First Love at Second Life ( H...

By Stars_in___

34.8K 1.4K 73

Diana is a 28th years old single woman who's patient and caring for her bed-ridden father. The only joy and s... More

The Beginning of an End
Into The Game!
Love at Second World
Spread the Wings
First Bloom
Forgotten Petals
Laugh in The Afternoon
First Goodbye
Prayer Hour
First Step
Blue and Red Haori
Miracle in Progress
Second Meeting
Reconnect : The Story Begins
Blood Weaver
Laugh on The Blood
Unforgotten Temple
The Unbent Rules
With the Scholar
What's Stay Invisible
Light Talks, Dark Thoughts
The Walls Have Eyes and Ears
Truth to be Told
Baby Blue
Following the Winds
Love That Stuck in Time
The Fated Night
To Meets End Night
What Lurks in The Eyes
Forged Route
Blurry Vilain
Dull Knife, Sharp Beads
What the Heart Chose
The Void
Breath a Life
Unwordly Prayer
White Complex
Behind the Curtain
Behind the Curtain (2)
Side by Side
Lotus at Night
The Truth Upon the Veil
The Truth Under the Veil
The Sun and Moon
Bell of Truth
Ghostly Step
Truth of Emerald
Pity and Grace
The Revelation at Dusk
Bring Back Love
What The Shoulder Carry
Cry of Order

Deeper Step

421 18 0
By Stars_in___

Few days after the commotion of having Chizuru Yukimura's service in the Shinsengumi already made the lower members become suspicious. But only to the point of spreading some spiteful rumors around the quarter.

" Yeah, things definitely are suspicious, aren't they? I mean that guy has barely have any position here. "
Said one of the guy to his group.

" Right right, and how the hell did he already get his own room? Does anyone know maybe he's actually some big shot's bastard child? "

Just as the group in the middle of slacking off in front of the temple's altar, a deep woman's voice interrupt their gossip.

" Oh? Slacking off in the middle of the day guys? "
Teased the woman, coming out from behind the wall while holding a plate of onigiri on her hands.

The group of men—which consist of 4 grown-ups— was almost having their heart jumped out of their mouth when they heard someone's voice, thinking it's one of the captains. But when everybody's eyes turned to the source of the voice, they sighed un relieve it's Shun.

" Hah... Stop scaring the hell out of me, Shun-san. I thought you're someone else. "

" Excuse me, am I not a threat enough for you slackers? "
She raised an eyebrow whilst pouting about the hierarchy here.

" Come on, don't tell anyone, 'kay? "

" Well, I don't like being an accomplish with the wrong. "
Shun then proceeds to get in front of the altar while the other now being restless about what Shun just said.

" Sheesh... fine— "
Just when one of the guy about to leave, Shun then clasped her hands as a sign to begin her prayer.

" But I'm so focused with my prayer right now, that I don't think I'll notice you guys being here. "
Shun winked playfully at the bunch. Realizing what Shun just did there—basically deliberately ignoring their slacking off—the group of men then start to laugh at their naughtiness.

" By the way, Shun-san, you know something about the new guy? The one that the higher ups gave him his own room. "
Asked one of the guy.

" Yukimura-kun, you mean? Only met once by chance. "
A little bit lie to the truth.

" Don't you think he's suspicious? Suddenly came out of nowhere yet already get his own way with the captains? "

" I recommend you not to get too close with him. Just think of this as me talking to myself, but I think he's someone important or at least he's the son of some big shot that we're not supposed to know. If you still wanna have your head on your shoulder, I guess you should mind your own business. "

Because Shun already... sell her out to the demon race, she wants to make Chizuru's farewell to the Shinsengumi less painful for her later. That's why... by telling people to stay away from her and to not harass her... is one of a kind to isolate Chizuru from the lower members.

" Damn, I called it! You're right, Shun-san. I'll mind your words, I don't wanna end up dead just for sticking my nose where it doesn't belong anyway. At least let me get an honorable death by fighting or some sort. "
The guy snickered pitifully at himself.

Done with her offering, Shun then turned to the group telling them that she's done with her prayer and now she noticed that they're here. That's a signal for them that if they didn't get their lazy butt to work right now, there will be words coming from their captain.

" It's such a shame that you're still being confined in here. When you're already free to go outside let's do patrol together, Shun-san. Though I don't know if you're gonna be able to keep up with us. "

" Oh please, don't you think the amount of your slacking off is almost as close as my days being here? Haha. "

" Hahaha, guess you're damn right! See ya, Shun-san. "

Trailing her eyes to their silhouette until they're gone for good from the temple area. Convinced that she's finally left alone in the middle of the temple field, Shun whisper to the small guy who's hiding in her sleeve.

