Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

By tokki-maknae

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Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... More

Queen for Capture Intro


5.4K 265 229
By tokki-maknae

"Is she going to need stitches?"

Watching Jin's brows contort into a furrow, he mumbled a bit before shaking his head. "No, it's not deep enough." Jin said while looking over to the back of Namjoon's head as he sat passenger seat of the soccer mom van. You bit down on the inside of your cheek to hold in the wince that was prying out of you from the way Jin was disinfecting the gash on your palm.

Wincing for you in substitute was Jungkook, since he couldn't help but stare in cringe as Jin nearly cleared out half of a first aid kit on your hand. At least the damage didn't look nearly as gruesome when your hand was soaked in blood. With your hand mostly cleaned up, all that was left was a thick pink line of surface sliced skin, since the cleaning alcohol stopped the bleeding. But it didn't stop every nerve on your body from feeling the searing white hot pain of it all.

Or maybe that was from the immense rage you felt that was being fueled towards recreating the wound on your hand to the neck of Bin.

Speaking of, "Perfect, stitches would get in the way of when I wrap my hands around Bin's neck and just rip into their thr-" Clenching your jaw into a tighten lock as Jin roughly swipe the disinfectant wipe against your wound. Casting him a slight glare as Jin menacingly scrunch his nose back at you.

"Absolutely not, you need to nurse this hand, and just lay low for now." Jin nagged on while taking out a white gauze wrap.

"We need to snap this Bin whoever's neck before things get worse. Jimin could've seriously got hurt, and now whatever beef Bin has with me is spreading to you guys." You argued back, which to your delight, no one spoke up to disagree with that. It connected with each other after all, this Bin person left a message behind in your old apartment. An apartment you barely used as an actual living space, that was also rented under another name, meaning Bin had a lot of obstacles to pass to find where you specifically lived.

Now with the personal vendetta attack made at school, you had no doubt it was about you. Even if you were more cautious of those around you and aware of suspicious people, that wouldn't stop Bin in your belief. The only reason Bin had your full attention now was that he was getting the boys involved, thinking that you were lucky enough to stop Jimin in time. And in contrast, thinking about not being able to save them in time.

"I kind of agree with [Y/n], the faster we kill this Bin guy, the sooner we stop looking over our shoulders more than usual." Jungkook chimed in from the middle row, sitting awkwardly in the middle of the car.

On the same seat row with Tae and Jimin, since you and Jin took up the back seats so he could play doctor for you. As for Hobi who was currently sitting on the car's floor, typing away with a lighting pace on two laptops. Leaving Yoongi as the driver and Namjoon in shotgun. When news quickly spread about the glasses girl's attack against you from Hobi to the others, they came within seconds to take all of you far away from campus grounds. Thankfully they also had a change of clothes prepared in the trunk, saving you and Jimin from being stuck in a medieval themed wardrobe all day.

Noticing Jin shoot Jungkook a squint look of 'You, quiet', you couldn't help but roll your eyes while Jin finished wrapping your hand. Carefully closing your fingers into a semi fist, you brought your elbows up to rest ontop of the middle row seats, "Exactly, it'll be a matter of time before they find our base, and when they do they'll more or less push us into a corner."

"Then we'll all lay low for the time being, no school, no exposing gang activity. We let the whole Bin thing die out on it's own since none of us know what they want, except to target [Y/n]. So if [Y/n] plays ghost for a bit we should be okay right?" Tae asked, mostly directing his words towards Namjoon. Who also happened to be disturbingly silent without giving everyone his usual leadership spiel whenever you guys were on a split decision.

Which in another case wouldn't concern you, but if anything in this moment right now, Namjoon conflictedly staring out the window in complete silence bothered you in a way you couldn't describe.

"You're keeping something to yourself, aren't you, Namjoon?" You asked, staring intently at the settle flinch in his shoulders, something everyone probably missed if they didn't look for it.

Letting out a stressful sign of a breathy laugh, Namjoon forced his tense self back against the seat, "Does anything ever get by you?"

"Hardly. So what's the horrible thing that's sealed your mouth shut?" Anticipating a silent game to take place, you were fairly surprised by him answering back right away.

