In Her Embrace

By Kamaru_chan

118K 3.1K 553

***** If the Justice League have Diana Prince, why not the Avengers? Meet Layla Prince, older sister of Dian... More

1. Not Everyone Likes Her
2. Unforgivable
3. Unexpected Encounter
4. Don't Underestimate
5. Codename: Saber
6. Forget Me Not
7. DΓ©jΓ  vu
8. Rescue
9. Bad feeling
10. Grief
11. Not Alone
12. Between Two Men
13. Serenity
14. Do I know You?
15. To Change
16. In Order To Protect...
17. Nothing Is Safe
18. Anguish
19. Home
20. Stay
21. Tony Stark
23. Decision
24. Missed
25. Green
26. Red And Wolve
27. Reindeer Game
28. Reunion..?

22. Mysterious Man

2.6K 71 18
By Kamaru_chan

No matter where you are,

If you wish to see me,

I will surely find you.

Until the time comes,

Please trust me and wait for me.

My heart belongs to you. Only you.

You are the most important person in my life.

11 months ago

The time she left the Stark mansion just to visit a certain friend of hers..

...or so she thought.

Finally arrived at her destination, the Kamar-Taj. A hidden place for only a few people knows about it, a place where those who are worthy and chosen to learn about the mystic arts. Long story short, Layla and the master of the mystic arts are close friends. The day when they first encountered each other when Frigga introduced Layla with the ancient one.

Layla sat comfortably at the meditate room while waiting for her friend. It's been a while she came to this place and the atmosphere is somehow a bit hazy to say but nevertheless, the magic is very strong but not strong as hers.

"It's good to see you are doing well, Layla." A feminine voice spoke from behind.

She turns around to meet the Ancient One with a gentle smile. "Nice to see you too."

Taking a seat in front of her while a young man serves them a cup of tea and bow with respect before leaving the room. It was silent at first, a comfortable silence and Layla began to speak. "I... came here to say thank you for saving me in Poland."

"You don't have to thank me. You are after all like a daughter to me, Layla." The ancient one took a few sips of her tea, "It's my duty to protect you... besides," her eyes slowly glance at Layla's abdomen. "... losing another life is too precious."

Layla blinked her eyes in confusion. "Another life? What are you talking about? You already know that I can heal myself."

She shook her head, "Yes, I know. You can heal yourself but it can't heal the unborn child."

The cup in her hand slips from her grasps, fell to the floor causing it to scatters into pieces as her whole body paralyzes after heard what the Ancient One had just told her. "What..." Her mouth parted, breathless and her eyes widen in shocked. Her hands unconsciously touch her abdominal area.

The Ancient One stares at her, "I am sorry. I thought you knew about this."

"No... I didn't know that... I was..." Layla sighed, placing her hand to her mouth trying to calm herself.

She doesn't know the signs until now. When she recalled back, she finally got the hint. The reason why she suddenly felt pain sensation in her chest, the agony and loss control of her powers, might be because of another life will soon be born and cause her powers to splits for her soon-to-be-born baby.

After all this time she thought losing control of her powers was because she felt sick and weak but it seems like there is another reason for it. Erik truly did claim her as his but they are not husband and wife. She cares for him but he loves her the most. The main problem right now is when the due date approaches, she can't give birth in the hospital. She needs somewhere safe.

Safer from the eyes of humans.

A place that can be protected...

Layla looked up at the Ancient One with grief expression. "Is there a place where no human can enter easily?"

Accepting the goddess request, she spoke. "There is one and you might know this person." Waving her hand at the side creating a portal that shows a fancy living room, "A place where unique people lives. I assure you, they will protect you from harm."

"Thank you."

Entering the portal gracefully, once she steps on the other side of the portal as it slowly closed and she looked around at the living room in curiosity. Wondering where she is when suddenly the door opened causing her to yelp in surprise at the person who stood there. His body is furry blue and surprisingly wearing smart clothes including a spectacle. The books he was holding somehow fall to the floor once he saw Layla.

"You.." He stares at her in disbelief.

"Urm... I apologize for the sudden arrival—"

"Is it really you, Layla?" He cut her off, still surprised.

"H-How did you know my name?"

He grinned, showing his sharp teeth as he said, "You didn't change a bit! Beautiful than ever! It's me, Hank. If you remember you know the pilot guy after we jailbreak Erik out?"

Tilting her head to the side while analyzed the big furry guy in front of her and her eyes widen, finally remember. "You! But you look... different!"

Scratching the back of his head with a slight humour chuckle, "Yeah. A good changed. I learned to accept who I am now."

"What is going on?" A familiar voice spoke at the entrance behind Hank.

Hank moved to the side to look behind, there Charles on his wheelchair move forward but stopped when his eyes set on the goddess before him. It amazed him again to see her the same and more beautiful as ever.

He smiles at her, "It's nice to see you again, Lady Prince."

"Same goes to you except without the hair." She chuckles. "Call me Layla, by the way."

"Ignore my head, please." He waved his hand, "But mind if I ask, what are you doing here? Is there something that troubles you?"

Seeing her expression changed, she lifts her finger pointing at the side of her head as if signal him to read her mind and he understands what she meant, so he read her mind. He frowned after the read her mind before he stares at her eyes in determination. "Don't worry. You are safe here with us. I didn't know you had faced so much suffering than us. I am sorry."

Smiling weakly at him, "You don't have to apologize, Charles."

Charles and Hank show Layla around about the school including the class, students and the outdoor. On their way to her room, a young man with grey-haired stopped running when he saw a familiar face and zoom in front of Layla, causing her to stop by surprised at his speed.

"Wow, you're pretty. What's your name? Are you a student here? Are you single?" He asked to fast but she can understand him.

