Pink Skies (Dean and Sam Winc...

By OzzyBlack22

218K 6.1K 595

"Well Jack called for me, " Rania told them. "I did not, " Jack said looking at her with accusing eyes. "Ye... More

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Pink Skies 21

4.9K 169 9
By OzzyBlack22


Rania's pink eyes glowed as her hair bleed together to her original pink shade. Her fist banged on the cold ice as she tried to breath water filled her lungs as her hair blurred her vision. Rearing her head back she screamed as the ice shattered she sat up quickly gasping for breath. She stood on shaky legs her hair clung to her body, as it floated on the water she walked into the dark room.

"Wake the fuck up," Rania snapped as Castiel stood quickly yet her eyes wasn't on him.

"Wake," she said as the lights flashed on, as the Winchester boys sat up still not fully awake.

" Get the fuck up," she bellowed as their bodies floated,she slammed their bodies into each other hard then let them collapse onto the hotel floor.

"Rania, your ok," Dean said trying to stand as she slammed him onto the floor. Her body seemed to be illuminated by pink as did her tattoos.

"I should rip your souls out of your worthless bodies," she growled. As Sam tried to stand she slammed him against the wall and dragged him to the ceiling.

"Rania calm down, " Sam grunted as she gave a cold smile.

"I am calm pretty boy, " she replied coolly as she floated to the ceiling her face inches from his."You still think you own me?," she asked as she's looked to Dean.
"My submission was a blessing and I'm taking every inch of it away," she growled as her eyes glowed their bodies contorted with pain. Castiel turned his back on them, knowing that Rania was right. It was their punishment to experience what she did at the hands of the female vampire.

"Cass!," Dean yelled but it fell on deaf ears as tears filled his eyes and his brothers. As their bodies crashed to the ground and they withered in pain.

"No more rules,get up and take me home, " Rania snapped throwing the keys to Baby on Dean. Castiel gave her his trench coat and walked outside with her.


They  were back at the bunker, they rode there in complete silence. Castiel knew Dean and Sam felt betrayed but they didn't understand why he obeyed Rania. They didn't understand the power that they had in their presence and how dangerous they were to lose her.

"Oh thank God," Mary said as she ran to hug Rania.

"Hey mom, I'm ok," Rania said reassuringly as Mary saw her hair was down to the floor.

"It grew back?," Mary asked in confusion seeing it was mixed with red and orange which confused her.

"Yes once I bathe I would appreciate if you cut it," Rania told her as she walked of not even glancing at Sam and Dean.

"What happened?," Mary asked once Rania was out if sight.

"She was captured by a woman who was a vampire, she wanted to change Rania so they could be together forever but it was slowly killing her," Castiel told her.

"That's horrible, I'm glad you found her, but did you guys fix things?," Mary asked her sons.

"No she kicked our ass while Cass watched, " Dean snapped pushing past Castiel angrily to get a beer.

"Yea and Castiel just watched bit saying or doing a damn thing, " Sam added.

"Rania is to be worshipped I can not stop her especially if she uses her full    power, " Castiel told them.

"Full power?," Mary asked in confusion.

"Apparently they prohibited her from using them but she is not one to be controlled, I'm surprised she listened to Sam and Dean honestly, " Castiel told them as Dean choked on his drink.

"That's not right of you two she's not property what rights do you think you have over her?," Mary asked.

"Mom it was to make sure she wouldn't harm us," Sam told her trying to get her to understand.

"What like you've harmed her?," Mary asked, "All you two have done is hurt her or belittle her until it benefits you."

"Mary my bath is ready, " Rania called out softly as Mary turned to go she stopped.

"You two go do it," Mary told them as Dean spit his beer out.

"Uh no," Dean and Sam said in unison as Mary glared at them.

"We don't know how Rania got here or what she can do,but she's here for you two," Mary told them, "Rania has dealt with your bull shit since she got here, she's hurt because of your actions Sam and if Dean had not scared her I believe she would not be hurt," she added as Castiel nodded his head in agreement.

"Yea but she had a choice," Dean defended,"It's not my fault Sam got jealous."

"I wasn't  jealous!," Sam defended as they all looked at him disagreeing with him.

"Her shampoo and conditioner is honeycomb,go," Mary snapped snatching Dean's beer and shoving him towards his bother who reluctantly followed. They trudged into the bathroom as she sat in the tub with her back to them.

"Go away," Rania told them calmly as Sam grabbed the two bottles tossing one to Dean.

"We come in peace, " Dean joked with her as Sam shoved him.

"Mom sent us," Sam told her.

"I know she did,you two do not give a damn," she told them as they saw smoke. Walking around the tub they saw her smoking  a cigarette that Sam snatched.

"Are you serious?," Sam asked angrily,"This is not a good habit,do you know-," he began but stopped as he noticed what he did as he passed her back the cigarette.

"She's not a kid,"Dean told him.

"You should practice what you preach," Rania told him.

"I still don't see what I did wrong, " Dean told her.

"You commanded that I don't use my powers," she told him.

"Ok and?," Dean asked as she rolled her eyes. Rania grabbed both of their wrist as pink rings appeared around their arms a large cosmos appeared above their heads.

"I have existed in and out of time for many years," she explained, "Yet in this form I live to serve,so any commanded is written in stone,my body prevents me from doing anything against that command," Rania told them as it showed a pink form bound and being attacked by multiple people.

" You were only allowed to use them to protect us," Dean realized as the cosmos and rings dissapeared.

" I...I didn't realize it went that deep and I'm... I'm," Dean choked," I'm sorry I hurt you, " Dean finally got out.

"Me too I'll do my best not to see you as a kid," Sam told her, " or as property."

"I do not forgive you but I'll work on it," Rania told them as the two boys kneeled on either side of the tub. Sam gently gathered her wet hair as he began to wash it.

"I'll condition it ,rise it, and then we'll cut it," Dean told her.

"Same length as before?," Sam asked.

"Yes,I don't like it long," Rania explained as they sat in silence and tried to build what was broken.


"So you mean to tell me they got her?," Asmodeous asked angrily at the demon before him.

"We caught wind that a clean of vampires had her,when we got there they were dead and burned," she explained trying not to fidget under his stoney gaze.

"The brothers must have her again," he considered aloud.

"What makes you say that?," she asked,"You said she's strong,why couldn't she?"

"Her hair is still pink," he answered as he pulled out a thick pink lock from the inner pocket of his suit.

"What does that mean?," she asked.

"It means she's still weak," he replied,"since she's weak she probably doesn't know who she really is."


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