"It's more complicated than that, it's," Turning back in his seat to look at you, Namjoon kept saying, "This Bin person is a bigger threat than we thought, massive in fact. He's dangerous and has wiped out gangs before without any effort. Or at least that's what we learned from all of our meetings today."

"Did you meet Bin?" Jimin asked, jumping into the conversation unexpectedly.

"No, not even close. We didn't get anything on Bin until our last few meetings, but even then that was barely any useful information. He's covered up any and all tracks he's ever made, but his eyes and ears are still everywhere. It makes [Y/n] look like a newbie compared to Bin." Making eye contact from Jimin over to you, Namjoon added, "Not to discredit you from anything, of course."

"Right, so creepy guy that's so far beyond the scene of the crime, we'd be talking to a dozen people before reaching Bin. Yet, even if we get to him he's still an overpowered threat that could crush us without a moments notice?" Taking Namjoon's silent staring as an in agreement answer. You signed while rubbing your finger tips into the temples of your head. "Then what is he after now. From what it sounds like, he's been around the underground for years so, a territory war? No, it's not that."

Stumping yourself, you threw yourself back down onto your seat in frustration, "Maybe we crossed him in the past.. But that still doesn't make sense, why would Bin go on the offensive now."

"Maybe because we're a threat ourselves? We've made an exponential spike in terms of strength and reputation in a short amount of time. Like Bin's the full grown alpha and we're the baby that poses a threat to everything he's built?" Jin offered his words while everyone was doing there own analysis.

"The timeline doesn't make sense," Jimin nearly whispered, as if he was afraid to add anymore fuel into the potential dumpster fire if shit did happen to hit the fans. "I thought we were kinda powerful these past few months."

As you rested your chin into the palm of your unwounded hand, you glance up to barely see Yoongi's furrowed brows in the angle rearview mirror. Rubbing the back of his neck, Yoongi spoke up while pulling off onto a familiar street for you, "Jimin's right, BTS and Ace or Queen- whichever name [Y/n] is using, was practically a household name everywhere this past month alone. Like a trending topic for the underground, and I doubt Bin is affiliated with NCT or Red Velvet. Considering those two fall under the same main gang head umbrella."

BTS and I- It was so obvious this whole time, why didn't I connect it sooner.

"Bin isn't after us," Pausing as you were verifying the claim you were about to make, you nodded a bit to yourself as you concluded with, "Bin's after me. All the threats were made towards me, the attention was drawn over me going from Ace to Queen. You guys aren't the targets, it's me."

Noticing everyone stare at you like you grew two heads, Jimin's concern laced each word as he questioned you with, "Why would Bin be after just you if you're part of BTS?"

"I don't know," Going back the mental drawing board, your eyes drifted to the window as you stared outside. Noticing a pattern of passing buildings, your eyes widen slightly as you called out, "Yoongi swing a right at the next light."

"What? Why?" Yoongi asked within seconds, but still turned on his right blinker to signal his turn anyways.

"I don't know what I did to piss Bin off, but I know someone who might have a better clue than us."


"Tell me everything you know about Bin."

"Well hello to you to [Y/n], long time no see. Heard you joined a gang, also heard you died." Mr. Ahn's passive aggressive tone failed to suppress a the end of his sentence.

"Jaehyun told you?" You asked somewhat pointlessly, only to get an eye roll from the older male before he walked behind to the left side of the counter top front. Just be relieved he hasn't pulled a gun on you for threating Jaehyun. You told yourself in mental reluctance.

"Tae take the others and go shoot stuff- in the shooting range." You didn't know why you specified the shooting range, but it was better safe than having one of them shoot of a gun in store.

Nodding at your order, Tae linked arms with Hobi and Jin as he hauled them off towards the indoor shooting range entrance while beckoning to the others, "The shooting range is really cool here, and plus there's a lot of guns to try out!" After Tae's practical skip of a walk, Jimin Jungkook, and Yoongi followed in suit.

Leaving only Namjoon behind which Yoongi caught onto. With only one look Namjoon did a waving hand gestured followed with a shooing motion, as if to say 'Go ahead, I'll catch up.' Without much resistance, Yoongi turned his attention back forward and disappeared behind the push open door.

"Mr. Ahn please, either way joining a gang was bound to happen with my dad's background and my own personal business. Like being a hitman wasn't just as bad?" Following him down from the other side of the counter, you were politely trying to defend yourself without indirectly being rude. Or to put it more bluntly, running through a land mind field with a blindfold on. "Also I'm apart of a gang because we protect, care, and help each other, something I could never accomplish solo as a hit man."

