Intrigue ~l.t.~

By autumn1324

8.1K 426 1.2K

intrigue (noun) a mysterious or fascinating quality More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Author's Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 35

170 9 11
By autumn1324

Vote, and Comment :)


It's been a week since the adventure at the hospital with Genevieve. I haven't seen Genevieve all week, mostly because she stayed back after the whole weekend. Luckily, her professors were extremely empathetic to her situation, and have allowed her to finish the semester online. With there only being one week of classes left, it shouldn't be that hard for her to get her work in.

"Louis, we are trying to figure out our plans for the weekend, are you going to be here, or has Genevieve already roped you into something?" Liam says walking into our phone while typing something into his phone.

"I technically haven't been roped into anything as you would say, but I was planning on stopping by her gran's house this weekend, to check up on them," I say, wondering why he wants to know what my plans are.

"Check up on who?" Harry says, not knowing anything about the context of our conversation.

"Genevieve and her gran it sounds like," Liam says.

"What's even going on with you two? You're always together, every weekend you're with her, you're barely in the dorm anymore." Harry says, suddenly getting suspicious.

"Nothing," I say, not sure about our current situation, so I go with the least complicated answer. "We haven't seen each other this week, so I just figured I'd check up on her to make sure she's alright," I say shrugging as if it's no big deal.

"Bro, you guys aren't even together, and you're whipped," Harry says, lightly patting me on the back.

"Harry, you don't even know what she's going through, she's has had a rough week and I just want to make sure she's doing okay, after everything with Jonah and –" I say suddenly realizing that they are unaware of Genevieve's home life.

"Who's Jonah? Did you mean Niall?" Liam says immediately catching my slip up.

I know that if I lie they will be able to read right through me, but it's also not my place to tell my friends this information without her consent.

"It's not my place to say," I say awkwardly trying to hint that I don't want to talk about it. However, I know my best friends and know that they will not leave it alone. I swear they are worse than teenage girls when it comes to gossip.

"Oh come on, who would we tell?" Harry says, continuing trying to convivence me to "spill the tea" as the kids these days call it.

"Liam? No one. But Harry? That's a serious question. It's not necessarily a secret, and she'd tell you if you ask, but I'm not sure if it's my place to tell." I say shrugging, trying to explain myself. I know I don't have to explain myself to them, but if I don't, they won't drop the subject.

I heard my phone buzz from my desk, and I walk over to check it.

1 photo attachment - Genevieve

We miss you and can't wait to see you!❤️ - Genevieve

Before I'm able to reply to the message, the phone is snatched from my hands and the boys immediately start making fun of me.

"Yeah, it's Genevieve look at the look on his face," Harry says laughing before he's even had the phone.

"Oh, is this Jonah?" Liam says, handing the phone over to Harry, to show him the picture of my two favorite people.

"You guys are cute it gross," Harry says laughing handing the phone back to me. When I get the phone back, I roll my eyes at Harry's comment and send her a simple "I'll text you when I leave" so she knows I'm still at the school and lock my phone before shoving it in my pocket.

"On a more serious note, you can tell she's good with her nephew. It means she'll be a good mom and wife," Harry says. As crazy as Harry can come across, he knows how important it is to me that I find a woman of good character.

"I know," I begin thinking about the relationship she and Jonah have, smiling. "She is a good mom," I say mostly to myself, before coming back to the reality of my environment.

"We just assumed Jonah was her nephew, but if it was her nephew you would have just told us," Liam says, starting to put the pieces together, Harry, however, is not that fast and is still hung up on the fact that she would be a good mom.

"Wait, you just said she is a good mom. As in the present tense." Harry says, finally catching up to the conversation.

"Louis, is it possible that Jonah is her son?" Liam says asking a question he already knows the answer to.

"Yes, Jonah is hers," I say confirming, smiling at the recent conversation Genevieve and I have had about what Jonah truly thinks of me.

"That child is like what, 3 years old?" Harry says, "That means she had to have him when she was 16."

"Jonah's turns four next week, so she had him when she was 15, but yes," I say knowing that the boys will continue asking questions.

"Is Niall –" Liam starts to ask awkwardly. "I mean, I know they've been off and on for years, so I wasn't sure if?"

"No, Niall isn't Jonah's father, he's someone from Genevieve's past," I say knowing that I had no right to go into the intimate details of how Jonah came into the world.

"Are you ready for that type of responsibility?" Harry asks a question, that is extremely valid.

"If I didn't think I was ready, I wouldn't be trying so hard to make things work out between us," I say knowing that from the day I met Jonah, I was ready to take on whatever relationship he'll allow me to have.

"Harry, I think our boy is growing up," Liam says pretending to wipe tears away.

"It seems like just yesterday he was a wee lad playing in the streets, and here he is potentially being a step-father to this kid," Harry says patting my head like I'm a dog.

"You guys are so annoying," I say rolling my eyes as I grab my car keys for the desk.

It's four o'clock, and I'm done for the week, so I figure now is a good time to leave if I want to get to her grandma's in time for dinner. I also want to get to her grandmother's house before Jonah's bedtime so I can give him an early birthday present since I won't make it to his birthday party next weekend. With next weekend being the week before finals, I figured the best decision would be for me to on-campus and study in the library, and Genevieve agreed.

'Anyways, I'll either see you guys Sunday or Monday," I say, slinging my bag across my shoulder before walking out of my room, leaving my idiotic roommates to themselves before they can say another word.

I quickly walk towards the elevator, because I am too lazy to walk down three floors worth of stairs. I push the button, summoning the elevator, and I hear the light ringing of the elevator moving between floors. Once the elevator gets to my floor, I hear the soft ding and wait for the doors to open. Once the doors open, I walk in the elevator and press the button telling the elevator to take me to the ground floor.

