!

7.8K 305 6
By bri72182bri

Chapter 9: You Brought Her Here?!

Taylor's POV:

We run out the back door, but little does Nick know, this wide-open pasture out behind my house extends for miles. He looks around frantically; almost like he's trying to make a tough decision. I grab his hand and run to the barn. I've got a four wheeler.

Once inside, I slide the barn door closed and put a board in front of it. I run to the four wheeler and grab the keys off of the hook nailed into the wall.

"Know how to ride?" I asked.

"Yeah," He say's grabbing the keys and getting on. I get on the back and hold on. I know this thing goes fast. It's 400cc, meaning it goes 60 to 70 MPH.

He drives to the back exit, so I get off and push the medium sized door open. We narrowly fit, but make it through. They're chasing behind us, shooting. Nick groans, I realize a bullet skid him in the leg. After we get a good distance, the shooting stops. After a few minutes, we cross the pasture and into the woods, taking the trail I always lead my horses on. He slows down eventually, so I take the chance to ask, "Do you know where we're going?"

"Yeah, where I'm staying is about five, maybe ten minutes away," He responds.

I just keep quiet. Then I remember his leg, "Are you okay?"

He just nods, "I'll take care of it when I get to the house,"

A few minutes later, he goes off trail. A few minutes after that, a white house comes into view. It's a little too secluded if you ask me. Sure, I live in the country, but this is literally backwoods. He gets off once we come to a stop, and walks on his leg like it was just a scratch. He opens the door and we walk in. It looks like no one even lives here. The furniture is old and torn, there's dust everywhere, and there's no decoration anywhere; it's lifeless.

There are three men sitting on the couch along with one girl. They all look at me, bewildered.

"You brought her here?!" The girl yells.

"They're after her!" Nick yells.

"She's a cop!" She yells standing up and facing Nick.

He gets in her face and mutters something inaudible.

She backs away and sits down. These people are familiar.

"Sandy, next time-" One of the guys say's... I stop listening after that. Sandy... There's no way, your kidding me!

"Sandy?" I interrupt.

They all look at me.

I point to the blonde man, "Brett" I say, then I point to Nick "Dominic." It confirms my suspicion when his eyes widen. I remember when they called each other by name in the bank. I'm surprised that these professional criminals made a name slip.

I'm in a house with five criminal's, not just ordinary criminal's, they're top ten most wanted.

I pull my gun from my belt and point it at Dominic, he looks almost pained when I do it. Brett points one at me and say's, "Put it down,"

"As if," I scoff. Right when the words leave my mouth, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, not now! I start coughing and I cover my mouth. When I pull my hand away, there's blood leaking down my hand. The pain in my stomach gets worse in the matter of one second and my knees give out. When I fall, my gun slide's across the floor and to Domonic's feet. I can usually handle pain, but not this time. The last thing I remember is Domonicrunning to me, that's when everything goes black.

-----Dominic's POV-----

"What's wrong with her?!" I yell to Sandy, picking Taylor up bridal style. Sandy studied the medical field, she should know something.

"I'll take a look, just put her in one of the bedrooms," she replies frustrated.

I put Taylor on one of the bed's and sit beside her while Sandy looks her over.

"She only passed out because of the amount of pain, I don't know why she's coughing up blood, she would need to be awake even if I could run tests. I don't have any medical equipment. I'll question her when she wakes. I also studied our kind when I was younger, her case sounds familiar. I'll go check it out," She informs, walking out the door.

"But she's not a Wolf." I inform her.

"Better safe than sorry." She shrugs as she gently shuts the door.

I let out a defeated sigh. I don't know what to do, she probably hates me. My Wolf whimpers in pain at the thought. I want to tell her what's going on but it may just drive her even further away. My leg hurts badly; the bullet was silver tipped. It might have killed me if they actually shot me. I just hope Taylor will accept me.

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