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By milevenn_

15.5K 435 280

two best friends who have stuck together their entire lives know that they're going to be together forever, i... More

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1.3K 43 38
By milevenn_

⋆ ✧    .  .    ✷    ⊹ .   * · ✵ . ·   ✹     ⋆ ✷    · ✵ ✺

After that one night in Enya's apartment, Finn and I spent the next few years being the same as usual, but casually hooking up. We spent our late teen years being friends with benefits. It was fun, we were still our same selves, making each other laugh and doing everything together when Finn wasn't working, but at the same time, it was entirely different. 

Almost every time we found ourselves alone together, we would get way too carried away with sex. It was amazing, to say the least, we knew each other so well that it was just, euphoric. It was kind of too good to be true. One moment I would be with Finn, my best friend since birth, casually hanging out with our families and friends, and another moment we would be all over each other, my mind literally leaving my body from how good the sex was. 

The contrast was odd. We would never cuddle or anything like that when we were with our families, when we were with our closest friends we would sometimes do stuff like that, but when we were alone, if we were in the mood, we would barely go a second alone without our lips together, our hands on each other's bodies. Then the moment that we got it out of our system we would just return to our normal selves.

Our friendship was as strong as ever, just difficult to understand. Possibly from how simple it actually was, but how different it was depending on our environment. When I was with Finn, we were either two platonic best friends or fuck buddies. And as time progressed, the sex felt more intimate. It started out pretty casual since we were both inexperienced virgins and all that, but we got so good at it that neither of us even thought about doing it with anybody else. And the contrast between us as people is even funnier, since Finn is six foot and i'm only five-three, and he's a lanky motherfucker while I'm super curvy for somebody my size. I guess it's cute... but the sex.

It was the kind of sex you have with somebody you're in love with.

One fateful day, Finn and I were both laying in his bed, in our apartment. We lived together in LA, while Finn worked and I went to college. It only made sense that we would move in together the second we finished high school, so we did. I got into a school I really liked in California, and Finn was always in LA for his job anyway, so we made the decision together to move there.

I cuddled up into his side, my bare skin against his. I felt his chest rise up and down as he caught his breath, still flustered from his orgasm. I may have forgotten to mention, we had just fucked. This time, it was super passionate. It felt like those days, it would just be even more intimate each time we did it.

I relaxed the side of my head on his chest, facing his face. He looked down at me and smiled. He squished my cheek with his pointer finger and thumb, making me giggle.

"Finn," I say, almost as if it were a question.

"Sky," he said back, in the same tone.

"I have something that's been weighing on me for a while."

"Why haven't you told me yet then?" he asked, adjusting my hair to be out of my face.

"Because it's about you, so I've kept it to myself."

His eyebrows scrunched together. "What is it?"

"So the past three years have been great," Finn nodded in agreement as I spoke. "Last night was actually the three year anniversary of when we first hooked up"

Finn cut me off, "you kept track of that?"

"Enya did and she texted me this morning."

"Of course she did," he laughed.

I sighed. "Finn, I haven't been with any other guy except you since we started doing this. And you haven't even kissed another girl except for on-camera."

"Okay and-"

"You're almost twenty years old."

"You have a point there," he laughed.

"So what I'm saying here is that I have a problem. I can't personally decide if we need to stop this and get out there, or if this is it."

"Are you trying to tell me that you want to get a boyfriend?"

"No, I'm trying to tell you that..." I sighed. Should I really be saying this? "I think you might be my boyfriend. At this point, It would feel so wrong being with anybody else. I mean, we fuck like twice a week and say I love you while doing it, that's as significant other as it gets. And we also like, live together. In a two-bedroom apartment where we usually don't sleep in separate beds."

Finn stared at the ceiling and then back at me, swallowing deeply in thought. He grabbed the curls on his forehead and pulled them to the side. "You're right. We do pretty much every activity that couples do, except for the gross couple-y bits. Like going on dates or trying to impress each other."

I smiled at the truth of what he was saying. "And it's been this way for basically our entire lives, and I kind of feel like we should figure it out since we're kind of done growing up."

"Then I'm your boyfriend, Sky. But I'm never going to label us that way."

"Then what do we call ourselves?"

"I dunno, that just sounds weird. I just feel like it isn't what this is." He thought again for a moment. "We can be each other's significant others. Or like," he turned back onto his back and started brainstorming names, "you know what, I can't call us something other than best friends."

"Fine, then we're still just best friends. Best friends who are also lovers."

"And is this like something that it's okay if everybody knows now?" he asks, not very fluently, for confirmation.

"Yeah, I think they knew before we did, but we can be public about it if you want."

"Oh, I can't wait to make out on stage," he jokes. I laugh in response. Finn's music career is thriving right now, he's made quite the name for himself within the indie/rock music scene.

"Then shouldn't we like, tell our families first?" I ask.

"We can tell them the same time we tell them that we're getting a dog."

"They're gonna be so happy"

"Good, they should be."

I smiled at Finn and sat up in bed. I leaned in and kissed him.  But this time felt different than any time before. It felt like the third big one. The first one being in kindergarten, the second one hungover in Enya's kitchen, and now this. 

Our first kiss as "lovers".

✵ · .       . + · ·       ✦ * ✦  * · ˚     ⊹   ˚ · .    ˚     ✺ .

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