The World Around Her

By Fan_FictionGirl1

56 9 16

Avalon. A world of Fey, split into Four Realms, coexisting together peacefully among the massive races. Run... More

Chapter One (Unfinished)

A/N and Characters (To Be Edited)

24 3 9
By Fan_FictionGirl1

A/N: Alright, before I begin, I want to let you all know that this is an original work that is a WORK IN PROGRESS. Not only that, but this is a work that I do hope will actually get published at a later date. These things mean that I am probably going to be undergoing a LOT of editing for this book. I am writing it on Word, and I intend to copy and paste it from there to here as the story progresses. However, because I am editing it on Word, it may or may not be constantly "up to date" on all the changes in the chapters as we go along. However, I plan to bring as much to the plate as possible.

Since these chapters will be exceptionally longer than most of my fanfiction works, I will be publishing chapters before they are entirely finished. Yes, I will be publishing unfinished works. However, I can easily go back and edit when I have written more to the chapters on Word. I will let everyone know when the chapter is actually finished and the story will progress to the next chapter. 

So it will go something like this:

When a chapter is unfinished, but published, it will look something like this:

Chapter One (Unfinished)

And when it is completed, it will look completely normal, like this:

Chapter One

Got that? Cool.

Also, notice how the title above says "To Be Edited"? That is because this is the character page as well; it's here so if you ever need a reference to a character, whether it be old or new, you can come back here and look at their bio. This page will probably be edited quite a few times. This is because that I will have new characters popping in as the series goes on. Honestly, this book is fairly new, so quite a few ideas and characters are just coming. So, again, this page will be edited quite a few times, mostly just character wise. 

It will go like this:

A/N and Characters (To Be Edited)

And then when I edit it:

A/N and Characters (Edit 1)

A/N and Characters (Edit 2)

Every time I make an edit to this page, I will add a number, to let you know how many times it has been edited. This will make it easier for those keeping up with the story to know when I new character has been added to the list. 

One last thing. As this story progress, there is a good chance it could get deleted from Wattpad. This is for several reasons I will not disclose, BUT don't feel to bad, it isn't set in stone. And if I do end up deleting it, just now I am DETERMINED to get it completely finished and hopefully published. If that miracle ever does come true, than I will be sure to tell you about it!!

That's everything, for now. Just now that I may possibly edit the A/N as well to keep you all updated, because there will be no Author's Note at the end of each chapter like normal. Oh, and any and all suggestions or criticism is WELCOME! Now, I would like it if you didn't slam me with a bunch of negativity, but it always good to know your opinions and what I can do to make it better and more appealing to readers. 

With that, thank you! I really hope you enjoy this book! We will now move onto the characters. 



Erin Hunter

Age: 18

Personality: Stubborn, strong-willed, determined, slightly sarcastic, adventurous

Appearance: Tall, lean, dark hair down past her shoulders, green eyes, tanned skin, freckles, toned muscles, heart shaped chin

Accessories: One small golden ring earring, emerald ring on middle finger of right hand, usually seen with a dark green jacket over a black t-shirt, black jeans, black and green high top sneakers

Background: Erin emerged from the Stream of the Northern Forest of the Northern Realm, with no memory of her life on earth. She was surprised to be discovered by a herd of centaurs, and was met with hostility since humans have not inhabited Avalon since the dawn of the land. She was accepted into the herd after the herd's heir to leadership stepped up to protect her, along with his friend. She grew up learning the ways of the centaur; she was taught in several fighting styles. *Centaurs are the unofficial border protectors of Realms* Her curiosity about Avalon outside the Forest grew and she has wished from the time she was twelve to know what it was like. She is determined to become a Mage and learn more about Avalon.

Fun Fact: She really enjoys close combat, despite that being a last resort of the Centaurs.


Age: 50 *Centaurs age live about twice as long as humans do (Erin always divides their real age by half. Example: 50=25 in human years)*

Personality: Calm, firm, smart, a little gruff, responsible

Appearance: Dark chocolate horse half, darker-skinned human half, dark wavy hair that runs down his back, sharp chocolate eyes, clean-shaven set jaw, strong build, dark ears flopping from either side of head

Accessories: The Centaur Chest plate, one golden earring in left ear, emerald ring on middle finger of right hand, usually seen with his hair loosely pulled back, traditional sharp eyeliner, bow and arrows slung over back, belt with tools and short knife

Background: Starrus is the son of the Leader of the herd, and therefore heir. He grew up learning responsibility and the ways of the Centaur lifestyle in order to lead properly when the time came. He had a collected childhood, and did not have very many friends due to his duties. He was in love with a centaur once, but she left to explore Avalon when they were forty. When Erin appeared, he felt bad for her since he couldn't imagine a life without order. He was the one to decide that she would live with them.

Fun Fact: He is usually unaffected by teasing, but he gets very flustered when people talk about his handsome features. 


Age: 50

Personality: Kind, chill, go-with-the-flow kinda guy, silly at times, selfless

Appearance: Light chestnut horse half, white socks above hooves, lighter skinned human half, blonde fluffy hair that flows around his floppy chestnut ears, bright blue eyes, mole under left eye, toned muscles, soft features

Accessories: The Centaur Chest plate, long silver chain necklace, bow and arrows, dagger hidden in arrow hold, leaf tattoo on left shoulder, usually seen with untouched hair, traditional eyeliner

Background: Brighteye grew a traditional Centaur life, surrounded by loved ones. He was always the "fun guy" of the group and was the go to guy for a good laugh. He was exceptionally skilled with the bow and arrow, more so than most his age. He liked being friends with everyone, so when he saw a young Starrus without many friends he instantly tried to befriend him. Starrus was hesitant at first, but Brighteye was determined and pushed on, until the two eventually became best friends and partners. He follows Starrus almost everywhere and is willing to sacrifice other friendships to stay Starrus' best friend. He took a liking to Erin mostly out of curiosity at first.


These are thus far. Remember, this page will be updated each time an a new character (that is relevant to the story and worth a bio) appears in the book.

Let those comments role in!

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