WFYO | Traducción

By Novabl_

84.8K 16.9K 5.2K

❝Waiting For You Online - Esperándote en linea❞ © Créditos totales a la autora original Xi and Qing. Titulo... More

1 | Xiao Xian
2 | Fire Ruthless
3 | Mostrarte alrededor
4 | Primer maestro del ranking
5 | Flower Yiyi
6 | Hablemos
7 | No puede verte
8 | Misión en pareja
9 | Escapar
10 | Noche de insomnio
11 | Chismes
12 | Paseo en el lago
13 | Suenan igual
14 | ¿Quién ataca a quién?
123 | Ah Jin es un chico
124 | Quédate conmigo
125 | Duerme aquí
126 | 400,000 yuan para cada uno
127 (pt. 1) | El pueblo nevado Xuexiang
127 (pt.2) | El pueblo nevado Xuexiang
128 (pt.1)| Usa Mi Apodo
15 | Mi esposa está aquí
16 | Llevarte a actualizar
17 | Reciprocidad
18 | Llámame esposo
Pasado 最后 - Spirit Fairy
20 | Online - Offline
21 | Fiebre alta
22 | Saliendo
23 | Completamente ebrio
24 | ¿No tienes frío?
25 | Mazmorra Demoníaca pt.1
26 | Mazmorra Demoníaca pt.2
27 | Mazmorra Demoníaca pt.3
28 | Buenas noches, esposo
29 | La escritura a mano refleja a la persona
30 | Buena figura
31 | Aprendiendo a jugar tenis
32 | Programa de entrevistas
33 | Casco holográfico
34 | Principales ajustes
35 | La esposa de un hombre
36 | Casco fuera de control
37 | Convirtiéndose en hurón
38 | Invocando al dragón
39 | Asesino Innato
40 | Primer asesinato holográfico
41 | El pañuelo de Xi Shi
42 | Frenesí de compras
43 | Casa en construcción
44 | Corriendo en medio de la madrugada
45 | No admitir la derrota
46 | Atributos misteriosos
47 | Tanghulu
48 | Homosexualidad oculta
49 | Enviando rosas
50 | Trato distinto
51 | Reaparición de las rosas
52 | Misión de esposo y esposa
53 | Verdad y mentira invertidas
52 | Independencia financiera
55 | Mirón de los bosques de bambú
56 | Vamos a correr
57 | Soy mayor que tú
58 | Cuídate de la pérdida de cabello
59 | Diciendo un número mayor
60 | Dale un descuento
61 | Cómo en una cita
62 | Un décimo
63 | La mujer de cabello blanco
64 | Noticias de la boda
65 | Mazmorra de la búsqueda del tesoro
66 | Tomando venganza y eliminando al corajudo
67 | Soy hombre
68 | No tengo tiempo
69 | Sistema de hogar
70 | Juego de tenis
71 | Brazo lastimado
72 | La persona que me gusta
73 | Un libro de habilidades
74 | Solo tú
75 | ¡No entres!
76 | El Dumpling Gigante
77 | El Bebé Demonio
78 | El nombre del equipo
78 | El nombre del equipo
79 | Hermanos y hermanas

129 (pt.1)| De Verdad Me Gustas

164 5 0
By Novabl_

He Jin se sintió tan nervioso que por las palabras de Qin Yang que se levantó con las orejas rojas, luego se quitó de nuevo la nieve de sus hombros y se dirigió a comer. Durante la comida, He Jin miró a su novio usar mucho su brazalete todo el rato, y quería saber qué lo mantenía tan ocupado.

—¿Qué haces?— He Jin preguntó con curiosidad.

—Busco la imagen que nos tomamos— Qin Yang le enseñó las fotos de ambos. Qin Yang uso la función continua, repitiendo la secuencia en como le besaba el rostro.

En las fotos, He Jin sonreía felizmente, se miraba muy dulce.

Muy pronto, el corazón de He Jin latía alocadamente. Sin saber bien a qué le temía, solamente quería que Qin Yang borrara esas imágenes. Sin embargo, después de enseñarselas Qin Yang rápidamente alejo su brazo.

Después de un corto descanso, volvieron a esquiar.

Esquiar es mucho más difícil que deslizarse en llantas. De hecho es la primera vez que Qin Yang intenta el deporte. Invitó a dos entrenadores, estos le cobraron por hora. Después de cuidadosamente estudiar los pasos y precauciones, comenzaron a torpemente esquiar.

Qin Yang era excelente en deportes, y muy pronto supo cómo esquiar como profesional. Por el otro lado, He Jin se cayó y volcó varias veces antes de agarrarle el truco. Originalmente, He Jin imaginó que ni siquiera tendrían tiempo en la tarde, y cobrar por hora seria bastante caro. Después de esquiar por dos horas se dio cuenta, ¡ejercitarse en una temperatura baja consume mucha energía!

Ambos jugaron hasta que se puso el sol. Las tres horas transcurridas estuvieron llenas de de risas y gritos. Cuando He Jin regresó estaba tan exhausto que sentía que su cuerpo estaba quebrado.

