Stitch by Stitch (Bleach Fanf...

By All_the_Stars_Above

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[DISCONTINUED, BUT MAY BE RE-WRITTEN] Hoshi Namikaze is best friends with none other than Ichigo Kurosaki. Th... More

Stitch by Stitch (Bleach Fanfiction)
Stitch by Stitch Chapter One
Stitch by Stitch Chapter Three
Stitch by Stitch Chapter Four
Stitch by Stitch Chapter Five
Stitch by Stitch Chapter Six
Stitch by Stitch Chapter Seven
Stitch by Stitch Chapter Eight
Stitch by Stitch Chapter Nine
Stitch by Stitch Chapter Ten
Stitch by Stitch Chapter Eleven
Stitch by Stitch Chapter Twelve

Stitch by Stitch Chapter Two

1.9K 55 1
By All_the_Stars_Above

Near Orihime's Appartment, late at night

As Hoshi neared her small two story house just a few blocks from Orihime's apartment complex, she heard a loud crash. Hoshi raced towards the sound but stopped at the corner of the street. Just a couple hundred feet away was Orihime's apartment complex, but there was a huge hole in Orihime's apartment itself. Hoshi gasped silently to herself as she witnessed Ichigo being slammed into the street by a hollow.

"Ichigo!!" Hoshi heard. She could see Rukia scrabble to Ichigo's side. The next thing anyone knew, Orihime was grabbed by the snake-like hollow.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Orihime demanded the hollow.

The hollow looked down at the young teenage girl. "Orihime...have you...really forgotten me?" The hollow questioned its hostage. "It's me! Orihime!!"

Orihime's eyes widened. "S...Sora?!"

Hoshi gasped quietly to herself. 'That's Orihime's brother?!'

The hollow Sora placed Orihime down in her apartment where Hoshi could no longer hear their conversation. After a minute, Ichigo jumped through the hole in Orihime's apartment. Hoshi smiled slightly. 'Looks like Ichigo can handle himself. I guess I'm not needed here...'  Hoshi turned to walk away however she had a slight feeling Rukia may have seen her as she turned back down the street she had come from.

The next day at Karakura High School

"No, for real!!" Orihime exclaimed. "A yakuza gunman totally came in and, like, blasted a huge hole in my wall!!"

Hoshi and a few other female friends of Orihime and Tatsuki stared disbelievingly at the girl. "Whatever, space girl..."


"That childlike mind of yours is really cute, princess."

Orihime turned to Tatsuki. "It happened didn't it Tatsuki!"

"Y-yeah," Tatsuki stuttered out.

"Eeeek! You saw it too Tatsuki!" All the girls squealed except for Hoshi.

'That soul reaper, Rukia, must have done something to their memories...' Hoshi thought as her eyes glided to were Ichigo and Rukia chatted.

After School

"Ichigo!" Hoshi ran to catch up to her orange haired friend. Ichigo stopped and turned around.

"What is it, Hoshi?" Ichigo asked his lifelong friend.

Hoshi stopped in front of Ichigo. "I just thought I should visit your family today since I'm feeling pretty well today! I also thought we could walk together."

Ichigo nodded and sighed. "Yeah that's fine. Let's go." The two teenagers walked silently side by side, both were off into their own little worlds.

Finally one of them broke the silence lingering over them. "So Ichigo..." Ichigo snapped out of his own thoughts and looked down at the shorter female. "I see that you and Miss Rukia have been spending a lot of time together..."

Ichigo quirked an eyebrow. "Yeah. So?"

Hoshi giggled. "Do you like her?" Ichigo stopped walking and stared at Hoshi with shock written all over his face.

"No!" Ichigo grabbed Hoshi by the shoulders. 'Why would you ask such a stupid question?" Hoshi shrugged and pulled away. Ichigo's eyes followed the white haired beauty as she left him behind and opened his house door. Hoshi stopped in the doorway and looked over her shoulder with a smiled.

"It's okay if you do, Ichigo. If you ever have anything on your mind, you can always tell me. You know that...Don't you?" Hoshi entered the house, leaving Ichigo alone to think about her words.

After a minute, Ichigo entered the house to see Hoshi being hugged by his three family members. When Isshin, Ichigo's father, saw Ichigo, he let go of Hoshi and slammed his fist into the young soul reaper's face.

"What the hell was that for?!" Ichigo shouted, rubbing his sore face while glaring at his father.

"It's for hogging my precious Hoshi all to yourself since she's returned to school!"

"How's it my fault that she didn't come sooner? And I haven't been hogging her! I've hardly spoken to her since..."Ichigo shut his mouth, realizing what he just said. He glanced over at Hoshi whom was watching with what looked like to him, a sad smile. Everyone was silent for a moment and just stared at each other.

Suddenly, Isshin and Ichigo's sisters, Karin and Yuzu, were back to hugging Hoshi and glaring at Ichigo. "My son does not deserve you, Hoshi!" Isshin declared.

"No kidding. What a horrible friend," Karin added.

Yuzu joined in, "How could you Ichigo!?"

Ichigo finally had enough of his families ranting. "Shut up! I'm going to my room! Don't any of you bother me, that includes you, Hoshi." Ichigo stormed up the stairs and slammed his door shut.

Hoshi turned to Isshin. "I'm sorry, Mr. Kurosaki, I meant to visit sooner but other things seemed to get in my way."

Isshin smiled at the girl he pratically considered his own daughter. "It's okay, Hoshi. I understand. Anyways, tell me, how has your health been?" Hoshi frowned and threw a quick glance over to the two younger girls. Isshin noticed this and turned to his two daughters with a smile. "Yuzu, why don't you go start dinner. And Karin why don't you go check on Ichigo. I want to talk to Hoshi alone for a little bit." The girls nodded and left. Isshin then led Hoshi to one of his clinic rooms. "What's the matter Hoshi?"

One hour later

"I had best be leaving. I still have a couple of things to do," Hoshi informed Isshin. Isshin nodded and hugged Hoshi once again, like a father would hug his daughter. "Thank you for listening to me. It eases my heart a little bit to know at least one person knows. But remember, I don't want Ichigo, or even Karin or Yuzu to know."

Isshin nodded and release the girl from the embrace. "Of course, but are you sure you don't want to tell your friends?"

Hoshi sighed. "Yes, I'm sure. I do not want to see any of them sad before it happens. not think I could keep myself together if I saw their reactions..."

"I see."

"Well see you later." With that Hoshi left the Kurosaki house. Unknown to someone, Hoshi knew they were listening to her and Isshin's conversation. Hoshi just hoped that they would keep her wish.

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