Just A Dream (Craftbattleduty...

By AwesomeGamer

16.4K 551 154

I'm an ordinary girl. My parents are both dead or so I thought and I have no siblings or so I thought. I just... More

Ch.1 Heading Off (edited)
Ch.2 Moving In (edited)
Ch.3 Sleep Over (edited)
Ch.4 Girlfriend(edited)
Ch. 5 The Truth
Ch. 6 You should have thought
Ch. 8 Ashley I'm Sorry
Ch. 9 Im over you
Ch. 10 Ex's Problem
Ch. 11 Even More Ex Problems
Ch. 12 Suprise!/ Prank War
Ch. 13 Lachlan
Ch. 14 Deciding
Ch. 15 Chaos
Ch. 17 Dad's story
Ch. 18 Mitch and Jason
Ch. 19 Lachlan Wakes
Ch. 20 Training
Ch. 21 Somethings Happening
Ch.22 The Pain
Ch. 23 The Pack
Ch.24 #Merome to the rescue
Something Special
Ch.25 Help from friends
Ch.26 One more minute
Ch.27 Reunited
Ch.28 Split
Ch.29 The Suit
Ch.30 ...
Long time no see

Ch. 16 Not Even

376 14 2
By AwesomeGamer

(I can't leave you guys hanging for a week and a half so early update)

Lucy's POV
You know I'm not even mad or sad that Lachlan just slept with another girl.
Wanna know why?

It was because I didn't trust him completely that day the way he just left me to go walk around by myself at a bar I was unfamiliar with.
I hate him I don't love him.

Yeah right, you know you love him Bob spoke in my mind. (Anyone miss Bob? If you forgot she gave her mind a name and its Bob)
He slapped me he slapped the girl he said he love.
"Lucy you alright?" Jerome asked referring to my slapped mark

"I can go fight a bear" I replied.

"I want to tell you that it's awesome that you are not crying over him but, can I ask why?" Jerome asked

"I didn't fully trust him in the first place you know, he told me to go explore a club by myself while he was at the bar" I answered Jerome.

Jerome just nodded his head and looked into my eyes.

"I want you to know that your beautiful" Jerome whispers into my sensitive ear.

I could feel my face starting to get heated.

"Thanks Jerome" I told him I looked down trying to not blush at his comment.

"Lucy, let no one tell you any different" Jerome told me

My face became the sun, who knew Jerome could be this flirty

"Jerome Aceti where did you learn this?"I asked him jokingly.

"I don't know it just came to me" He smiled.

"Love birds I think I won't be staying here today!" Jase yelled

My face became even hotter then the sun I don't even think that was possible.

"Why?" I questioned

"Police things, the neighbors caught me doing things to Lachlan" Jase smirked.

"Well good luck I ain't bailing you out" I said with seriousness in my voice

"Wait no Lucy-"Jase started saying but,got cut off by a police man.
Another man had caught Mitch.
"Not bailing either of you out!" I
screamed as the boys got shoved out.

There faces was priceless the shock and concern on there faces made it harder to not laugh.

"Let's see what they did to Lachlan" Jerome said.

We walked out the door and saw Ashley and Lachlan's mom running over.
Jerome blocked them and a police man came over when Lachlan's mom and Ashely started screaming at Jerome.

"What is the problem?" The officer asked

"He won't let me see my son" Lachlan's Mum told the officer.

"The relationship between you 4?" The officer asked

"Well I'm his mom" Lachlan's mom answered.

"Your name?" The officer asked as he looked on the paper with Lachlan's information.

"Wait was he awake when you asked him this?" The mum asked

The officer just nodded his head.

"My name is Ann" The woman spoke( Don't know if Lachlan's mum name is Ann but,whatever)

"Right and who are you "the officer pointed to Ashley

"His girlfriend" Ashley smirked

"Name" He said

"Ashley" She said surely.

"Nope he said to not let you see him" The officer said annoyed.

"No I'm his girlfriend!" Ashley screamed pouncing at the officer,

The other officers ran over and struggled to get Ashley off.

They pulled her away and held tight to her arms as she thrashed.

"Who are you?" He asked referring to Jerome. As he wiped the specks of dust off of his uniform.

"His friend" Jerome answers unsure

"Name?" The officer questioned

"Jerome Aceti" Jerome replied

"Okay he said that whatever we do he doesn't want to go over to that house over there" The officer said pointing to Lachlan's real house.

"What!" Ashley and Ann screamed

"Yup we have orders" The officer said.

"From who do you have orders from?" Anne asked letting the venom of the words flow.

"Not allowed to know unless this lady answers her name" The officer pointed towards me.

"His girlfriend" I said while I said that a lump in my throat formed.

"Name" He said

"Lucy Mathews" I answered

"Okay, so the orders we got was from the smartest and top officer" The officer said

"The master said that he wanted his daughter to be happy and now she is" The officer said which made no sense. My parents died in an accident.

"What did my dad say?" Ashley smirked annoyed and trying to rub it in my face that her dad was dull alive and at the top.

"Sorry Ashley it's not your dad it's Lucy's dad" The man answered

"Mr.John Mathew you have explaining to do" The officer said.

Out of the van was a tall figure and he looked like my dad.

I'm not even happy I'm just emotionless.

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