Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|

By mochimarks

693K 32.4K 15.3K

Park Jimin is the handsome, wealthy, popular guy in his high school. Some say that he's arrogant because of t... More

Chapter (O N E)
Chapter (T W O)
Chapter (T H R E E)
Chapter (F O U R)
Chapter (F I V E)
Chapter (S I X)
Chapter (S E V E N)
Chapter (E I G H T)
Chapter (N I N E)
Chapter (T E N)
Chapter (E L E V E N)
Chapter (T W E L V E)
Chapter (T H I R T E E N)
Chapter (F O U R T E E N)
Chapter (F I F T E E N)
Chapter (S I X T E E N)
Chapter(S E V E N T E E N)
Chapter(E I G H T E E N)
Chapter(N I N E T E E N)
Chapter (T W E N T Y)
Chapter(T W E N T Y O N E)
Chapter(T W E N T Y T W O)
Chapter(T W E N T Y T H R E E)
Chapter(T W E N T Y F O U R)
Chapter(T W E N T Y S I X)
Chapter(T W E N T Y S E V E N)
Chapter(T W E N T Y E I G H T)
Chapter(T W E N T Y N I N E)
Chapter(T H I R T Y)
Chapter (T H I R T Y O N E)
Chapter (T H I R T Y T W O)
Chapter (T H I R T Y T H R E E)
Chapter (T H I R T Y F O U R)
Chapter (T H I R T Y F I V E)
Chapter (T H I R T Y S I X)
Chapter(T H I R T Y S E V E N)
Chapter(T H I R T Y E I G H T)
Chapter(T H I R T Y N I N E)
Chapter(F O U R T Y)
Chapter(F O U R T Y O N E)
Chapter(F O U R T Y T W O)
Chapter(F O U R T Y T H R E E)
Chapter(F O U R T Y F O U R)
Chapter(F O U R T Y F I V E)
Chapter(F O U R T Y S I X)
Chapter(F O U R T Y S E V E N)
Chapter(F O U R T Y E I G H T)
Chapter( F O U R T Y N I N E)
Chapter (F I F T Y)

Chapter(T W E N T Y F I V E)

11K 570 145
By mochimarks

Jungkook's P.O.V

Namjoon and I strolled around outside around his neighborhood. I didn't want Namjoon to stay in that house any longer when his parents are throwing things at one another. Namjoon has been dealing with his parents arguments for quite a long time now. However, I think this time it's worse. They used to just argue back and forth nothing too extreme. Now they're being physically harmful to each other.

"So when did they start behaving like this?", I asked and he shrugged.

"About a week ago. I was fine with them arguing, but it's gotten out of control. Yesterday, my mom accidentally almost hit me in the face with a glass bottle. She was aiming for my father", he said, keeping his head low and his hands in his pockets.

"Damn, man I'm sorry. I wish I could help you"

"Same. I wish they would just make up already"

"Why don't they try marriage counseling?", I asked and he shrugged again.

"I don't know. They've been trying to workout their marriage themselves. It's clearly not working and at this point marriage counseling can't fix them now. Their marriage is doomed", he said and a tear slid down his cheeks. He didn't bother wiping it away.

"They're most likely going to get a divorce soon"

"Are you ready for that?". He shrugged at my question.

"If it happens, it happens. Nothing I can do to stop it no matter how much I want to"

"Does Jin know?", I asked and he shook his head.

"No and I don't want him to know. He's the only person that distracts me from this and makes me happy. I don't want him to worry about me. Him being happy and worried free makes me happy", he answered and I grinned at him.

"So are you two together?", I asked and he nodded.

"I feel like the happiest man in the world", he said, smiling to himself.

"Awe, my son is all grown up! He's in love!", I said, throwing my body on him. "You hear that Seoul? My son is IN LOVE!", I shouted, throwing my arms in the air.

"Jungkook be quiet. People are sleeping dumbass!", he whispered.

"God bless Korea! To everybody who thought he was going to die a virgin! You were wrong! I was wrong!", I shouted, jumping and twirling. I pulled Namjoon in for a bone crushing hug. "My son I was wrong about you!", I said, sloppily kissing his cheek.

Namjoon threw me off and smacked the back of my head, almost making fall forward. He wiped the wet kiss off his face. "Shut up you weirdo! And we're the same age idiot! Why would I be your son? Don't ever call me that again. And I'm not in love I just strongly like him!", he said and I placed my hands on my hips.

"Mhm, don't lie to yourself now!", I said, waving my finger in his face. He smacked it away and I smacked his arm. He punched my arm and I stood there shocked. I backed up and kicked his shin with full force. I laughed, running before he could hit me back. He ran after me and we ran down the streets like a couple of dumb monkeys.

"Where do you want to go now?", I asked Namjoon and he pulled out his phone. He opened it and checked his messages.

"Hobi spammed my phone just now for me to come over. He told be to bring you along with. He has to show us a surprise", he said and we made our way to J-Hopes house. I wonder what stupid thing he did now.

We reached his house and knocked on the door. He answered it right away and allowed us inside. He guided us to his bathroom and sat there was Suga.

Oh no J-Hope didn't....

"Hobi, what did he do to deserve this punishment?", Namjoon asked, reading my mind.

"J-Hope I don't know what exactly you were going for but this ain't it...", I said as I stared at Suga's once black hair change into a multicolored one. I thought J-Hope was going to do one simple color.

Suga gave us questionable stares, wondering what we were talking about. "What are they talking about?", he asked, looking up at Hobi.

"I don't know"

"We're talking about you looking like a whole ass clown", I said and Suga's eyes went wide. He got up from the chair and looked in the mirror. His face turned cherry red and he glared at J-Hope. J-Hope backed up behind Namjoon and I.

"Hey I don't think it looks bad", J-Hope said and Suga eyes twitched like a deranged man.

"Hoseok, look at me. I look I came out of a cotton candy maker. I look like I came home from a 3 year-old's birthday party", he gritted through his teeth.

"Then that 3 year-old had the best birthday party ever!", J-Hope said, trying to lighten up the mood. I stifled back a laugh and glanced at Namjoon who was doing the same. J-Hope really had gon' and fucked him up. Staring at Suga made me feel bad slightly bad for him. He has to go out in public looking like that.

In the end it is his fault. Everybody knows not to trust J-Hope to do something without proper instructions.

"Wait, I thought you were going to dye his hair on your birthday?", Namjoon asked.

"Yes, but I decided that I wanted to use my birthday present early", J-Hope said, clapping.

"It looks like you crawled up Ronald McDonalds ass", I commented and Namjoon laughed. Suga stuck up his middle finger at me and I smiled, doing it back.

"You better fix this", he growled at J-Hope, plopping his butt back on the chair. J-Hope nodded and came out from behind us.

"Don't worry I gotchu"

Enjoy Lovelies

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