Stopping mid mini stomp away, Mr. Ahn's legs slammed down on a break as he turned to face you, "Being a hitman meant you had more freedom, more room to move, that you were given a choice to do a job. Jobs that if you do decide to do, you couldn't be held responsible as a solo hitman, whoever hire you would be responsible and the odds of you getting hurt back intentionally were slim to none. But you're with a gang now [Y/n], a gang is bonded by blood, it's not something that you can walk away from. Being in a gang means you're in it until death, your children become targets for kidnapping, your loved ones involved no matter what; and if you live long enough, you'll watch everyone you've ever known die off one by one, until you're left alone to wish you were dead."

Seeing his cheeks start to seer a hint of red from boiling anger, Mr. Ahn took his glasses off so he could pinch the bridge of his nose. You knew where his frustration burned from, yet you could only imagine how much of your dad's work you undid. Even though you don't know Mr. Ahn's true relationship with your dad, you figured it must've been close to get him this pissed.

After all, all of your dad's effort to give you a normal life and to take you away from the underground scene; essentially turned into all for nothing as that was shot dead the moment you shook hands with Namjoon.

"Even if I did stay out of the underground. If I was a shitty daughter and just took my dad's inheritance without ever looking back and went on my own way. Do you really think I could've lived a normal life, Mr. Ahn? Can you really look me in the face, and tell me that joining a gang was the worst choice I've ever made? Could you swear and guarantee that if I never even became a hitman, that'd I be safe having a normal life with having a notorious underground assassin as my dad?"

Inhaling deeply, you rolled the tension out of your shoulders as you firmly told him, "I don't think my dad's final wish for me was to lead a normal life. If anything my dad wants me to survive, and if that means I'd end up joining a gang, then I strongly doubt he'd be rolling in his grave right now."

"Mr. Ahn, with all due respect, I cannot say I share the same amount of time that [Y/n] has spent with you. But I have to argue that you're undermining her a lot, [Y/n] is more than capable independently. She's easily brought some of the biggest names out there to her mercy, not anyone can just do that. Sometimes she's so calculating that it's intimidating for a leader like me.

"When all my role really requires me to do is strategize and lead obviously, but she makes doing those things so effortless that I feel like she's an unbeatable rival. She's a smart girl, quick on her feet, as a gang leader I can promise she's made the right choice." Namjoon vouched for you. Which could've been more heartwarming if you weren't just reminded that he technically forced-slash-cornered you into joining BTS. But he was still arguing for your sake nonetheless, while also indirectly complimenting you somewhat.

Clearly out numbered in a talking war, Mr. Ahn gave up any further arguments he had in him crossing his arms over his chest. "What was it you wanted to know?" His tone couldn't explicitly say 'The faster I help you, the faster you're out of my hair' any clearer than now.

"Their name's Bin, and I want to know everything about them."

"Well here's a road block for you, I don't know a Bin. In fact, I don't think anyone has heard of a Bin, best case is they're a new figure in the underground." Mr. Ahn answered you after a few seconds passed. Which only bothered you more as you knew, probably as well as Namjoon does, that there's no way whoever's after you is just some rookie hitting their lucky streak.

"Maybe Bin has some correlation to Jack," Namjoon spoke while easily slipping back into the conversation, "And since Jack isn't," There was a sort of awkward side glance Namjoon gave you as he caution his wording, "Around, so to speak, maybe whatever bad blood between this Bin guy and Jack directly fell onto [Y/N] because she was technically known as Jack's apprentice."

"Also, when I "died", I came back under a completely different name and alias. So maybe the name Bin is similar to that. Especially since Bin isn't the most terrifying villain name I've heard so far." Adding in your own take on the annoyingly illusive Bin.

"I thought it was, you're telling me a name like Bin doesn't strike fear into your heart?" Namjoon teased as he mulled over other possibilities that narrowed you're guys search.

Smiling at Namjoon's unusual jab of a joke, your eyes darted to Mr. Ahn's suddenly on movement. Because if you were a second late to notice, they you'd definitely would've missed the subtle flinch that flashed through his eyes. Was that fear, or a coincidence? No, that look was definitely regret.. Does he know who Bin is then or did he know who Bin once was.

