Cat House

By theghostlyauthor

16 4 3

One thing was for sure: Derrick loved Cheryl, and Cheryl loved Derrick. But hidden away was a secret that Ch... More

1 | Derrick
2 | Charlene
3 | Derrick
4 | Charlene
5 | Derrick
6 | Charlene
7 | Derrick
8 | Charlene
9 | Derrick
10 | Charlene
11 | Derrick
12 | Charlene
13 | Jonah

14 | Charlene

0 0 0
By theghostlyauthor

A quiet breeze spilled in through my window, brushing my arm and causing goosebumps to pop up. I frowned and pulled my blanket over my arms and leaned my head over to look at Derrick. "Hey, I asked you to close that window ten minutes ago." He looked up from his phone, the bags under his eyes sunken and purple. I'm sure I looked the same exact way.

"Sorry, sorry," he grumbled, his voice just as tired as his face. We had been here for a few days now, and the longer we waited the more exhausted we got. "I forgot." I knew he forgot, he kept forgetting a lot of things because of how exhausted we were. He stood up from his chair, adjusting his baggy sweatpants, and padded his way around the room and towards the window.

He pulled it shut and started outside for a few minutes. I contemplated thanking him, but I decided to change the topic. "Are you excited? It could be any day now." Derrick turned around and leaned against the window. Despite the tiredness consuming his face, his eyes perked up like a kitten seeing a toy.

"Of course. I'm so excited to meet Peep," he said, a joking smile appearing on his face.

I rolled my eyes as I placed my hand on my belly. "That is, perhaps, one of the worst nicknames for Penelope." He laughed and pushed himself off the window, coming over to the hospital bed. It was uncomfortable as hell.

"I think it's cute." I shook my head and watched him softly poke my stomach. "You better hurry up. We've been here for two days now because you keep teasing us," he spoke to her.

I rubbed my hand back and forth, feeling a few small kicks from her. "She's putting up a fight. She probably learned that from you, 'cause you're too stubborn for your own good."

Derrick just cast me a glare before looking back at my stomach. It was officially the due date. December 3rd, though she was acting like she was ready December 1st. But after two days and a lot of waiting, she's acting as if she could go longer. Thankfully, the doctors would come in here soon to deliver her.

Derrick and I had been preparing ever since he found out. I suppose just blatantly saying it was not the best way to tell him, but it was the heat of the moment. We set up two nurseries: one in the spare room at my house and one in Derrick's bedroom. My mom and Derrick's mom were both excited, but also a little nervous. We were seniors now and struggling to find jobs, and we had a child on the way. These 9 months involved a lot arguing and crying, but we pulled through.

"You look beautiful," Derrick said out of nowhere, catching me off guard. I frowned at him. I had barely slept and ate in two days, I hadn't showered, and I only left the bed to use the bathroom. Beautiful isn't the word for how I look right now. I just shook my head, which caused him to frown this time. "Don't disagree with me, Cher. You look as beautiful as you always do."

"Quit trying to charm your way into my pants. It already worked." He let out a laugh and shook his head.

Derrick and I weren't together. We both felt that it was easier to stay separated during this pregnancy and after. I was still in love with him, and I only grew more and more in love with him as the days went on. He was so excited for Peep and being a father. He suggested the name and her nickname, he's bought her majority of the things. He was the first one to get a job, and now it working two just to support her. He's done more for her than I have, and he's done more for me than himself. Every single day, I slip deeper and deeper in love with him.

But, I knew I couldn't tell him that. My love for him would only make things worse right now. So I kept it to myself, telling myself to wait until it's right, wait until we know that everything it's okay.

"Peep will need a sibling one day," he joked.

My eyes widened. "Slow your roll there, bud. No babies for a while. Absolutely not. I'm not popping out another baby until I'm out of college." He laughed again, and I couldn't help but smile with him.

Before he could respond, a gentle knock came on the door. The knob turned and in walked my doctor, Doctor White. She smiled at us. In her hand was a clipboard, and she wore royal blue scrubs. "Good morning, Cheryl. And Derrick," she spoke, her voice soft like cats fur. "You're ready for you in the delivery room, so if you don't mind sir, I'm gonna steal her from you for a little bit."

I smiled despite my growing anxiety, and Derrick let out an anxious breath. "Yes, of course." He looked back at me. "You'll do amazing, babe." Babe. He hadn't called me that in a while. "You got this. I'll see you as soon as I can." He stood and placed a heartfelt kiss upon my forehead.

I nodded at him, trying to ignore my hammering heart. All the 'what-ifs' came back to my mind and I was struggling to stay calm. What if something happens? What if one of us don't make it? A few more doctors came in and unhooked a few wires and cables, but they all seemed blurry at the moment. My gaze was fixed on Derrick, desperately wanting his help despite I don't know how he could help. My bed suddenly started rolling and my heart began to hammer even more. "Derrick," I said without thinking. I repeated his name a few more times, our eyes still locked. "I love you."

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