Snowtown oscureció. Regresaron a su dormitorio para la cena. Después de ducharse, He Jin salió del baño. Y Qin Yang le sonrió —¡Ven esposita, a la cama ladrillo!


Era mucho problema mover las cosas. Por lo que escogieron quedarse en la misma habitación. He Jin se metió en las cobijas y lanzó lejos la mano de Qin Yang. Y trató de ser civilizado —Estoy muy cansado. ¡No seas un rudo de nuevo!

El siguiente día, al igual que el anterior, se levantaron a las 5 am, se subieron a una moto y miraron el amanecer desde la montaña, mientras Qin Yang le contó
Also, the second day, the two had to get up at 5am, get on a motorbike and watch the sunrise on the mountain, as Qin Yang already told him about the plan.

"You don't even let me hold you!" Qin Yang was laughing and complaining. Then, he stretched out his arm to hold He Jin his arms, and quickly kissed him. He also sniffed his ears and neck, as if he couldn't get enough of him, "I really like you."

He Jin, "..."

Qin Yang tickled him and complained, "why don't you say that you like me too?"

"You..." He Jin was twisting when Qin Yang tickled him. After a whole day of hanging out in the cold, when he smiled, he felt his face hurting. He felt that if this went on, the two would probably lose control again. Then, he grabbed Qin Yang's hand and said, "okay, I like you too. Now go to sleep."

Qin Yang mumbled something, then the two went to sleep with their hands interlocking each other.

The next day, before the sun rose, they were woken up by the alarm.

They put on all the necessary equipment, He Jin also put on a new warm foot sticker, and was completely frozen by the cold when he went out!

The bracelet showed that it was minus 30 degrees outside. The two got on the motorbike at the meeting point. It was still pretty dark, and they couldn't see anything except the snow.

The speed of the motorcycle was so high that they felt like being wrapped with the ice. There was nowhere to hide. He Jin felt so painful with the wind that he couldn't help but shed tears. Then, those tears would freeze at the corners of his eyes, and it was such a pain. However, He Jin still felt very excited. When they almost reached the mountain top, the road was too steep and they couldn't go any further by motorbike, they had to climb up themselves.

The snow was so thick and it almost got to their knees. Walking on it was so difficult. He Jin and Qin Yang got off the car and climbed up using both their hands and feet. The exhaled hot air turned into frost on their eyelashes and noses.

He Jin dared not open his eyes, he just opened them a bit to see the road. He's actually worried to have his eyeballs frozen if he opened them more widely!

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website.

With much difficulty, they finally got to the mountain top. It was much, much colder than the bottom. Qin Yang held He Jin's hand, and the two struggled to find the tent that the guide had made for them. Because of the snow, half of it was already buried in the snow.

They struggled to get the tent out, zipped it open and got inside immediately. They switched on the light and held each other tightly, just like surviving after a catastrophe!

After a while, He Jin started to feel the warmth of his feet. He trembled, "it was just too cold, I'm numb all over." He was so cold that he couldn't think nor speak.

The two sat on the warm pad of the tent. Qin Yang held He Jin from behind and asked, "do you feel better now?"

"Yeah." He Jin relaxed and rested in the arms of Qin Yang. He never had such a strong sense of security, and he had never relied on Qin Yang as he was now.

Looking at the stars and the blue sky, He Jin thought, if he had absolutely nothing to consider or worry about, he would really think of being together with Qin Yang the whole of his life. But they'd have to face the reality after going back. And since he's so pessimistic, he was sure that there were no ways for two men to be together forever.

Qin Yang was just too good, he has a free spirit, he's unruly; but He Jin was like being tangled by a spider web, he couldn't do anything out of free will.

Although they were together now, He Jin felt like walking on thin ice, and he'd never know whether he'd trip. He didn't know if he could climb back up either.

Qin Yang kissed his frozen cheeks. He Jin tilted his head and couldn't help but search for his lips. He kissed him fiercely and trembled. For the first time, he was so proactive, as if there was no tomorrow.

He wanted to thank Qin Yang for the sweetness and excitement that he gave. Thanks to Qin Yang, he could eventually be dragged out of his dull life. He thanked Qin Yang to have satisfied all his wishes regarding love and youth...

Only for this period, no matter how long it's going to last. I'm going to be with you and you're going to be with me. Your existence is going to be the best memory in my life.

The sun slowly rose, Qin Yang opened the tent and took He Jin out. Qin Yang felt so excited for He Jin's gesture just now. He shouted in the snow, "He-Jin-I-Love-You!"

He Jin's heart was beating furiously. At this moment, he didn't care whether it's a rational act, he also shouted, "Qin-Yang-I-Love-You-Too!"

He Jin didn't know why, but at the most happiest moment, he felt a bit sad at the same time, the corners of his eyes were a bit wet.

Qin Yang's hair slowly turned white because of the snow, and there's frost on it. The two seemed to have aged for a few years.

The time passed very slowly, like it's the eternity.

When they walked down the mountain, He Jin's legs were trembling. He couldn't stand still at all, it's like he was sliding down half the way.

