
By jynxyouowemeyoursoul

13.5K 365 175

Nellie Lovett has always been in love with Benjamin Barker. Though when he returned to Fleet Street after th... More

Silent Demons
Deadly Love
Really Living
No More Hiding
The Cry Of Demons
Giving Up
A Life Together My Pet
Does It Ever Get Better?
Secrets That Can't Be Told
Not While I'm Around
Free From Fear
Reunited With The Past
Moving Backwards
Dangerous Secrets
Leaving It All Behind
Living Life Apart
The Sea

The Plan

359 8 5
By jynxyouowemeyoursoul

"Toby!" Nellie called, "We 'ave to go!"

It had been a week since Sweeney was taken and his court case was being held today.  Toby had spoken to Nellie finally and they'd made up.  Everything was almost normal again, besides one thing, Sweeney.

"Comin' mum!"

Johanna and Nellie stood by the door waiting for the young boy as he ran around the house.  Sweeney's daughter still had no idea why her father was arrested and Eleanore was worried about how she would react.

"Alright, let's go!" Toby said, finally stopping by the door."

He grabbed Nellie's hand and the three walked into the busy streets of London.


"Mr. Todd you have been accused of the murder of hundreds of men and forcing cannibalism onto the people of London.  If your found guilty you will be sentenced to hang."

Sweeney stood still, his hands were chained as he looked at the judge.  He knew Johanna was here, and she was about to find out if these accusations were true.

"I deny nothing..." he responded hearing the gasps of surprise from behind him. "All those who have eaten at Mrs. Lovett's Meat Pie Emporium were eating the bodies of my customers.  Mrs. Lovett's was unknowing of it all I took care of the evidence and she was unsuspecting."

Nellie sat still next to a horrified Johanna, she wanted to yell out how wrong Sweeney was.  How she was just as guilty as he was.  She hated that he was taking the full blame.

"You wish to label yourself as guilty?" The judge asked just as surprised as the rest of the court that he'd given up so quickly.

Sweeney nodded, "I do, I just have a few things to say," the judge gestured for him to continue, Sweeney turned to look at who he now considered his family. "I'm sorry Nellie, I do love you even though I know you'll never love me again.  Our relationship obviously didn't feel real to you but it meant everything to me.  When you leave this court house, look inside my shop on my desk.  Johanna, oh I wish you could've had a life with a good father.  Anthony would be so proud of how far you've gotten on your own.  I'm sorry I let you down, I don't expect you to forgive me.  I love you both... and even in hell, I'll never forget you."


Nellie ushered the two kids into the house as she made her way up the stairs to Sweeney's shop.  The second she looked over at his desk she saw all of his earnings and a piece of parchment.

Dear Nellie, I'll have been imprisoned by the time you read this.  I guess you figured our relationship wasn't real.  I wish I could be there to prove it was and still is.  Oh Nell, your the only woman I've loved the way I do.  I'm drawn to you, you pull me in and I can't escape.  You bring out my emotions, you broke my shell that used to so brutally consume me.  I have no ring, but I have my love.  I'm not with you but I have you in my heart.  And I have no time, but I have this letter... and though this will never be a fantasy I can truly live.  Nellie May Lovett's, will you marry me?

Eleanore sat in Sweeneys chair sobbing.

"Yes," she whispered, so badly wishing she could be telling him this directly.

The door opened and Johanna stood in the doorway with a lantern.

"We have to get him out of there, I refuse to let him die when he really does love you." she said walking over to the chair. "But first... we need a plan."


"Mr. Todd, you have a visitor."

Sweeney looked up at the guard who grabbed his arm and practically dragged him down the corridor.  He was shoved into a small room where Nellie sat.  The door shut behind him and he stood, staring at her.

"Sweeney..." Nellie gasped as he cut her off.

His lips presses against hers hungrily and he licked her bottom lip, begging for entrance which she allowed.  Their tongues fought for dominance and he pushed her up against the wall.

"Sweeney we can't do this..."

He looked into her eyes sadly, "you don't love me..."

"No! Sweeney I do, but you have to get out of 'ere first."

"What are you proposing pet?"

It had been forever since he'd used that nickname.  She smiled pulling out the razor she had hidden quite cleverly between her breasts.

"I mean use this to your advantage."

"Nellie Lovett you really are a bloody wonder."

"I know, anyway once you 'ave a way to escape Johanna, Toby, and I are in a carriage outside that's headed straight for the docks and from there we have a ship to Blackpool."

"Johanna's helping?" He asked, surprised.

"Right, watch her shes gonna beat your ass but she forgives you enough to help you,"

"Times up," the guard yelled into the room.  Todd shoved the razor into his trouser pocket.

"I'll see you soon pet," he winked.

"Also Sweeney, in response to your letter? Yes..."


Sweeney ran down the corridor trying not to trip over the many bodies littering the floor.  Three men ran after him, heavy set men.  Ones he didn't stand a chance against.  The doors were just ahead of him, so close yet so far.  Finally pushing them open he sprinted for the carriage just seeing the outline of Nellie.

"Go!" He yelled grabbing onto the back of the carriage and pulling himself not inside but on top of the chariot.

The horses reared back and sped forward.  Sweeney jumped still holding onto the top of the carriage and swung himself inside.  The officers who had been running after him had found a carriage and were now following close behind.

"H-how? Did you?" Nellie gawked at what he'd just done."

"This isn't the first time I've escaped from prison love, its just the first time its worked." He chuckled, "Also thank you, that razor did come in handy."

"Father!" He heard Johanna huff angrily.

"You can beat my ass in Blackpool, for now let's not talk about it," Sweeney continued. "How far to the docks?"

"The driver says its only a few minutes."

"Perfect, but I'm warning you I may have to use my razor one last time."

Nellie nodded, Johanna mumbled, and Toby stayed silent.

"Toby?" Sweeney asked.

The boy looked up, "yes sir?"

"I... Well, oh never mind."

Everything was quiet, no one spoke, all that could be heard was the sound of hooves clopping down the street.

"We're here." The driver said as the chariot pulled to a stop.

"Everyone out now, and hurry."

A/N: Well this was a really great chapter to write.  Anyway hope you liked this.  Thanks for reading! By my next chapter everything should be getting back to normal between Sweeney and Nellie.

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