The door in the elevator closes, and the ringing continues as it moves floor to floor. The elevator stops on the second floor and someone walks on not saying a word. Once the elevator reaches the ground floor, the guy from the second-floor walks out first, and then I follow.

I walk into through the Johnson courtyard, to reach the Johnson parking lot, which unfortunately did not have any parking when I arrived back to the campus Sunday night, so I was forced to park in our overflow commuter lot which is on the farthest end of campus next to the football field. I pull my phone out of my pocket, remembering that I need to text Genevieve to let her know I am getting ready to leave the school.

Hey love, I'm heading to my car now. We should be leaving school soon. x

I send the message and continue my long journey to the car.


After a car ride that was close to two hours long, I pull into Genevieve's grandmother's neighborhood. I'm trying to keep this visit a surprise for Jonah since he doesn't think I'm coming. Genevieve and I came up with the plan when I showed her the present I got for him.

I slowly pull up to the house, knowing that Jonah is smart enough to know what my car looks like, and I don't want to risk ruining the surprise on the off chance that he looks out of his bedroom window on the way to the front door. I cautiously drive past the house and park at the vacant for sale next door.

I park the car and power the car down. I press the button on my door that opens the trunk and proceed to open my door. Before sliding out of my seat, I grab the duffle bag that is located in the passenger's seat and place it over my shoulder. I slide out of my seat, closing my car door carefully, and walking to the trunk to grab the gift bag that contains Jonah's birthday present.

I grab my phone, once again, and send Genevieve a text.

I'm here love, parked in the neighbor's yard. Give me about 2 minutes. X

According to the plan, Genevieve was going send Jonah out to get the mail, but I'll be at the front door instead.

I carefully walk to the front door, hearing some wrestling coming from the other side of the door. I know that Genevieve got my text when I hear her yelling for Jonah to see her in the kitchen. I hear the tiny pitter-patter of his feet, most likely from the downstairs guest room, since the doctor recommended that Jonah take it easy until he was back for his checkup next month.

As per doctor orders, it would be easier for Jonah's recovery if he didn't have to walk up and downstairs to get to his room. Before I headed back to campus last Sunday, I helped Genevieve make the guest room comfortable for Jonah.

"Jonah baby, can you get the mail for momma?" I hear Genevieve say followed by the soft sound of Jonah's voice.

"Jonah, baby please walk. I don't want you hurting yourself anymore," Genevieve says and the wrestling comes to a halt, and I place my bags down as I hear the wiggling of the doorknob.

"Be right back momma," Jonah just before opening the door, revealing that I am on the other side.

"Louis!" Jonah says the second he sees me attacking me with a big hug. I kneel to get be at his height to give him and equally satisfying hug for him.

"I got you something," I say standing up to reach for the gift bag containing his Gear Building Set, and Playdough set. Jonah has a look of complete excitement on his face, and I can tell by his anticipation that he wants to open it right now.

"Let me come in and put my stuff down and then you can open it up," I say standing up, and picking up my duffle bag.

"You're staying over?" Jonah says following me through the house after dropping his present at the front door.

"Of course I am buddy, why wouldn't I?" I say as he follows me up the stairs.

"Jonah, the doctor said you can't go up the stairs," Genevieve says suddenly sounding worried for him.

"It's okay babe, I'll bring him down," I say accidentally letting the word 'babe' slip out of my mouth, but I shrug it off hoping that Jonah didn't catch it. I open the door to the guest room that I normally stay in, at least until I either join Genevieve or she joins me.

"Louis, are you and momma boyfriend and girlfriend?" Jonah asks, sitting on my bed.

"Not yet pal," I say smiling at the thought of us finally making things official.

"Why not? Don't you love my momma? I know momma loves you." Jonah says asking many questions, but I don't mind. Genevieve has told me he asks a lot of questions, because he's a curious kid, and she tries to enforce honestly with him. The two of them have a pact. If she honest with him, he's honest with her, and I plan on being honest with Jonah when he asks questions.

"Does Daddy not love Momma?" Jonah says jumping to another question.

"What? No! Of course, Daddy loves your Mum. I was just waiting to talk with you," I say looking at this curious child.

"Talk about what? Momma says that Mommy's and Daddy's love each other, and stay together forever," Jonah says confused why Genevieve and I are not together.

"Well Jonah, I wanted to talk to you about you and me, and me and your mum," I say sitting down next to him. "I've told your mum this, but I haven't told you yet. I hope I can set a good example for how a boy is supposed to ask, in every aspect of life, and I wanted to start by asking if I had your blessing to make your mum my girlfriend," I say smiling over to my three-year-old best friend.

"Hmmm, let me think," Jonah says tapping his chin. "You love momma?" He asks with a look that is asking more.

"Yes buddy, I love your mum so much, and not the same way Niall loved your mum. I promise to protect her, and never to hurt her the way Niall hurt her. I also promise to keep you safe, and not hurt you the way Niall hurt you," I say smiling at Jonah.

"Yes, you can make momma your girlfriend!" Jonah says shouting, but I quickly shushed him, not want Genevieve to hear our conversation.

"Shhhh, I need your help to keep this secret from your mum. I have this huge plan to ask her and surprise her, and I need you to promise that this secret won't get out to her." I say holding out my pinky.

"Promise," Jonah says wrapping his pinky around mine before putting a finger up to his lip. 


What do you guys think will happen next?

Will Louis have a big romantic gesture? 

Will Louis still wait until Genevieve is ready to be in a new relationship? 

Do you guys think Genevieve is ready to jump into a new relationship? 

Tell me your thoughts, predictions, and crazy conspiracy theories.

I love you 

- Autumn <3

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