She chuckles at him while Charles scolded the man about being rude. "Peter, she is a guest. Don't make her uncomfortable and behave yourself."

Peter scoffs, ignoring him and looked at her with a smile as he reached his hand out. "My name is Peter Maximoff. What's your name, pretty lady? Wanna hang out sometimes?"

Accepting his handshake, she introduced herself. "Layla Prince. Maybe next time and thank you for the offer, Peter."

9 months later

Xavier's school for gifted.

All the students in that school knew about Layla and they are very friendly and kind to her. She did help some students how to control their mutant powers including those who have telekinesis like Jean.

Surprisingly they can be protective and very aware of the pregnant woman.

There was the time when Layla wanting to help Scott to control his laser eyes when Jean and the others protest, saying that it's dangerous if she gets near or she might get hurt. They argued about Layla's safety but in the end, Layla could only watch them a few feet away with Mystique stood beside her, in case the student missed their shot.

Charles watched the scene from the window, smiling in amused at the sight of his students being concern of Layla's safety. She is lucky to meet them and she doesn't regret coming to this school. While watching them practice their powers, in a flash Peter stood beside her while holding a big cup of popcorn.

"Aren't you going to join them, Peter?" Layla asked.

"Nah." He shrugged, "They don't match my speed." Staring at the goddess who had sat on a comfy chair, "Don't you want my company? Being around you is much more fun rather than practice with them. Nothing is interesting."

"You mean to say, being around with a beautiful woman is much more entertain, isn't it?" Mystique states with a slight smirk while Layla laughed at peter's red face.

"N-No! It's not like that..." He mumbles, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "It's just... Layla's defenceless and needs someone to protect her in this state.."

"Are you blushing, Peter?"

"No! The sun is too hot for me!"

"Yeah right."

"Mommy! Miss Mystique is picking a fight with me!" He whines at the goddess with puppy eyes.

"Stop calling me your mom!" Layla exclaims yet humour.

They laughed together at this none-stop argue and when their laughter died down, Layla finally speaks only to Peter. "If anything happens to me, take good care of my children and protect them." Her eyes show sadness and plead. The looks of her face make his heartache at the thought something bad might happen to her in the future.

"Don't worry. I promise."

1 month later

"Push! Just a little more!"

Good thing they have few mutants used to work at the hospital and now they are aiding Layla for her labour. The room fills with screaming in pain for few hours while the others were waiting anxiously outside of the room. When the screaming has stopped, new unfamiliar sounds of crying little babies could be heard after that.

After they took care of everything and clean the wounds, one by one visits her while she lay on her bed feeling weak due to giving birth of twins. Jean and the others keep on asking if she needs anything and a great company for her. Some were cooing at the sight of the baby twins. Charles offers her to stay for another month for her recovery even though she heals fast but that doesn't mean she is mentally healed.


Unknown to them, the time when she screams in pain and giving birth to her babies...

....she doesn't know that she had accidentally loss control of powers for a short time. But with that short of time unleashing her energy, it is like unleashing a powerful force field like radiation but much more powerful causing the area near them vibrate as if there is an earthquake.

And that powerful force reaches outside of the galaxy.

Including reaches to a certain realm...

A few days later, it was around midnight. Everyone was in deep slumber including the goddess and her babies. The wind blows soothingly at Xavier's mansion, in her room that was dark only the light of the moon from outside shines her room and the window somehow opened slightly due to the wind.

At the edge of her bed, a shadow figure of a man appears and slowly make his way towards the side of the bed before sit beside her. His eyes glow green staring at her peaceful face, his hand cares her soft cheek before grabbing her hand and pulled it up to his lips.

Her scent is still the same yet finally feels her warmth again.

Oh how many years had passed, he missed her so much.

Thanks to her energy source, he can finally detect her presence and immediately come to find her. He was planning to take her back with him but his thought was interrupted by the sound of baby giggles. His sharp eyes glance at the side of the other bed to see 2 baby's cribs.

Slowly approach the babies, he growls at the sight of it. These babies are hers, they both have powers but their eyes. He hates them. That eyes must be the mortal father who causes his Lea to give birth. He wished to dispose of the babies but he can't, they are a piece of her. Sighing, he regrets for not take accident earlier to save her.

Go back and sit beside her, his fingers caress her cheek while staring at her face with admiration but his mind is plotting on how to find and kill the father of the twins.

His action stopped when he noticed her eyes slowly opened, awake from the slumber yet a bit drowsy. Her vision slowly clear when she saw someone sat beside her and mumbles, "Erik?"

He chuckles a little, his hand continue to caresses her cheek, "It displeases me to hear another man's name come out from your mouth rather than calling my name, darling."

His voice is deep yet a little mischief, far different than Erik's voice or even the other students in here. Her eyes narrow, trying to take a closer look at his face due to the shadow covered his face. This strange... whoever he is, he looks so familiar and finally noticed her blue aura linger around his body.

"Who are you..?" She finally asked.

His hand gently touch her forehead as it starts to glow green to soothe her causing her to feel sleepy somehow and her eyes become heavier. Soon, she was trap in her slumber. He leans in, gently kissed her forehead with tender yet loving. She is weak and he doesn't like that. Something must have happened while she in Midgard.

Stood up from the bed, he stares at her and the twins one last time and murmurs before he disappears into the shadow.

"It should have been me to be their father, Lea."

At Stark Mansion

When she finally returned home and Tony asked for an explanation. With just a few sentences to explained to a certain Stark, Erik got a punched in the face by Tony as he clenched Erik's collar and glares hatefully at the man he holds.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Tony growls.

Erik glares him back, "It's none of your business. You don't know anything back then because you were just a kid."

Tony pushed him to the wall roughly, "She is my family and she is my responsibility."


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