When they returned to the hostel, it was 8:30am. The two had a few bowls of hot porridge. Then, they went back to the room and wrapped themselves in a quilt. They slept for one morning and went out to eat at noon. The two found that there were many people outside, and after asking, they realized that since it's Saturday, and these were the tourists from Harbin and Mudanjiang.

In the afternoon, He Jin felt a little lazy, and he didn't want to go anywhere. It seems that he was completely exhausted by having got up early in the morning. The two returned to their room and drank a lot of hot water. He Jin was leaning against Qin Yang to get some sleep.

Until dinner time, the two got up from bed to eat.

When ordering, there were suddenly three young girls coming in the restaurant and they looked like college students. They must be spending the weekend in Snowtown.

When they saw Qin Yang, their eyes immediately flashed. He Jin clearly heard one of them screaming, "there's a handsome guy!"

Qin Yang ordered some wild vegetables, mutton and pork ribs with stewed noodles. He didn't glance at the girls once. In his eyes, there's only He Jin.

Since the two had done that thing in the afternoon, now they were looking at each other with a lot of affection. Qin Yang asked He Jin if he wanted to drink some barley tea, his voice was so low and sweet that it caught the girls' attention immediately.

When the dishes were served, although He Jin was just next to them, Qin Yang couldn't help but start serving him the dishes, and urged him to eat more.

He Jin couldn't really open his mouth, as his cheeks were still pretty frozen. Now, they hurt when he tried to stretch his mouth open. He told Qin Yang about it, and Qin Yang said with sympathy, "I forgot to let the agency buy some cream for us. Later; I'll look for one in the convenience store."

As he said so, the girl in the white down jacket on the side of the table suddenly blushed and approached them.

The two guys looked at each other and saw the girl pulling out a can of white ointment from her backpack and handed it over, "here, it's for you."

Both Qin Yang and He Jin looked at her with surprise.

She turned to He Jin and explained it carefully, "we have done some researches before coming here. We've heard that the creams sold here are of poor quality. This is a sheep milk cream from Australia, not only can it prevent frostbites, but it can cure your skin too. You just need to use it for 7 days. It works very well."

He Jin wanted to refuse, as it's not so polite to accept something from a stranger.

Unexpectedly, He Jin took it, and naturally said, "well, thank you."

He Jin grabbed Qin Yang's hand and looked at the girl, "then what about you?"

The friend of the girl hurriedly said, "we all have one. We can share it!"

"Um, why don't we do it this way? I'll pay you dinner tonight." Qin Yang looked at the boss and said, "Uncle Zhang, the bill of that table is on me as well!"

The girls started laughing and thanked him. They looked at He Jin and Qin Yang, and used this opportunity to chat with them, "are you both students?"

Qin Yang, "yes."

The girls became excited, "same for us! Which school are you from?"

"Hua University." Qin Yang replied, then he wanted to help He Jin put on some cream.

He Jin laughed and pushed him away. Now that there were other people, Qin Yang didn't avoid it at all, "I'll use it after I wash my face."

"Hua University! Wow! Are you both from there?"

"It's on my hand now, just use it!" Qin Yang insisted. Then, he quickly wiped off the cream on He Jin's face, and turned to reply the girls, "yeah, we're together."

'Hey..." He Jin couldn't hide. It suddenly felt cold on his face. He stared at Qin Yang and put down his chopsticks helplessly, then spread the cream himself.

Qin Yang looked at him and said with care, "how is it? Does it work?"

He Jin felt speechless, "how is it possible to be this fast!"

After Qin Yang replied, the girls started to quiet down and couldn't continue...

Qin Yang picked up some cream again and wiped it on his other side of the face.

This time, He Jin didn't hide, he obediently let Qin Yang spread it, and said, "it feels kind of hot."

Qin Yang frowned, "is it an allergy?"

The girl in the white down jacket quickly explained, "it's okay, it's normal to feel hot, it just means that your skin is too dry, just like pouring water on a dried land. After the moisture reaches your skin, you will feel more comfortable and it will stop hurting."

Qin Yang no longer worried and jokingly said, "you will be a great salesperson for skincare products!"

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website.

The girl laughed, "not really, it's common sense..."

He Jin smiled and thanked her. After a while, he really felt better.

Then, they went on with their dinner. The three girls had stopped talking to Qin Yang and He Jin, after seeing their intimate actions. When they left, they asked among themselves, "do you think they're into that?"

"Looks like's so weird."

"I used to think that homosexuality is disgusting. But after having seen them, I think that it's actually quite good and sweet...wait, do I have any problems?"

"No, I also think they're good together, why?"

"Maybe because he's handsome..."

"I saw that the way the handsome one looked, when he put on the scream for his boyfriend...ugh, it's called boyfriend right? He looked so gentle, and I could feel my heart beating..."



After Qin Yang and He Jin returned to their room. They packed their things for a bit. The next day, they played on a four-wheel drive in the snow. He Jin took photos with two Siberian husky. After having lunch, the two took a car to go back to Harbin, then took on a plane back to A City. It was already 9pm when they arrived.

The trip that's like a honeymoon one ended in the blink of an eye. Qin Yang held He Jin in his arms, when they were in the car going back to the dormitory.

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