Painful Tattoo -JIKOOK-

By Bumblebee_honeys

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NOTE: MY FRIEND MADE THE COVER!! Also guys if you are a reader before you know that the tittle is long(from... More

Chapter 1: Intro
Chapter 2: New Students
Chapter 3: Dance Partners?
Chapter 4: special chapter
Chapter 5: Worry
Chapter 6: attraction
Chapter 7: explanation
Chapter 8: Soulmate?
chapter 9: a plan
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
special chapter for Jk's b'day
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Namjoon's bday special chpt
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22: Jimin's b'day special
Author's Note
Chapter 23: a disaster
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
author's ending note
author's thank you
2k reads!! and new story

Chapter 32

312 17 1
By Bumblebee_honeys

Author POV

It's present day, John was still lurking for Jimin, he moved towns, school, even classes to be with Jimin, at least to be close with Jimin, and Him being the nice mochi he is accepted their friendship, but of course he still is very cautious of the boy, Oh and Jungkook... He was fuming every time he sees Jimin with that so called "long Lost Prince"

Okay now into the (unknown~) story leggo
The boys has dance class today they're inside  the studio and Jungkook being the possessive bunny he is always puts an arm around Jimin's waist and sometimes pecks him either Ron the cheek or lips

They were chatting because the teacher didn't come to school so basically this is their free period (well my school is literally the opposite if a teacher didn't come they'll give work to do and me have to give it to the teacher the next morning )

John was glancing at Jimin and he made a step to the group none of them appear to notice him approaching until he says

"Hi Jimin, you look wonderful today"

"Uhm... Th-" Before he could answer his boyfriend spat

"Thanks buddy he is every day now go on shoooo"

John was angry no he was about to explode he read this in the book saying that Prince Jungkook was a variety to His and Jimin's love therefore he need to kill him.

And yes he might have already got a plan to kill him or at least put him out of the page.

The school bell rings initiating that the school was over for the day, Jungkook went to his locker which is sadly far from Jimin's
But what surprise eh I'm is taht John was in front of his locker grinning like a maniac

"Hey bro, got a time next? I have some unfinished business to do to you here's my number also, I'm going to get Jimin Back" Jungkook was holding every inch of his muscle to not punch this man right here, he holds back and smiled

"Of course, sorry man but that mochi is mine and forever will be"

~night time~

Jungkook POV

Layla Noona asked me to come with him to the Parks and how could I say no... My cute and small boyfriend was there

So now we're driving to their residents, oh I forgot to tell you The Parks move to a bigger house because their parents know that a lot of friends use to sleepover at their place, and now we are driving to the new place

Arriving at the door Layla felt a bit anxious I could feel it, but I   don't want to ask

Author POV

They got inside the house and was greeted by Jimin and Bella, also some cookies and warm milk

"So Jungkook, Jimin, there's something we need to tell you" Layla started

"We are listening" They both said

"We know John moved there, and he was told to be the lost Prince, he is, when he was 12 he has searched for Jimin" Bella says

"Why? " Jimin ask clinged to Jungkook

"Because he found a book, a journal actually contains of lies about the past about Your past, we manage to grab a page of the book it was tiring we have to search everywhere but luckily John left out this piece of paper and cause of that we stole it, anyways this book contains lies of your love, read this"
Layla showed them a part of the book

It reads

'I was living happily with Prince Jimin but one day Prince Jungkook took him away out of his will and force him to marry, I tried my best to safe my love but it was to late he had killed him, I just want my love to be back, so I prayed for them to reincarnate and myself to, to the future Prince John, read this book and get my love back before you die, he loves you back, remember, and kill that bastard Jungkook before he kills our beloved'

And after that showed a picture of Jungkook and Jimin while Jungkook's was ripped and Jimin's photo was glues to John's photo

"But here look" Layla says mentioning toward the laptop

They both read it, the documentary it read

Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jimin

Those two were the cutest and best married couple taht faces the kingdom, Prince Jeon was supposed to rule the Kingdom and by his side was his queen Jeon Jimin but sadly one tragic night happened, they both got shot and was told by guards there they were holding each other smiling and kiss for the last time, it was said taht everyone loved them, their love bonded each day, they grew stronger together and was happy, the people was mourning all year and they wished for the couple to be reincarnated and united as one again

"So that means" Jimin stated

"Yes, you are a reincarnated Prince Jeon and Prince Park, love that is beyond limits showed in your past life and today, so we need to tell him the truth actually force him" Bella said

They nodded. A couple of minutes passed and the Jeons decided to sleep over rand so they did, that night the couple realized how much their love is from being a Prince until now, and nothing could stop them

Chapter 32 finished

I'm back yalllllll
Just finished my exams
Super happyyyy
Also just a fact about me my birthday is actually near it's on the 19th of December
This year ya gurl is turning 13!!


Okay anyways gudnite
Sleep tight
Don't let the bed bugs bite

Bye my lovely readers!!

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