Code 16 | TIMESLIP | BOOK 2✔

By ElementalsPMSM

9.1K 164 18

>The Years Gone By(Book 2)< Series Title: Timeslip(Book 2) After the Marriage of The TAPOPS's best figh... More

Decode 1: Blues from Atlas Gleam
Decode 2: Shattered to the Core
Decode 3: Sign of Keys
Decode 4: The Key of Knowledge
Decode 5: Galaxy Arial Mission
Decode 6: Diamond in the Rough
Decode 7: Battle for Colby
Decode 8: Lost in the Sky
Decode 9: A Visit of Dreams
Decode 10: Levels of Expertise
Decode 12: Love Brewed Between Trouble
Decode 13: The Missing Heir
Decode 14 : The Truth of Powers
Decode 15: Queen and Wars
Decode 16: The Questions and Answers
Decoded 17: Back Home
Decoded 18: Mission for Kasvinne
Decoded 19: Test of Courage
Decoded 20: Three is a Crowd
Decoded 21: Of Black and White
Decoded 22: Bound in Grief
Decoded 23: The Realm of Illusionaries
Decoded 24: Home for Him♡1
Decoded 25: Home for Him♡2
Decoded 26: Battle of Wits
Decoded 27: Kaizo's Mission
Decoded 28: New Sights
Decoded 29: The Monster of Humans
Decoded 30: The Commodore's Odds
/SP; Kaizo's Mission;; Pt. 1
/SP; Kaizo's Mission;; Pt. 2
/EX; The Proposal
/EX; The Wedding
/EX; Kid on Board
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D1)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D2)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D3)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D4)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D5)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D6)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D7)

Decode 11: A Queen's Lost King

207 4 0
By ElementalsPMSM

Dec. : 2 26 39 38 26 36 30

Or. : Q2FuIG1ha2Ug

Decode 11: A Queen's Lost King

As Boboiboy walked out his shared quarters with Fang, he moved towards the recreational area of the Station, recalling Yaya mentioning the kids wanted to watch the stars up close and have a picnic. On the way, Boboiboy felt his ears ring for a moment, his eyes flashing to show a grassy field beneath the starry sky. His eyes widened, gasping as he snapped ou tof it, seeing his lonely figure in the hall as he held his torso, checking to see if something was wrong. "What happened?" He muttered, soon pushing it behind for the time being as he moved to the Viewing Center, peering inside the room to see it empty, 'Must be at the recreational area.' He thought before moving off through the hall.

The brunet entered the area, soon seeing three figures running around, his youngest chasing the older boys who were worried as Yaya and Ying chuckled at their antics. Yaya noticed his presences, calling him over with a wave as he smiled, waving back as he walked towards her, slumping down on the picnic mat they've set up. "So why is my princess chasing those two?" Boboiboy asked as Ying snickered, facing him, "Zack and Faze plotted against Anna, putting multiple paint stubs on her face before running away, now, here's the funny part," Ying jutted a finger to the running kids.

"Anna has your powers, she nearly spewed fire at them." Ying added as Boboiboy remained baffled, laughing as Yaya added, "And now they regret it, Zack used some of my powers and Faze used shadows to escape for a few times, but didn't get far due to lack of practice."

Boboiboy had internally face-palmed, watching them run off. The door opened, soon revealing Fang as he entered the area, "So this is where you've been, Mr. Popular," He grumbled with a glare, making the brunet chuckle, "You ditched the report log, I had to write up an apology letter, idiot." Fang said, lightly hitting the back of his head, making the brunet wince, fixing his cap as he made some excuse, Yaya and Ying still in disbelief until Fang sat by his wife, cheering, "Go Anna! Make sure you put your back into it!" The two males retorted, "That's not helping Uncle!/Dad!"

Yaya felt her gaze flicker to the outside of the station, seeing a shadowy figure. She stumbled to her feet in shock as the three figures looked at her confused, "Somethings coming." She said as the station's alert signals triggered, the three kids stopping to their feet. The parents looked to the large glass wall, seeing a large spaceship come into view. Fang yelled, "Kids! Get back here!" They ran towards their parents when a multiple harpoons fired to the station, one landing on the glass window as explosions erupted around the station, Yaya used her powers to move the kids back, "Boboiboy Quake! Earth Wall!" He yelled, punching the ground as the were defended from the flying shrapnel.

Ying led the kids to the door, entrusting them to Hazer who moved them to one of the safe rooms as Eden moved some of the power-spheres on the station. Quake slowly let his barrier crumble down, the spaceship that attacked now up close as its hanger soon opened, multiple enemies coming down as Boboiboy said, "Boboiboy Triple-Split!" Cyclone, Thunderstorm and Solar present as they charged.

Ying used her superspeed, kicking away as Yaya pushed back some of the enemies to the ship, "Aerial Disruption!" "Solar Strike!" Cyclone and Solar clashing with the stronger opponents as Thunderstorm went out and managed to cut must of the lines the harpoon connected into the station, getting rid of the enemies attempting to break in. The spaceship soon opened its hanger, a large pad revealed as they regrouped to the area. A familiar woman came into view, alarming the two Admirals as she stood proud, looking menacingly at the two. "What a pleasant surprise... I found you anyway." Keith spoke in a honey-dew voice, making Thunderstorm grit his teeth, Fang prepared to shoot out the ship when she suddenly snapped her finger, one of the ships artillery coming out as they realized it was a power sphere, "Not so brave now? This small powersphere I've upgraded should surely wipe you and your little friends..." She stated, making Ying yell, "Every Division Hold Your Fire! Enemy Weapon In-bound!"

Keith smirked, uttering, "For such new faces, I never expected you to defeat Phoenix's headliners, but alas your name shall be removed from history." The power sphere soon powered, its blueish-white bubbling fire coming off as she said, "For Atlas Gleam..." Her words struck something into the group. Fang stomped on the ground, exclaiming, "Light Bulwark Expand Shield!" As the fire hit them, Fang's barrier managed to defend them as the shield slowly disappeared. "As I expected, it really is WhiteBot, the power sphere that literally removed the existent of any target its shot at." Yaya voiced as Keith gritted her teeth.

To her shock, Solar was soon before her, making her prepared to strike him with her large enlarging broadsword. Solar dodged the attack, the spot he previously stood on got crushed, "Wait! Atlas Gleam had called us for help!" Solar spoke, making Keith's eyes widened, holding back her sword just a few inches from Boboiboy Solar's face. "Atlas Gleam's Prince, he's Blue Falcon, right?" He added, making her realize he wasn't lying, commanding her men to hold their fire, asking him, "How do you know...?" "We've been sent a final memento by Blue Falcon, we are well aware of Atlas Gleam's fate before Bora Ra." Fang spoke loudly, managing to get heard by Keith as she gasped, cupping her mouth.

"I am the Queen of Colby, or Planet Nix as it got called, I'm Blue Keith... the Wife of Blue Falcon..." Her words shocked them, making her step close to the edge, seeing the three figures and two of Boboiboy's elements in the station area. "M-My husband... was he well before he... before he left?" She asked with a soft tone, making Ying give a small and reassuring smile, "He was! He entrusted us with Atlas Gleam's Keys." She exclaimed, making Keith give a tearful gaze, smiling as she turned to Boboiboy who reverted to his original form, "It seems luck is on my side... I apologize for this incident and ask that you let me help fix the station..." The brunet asked, "Why?"

"In exchange... I ask you to honor my husband's life... he gave you those powerful keys... there must be something he saw to give such power with ease."

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