Unaware of you're internal interrogation, Mr. Ahn rubbed his hands along the back of his neck before what sounded forced told you, "This might be too big of a gap to jump, but there was one person I can think of. His name was Seungbin, that might be where the Bin comes from, but as far as I know he was your dad's last hit before early retirement."

"So then, we're up against a ghost?" You hesitantly drew out the words as they sounded even more ridiculous leaving your mouth.

"Your dad never killed him." Mr. Ahn clarified.

"Okay, so a very alive person whose very bent on what? Revenge?" Confusion now taking over your entire being as you tired to wrap your head around this. Putting your hand up to your mouth as you tried to make sense of this while tapping your fingers against your lip.

Shrugging half-heartedly, Mr. Ahn gave a solemn, "Bad blood can run deep through generations, especially in the underground."

Leaning down, Namjoon discreetly used his hand to cover the side of his mouth as he whispered to you, "I think you noticed it too, but we're obviously not going to get straight answers from him. We're getting nowhere."

Agreeing with Namjoon, you nodded to him, without words Namjoon walked away to go get the others while you tied up things on your end. "Thank you Mr. Ahn, I know you don't like to get yourself involved with other gang business." You said with some sincerity, figuring if he was withholding information from you there was a sure reason beyond your understanding for why.

After a few minutes of silence passed, you heard a sharp laughter coming from the shooting range entrance that could've only been emitted by Hobi. Hearing the commotion of those seven walking back, you decided to make your way to the door first. Not without some parting words as you gave your finale farewell saying, "Thank you again, please watch your health-" 

"[Y/N], when I first got into the business of guns I couldn't tell a AR-15 from a M16. Eventually I learned the hard way when I had a M16 set to burst on what the difference was." Mr. Ahn suddenly started a blast from the past story time with you in a almost hushed tone. Perplexed, you couldn't help but lean onto the counter as his voice grew softer with each word that began coming out as a practical whisper.

"What I'm trying to say kiddo, is that not everything is what it seems. Just because the barrel and magazine look similar doesn't necessarily mean in theory they're the same. Just like with people, you may know a face as a friend, but they could also turn out to be someone else." Mr. Ahn cryptically told you, tapping his hand on the counter before walking away to do some actual store work.

Left even more confused than before, you stood in place aimlessly before a tap on your shoulder snapped you out of your near trace.

"Ready to head out?" Yoongi asked you. Looking behind to him, you could see everyone was already making there way out to the front door. Nodding to him, you walked behind him as he made his way out before. Leaving you to lag behind with more questions than you anticipated to have answers for originally. "Something on your mind? You look off." Yoongi asked you while glancing back to you.

Shaking your head, you reassured him, "Nothing really, just trying to see if the name Seungbin rings a bell for me." If what you understood just now, from what Mr. Ahn was trying to tell you, was that there was a wolf among you. But we're way past the secrets and hidden backstory phase.. maybe it's just Mr. Ahn trying to throw a red herring. Taking the name Seungbin and the other information given with a grain of salt, you fast walked ahead to ask Hobi if he could run that name through some data bases either way.

Watching your fleeting figure as the door rang out one last bell chime as it closed. Mr. Ahn let out a content sign as he leaned his body back. Only to feel a cool metal press itself against the back his head, followed with the sound of a gun cocking.

"You went off script, I don't remember telling you to say that last bit." A figure that concealed himself behind the employee door spoke, his voice ringing out in a joker manner.

"She doesn't know the truth about everything." Mr. Ahn replied back as a sweat began to work itself along the edge of his receding hairline, not darling to turn around while being at the mercy of a firearm.

Pulling the gun off of his head a bit, there was an exhausted sigh that followed the arm man's next words. "I know she's in the dark, but eventually the truth will come out, it always does. Nonetheless she's still Jack's kid, she's is apart of everything whether she knows it or wants to be. And as for you, I really thought we could bury the hatchet here, but you just had to run your mouth."

With that said a clear shot rang out. A gun shot that would've alerted the attention of someone, if only it wasn't from inside a gun store. Then maybe you and the rest of your members wouldn't have been so quick to ignore what you all collectivity assume was an accidental shot off.

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