" Are we finally alone, Heiji? "

" Yeah, at least I don't smell any human present around us or in the temple. "

" That's good enough. Hakushoku. "

Answering the priestess's call, the young Yuki-Onna appeared from thin air to show all of her physique.

" Yes, my holiness. "
Hakushoku bowed politely.

" How is it with Amagiri? "

" He said he received the message and will heed your words when from the time you both first met. "

"... oh, okay. Thanks. "
It actually took quite a moment there for remembering what did she say to Amagiri when they both first meet.

Now since the gear has turn by its own, she need give all of herself to not swept away by the harsh tides. This country and era will need to build their own strength by spilling countless bodies and bloods soon.

" And the first one who will get hurt is... "



" Take me with you to Osaka. "

The day after tomorrow Hijikata, Kondou, and Sannan will have to attend some matters in Osaka. It supposedly
hold no danger since this is practically unrelated to fighting anyone with swords.

However, knowing how the story goes, Shun won't let the catalyst of Sannan's betrayal happened right under her nose. Although... it seems before anything else, she needs to regain everyone's trust on her. Or at least having them acknowledge their needs of her on this trip.

" Rejected. "
Loud and clear, Hijikata didn't take a single breath after Shun's request.

But Shun won't give up on this matter until she gets what she wants.

" Pardon me, but what's the reason behind your refusal? "

" Because, first, you're unstable. Second, this trip is not for fun. Last but not the least, you're unneeded in this matter. "

" To argue with your reasoning, first, I can control my body and mind just fine. Second, I never expect this turmoil we have will have any fun in it to begin with. Third, even if I'm unneeded, I'll still make myself worthy of your effort of taking me with you. "

Eyes to eyes, locked on each other. The violet one is sharper and heavier, yet the other one almost seems lifeless yet not a hint of giving up seen in them.

" Now now, Shun-san, we are pleased by your... service. But if you're to be taken with us, who will be the one to act as your substitute for the time being while you're away? "
Though Sannan's words are much more refined and held back compared to Hijikata's, they carry the same burden on Shun's shoulder.

" There will be Yamazaki-san who's actually had been acting as the medic team ever since before I started working here. I've thought him several method of dealing with particular injuries as well, his experience and knowledge should be enough to replace me. "

" Well... that is certainly reassuring... "
Sannan is for sure agree with Shun's argument, but he's unsure wether it will gain Hijikata's favor.

" If you're so sure about Yamazaki's skill, then I'll just bring Yamazaki instead. "
Hijikata uttered every so harshly, not showing any sign of backing down either.

" ... There's always a certain skill that each doctor had mastered. Though both of us has enough skill to save someone, Yamazaki's skill lie with the things that can take people's life. While me with the things that can save people's life. With that, I can guarantee you that I'm the best choice. "
Now the expressionless woman showed a hint of desperation in her eyes.

"... Being stubborn through and through aren't you, Shun? Well then, I don't care what happened to you later since you brought this upon yourself. However, to make sure you're not going to be a burden, someone need to test your skill first. "

" My medical skill is— "

" No, not that. Your skill in a fight. "

"...... "

" And I'll personally be your opponent. "

".............. yes, I accept. "



" Oi, Sanno, is this for real? Shun gonna fight that demon? "

" I don't wanna believe it as well, but it's totally happening right now in front of us, Shinpachi. "

" That idiot, Shun... "
Heisuke grunted but honestly speaking, he's kind of excited to see Shun's skill in a fight.

There was actually a time where Heisuke jokingly asked Shun to have a spar with him or at least gonna teach her for self defense. But Okita—who's at that still in a good term with Shun—laughed him off and told him that Shun actually already able to defend herself even from swords, but her fighting style is the worst and ridiculously a waste of time.

What even more surprising was that when Heisuke thought Shun will get enraged by Okita's comment, she did the exact opposite instead. She just laughed it off and agreed with Okita's statement like ordinary jokes. Because of that, Heisuke is rather curious right now, what did Okita really meant at that time.

Back to the soon-to-be-begin match, the two opponent stand across each other at length of their bamboo swords put together.

" Before we begin, may I ask for a permission? "
Shun raised her right hand to Sannan who act as the referee.

However, even before Shun could speak her mind, Hijikata already spurt his deal with her.

" Just so you know, I won't hold back against you even though you're a woman and my friend. So if you're going to stop now it's still not too late. "

" That's not it, I just... wanted to ask for permission to hold my sword with only one hand while the other one hold my prayer beads. "

Others may snicker behind her back, but only Hijikata know that she's serious... although, Hijikata still unknown to how much power she holds in sword.

" Suit yourself. "
Was only the short reply he gave before everything started.

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