Right Back!!! (Dave East)

By Baeee0nly

290K 7.9K 426

14 year old Aaliyah "liyah" and 15 year old Dave East grew up together in Harlem, they was the best of friend... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Author's notes
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Author notes
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Author notes
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
Author's notes
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 36
Author notes
chapter 37
chapter 38
Author's notes
Author's Notes
chapter 39
chapter 40 [final]
Author Notes
Is there goin to be a book 2?
My Bday tmr

chapter 35

3.3K 124 1
By Baeee0nly

Heyyy so I been looking at this boy for a while, I just wanna know if I still got it😂


A few weeks later...

I looked around the store, it looked expensive which is in my budget" hi, how may I help you?" the lady asked as I came to the counter " um I just looking around ya know, still tryna decide for ma babygirl"I said looking in the kids section " well she must be turning a special number" she smiled " yeh, 4"

I continued looking,I'm suppose to be in L.A. but I cancelled it, today is ma baby birthday and I wouldn't miss it for the world

I looked at this necklace and smiled knowing this is the one


I grab all the toys that Kairi would like from walmart and some from Toys R Us. I didn't know what to give her cause she wasn't even specific enough.

Dave decided to cancel the tour cause of Kairi, that's something you'll never take from him is being a great father to his babygirl.

He never told me nothing bout the other kid which I'm still tryna see if it's his or not, I want to ask but at the same time I want him to tell me him self

I got interrupted from the door opening knowing it was dave and kairi. Her birthday party is tomorrow with her mother, well that's what she said so we wanted to do a lil party with the 3 of us.

" liyah" she yelled running to me as I hold out ma arms for her to jump in ma arms " how was your day lil bit?" I asked her as she looked around to find her present on the floor.

She quickly jump out of my arms and ran in the living room and started admiring her toys, I giggled looking at her as dave wrapped his hands around ma waist and put his chin in the crook of ma neck, I slightly get irritated and move from out his grasp and sat on the couch still looking at her admiring her toys" lil bit, you can open them, they yours" I said leaning my head on ma hand as dave just look at me like I'm stupid " yo lemme holla at you, real quick" dave said looking pissed, kairi just glanced at us see that the vibe was off, then went back to figuring out how to open her toy

I got up and follow him to the bedroom then to our connected bathroom so kairi won't hear yelling even though we barely yell when we in a argument "what's up" he said turning around after closing the door " what you mean "what's up" I said with a lil attitude " I'm mean what's yo problem?"he asked calmly " my problem is you, you being all secretive and shit... Not telling me what's going on... I'm out her looking dumb as fuck cause of yo ass, people probably not even taking our fucking relationship serious and you talking bout "what's up" bitch everything is up....got me walking around here bragging bout my " I think boyfriend" when he has two kids that's not even mine, so what that say to you?" I asked tilting my head

Dave just sigh, he look so stress, damn liyah just dumping everything on him now that's putting more stress on him " look I'm sorry I haven't been telling you nothing and it was a plan to tell you" he paused and chuckled " I guess you ruin ma plans but the baby ain't mines and ya not out her looking stupid and if you was, don't be worrying about people thoughts and assumption..." He said before opening the door and walked out before I could respond.

Damn I knew I should've left it alone but it was erkin ma nerves. I went to the living room and seen dave help Kairi open her presents.

I just sat on the couch watching Kari get excited while playing with the toy that just came out the box, my smiled done faded away when I got slapped back in to reality...


Sorry this took so lonnggg... But I finished... All I gotta say is pray for me and ma family, we just going through tough times right now and I don't wanna spill all our business out like that so just pray.

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